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The use of the ostrich as a livestock animal necessitates an understanding of its ability to utilize specific nutrient requirements if efficient growth is to be realized. Male ostriches may have to be raised separately as they grow faster; they require higher protein diets and are more efficient feed converters for longer periods than female ostriches. Male ostriches exhibit slightly faster maturation rates than female ostriches. The corresponding age at which maximum growth is attained is 181 days for male ostriches and 199 days for female ostriches. The growth curve of ostriches is sigmoid and asymptotic. Body mass reached in 1 year is approximately 104 kg. The metabolic age of ostriches at hatching is approximately 13.7 days. Feed conversion has an impact on growth. The ostrich chick (aged <2 months) has a high feed conversion to body mass ratio of 2:1, which requires very accurate and careful management of chick nutrition.  相似文献   

This review discusses current data on nutrition in ostrich breeding birds. Nutritional demands increase during breeding particularly the calcium and phosphorus requirements for egg production. The correct balance of amino acids, vitamins and carbohydrates is important for the maintenance of high fertility after the attainment of sexual maturity at 24 months of age for female birds and 36 months of age for male birds. Most problems relating to health and performance, including fertility, hatching, chick survival, growth rates and deformities in the early weeks, are usually traced to inadequate breeder rations.  相似文献   

The ostrich is susceptible to microorganisms of bacterial, fungal and parasitic origin. Anthrax, caused by Bacillus anthracis, is dangerous to other livestock and humans. Salmonella is transmitted from rodents or wild bird reservoirs. Pausterellosis caused by Pasteurella multocida results in air sac infections in ostriches. Colibacillosis is caused by Escherichia coli. Tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium avium, is very rare in ostriches. Aspergillosis principally afflicts chicks. Zygomycosis, a secondary fungal infection of the upper gastrointestinal tract, is caused by Basidia, Mucor and Rhizopus. Leucocytozoon struthionis and Plasmodium spp. are harmless protozoa transmitted from flying arthropods. The tapeworm, Houttuynia struthionis, is dangerous in young ostriches. The adult ratite fluke (Philophthalmus gralli) is transmitted to ostriches following ingestion of infected freshwater crustaceans. Tick infestations of ostrich skin in Africa include Amblyomma spp., Haemaphysalis punctata, Hyalomma spp., Rhipicephalus turanicus and Argus spp. The ostrich quillmite (Pterolichus bicaudatus) and louse (Struthioliperus struthionus) may lower skin and leather quality via pruritis and/or excessive preening and feather loss. Nemododa infections are rare.  相似文献   

The ostrich is an important animal in many livestock industries and in the developing world ostrich production is a valuable source of foreign currency netted from the export of meat and skins. Its successful growth and reproductive performance is dependent upon good nutrition. In Zimbabwe, one of the greatest costs involved in the upkeep of ostrich breeder birds is purchased feed (US$4555.45/10 birds p.a.). In order to cover these costs, the producer needs to ensure an adequate throughput of birds for slaughter. The energy provided by a particular feed source is important for growth and development of the bird. More research is required in ostrich nutrition.  相似文献   

The ostrich (Struthio camelus) is an important agricultural animal. The successful raising of ostriches from hatching to grower to breeder bird stage requires high standards of nutrition, and the producer should be knowledgeable about how the ingredient will provide the essential nutrients for growth and development, the utilization capacity of each nutrient and expected performance outcomes. Correct nutrition of chicks is critical, as they are most vulnerable up to the age of 3 months. Correct nutrition in growers (3–12 months) is important for the attainment of healthy breeding birds. Detailed is an analysis of studies on correct balance of essential nutrients, protein/energy inclusions and of fiber.  相似文献   

The ostrich is increasingly gaining interest as a livestock animal because of its potential to produce healthy red meat with a low fat content. This article describes the characteristics of ostrich meat that allow it to be marketed as a healthy alternative to beef. The muscles utilized for human consumption include the dorsal Muscularis obturatorius medialis and the hindquarters. The trade names of ostrich muscles are currently not standardized and classification is based on location and scientific nomenclature. Meat cuts of a high commercial value reach as much as 80–90% in the ostrich compared with approximately 45% in other species. Described here are key product characteristics important in its marketing, including fat content, cholesterol, fatty acids, sodium, iron, color, flavor and odor, tenderness, pH and water-holding capacity.  相似文献   

