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葡萄是世界著名四大水果之一,在河南各地广泛种植。葡萄因其风味佳、营养价值高、适应性强等特性深受人们喜爱。近年来,河南葡萄生产中春季霜冻每年均会不同程度发生,严重制约着其葡萄产业的健康发展。介绍春季霜冻对葡萄生产的影响及补救措施,以期给河南葡萄优质安全生产提供参考。  相似文献   

霜冻是较为常见的农业气象灾害,尤其是发生在5月中旬的强霜冻天气更是农作物的春季杀手,通过人工熏烟、灌溉、埋土遮盖等措施,有效抵御霜冻天气对农作物的影响,使灾害损失降至最低。  相似文献   

为加强甘蔗生产指导,现提出2016甘蔗秋冬季生产技术指导意见,以确保甘蔗生产安全稳定,促进甘蔗提质增效。  相似文献   

北疆棉区终霜冻的发生时间是非正态分布,发生的细度也无明显规律,对棉苗生长影响较大的终霜冻是4月下旬也现的低温度强度较大的霜冻。终霜冻的发生形式有平流降温型和辐射温型两种。避免和减轻终霜冻对棉花生长影响的对策有:⑴加强中长期天气预报;⑵确定适宜的播种期;⑶及时放苗封洞;⑷对遭受霜冻的棉田要加强管理等。  相似文献   

滨州棉区霜冻发生规律与防御措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉花从播种到收获6个多月的时间里历经春、夏、秋3个季节,各种气象灾害频发,严重威胁着棉花的丰产。棉花生长期间的气象灾害很多,归结起来有旱灾、涝灾、低温霜冻、大风、冰雹、秋季连阴雨等,本文着重分析霜冻对棉花生长的影响。  相似文献   

为研究来源于不同遗传类群甘蔗黑穗病菌分离物侵染寄主甘蔗防御酶活性变化差异,采用注射接种法,将5个不同遗传类群的代表分离物(分离物编号依次为16,24,25,47,89号)侵染抗病甘蔗品种Q171和感病甘蔗品种ROC22,测定甘蔗与甘蔗黑穗病菌分离物互作过程中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)的活性变化。结果表明:5株分离物侵染引起的寄主甘蔗SOD、POD、CAT活性变化曲线中均存在2个酶峰值,抗病甘蔗品种Q171中PPO和感病甘蔗品种ROC22中PAL也存在2个酶峰值,接种后1 d出现峰值Ⅰ,接种后3~5 d出现峰值Ⅱ。其中峰值Ⅱ时期,5株分离物侵染的甘蔗上述5种防御酶活性均高于对照,但不同分离物侵染的甘蔗SOD、POD、PAL活性的峰值Ⅱ大小及出现时间表现出差异,尤其是89号分离物峰值Ⅱ比其余4个分离物峰值Ⅱ出现时间提早1~2 d且峰值差异明显。初步认为89号分离物可能代表着与其他分离物不同的致病型生理小种。  相似文献   

为了解和掌握2013年广西蔗区甘蔗中期生长情况,于2013年9月9日至9月11日对百色、崇左、来宾3个主要蔗区进行调查。采用面上调查、数据收集和实地调查相结合的调查方法。结果表明:2013年广西甘蔗中期长势总体情况与2012年相当,综合3个蔗区数据,新植蔗有效茎数增加了2955株/hm2,宿根蔗有效茎数与2012年基本持平;新植蔗平均株高降低了7cm,宿根蔗平均株高增加了24cm;新植蔗茎径平均增加0.06cm,宿根蔗茎径平均减少0.0lcm;螟害枯心率和黑穗病自然发病率均略少于往年。2013/2014年榨季全区甘蔗产量预计与上榨季基本持平。针对调查结果,建议应加大政府财政支持,加强现代甘蔗种植技术培训,加强糖业相关管理部门对恶劣天气的应对措施。同时,要积极调整甘蔗品种种植结构,扩大桂糖系列优良甘蔗品种种植面积。  相似文献   

王晓娟 《中国种业》2007,(11):41-42
从203份优异冬小麦种质资源中初步筛选出45个抗霜冻优异种质,采用因子分析法对抗霜冻冬小麦的7个数量性状进行综合评价,筛选出13个可供生产和育种中直接利用的优异种质。  相似文献   

糖料甘蔗生产田杂草防除技术概况   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
我国蔗区气温较高,雨水充沛,一年四季均适宜杂草的生长与繁育。本文主要从农业、化学、转基因等方面概述我国甘蔗杂草防除技术,并对甘蔗杂草防除技术研究中存在的问题及前景提出了展望。  相似文献   

