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1拌料拌料给药是将药物均匀地拌入料中,让禽只采食时,同时吃进药物。该法简便易行,节省人力,减少应激,效果可靠,主要适用于预防性用药,尤其适应于长期性投药。一般的抗球虫药及抗滴虫药,只有在一定时间内连续使用才有效,所以多采用拌料给药。  相似文献   

鸡盲肠肝炎是由火鸡组织滴虫引起的一种鸡比较常见的急性寄生原虫病,一年四季均可发病,其中以3周龄至2月龄的雏鸡和青年鸡最为易感。该病主要侵害鸡的盲肠和肝脏,若不及时治疗可引起死亡。近年来,我市一些养鸡场先后出现以盲肠和肝脏病变为主要特征的病鸡病例,经临床观察、病理  相似文献   

盲肠肝炎是由异刺线虫卵携带组织滴虫传播的疾病,多发于夏季,主要通过病鸡排出的粪便污染了饲料、饮水、土壤及用具。另外,有蚯蚓、蝇类、蟋蟀等昆虫也机械代虫。  相似文献   

1剂量的参考推算方法1.1以畜禽种类计马(体重400kg)1牛(体重300kg)1~3/2羊(体重50kg)1/6~1/5猪(体重50kg)1/8~1/5家禽(体重2kg)1/40~1/201.2饮水给药与拌料给药的关系(注意环境温度、药物异味、限料等影响)药物在饮水中的浓度为X%药物在饲料中的浓度为(2~3)X%2常用的剂量单位2.1抗生素抗生素多用国际单位表示,有时也有以g、mg等重量单位表示,如青霉素G,1国际单位(IU)=0.6g青霉素G钠纯结晶粉,或0.625g钾盐,80万青霉素钠应为0.48g;1mg杆菌肽=40单位,1mg制霉菌素=3700单位,使用时要注意药物有效浓度及换算关系。2.2维生素维生素A、D、E一般…  相似文献   

1发病概况及临床症状库尔勒市郊一陈姓养殖户于2006年5月15日接回1000只三黄鸡苗,散养于地面。6月23日发病后,病鸡表现为精神沉郁,采食量下降,羽毛松乱,排出血样恶臭稀粪,肛周羽毛上沾有血样稀粪。血便鸡只占全群40%以上,舍内地面上到处可见血便。病鸡如果鸡冠变白,则很快死亡。病初,每天死亡鸡只2~3只,2d后发展为每天死亡10多只。其间用抗球虫药(如:地克珠利、氯苯胍及马杜拉霉素等)治疗过,不见好转,每天死亡数仍在增加。送病料到我处诊断时,已发病6d,病死77只鸡。  相似文献   

盲肠肝炎又称黑头病,是由组织滴虫引起的鸡和火鸡的一种急性原虫病,其它禽类,如孔雀、野鸡、珍珠鸡及鹌鹑等有时也能感染。盲肠肝炎为孔雀的易发病,主要表现为精神萎靡,食欲不振,排出黄色或褐色稀便,以2~4月龄的幼禽最易感染,而且患病严重,死亡率高。本病往往呈地方性流行,给珍禽养殖业带来很大危害。  相似文献   

盲肠肝炎又称黑头病,是由组织滴虫引起的鸡和火鸡的一种急性原虫病,其它禽类,如孔雀、野鸡、珍珠鸡及鹌鹑等有时也能感染。盲肠肝炎为孔雀的易发病,主要表现为精神萎靡,食欲不振,排出黄色或褐色稀便,以2~4月龄的幼禽最易感染,而且患病严重,死亡率高。本病往往呈地方性流行,给珍禽养殖业带来很大危害。  相似文献   

鸡盲肠肝炎是由火鸡组织滴虫引起的原虫病,主要感染鸡和火鸡,可使肓肠和肝脏发生不同程度的病变,重者可引起死亡。因病鸡头面部皮肤变成紫蓝色或黑色,遂有“黑头病”之称。  相似文献   

Angiokeratoma is described by various authors as a rare variant of the hemangioma in the dog, characterized by a vascular component, like all types of vascular neoplasms, but also by an epithelial component. A case of angiokeratoma is described in a male 8-year-old dog. The tumor was located in heavily pigmented skin on the anterior surface of the front limb and not in the more usual previously described locations, eyelid and conjunctiva. Microscopic examination revealed a well-circumscribed mass with irregular hyperplasia of the epidermis and dilated vascular spaces filled with blood in the superficial dermis.  相似文献   

The dog of this case was a 10-year-old Shih Tzu with refractory vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia. Endoscopy revealed an unclear at gastric angle, a stenosis at pyloric antrum and congestion in duodenal mucosa. Since abnormal shadows of irregular echo-levels were disclosed by pancreas ultrasonography, serum gastrin level was determined with a suspect of gastrinoma. And an increase of serum gastrin was demonstrated. In addition, postmortem histological examination revealed that the pancreatic cells were positive for gastrin. Based on these findings, the dog was diagnosed as pancreatic gastrinoma.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old, spayed female, domestic shorthair cat was referred to us with anorexia, pyrexia, and jaundice. Total bilirubin (TBIL) and feline trypsin-like immunoreactivity (fTLI) levels were remarkably high. Based on laparoscopic biopsy of the pancreas, the cat was diagnosed as having pancreatitis. As a result of treatment with a synthetic protease inhibitor and corticosteroid, the TBIL and fTLI values returned to normal and the clinical course was good.  相似文献   

We excised surgically a feline granulomatous lesion and performed histopathological, mycological and molecular examinations. As a result, it was diagnosed as sporotrichosis, which was the second recorded case of a cat so afflicted in Japan. After the operation, we recognized another nodule on the lymph node. Histopathological examination was therefore performed, but no fungi were detected. To prevent recurrence, the cat was administered a antimycotic drug, itraconazole. As a result, no recurrence was found. Excision of the lesion is the treatment of choice for feline sporotrichosis.  相似文献   

2005年6月兴化某鸭户饲养高邮鸭400只,17-20日龄时有约20%先后发病,病死率达40%。根据临床症状、剖检变化、实验室检验结果,确诊为副伤寒。  相似文献   



The abnormally long occlusion of the laryngeal aditus by continued action of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles (laryngospasm) has been recorded in many experimental and domestic animals and in man. Most reports on laryngospasm have been related to its occurrence under general anaesthesia where it has been foundin all the domestic species (Lumb, 1963 Lumb, W. V. 1963. Small Animal Anaesthesia, 357357. Philadelphia: Lea &; Febiger. In [Google Scholar]; Westhues and Fritsch, 1965 Westhues, M. and Fritsoh, R. 1965. Animal Anaesthesia, Vol. 2, 297297. Edinburgh and London: Oliver &; Boyd. In [Google Scholar]; Hall, 1966 Hall, L. W. 1966. Wright's Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 6th ed., 460461. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cassell.  [Google Scholar]) but is most commonly encountered in the cat (Rex, 1969 Rex, M. A. E. 1969. Laryngospasm during General Anaesthesia in the Cat, Massey University. Ph.D. thesis [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Dystocia in a pony mare was due to hydrocephalus of the foal. Delivery of the foal was by caesarean section.  相似文献   

为了探究江苏某鹅场患痛风病鹅的发病原因,笔者采集患病雏鹅病料进行了实验室检测及病原的分离鉴定,发现病鹅为星状病毒感染,结合流行病学、临床症状、剖检病理变化等,最终确诊导致痛风病的病原为鹅星状病毒,分析了病因并提出了防控措施。  相似文献   

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