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杂交中稻再生技术研究和应用 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
针对川东南低海拔一季中稻区光热土地资源未能充分利用的现状,研究和推广了杂交中稻蓄留再生稻技术,1986~1989年收获再生稻1459.18万亩,平均亩产96.8公斤,共计生产稻谷14.12亿公斤。在适宜地区利用现有杂交中稻蓄留再生稻是进一步发挥水稻杂种优势,增产稻谷的一条有效途径。 相似文献
杂交中稻免耕抛栽高桩再生集成技术研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
针对杂交中稻免耕抛栽高桩再生栽培几项关键技术进行了为期2a的研究。结果表明,该集成技术的关键在于:选用优良的再生稻组合;抛栽后撒施1次30%抛秧一次净进行田间除草;适宜的抛栽密度为21万丛/hm^2;在中稻收割前12d施用尿素150kg/hm^2,收割后再立即施用尿素150kg/hm^2;留桩高度以40cm(留倒2节)为宜。运用该集成技术种植,中稻加再生稻产量可达12~13t/hm^2,与双季稻全年产量水平相当,但再生稻米质更优,且省工省成本,可提高经济效益2876,4元/hm^2。 相似文献
穗重型杂交中稻新组合冈优501GangYou501,anewheavy-paniclemediumindicahybridricecombination谢崇华陈永军(四川省绵阳经济技术高等专科学校621000)冈优501是绵阳经济技术高等专科学校(原... 相似文献
本文作者运用多年的实践经验和观察资料,对如何确定和调节杂交稻再生制种的亲本“割差期”进行了较系统的研究,得出了有关经验公式和量化指标,并指出“有效积温差法”比较可靠,“时差法”和“叶差法”也简便可行。 相似文献
受淹杂交中稻蓄留再生稻的关键技术探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本研究对2007年7月上中旬四川东部和南部部分地区遭受特大洪涝灾害的杂交中稻的产量损失进行了广泛的生产调查,同时开展了洪灾后蓄留再生稻的割苗时间、留桩高度和发苗肥施用量同田对比试验。结果表明,杂交中稻对洪水淹没最敏感的时期是孕穗末期至齐穗期,可将破口至盛穗期洪水淹没30—40h、孕穗末期和齐穗期淹没48h作为是否割苗蓄留再生稻的重要参考指标。早割苗、低留桩、增施发苗肥是夺取再生稻高产的关键。最佳割苗时间宜安排在洪水退后3~7d,对割下的稻株上部茎叶就地还田是切实可行的。在四川中稻再生稻区,留桩高度20cm,以利用倒4芽和倒5芽为主,有利于提高低节位再生芽的成穗比重,并能保证安全抽穗扬花、灌浆和籽粒充实,实现穗大粒多,最终获得高产。增施发苗肥,有利于提高再生稻有效穗和穗实粒数,从而提高产量,其既高产又经济的枯莆肥用量县每hm^2用尿素225-300kg。 相似文献
超级杂交稻深两优5814中稻—再生稻高产栽培技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了超级杂交稻深两优5814在重庆的种植表现,总结提出了该品种的中稻—再生稻2季高产栽培技术。建议在重庆、江西、湖北、安徽及福建等再生稻主产区推广应用深两优5814,并研究集成以全程机械化生产为核心的中稻—再生稻高产高效栽培技术模式,以发挥该品种及再生稻技术在增加粮食单产和种粮收益中的作用。 相似文献
杂交中稻--再生稻抛秧栽培技术方案的优选研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
采用三元二次回归正交旋转组合设计方法,研究了旱育抛秧的叶龄、抛植密度、施氮水平等因子对杂交水稻冈优22头季稻、再生稻及两季总产的影响, 并建立了相应的数学模型;在电子计算机上优选了不同水平的栽培技术因子方案,解析了各因素及其互作对产量的效应. 相似文献
杂交中稻蓄留再生稻应用效果及其配套栽培技术 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
四川省邻水县自1986年以来开展杂交中稻蓄留再生稻试验示范和大面积推广,取得了显著效果,总结了"杂交种,增(保)温秧,配方肥,半旱式,小苗栽,二万窝(穴),促芽肥,高留桩,适抢收,防病虫"配套技术措施。 相似文献
Hiroshi IKEHASHI 《水稻科学》2007,14(3):161-171
Rice cultivation has long been considered to have originated from seeding of annual types of wild rice somewhere in subtropics, tropics or in the Yangtze River basin. That idea, however, contains a fatally weak point, when we consider the tremendous difficulty for primitive human to seed any cereal crop in the warm and humid climate, where weed thrives all year round. Instead of the accepted theory, we have to see a reality that vegetative propagation of edible plants is a dominant form of agriculture in such regions. The possibility is discussed that Job's tears and rice, two cereal crops unique to the region, might have been developed via vegetative propagation to obtain materials for medicine or herb tea in backyard gardens prior to cereal production. This idea is supported by the fact that rice in temperate regions is still perennial in its growth habit and that such backyard gardens with transplanted taro can still be seen from Yunnan Province of China to Laos. Thanks to detailed survey of wild rice throughout China for 1970-1980, it is now confirmed that a set of clones of wild rice exist in shallow swamps in Jiangxi Province, an area with severe winter cold. In early summer ancient farmers may have divided the sprouting buds and spread them by transplanting into flooded shallow marsh. Such way of propagation might have faster improved less productive rice through a better genetic potential for response to human interference than quick fixation in seed propagation, because vegetative parts are heterogeneous. Obviously, such a primitive manner of rice cultivation did include the essential parts of rice farming, i.e., nursery bed, transplanting in flooded field of shallow marsh like. Transfer from the primitive nursery to true nursery by seed may have later allowed rice cultivation to be extended to northern regions. In thus devised flooded cultivation there were a series of unique advantages, i.e.; continuous cropping of rice in a same plot, no soil erosion, slow decline of soil fertility, availability of minerals, and resulting in high yield per unit area, which have collectively attained the highly productive cereal cultivation in the warm and humid region. Rice cultivation in marsh is also favorable to raise fish culture, both of which constituted a nutritionally balanced base. Development of irrigation technology to construct flooded farms gave strong bases for stable rice-cultivating society, which in the end formulated the rise of ancient kingdoms of Yue and Wu in China in BC 6 th -5th centuries. They were direct descendents of those people who had developed the unique rice cultivation from the era of Hemudu culture, which is dated back to 5 000 BC. Their movement to the south is considered to have established rice-cultivating communities in South China and Southeast Asia, while to the north it transferred the rice-based technology to ancient Korea and Japan and had established there a base for a civilized society. 相似文献
2009-2010年南平市延平区选用Ⅱ优航1号、Ⅱ优明86等组合培植再生稻,有效提高了单季稻田单位面积的稻谷产量和收入,取得较好的经济效益.介绍了闽北地区种植再生稻的主要栽培技术. 相似文献
天优673是由福建省农业科学院水稻研究所、中种集团福建农嘉种业股份有限公司合作育成的杂交稻新品种,作再生稻种植具有头季产量高、再生能力强、抗病强等特点。主要介绍了天优673在建瓯市南雅镇作再生稻种植表现及栽培技术措施。 相似文献