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一、本表是在《中国饲料成分与营养价值表--第七版》(下简称《第七版》)的基础上,结合“八五”国家攻关项目中《畜禽营养参数及配方新技术研究(85- 016- 02- 06)》专题中的最新科研成果进行了全面修订。 二、本表结合近年来饲料工业常用饲料品种及规格,以及养牛业的发展现状的需要,对《第七版》中的项目进行了调整,因限于篇幅,凡尚未列入本表,而且用户又需要的项目,请用户直接向中国饲料数据库及情报网中心查询。  相似文献   

<正>一、本次修订版本是在《中国饲料成分及营养价值表》(1990年第1版至2013年第24版)的基础上,结合1科技基础条件平台建设项目"动物科学数据分中心建设与运行";2北京奶牛创新团队岗位专家研究任务;3动物营养学国家重点实验室自主研究课题;4奶业"973"项目等研究工作,同时参考了Feedstuffs2014版饲料成分表、NRC(2012)发布的《猪营养需要量》、巴  相似文献   

~~中国饲料成分及营养价值表2001年第12版(续)$中国饲料数据库  相似文献   


<正>一、本次修订版本是在《中国饲料成分及营养价值表》(1990年第1版~2014年第25版)的基础上,结合:1科技基础条件平台建设项目"动物科学数据分中心建设与运行";2北京奶牛创新团队岗位专家研究任务;3动物营养学国家重点实验室自主研究课题;4奶业"973"项目等研究工作,同时参考了Feedstuffs2015版饲料成分表、NRC(2012)发布的《猪营养需要》、巴西《猪禽饲料成分表及营  相似文献   

<正> (Forage:The Science of Gras-sland Agriculture)一书由 M.E.希思等三人主编。第一、二、三版分别于1591、1962、1973年问世,第四版由美国艾奥华州立大学出版社于1985年出版。本书实际上是美国、加拿大六十个科学家的论文汇  相似文献   

美国新版奶牛营养需要(2001年,第七版)由前言(Front Matter ⅰ-ⅹ)、目录(Contents ⅵ-ⅹⅹⅳ)、概论(Overview 1-2)、1.干物质采食(Dry Matter Intake 3-12)、2,能量(Energy 13-27)、3,脂肪(Fat 28-33)、4.碳水化合物(Carbohydrates 34-42)、5.蛋白质和氨基  相似文献   

《现代动物免疫学》(第 2版 )已由吉林科学技术出版社于 2 0 0 1年 8月正式出版发行 ,现在开始征订。本书由中国人民解放军军需大学王世若、王兴龙、韩文瑜 3位教授主编 ,并聘请 2 1位国内有关专家、教授共同编写完成。本书是在细胞水平、分子水平或基因水平上介绍动物免疫学新  相似文献   

<正> 《牧草—草地农业科学》(Forages the Science of Grassland Azriculture)由M.E.希斯博士、R.F.巴恩斯博士和D.S.梅尔卡夫博士主编.美国和加拿大牧草生产和利用方面的专家、学者110余人合作撰写,是牧草—草地农业科学的权威著作。第一版1951年问世,此后每隔10年左右修订再版一次,1985年出了第四版。现已由中国  相似文献   

由农业部、中国农业科学院、浙江农业大学、中国农业大学等单位的知名专家共同编写的专题性综合著作《秸秆畜牧业》,现应广大读者要求,组织出版第三版。第三版在原有的基础上又增添了国务院转发的《1996─2000年全国秸秆养畜、过腹还田发展纲要》,以及中央领导同志关于秸秆养畜的最新指示等内容。秸秆养畜是农业部重点推广的十大技术之一,1992年列入国家农业综合开发计划,项目实施四年,我国的牛肉产量成倍增长,节约粮食数以千万吨计。联合国粮农组织说,中国在秸秆畜牧业方面的成就,应成为发展中国家学习的典范。《秸秆畜牧业》一书…  相似文献   

将《中国兽药典》附录中收载的硫酸铈、碘滴定液标定方法与美国、英国、日本三国药典中的标定方法进行比较分析,确定《中国兽药典》标定方法缺陷,找出各国药典之间的异同点,并提出新的标定方法,以期引起药典制订者及检测人员的关注。  相似文献   

