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Condensed systems of strongly interacting electrons are ideal for the study of quantum complexity. It has become possible to promote the formation of new quantum phases by explicitly tuning systems toward special low-temperature quantum critical points. So far, the clearest examples have been appearances of superconductivity near pressure-tuned antiferromagnetic quantum critical points. We present experimental evidence for the formation of a nonsuperconducting phase in the vicinity of a magnetic field-tuned quantum critical point in ultrapure crystals of the ruthenate metal Sr3Ru2O7, and we discuss the possibility that the observed phase is due to a spin-dependent symmetry-breaking Fermi surface distortion.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Hung CL  Tung SK  Chin C 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2012,335(6072):1070-1072
Quantum criticality emerges when a many-body system is in the proximity of a continuous phase transition that is driven by quantum fluctuations. In the quantum critical regime, exotic, yet universal properties are anticipated; ultracold atoms provide a clean system to test these predictions. We report the observation of quantum criticality with two-dimensional Bose gases in optical lattices. On the basis of in situ density measurements, we observe scaling behavior of the equation of state at low temperatures, locate the quantum critical point, and constrain the critical exponents. We observe a finite critical entropy per particle that carries a weak dependence on the atomic interaction strength. Our experiment provides a prototypical method to study quantum criticality with ultracold atoms.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional helium-3 (3He) provides a simple model for the experimental investigation of the emergence of quantum complexity in a strongly correlated Fermi system. We have observed two-dimensional, two-band heavy-fermion behavior in bilayer films of 3He atoms when adsorbed on the surface of graphite preplated by a solid bilayer of 4He. Thermodynamic measurements on this system showed that the relevant control parameter is the total density of the 3He film. The 3He bilayer system can be driven toward a quantum critical point at which the effective mass appears to diverge, interband coupling vanishes, and a local-moment state appears. It opens a new testing ground for theories of quantum criticality in heavy-fermion materials.  相似文献   

Fermi liquid theory, the standard theory of metals, has been challenged by a number of observations of anomalous metallic behavior found in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition. The breakdown of the Fermi liquid is accomplished by fine-tuning the material to a quantum critical point by using a control parameter such as the magnetic field, pressure, or chemical composition. Our high-precision magnetization measurements of the ultrapure f-electron-based superconductor β-YbAlB(4) demonstrate a scaling of its free energy that is indicative of zero-field quantum criticality without tuning in a metal. The breakdown of Fermi liquid behavior takes place in a mixed-valence state, which is in sharp contrast with other known examples of quantum critical f-electron systems that are magnetic Kondo lattice systems with integral valence.  相似文献   

The concept of quantum criticality is proving to be central to attempts to understand the physics of strongly correlated electrons. Here, we argue that observations on the itinerant metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7 represent good evidence for a new class of quantum critical point, arising when the critical end point terminating a line of first-order transitions is depressed toward zero temperature. This is of interest both in its own right and because of the convenience of having a quantum critical point for which the tuning parameter is the magnetic field. The relationship between the resultant critical fluctuations and novel behavior very near the critical field is discussed.  相似文献   

Isotopic enrichment of several percent has been obtained in liquid lithium metal by applying a temperature gradient over a single-stage separation column. For other metals the method should have the highest eficiency, if these have low melting points and are liquids over a wide temperature range.  相似文献   

A method for confining electrons to artificial structures at the nanometer lengthscale is presented. Surface state electrons on a copper(111) surface were confined to closed structures (corrals) defined by barriers built from iron adatoms. The barriers were assembled by individually positioning iron adatoms with the tip of a 4-kelvin scanning tunneling microscope (STM). A circular corral of radius 71.3 A was constructed in this way out of 48 iron adatoms. Tunneling spectroscopy performed inside of the corral revealed a series of discrete resonances, providing evidence for size quantization. STM images show that the corral's interior local density of states is dominated by the eigenstate density expected for an electron trapped in a round two-dimensional box.  相似文献   

Quantum confinement of itinerant electrons in atomically smooth ultrathin lead films produces strong oscillations in the thickness-dependent film energy. By adding extra electrons via bismuth alloying, we showed that both the structural stability and the superconducting properties of such films can be tuned. The phase boundary (upper critical field) between the superconducting vortex state and the normal state indicates an anomalous suppression of superconducting order just below the critical temperature, Tc. This suppression varies systematically with the film thickness and the bismuth content and can be parametrized in terms of a characteristic temperature, Tc* (less than Tc), that is inversely proportional to the scattering mean free path. The results indicate that the isotropic nature of the superconductive pairing in bulk lead-bismuth alloys is altered in the quantum regime.  相似文献   

