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There have been anecdotal reports since 1962 of 'staggers' in sheep grazing Romulea rosea infested pastures, but this is the first detailed account. In September 2005, a locomotor disorder developed in 12 of 120 Merino wethers that had grazed R. rosea infested pasture at Albury, New South Wales, over several months. Affected sheep displayed signs that included limb paresis, knuckling over in the fetlocks, fine head tremor, incoordination, and an equilibrium disturbance characterised by frequent falling. The microscopic examination of brain and spinal cord tissues from two affected sheep revealed mild vacuolation, occasional lymphocytic cuffing around blood vessels, mild Wallerian degeneration, and occasional glial cells that contained honey-brown cytoplasmic pigments. The most significant changes were found in the cerebellum, where there were decreased numbers of Purkinje cells, increased numbers of glial cells, scattered vacuoles and occasional swollen axons. Previous reports of cerebellar toxicoses in ruminants have involved goats and cattle and have been associated with the ingestion of six Solanum spp. The Purkinje cell loss in this type of disorder is ultimately extensive and consequently affected animals may survive, but will remain permanently disabled. Aust Vet J 2008;86:354 -356.  相似文献   

Hungry cattle and sheep introduced to stockyards containing a dominant or pure growth of Dactyloctenium radulans (button grass) suffered acute nitrate-nitrite toxicity in four incidents in inland Queensland between 1993 and 2001. Deaths ranged from 16 to 44%. Methaemoglobinaemia was noted at necropsies in all incidents. An aqueous humour sample from one dead steer contained 75 mg nitrate/L and from one dead sheep contained 100 mg nitrate and 50 mg nitrite/L (normal = ca 5 mg nitrate/L). Both lush and dry button grass were toxic. The nitrate content of button grass from within the stockyards ranged from 4.0 to 12.9% as potassium nitrate equivalent in dry matter and from outside the stockyards ranged from <0.2 to 0.4%. These data suggest that urine and faeces in stockyard soil may boost the nitrate content of button grass to a concentration hazardous to hungry ruminants.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fourteen horses at a boarding stable in Virginia were diagnosed with hepatic disease and locally grown hay was implicated as the cause. HYPOTHESIS: Panicum dichotomiflorum, the predominant grass species in the hay, is hepatotoxic to horses. ANIMALS: Naturally occurring cases were adult horses of various breeds. Two healthy adult horses and 2 healthy adult sheep were used in feeding trials. METHODS: Blood and liver specimens collected from affected animals during the outbreak were analyzed. Some of the affected animals were treated supportively; the main intervention was hay withdrawal. Feeding trials were not blinded and no treatments were provided. Blood and liver specimens were collected and analyzed throughout the trials. RESULTS: Five affected animals were euthanized, whereas the others recovered. One research horse was euthanized for postmortem examination, and the other research animals recovered after hay withdrawal. All affected animals had evidence of hepatic disease with abnormally high aspartate aminotransferase (AST), sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. Evaluation of liver biopsy specimens disclosed mild lymphocytic and histiocytic inflammation, mild vacuolar change (hydropic degeneration), prominently clumped chromatin, and necrosis of individual hepatocytes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Severe hepatotoxicosis developed rapidly after Panicum hay exposure. Patchy hepatocyte necrosis was observed, implicating apoptosis as the mechanism of hepatotoxicosis. Absence of fibrosis in the research animals indicates that immediate withdrawal of Panicum hay should allow all but severely affected animals to recover from acute exposure.  相似文献   


Sheep were used in two investigations to study factors which could limit voluntary intake of Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyu) pasture. Possible reasons for the low intakes were found in the high soluble nitrogen and nitrate content of the pasture, its high oxalate content, and its considerable potential for foaming, the latter suggesting the presence of sapbnins. The high fibre content of the material could also have limited intake in wilted, dry or stemmy kikuyu. The relative importance of these factors appears to change with growth stage, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied, stocking rate and moisture supply. The factors which are detrimental to forage quality such as oxalates and nitrates are higher in the young and actively growing material than in older material, while the in vitro production of foam seems unrelated to forage quality and remained high, despite changes in other factors which detrimentally affected forage quality.  相似文献   