为探讨优化我国兽用生物制品支原体检验方法的可能性,本文从支原体检验方法、培养基种类及培养条件、培养基质量控制和检验操作方法四个方面,对中国、美国和欧盟兽用生物制品支原体检验方法进行系统比较,分析不同方法之间的差异及优劣。结果发现,与美国《联邦法规》第九卷及《欧洲药典》相比《中国兽药典》支原体检验方法有培养基种类及配方成分全面等方面的优势,但在培养基质量控制方法、检验过程控制、检验标准制定等方面还存在不足。正视这些差距与不足,提出改进和验证的方向,可为我国兽用生物制品支原体检验的优化提供参考。  相似文献   

蜂群崩溃综合症(CCD)自2006年首次报道以来,引起欧关各界的广泛关注。受影响的蜂群大批工蜂不明原因突然消失,蜂群垮群,对北美洲的养蜂业造成严重影响。而北美洲蜂农所要面对的挑战并非仅仅是CCD,而是更为广义的蜂群损失,其中越冬期蜂群损失尤其严重。自2006年以来,美国和加拿大的越冬蜂群死亡率一直居高不下。基于此,简要介绍美国和加拿大近年来的越冬蜂群死亡情况,并分析了蜂群损失率高的一些可能原因。  相似文献   

Introduction: West Nile virus (WNV) first appeared in the United States in 1999, causing illness and death in birds, horses, and humans. While the initial outbreak of this sometimes deadly viral disease was limited to the northeastern United States, the virus had an inexorable migration across the continental United States over the next 3 years, causing huge losses among the affected species. The purpose of this review is to present currently available information regarding the epi‐demiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of WNV infection. Veterinarians, particularly those in an emergency practice, serve as an important source of reliable information regarding this disease for animal owners and the public in general. Data sources: Data sources used for the preparation of this review include computer‐based searches of PubMed and Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (CAB) abstracts. A search in PubMed using ‘West Nile’ retrieved 1468 ‘hits’ or references, while a similar search in CAB abstracts produced 815 references. Additional information was obtained from various meeting proceedings, particularly data presented in abstract form, and from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website dedicated to WNV. Human data synthesis: Prior to the mid‐1990s, reported large‐scale epidemics of WNV infection in humans predominantly presented as acute, mild, febrile disease, sometimes associated with lymphadenopathy and skin rash. The recent large epidemic in the United States, in contrast, has prominently featured encephalitis, particularly among the elderly. Additionally, polio‐encephalomyelitis‐like complications resulting in long‐term neurologic sequelae have been reported. There are many WNV‐permissive native avian and mosquito hosts in the Unites States and there appear to be few limitations to the spread of the disease in the United States. It is expected that the virus will be identified in all 48 continental states, Mexico, and Canada by the end of 2003. Veterinary data synthesis: The horse is the animal species most affected by the recent WNV epidemic in the United States, and losses to the equine industry have been large and unprecedented. A United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)‐approved vaccine against WNV has been in use in horses since 2001 and appears to be effective in limiting the incidence of disease in well‐vaccinated populations. WNV infection has been documented in other species of mammals, including camelids (alpaca/llamas) and dogs, and veterinarians should include WNV as a differential diagnosis for animals presenting with clinical signs consistent with central nervous system infection. A large concern exists for endangered bird populations, particularly birds of prey, whether in zoos or in the wild.  相似文献   

本研究基于美国草原管理学会(Society for Range Management,SRM)及美国高校网站,对美国草原本科专业开设状况、专业主页简介、人才培养方案等信息进行检索与分析,得到美国草原本科教育的现状与特征。结果表明:美国目前共有21所大学开办草原本科专业,另有17所大学开设草原学课程,其布局特征基本与美国草原地理分布相吻合;各高校的草原专业培养方案根据定位与特色具有较大差异,呈现多样性特点;草原专业的设立凸显了美国对草原资源重要性的认知,本科毕业生也普遍具有较好的就业渠道与职业发展前景。总体而言,美国草原本科的概念和内涵要远远小于我国的“草业科学”,更聚焦于对草原资源管理方向的人才培养,不涉及草坪学与饲草学。  相似文献   