Limb deformities were detected in 135 out of 885 ostrich chicks, giving a prevalence of 15.3%. Tibiotarsal rotation affected 73% of the chicks with limb deformities, whereas rolled toes accounted for 36%. The right leg was more often affected than the left leg. The incidence of limb deformities was highest in 2- to 3-week-old ostrich chicks. The incidence of limb deformities was highest at the beginning of the breeding season and lowest towards the end, when it was relatively warmer. The mean serum manganese and zinc levels in deformed ostrich chicks were higher than the levels reported for normal chicks.  相似文献   

In this study, retinal whole-mount specimens were prepared and stained with 0.1% cresyl violet for the ganglion cell study in the Ostrich (Struthio camelus) . The total number, distribution, and size of these cells were determined in different retinal regions. The mean total number of ganglion cells (three retinas) was 1 435 052 with an average density of 652 cells/mm2. The temporo – nasal area of the retina with high cell density were identified with the peak of 7525 cells/mm2 in the central area. The size of most ganglion cells ranged from 113–403 µm2, with smaller cells predominating along the temporo-nasal streak above the optic disc and larger cells comprising more of the peripheral regions. The average thickness of the retina was 196 µm. The central area was the thickest area (268.6 µm), whereas the peripheral area was the thinnest area. Thus, the specialization of ganglion cell densities, their sizes and the thickness of the retina support the notion that the conduction of visual information towards the brain from all regions of the retina is not uniform, and suggests that the temporo – nasal streak is the fine quality area for vision in ostriches.  相似文献   

The ostrich (Struthio camelus) is an herbivorous bird with a long and developed hindgut. In the hindgut, there is a dense and highly diverse population of anaerobic bacteria, and active fermentation produces high concentrations of short-chain fatty acids. Bacteria in the hindgut of the ostrich are considered vital for both their nutritional contribution and health benefits, such as benefits to the immune and defense system of the host. We attempted to isolate Lactobacillaceae, which might be involved in improving immune function and in inhibiting pathogens. The number of colonies from ostrich feces observed on LBS agar medium was 3.64×103 per gram of feces. Three strains of Lactobacillaceae were isolated from the feces. Nearly the entire length of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene of these isolates was sequenced, and a homology search showed high identity with L. brevis (identity=99.93%), L. coryniformis (98.39%), and L. paracasei (100.0%). These isolates may be deemed potential probiotics for the ostrich.  相似文献   

In order to study the metabolic profile of ostriches in relation to diet, 40 animals of both sexes were divided equally into two groups and fed two diets ad libitum consisting, on a dry matter basis, of the same commercial concentrate (60%) for the two groups and of corn silage (group A) or alfalfa hay (group B). In the morning, after about 12 h of fasting, blood was collected from the wing vein. The following haematological parameters were determined with an automatic system (Ektachem 250 analyser, Kodak): glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, lactate (LAC), total protein (TP), uric acid, total bilirubin (Tbil), creatinine (CREA), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), iron (Fe), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (AP), cholinesterase (ChE), α-amylase (Amyl), lipase (LIP) and γ-glutamyltrasferase (GGT). Diet significantly affected some parameters of the metabolic profile. Indeed, owing to the presence of alfalfa hay in the diet, group B showed, in comparison to group A, significantly higher values of uric acid (222.5 vs 387.5 mmol/L, p < 0.01), GGT (8.50 vs 11.3 U/L, p < 0.05), Tbil (8.50 vs 10.7 mmol/L, p < 0.05), Ca (2.41 vs 2.83 μmol/L, p < 0.01), Mg (1.01 vs 1.18 μmol/L, p < 0.05) and K (2.71 vs 3.16 μmol/L, p < 0.01). The levels of creatinine (27.3 vs 32.6 mmol/L, p < 0.05) and AST (344.9 vs 461.4 U/l, p < 0.01) were also higher for group B.  相似文献   