基于GIS的吉林省霜冻灾害风险评估及区划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旨在依据灾害风险理论,对吉林省霜冻灾害进行风险评估与区划,以期减轻吉林省霜冻灾害造成的损失,为农业生产合理布局提供科学依据。基于吉林省逐日地表最低温度、霜冻灾情及作物种植面积等资料,采用自然灾害风险指数法、层次分析法和加权综合评价法,对致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境敏感性和承灾体易损性指数进行评估,基于GIS进行吉林省霜冻灾害风险评估与区划。结果表明:吉林省霜冻可划分为高、次高、中、次低和低风险区5个等级,初霜冻高风险和次高风险区主要分布在西北部白城、中部长春、吉林和四平部分地区;终霜冻高风险和次高风险区主要分布在中部长春、吉林和延边部分地区。初、终霜冻风险区划结果与灾情统计结果均呈极显著正相关关系,相关系数分别达0.496和0.490(P<0.01)。本研究建立的吉林省霜冻风险评估模型,能够反映吉林省初、终霜冻的风险分布特征,初、终霜冻风险区划结果存在空间分布差异;经验证风险区划结果与历史灾情资料相符。在气候变暖背景下,吉林省霜冻灾害仍需重视。  相似文献   

基于主成分-聚类分析的不同水分冬小麦晚霜冻害评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨不同水分条件下拔节期低温对小麦生理代谢的影响,构建综合生理指数精确评价冻害程度,对农业减损增效和宏观管理具有重要意义。以弱春性的偃展4110和兰考198以及半冬性的郑麦366和丰德存21为材料,在低温处理前1周进行灌水和不灌水处理,于雌雄蕊分化期将盆栽小麦移至低温模拟室进行低温处理,分别为正常(CK)、–2℃(T1)、–4℃(T2)、–6℃(T3)、–8℃(T4)和–10℃(T5)。在处理结束后第2天测定小麦生理指标和荧光参数,在成熟期收获小麦产量。结果表明,不同品种、水分和低温胁迫及其互作对小麦拔节期生理指标及荧光参数均具有显著影响。随着低温胁迫加重,叶片含水量、叶绿素a含量及荧光参数qp、Fv/Fm和Fv/Fo呈持续下降趋势,而可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量及SOD活性表现先升后降特征,但MDA含量则相反。灌水处理在一定程度上缓解了低温胁迫对植株生理代谢的影响,低温对半冬性品种的影响相对较小。利用主成分分析将测定参数转化成4个独立的综合指标,且反映了88.55%的原始信息,并构建出冻害生理综合指数(FIPCI)。聚类分析热图显示的颜色越深,生理指标响应程度越大。依据生理指标聚...  相似文献   

Bru1 is currently the major gene conferring brown rust resistance in sugarcane, and diagnostic markers are available. A survey for the presence of this gene was conducted on 391 genotypes including Brazilian cultivars, clones and basic germplasm. The efficiency of these markers for identifying resistant cultivars and artificially inoculated basic germplasm was also evaluated. The Bru1 frequency among cultivars (73.5%) suggests this gene is the prevalent source of brown rust resistance in Brazilian sugarcane breeding programmes. Most of the cultivars known to be resistant were positive for Bru1, although other genes for resistance could be present in lines not having Bru1. Only 17.8% of the basic germplasm accessions were positive for the Bru1 gene, and a low correlation between Bru1 diagnostic markers and brown rust severity was observed for basic germplasm accessions. Overall, Bru1 diagnostic markers proved to be efficient identifying resistant cultivars and clones and have potential to be in screening brown rust resistance in Brazilian breeding programmes.  相似文献   

国家橡胶树种质资源圃07/08年寒害调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2007/2008年发生的典型平流型寒害影响下,对国家橡胶树种质资源圃材料进行全面调查。调查结果表明,遗传背景不同的种质对寒害具有一定程度上的差异;1981’IRRDB野生种质中有较大比例显示出对低温具有一定的耐性,可利用从中筛选的优异资源进行耐寒选育种。  相似文献   

O. Veisz  H.-J. Braun  Z. Bedő 《Euphytica》2001,119(1-2):179-183
In the first experiments, studies were made on the survival % of fourwinter wheat varieties with good frost resistance and two with poor frostresistance, and on the degree of plant damage after freezing at –14 °C and –16 °C under phytotron conditions. In the secondexperiment the frost resistance of the varieties included in the 9thFacultative and Winter Wheat Observation Nurseries (FAWWON) wasdetermined after freezing in the phytotron at – 15 °C. The scoresgave a good reflection of the variety ranking determined on the basis ofsurvival % and of the different effects of the two freezing temperatures. Onthe basis of the scores, the plants were divided into two groups for eachtreatment and each variety: plants which suffered frost damage (a score of2–3), and plants which suffered no frost damage (a score of 4–5).Twenty plants from each group were raised to maturity in pots. Theyield parameters of plants damaged by freezing at – 14 °C werereduced to a lesser extent than those frozen at –16 °C. Of the eightparameters tested, the reduction in the number of ears per plant andconsequently in the number of grains in the side ears, the grain mass andthe total grain yield, gave the clearest indication of the extent of plantdamage. The results of the second experiment indicated that in some casesthe frost resistance of the varieties could be predicted from the wheatproduction zone (e.g. varieties from Eastern Europe and Nebraska haveexcellent frost resistance), while in other zones winter hardiness and frostresistance depended rather on the country or on the breeding location.  相似文献   