We show the anisotropic selective growth of gold tips onto semiconductor (cadmium selenide) nanorods and tetrapods by a simple reaction. The size of the gold tips can be controlled by the concentration of the starting materials. The new nanostructures display modified optical properties caused by the strong coupling between the gold and semiconductor parts. The gold tips show increased conductivity as well as selective chemical affinity for forming self-assembled chains of rods. Such gold-tipped nanostructures provide natural contact points for self-assembly and for electrical devices and can solve the difficult problem of contacting colloidal nanorods and tetrapods to the external world.  相似文献   

A scanning probe technique was used to obtain a high-resolution map of the random electrostatic potential inside the quantum Hall liquid. A sharp metal tip, scanned above a semiconductor surface, sensed charges in an embedded two-dimensional (2D) electron gas. Under quantum Hall effect conditions, applying a positive voltage to the tip locally enhanced the 2D electron density and created a "bubble" of electrons in an otherwise unoccupied Landau level. As the tip scanned along the sample surface, the bubble followed underneath. The tip sensed the motions of single electrons entering or leaving the bubble in response to changes in the local 2D electrostatic potential.  相似文献   

The structure of organic monolayers on liquid surfaces depends sensitively on the details of the molecular interactions. The structure of a stearic acid film on a mercury surface was measured as a function of coverage with angstrom resolution. Unlike monolayers on water, the molecules were found here to undergo a transition from surface-parallel to surface-normal orientation with increasing coverage. At high coverage, two condensed hexatic phases of standing-up molecules were found. At low coverage, a two-dimensional (2D) gas phase and condensed single- and double-layered phases of flat-lying molecular dimers were revealed, exhibiting a 1D longitudinal positional order. This system should provide a broader tunability range for nanostructure construction than solid-supported self-assembled monolayers.  相似文献   

Intrinsically ductile metals are prone to catastrophic failure when exposed to certain liquid metals, but the atomic-level mechanism for this effect is not fully understood. We characterized a model system, a nickel sample infused with bismuth atoms, by using aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy and observed a bilayer interfacial phase that is the underlying cause of embrittlement. This finding provides a new perspective for understanding the atomic-scale embrittlement mechanism and for developing strategies to control the practically important liquid metal embrittlement and the more general grain boundary embrittlement phenomena in alloys. This study further demonstrates that adsorption can induce a coupled grain boundary structural and chemical phase transition that causes drastic changes in properties.  相似文献   

Small changes in an external parameter can often lead to dramatic qualitative changes in the lowest energy quantum mechanical ground state of a correlated electron system. In anisotropic crystals, such as the high-temperature superconductors where electron motion occurs primarily on a two-dimensional square lattice, the quantum critical point between two such lowest energy states has nontrivial emergent excitations that control the physics over a significant portion of the phase diagram. Nonzero temperature dynamic properties near quantum critical points are described, using simple theoretical models. Possible quantum phases and transitions in the two-dimensional electron gas on a square lattice are discussed.  相似文献   

Anisotropic particles suspended in a nematic liquid crystal disturb the alignment of the liquid crystal molecules and experience small forces that depend on the particles' orientation. We have measured these forces using magnetic nanowires. The torque on a wire and its orientation-dependent repulsion from a flat surface are quantitatively consistent with theoretical predictions based on the elastic properties of the liquid crystal. These forces can also be used to manipulate submicrometer-scale particles. We show that controlled spatial variations in the liquid crystal's alignment convert the torque on a wire to a translational force that levitates the wire to a specified height.  相似文献   

基于临界自组织理论,运用元胞自动机建立了电力系统脆性模型,并通过对6节点系统的脆性仿真,探讨了系统脆性激发的规律。结果表明,脆性发生时大都具有从临近线路向外蔓延的特点;脆性的发生和电力线路的负载状况有关;只有少部分元件能激发系统的脆性。  相似文献   

简要介绍乳状液膜技术在金属离子分析测定中的分离富集作用以及新的研究和应用进展状况。  相似文献   

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