Successful ostrich farming requires knowledge of the nutritional needs of the birds. While much information is available on the nutritional value of various feed ingredients fed to ostriches, there is little known about their specific nutrient requirements. In this study, we measured the maintenance nitrogen requirements (MNR) of ostriches by nitrogen balance. We predict, based on the previous analysis of nitrogen requirements of various species of birds, that ostriches would have a MNR of 13.6-19.1 g N/day and a total endogenous nitrogen loss (TENL) of 2.8-5.1 g N/day. Three adult female ostriches were fed five pelleted diets containing 0.6-2.3% N [4-14.6% crude protein (CP)], 17.5 kJ/g gross energy (11.4 kJ/g ME) and 30% neutral detergent fibre. Each dietary trial consisted of a 10-day adaptation period, followed by a 5-day total excreta collection period. Body mass (109 ± 3 kg) and metabolizable energy intake (20.5 ± 0.7 MJ/day) were unaffected by dietary nitrogen levels. After correcting for excreta nitrogen losses during drying, MNR was calculated to be 481 mg N/kg(0.75) /day or 16.2 g N/day (100 g CP/day), and TENL as 310 mg N/kg(0.75) /day or 10.5 g N/day. Failure to correct for the 10.9 ± 4.1% average N losses during drying would underpredict the 'true' MNR by 35% and TENL by 46%. Our estimate for MNR of ostriches predicts a dietary requirement of 6.7% protein. Our estimate of TENL was nearly twice that predicted, possibly reflecting the high fibre content of their diet.  相似文献   

Three young ostriches (Struthio camelus), aged 4 months, were found to have zygomycotic proventriculitis and ventriculitis associated with impaction. Clinical signs were anorexia, chronic weight loss, weakness and lethargy followed by scant faeces for seven days. Proventriculi and ventriculi from birds were full of masses of hay, grass, leaves and other fibrous materials in combination with sand, gravel and plastic. Erosions and haemorrhagic ulcers of varying number and severity were present in the mucosae of both organs involved. Mucosal lesions were characterized by haemorrhagic necrosis. Throughout the affected mucosae there were 5 to 12 microns wide rarely-septated fungal hyphae with non-parallel walls, irregular branching and occasional globoid distentions, typical of Zygomycetes. Zygomycotic proventriculitis and ventriculitis secondary to impaction was diagnosed.  相似文献   

Sperm Supply and Egg fertilization in the Ostrich (Struthio camelus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used egg break‐out and spermatozoa trapped in the perivitelline layer of eggs to test the hypothesis that sperm supply and egg fertilization rate are high in the ostrich. Egg fertilization status was determined at break‐out by the appearance of the germinal disc (GD) and then the perivitelline layer overlying the GD region was collected to count sperm (SpermOPVL) under fluorescence following staining with 4′,6′‐diamidino‐2‐phenyindole (DAPI). The study was carried out on commercial ostrich farms over two laying seasons. In the first year, 229 eggs from nine randomly chosen ostrich pens comprising pairs, trios (two females, one male) and larger groups were collected for 1 week of every month of laying. Eggs contained 253 ± 18 SpermOPVL/mm2 of the GD (mean ± SEM; range 0–1330). Egg fertilization rate averaged 89.4 ± 3.4% and varied from 78.6 to 98.2% between pens. Month had no effect on sperm supply or egg fertilization status. Eggs from paired birds (sex ratio 1 : 1) had less sperm in the GD than the eggs from pens with a higher sex ratio. In the second year, 150 eggs from seven pens, each containing only one male and either one, two or three females, were studied for 2 weeks at the beginning (winter), middle (spring) and end (summer) of laying. Eggs contained 364 ± 45 SpermOPVL/mm2 of the GD (range 0–2880). Season had no effect on sperm supply or egg fertilization. The number of SpermOPVL varied between pens, assumed to be due to variation between individual males. The number of SpermOPVL increased as the sex ratio increased only when very high‐ranking males were excluded from the analysis. Egg fertilization rate was 94.4 ± 3.1% but varied from 64.0 to 100% between pens. Egg fertilization was not affected by season or sex ratio. Low fertilization rates were observed in two pens and appeared related to the lack of synchrony between timing of laying and sperm production in the first, and lack of mating in the second pen. We conclude that ostrich flocks generally have high rates of egg fertilization and any infertility is associated with lack of sperm supply.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on clinically healthy growing and adult nonbreeding female ostriches. Multiple acoustic windows and the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the coelomic viscera were described. Good images of the heart and its major vessels, proventriculus, ventriculus, intestines, liver, and kidneys could be obtained. Additionally, an anechoic structure, believed to function as an urinary bladder, could be imaged in the cloacal region. The pancreas, spleen, thyroid glands, ovary, and adrenals could not be seen in this study. General limitations were the size of the ostriches, massive leg and dorsal muscles, large sternum, the extensive air sac system, compact convoluted intestines, and varying amounts of gastrointestinal gas. Ostriches do not posses a gall bladder, and thus it could not be used as a landmark or acoustic window. The extensive air sac system and feathers did not limit the use of ultrasonography as much as anticipated. Imaging of air sacs should, however, be considered to detect pathology such as air sacculitis, which may result in consolidation. Veterinary  相似文献   