近年来,河西地区低温冻害气候,对种子生产带来不利的影响,特别是对玉米制种业,有时会造成不可挽回的损失.通过对近年河西地区发生的冻害进行分析研究,总结出冻害发生的原因,并提出预防措施.  相似文献   

Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers are very informative for various applications in genetics and breeding. Information obtained with these markers has contributed to a better understanding of evolution and the complexity of the sugarcane genome. With the objective of identifying a large set of polymorphic microsatellite markers designated as Unigene derived Sugarcane Microsatellite (UGSM) and Sugarcane Enriched Genomic Microsatellite (SEGMS), 351 UGSM and 36 SEGMS were tested to find out informative SSRs marker for sugar content. These markers were screened and validated for their use in genetic diversity, cross transferability and comparative linkage potential in high and low sugar bulk of two segregating progenies and twenty each, cultivated high and low sugar cultivars. 158 (40.83%) of the microsatellite markers (144-UGSM: 14-SEGMS) were found to be highly robust and polymorphic. Cross amplification was estimated among nineteen accessions of six sugarcane cultivars, one inter specific hybrids, five related species, four related genera, and three divergent genera by using 27 UGSM primers. Analysis of 388 alleles, amplified by these markers, indicated the high number of observed allele ranged from 2 to 26, with an average of 14.37 alleles detected per locus. High level of polymorphism detected by these markers among sugarcane species, genera and cultivars was 96.3%, while cross-transferability rate was 98.0% within Saccharum complex and 88.27% to cereals. Wide range of genetic diversity (0.33–0.79 with an average of 0.56) assayed with UGSM markers suggested their importance in various genotypic applications in sugarcane.  相似文献   

J. Sutka  G. Kovács 《Euphytica》1985,34(2):367-370
Summary F2 monosomic analysis and the direct comparisons between aneuploid series from different varieties of wheat suggest the likelihood of allelic variation. It is impossible however, from these studies to prove unequivocally that allelic variation exists. Some effects can be due to chromosome dosage rather than allelic variation. This disadvantage was overcome by using reciprocal monosomic analysis to study the genetic control of frost resistance on chromosome 5A in wheat. Data support the previous results obtained by F2 monosomic and substitution analysis. The chromosome 5A has been shown to be the one which carries the major allelic differences that distinguish wheat varieties Chinese Spring, Rannyaya 12 and Mironovskaya 808 for frost resistance.  相似文献   

Studies on the relative effects of parents on some economic characters in sugarcane have given indications of maternal influence in the progeny performance in certain crosses with regard to millable canes at harvest, height of stalks and brix per cent in juice, irrespective of the fact that pollen parent effect was positive or negative. As judged from a study of the progeny of the direct crosses and reciprocals among the varieties studied, particularly use of Co. 678 as a pistil parent in the breeding programme for improving the mean height of the progeny and Co. 527 as a pistil parent for increasing number of millable canes at harvest and brix per cent in juice is clearly indicated. These indications should also prove useful for application in adopting the polycross method of breeding as well.  相似文献   

甘蔗产量构成因素与产量的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陆中华 《种子》2002,(3):38-39,65
对32个甘蔗品种或组合的产量构成因素与产量的相关、回归、通径关系和鲜蔗产量估测差异进行分析,结果表明:茎高与有效茎呈极显著正相关;茎高、有效茎与鲜蔗产量呈极显著正相关;除茎径外,其余二性状与产量的偏相关系数为极显著正相关,偏回归系数达极显著水平。茎径、茎高、有效茎对产量的直接通径效应除茎径外,其余均为较高正值,但以茎高最高,有效茎次之。因此,若想得到产量较高的甘蔗品种,固定其余因素,选择植株高大的对提高鲜蔗产量效果较佳;以有效茎为选择指标时,可在茎较高选择鲜蔗产量较高的材料。以茎高、茎径和有效茎计算理论值来估测鲜蔗产量的经验公式(Y=1896.3107+0.690DX1^2X2X3),理论上是可行的。  相似文献   

Impact of yield and quality-related traits of sugarcane on sugar recovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sugar recovery of Pakistani sugarcane varieties is relatively low as compared to the rest of the world while very little work is done on this aspect. The current study was conducted to tackle this issue and to assess the effect of quality and yielding traits on final sugar recovery. Sixty genotypes of sugarcane were sown during 2013 and data was collected at different growth stages during maturity and post maturity. Correlation studies indicated that polarity (0.77**) and purity (0.73**) were positively and significantly correlated with sugar recovery while brix% (-0.21**), fiber contents (-0.21**) and number of leaves per plant (-0.33**) were significant and negatively correlated with sugar recovery. Furthermore, leaf area was positively and significantly correlated with internode length (0.63**). Path coefficient analysis indicated that highest direct effect on sugar recovery was shown by purity (2.92), followed by brix% (2.48), and leaf area (0.66) which confirms that these traits could contribute more towards an increase of sugar recovery. Overall values of higher direct and indirect effects were observed by purity. The results of the current studies indicate that sugar recovery can be improved by focusing on purity, brix%, and leaf area.  相似文献   

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