针对农业部颁布实施的2010年版《中华人民共和国兽药典》三部的增修订总体情况进行了概述,除简单对新版兽药典收载原则和收载情况进行介绍外,重点对新版兽药典增修定的特点和要点等进行描述,以便广大使用者了解和掌握新版兽药典三部与2005年版兽药典三部之间的总体差异及技术标准变化等。  相似文献   

The United States dairy processing sector is dynamic and adaptive to new changes in the market place. Changes in consumer preferences and manufacturing technologies are resulting in new challenges to the processing sector. Consumers want a wider array of quality dairy products. Fluid processors are adapting to changing consumer demands for beverage products by introducing new flavors, providing ultrapasteurization, and using creative packaging. In addition, United States food manufacturers are requesting dairy processors to provide new dairy fractions such as MPC for new nutrition products. United States dairy policy is attempting to adapt to these changes. Federal order reform has resulted in new market-oriented signals for dairy farmers to produce what the market wants; namely, quality milk components. US dairy farmers, however, also wants to maintain programs such as the DPSP that have had the unfortunate consequence of spurring demand for protein imports (i.e., MPCs, casein, and caseinates) and also resulted in a disincentive to produce these new innovative protein products here in the United States. Surplus skim milk solids are now moving into US Government warehouses rather than into commercial markets. The future of the United States dairy industry will clearly be toward producing innovative products that the market wants. There is a strong market for dairy products not only here in the United States but also overseas, which will mean learning to compete on a global scale. The challenge is to modernize our United States milk pricing programs to provide dairy farmers and processors proper price signals while providing a minimum level of support to dairy farmers. The benefit of a greater orientation toward the market place will be stronger rates of growth for United States-produced dairy products.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe surveillance trends and epidemiologic features of rabies in bats in the United States, focusing on 3 bat species primarily associated with variants of the rabies virus that affect humans. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 31,380 bats. PROCEDURE: Data on rabies for bats identified to species and reported by state laboratories from 1993 to 2000 were analyzed, focusing on silver-haired, eastern pipistrelle, and Brazilian free-tailed bats. Categoric variables were derived from other provided information. RESULTS: Data were reported from 37 states during the study interval; complete species-specific data were not reported by any state for the entire interval. Bats primarily associated with rabies virus variants affecting humans were more likely to yield positive test results for rabies (22.7%), compared with all other bats (5.5%) in most seasons and from most regions of the United States. However, certain other bat species had higher percentages of positive results. Risk of positive results was highest in the fall and highest among bats originating in the southwestern United States. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increased risk of rabies among certain groups of bat species was consistently found across seasons and most geographic regions of the United States. Results were in general agreement with those of previous studies conducted within smaller geographic regions. There are ongoing efforts to improve surveillance of rabies in bats, although surveillance is incomplete in some regions.  相似文献   

Ovine progressive pneumonia (OPP) is a lentivirus-induced disease of sheep in the United States that is similar, if not identical, to maedi/visna in many other countries. Prevalence estimates of seropositivity to this virus in sheep in the United States have been confined to limited groups or flocks of sheep and have varied from 1 to 90%. In this study of detection of antibodies against OPP virus, we found a lower general prevalence of antibodies to OPP virus in sheep than was previously reported. Of 16,827 sheep from 29 states in the United States, 26% were seropositive and 48% of 164 flocks that were tested had 1 or more seropositive sheep. Seropositivity to OPP virus for sheep within special categories was determined, although nonrandom samples that were available may have biased the results. Within regions of the United States, prevalence was highest in the Rocky Mountain region at 49% and lowest in the northern Atlantic region at 9%. Seropositive sheep were not evenly distributed among flocks, but were clustered in a few flocks of sheep. A high number of flocks had no or few seropositive sheep. Prevalence increased with age from 4% at less than 1 year to a plateau of 34% at 4 years. Seropositivity was variable among breeds and was not associated with sex, wool class, or place of origin of ancestors.  相似文献   

应用BET-32型细菌内毒素测定仪定量测定维生素C注射液的细菌内毒素含量,干扰试验表明,维生素C注射液在400倍稀释时,测定内毒素的干扰最小。7个不同批号的维生素C注射液测定结果显示,7批的回收率均符合测定要求,其中4个批号的人用维生素C注射液内毒素含量符合药典标准,兽用3个批号产品的内毒素含量偏高。  相似文献   

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