An orthoreovirus was isolated from an Ostrich (Struthio camelus) and rapidly identified as orthoreovirus by the rapid determination of viral RNA sequences (RDV) system and electron microscopy. Phylogenetic analysis of the sigma A protein indicated that the isolate belonged to avian species and was closely related to chicken orthoreovirus strain 138. The results of the present study indicated that an ostrich orthoreovirus is slight different from other chicken orthoreoviruses and provided evidence of diversity among avian orthoreoviruses. To our knowledge, this is the first genetic report of an orthoreovirus isolated from an ostrich.  相似文献   

  1. The effects of different dietary energy concentrations on ostrich production variables were examined in two separate trials. The first trial tracked changes in production variables from the pre-starter phase through the starter phase and grower phase. The second trial was based on the finisher phase per se. In both trials, the influence of dietary energy on feed intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and growth variables was investigated. Additionally, basic abattoir weights were recorded, and measurements of the feathers and skin were performed.

  2. In both trials, three diets with different concentrations of dietary energy were given during each phase where the low-, medium- and high-energy concentrations for each phase were as follows: 13.5, 14.5 and 15.5 MJ ME/kg feed pre-starter; 12.5, 13.5 and 14.5 MJ ME/kg feed starter; 10.5, 11.5 and 12.5 MJ ME/kg feed grower and 9.5, 10.5 and 11.5 MJ ME/kg feed finisher. Feed and water were available ad libitum in both trials.

  3. Overall, it was found that the best performance for growth, FCR, skin size and grade, live weight, carcass weight and thigh weight were obtained on the medium-energy diet during the pre-starter, starter and grower phases.

  4. During the finisher phase, improved growth rate and tanned skin size was found in birds given the diet with the highest energy concentration (11.5 MJ ME/kg feed). Carcass weight, growth rate and certain feather variables were also significantly influenced by gender.


Glycosylation of the reproductive tract of an adult female red-necked ostrich (Struthio camelus camelus) carrying a fully formed calcified egg in her uterus when accidently killed by a blow to the head was examined using lectin histochemistry on samples from the infundibulum, magnum, uterus and vagina. Glycans in the luminal epithelium and underlying glands were described after staining with 23 lectins after neuraminidase pre-treatment in some cases. Ciliated and non-ciliated cells were evident at all levels in the luminal epithelium, the latter full of richly glycosylated secretory granules. The ciliated cells also showed glycosylation and, in the magnum, these cells often stained more intensely than the non-ciliated cells. High mannose and complex N-glycans, α1,6-linked fucosyl and sialic acid residues were present throughout the tract and there was a complete absence of GalNAcα1,3(LFucα1,2)Galß1,3/4GlcNAcß1- and rare terminal GalNAcα1- residues. Fucose in α1,2-linkage as H2 antigen and Ley was also rare in the luminal epithelium and completely absent in glands. Terminal galactose was present in the luminal epithelium apart from in the infundibulum. Gland epithelium showed similar glycosylation to the luminal epithelium except in the magnum where there were significant differences and here the glands were packed full of large secretory granules, unlike the glands in the rest of the tract. Each section of the tract had its own specific pattern of glycosylation which could be related to the stage of egg formation.  相似文献   

A 2‐year‐old male ostrich (Struthio camelus) presented with a rapidly growing soft tissue mass protruding from the ventromedial aspect of the right eye (OD). The initial physical examination revealed a soft tissue mass attached to the medial inferior conjunctiva. The mass was excised with cryosurgery, and the conjunctival tissue margins were treated with cryoablation. Histopathological examination diagnosed granulomatous inflammation associated with scattered acid‐fast bacteria. The ostrich recovered uneventfully and appeared healthy until recurrence of a grossly similar mass 2 months later. Gross examination revealed a botryoid mass attached to the inferior palpebral conjunctiva and extending onto the palpebral aspect of the nictitating membrane. Euthanasia was selected, and the histological diagnosis of the second mass was a mixed mucinous adenocarcinoma; however, no acid‐fast bacteria were seen. Granulomatous conjunctival lesions have been previously described in the ostrich, while, to the authors' knowledge, neoplastic conjunctival lesions have not. Neoplasia should be considered as a differential diagnosis for a rapidly recurring, granulomatous conjunctival mass in this species.  相似文献   

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