本研究对不同地区的花生秧、玉米秸、全株玉米青贮和不同品种谷草的干物质(DM)、粗蛋白质(CP)、粗脂肪(EE)、粗灰分(Ash)、钙(Ca)、磷(P)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)等常规营养成分进行了比较分析,结果表明:不同地区的花生秧和不同养殖场的玉米秸营养成分含量存在差异,不同地区花生秧粗蛋白质含量为7.88%~8.75%,中性洗涤纤维含量为67.25%~77.77%,酸性洗涤纤维含量为57.04%~68.69%;不同养殖场玉米秸秆粗蛋白质含量为5.13%~6.89%,中性洗涤纤维含量为71.68%~80.73%,酸性洗涤纤维含量为50.22%~54.39%;不同地区的全株玉米青贮粗蛋白质含量为6.35%~9.63%,中性洗涤纤维含量为54.12%~67.25%,酸性洗涤纤维含量为35.28%~47.21%;不同品种去穗谷草粗蛋白质含量为3.90%~7.26%,中性洗涤纤维含量为77.03%~82.93%,酸性洗涤纤维含量为51.28%~59.59%,全株谷草青贮粗蛋白质含量为12.02%,中性洗涤纤维含量为73.40%,酸性洗涤纤维含量为54.66%。综上所述,不同地区来源的花生秧、玉米秸、全株玉米青贮等常规饲草营养含量均存在差异,不同品种去穗谷草营养含量也存在差异,全株谷草青贮粗蛋白质含量显著高于去穗谷草。  相似文献   

禾草/白三叶(Trifolium repens)草地是中国南方喀斯特地区主要刈牧地之一,探究不同家畜放牧下禾草/白三叶草地植被构成和群落稳定性,可一定程度揭示其植被演替特征。本研究定量分析了多年放牧牛(grazing cattle pasture,GC)、放牧羊(grazing sheep pasture,GS)的禾草/白三叶草地群落特征、物种多样性、生物量构成及群落稳定性。结果显示:1)草地死物质量及植物物种数为GC>GS,植物物种Simpson指数为GS>GC;2)草地禾草[多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata)及原生禾草]、原生双子叶(马鞭草科、车前科、酢浆草科和十字花科)及适口性中等植物地上生物量组分为GC>GS,播种白三叶地上生物量组分为GS>GC;且GC草地地上生物量以禾草为主(77.20%),GS草地地上生物量以禾草(51.79%)和豆科(28.02%)为主;3)草地土壤K含量为GC>GS;4)GC草地植物种Raunkiaer频度直方图呈反J型,群落演替度(37.08)比GS草地(45.45)的低。研究认为,GC草地群落处于相对稳定状态,而GS草地群落处于更高演替阶段,牛放牧更利于禾草/白三叶草地群落稳定性和物种多样性的维持。因此,放牧时可实行牛、羊混牧制,或牛、羊轮牧制,以提高禾草/白三叶草地的稳定性和生产力。  相似文献   

The effect of phenobarbitone against signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens) toxicity was studied in 26 male crossbred sheep. Grazing on signal grass significantly decreased the concentration of cytochrome P-450 and the activity of drug metabolizing enzymes, viz. aminopyrine-N-demethylase, aniline-4-hydroxylase, UDP- glucuronyltransferase and glutathione-S-transferase in liver and kidneys of affected sheep.Oral administration of phenobarbitone (30 mg/kg body weight) for five consecutive days before grazing on B. decumbens pasture, and thereafter, for three consecutive days every two weeks, resulted in significant increases in hepatic and renal activities of drug-metabolizing enzymes. The induction of drug metabolizing activity in sheep grazing on signal grass group was found to be lower than in animals given phenobarbitone alone. Induction by phenobarbitone provided a degree of protection against the toxic effects of B. decumbens as indicated by the delay in the appearance of signs of toxicity. Furthermore, these were much milder compared to those in the sheep not treated with phenobarbitone. The present study suggests that phenobarbitone-type cytochrome P-450 isoenzyme-induction may increase resistance against signal grass (B. decumbens) toxicity in sheep.  相似文献   

Brachiaria spp. are the most important grasses for ruminants in central-western Brazil. However, the use of these pastures is limited by their toxicity due to steroidal saponins. This experiment was conducted for 60 days to demonstrate the resistance of sheep raised on Brachiaria spp. pastures to steroidal saponin poisoning. The experiment was composed by 48 animals randomly divided into four groups (n?=?12). Among them, 32 4- to 5-month-old castrated male crossbred Santa Inês sheep, originating from flocks that had been grazing on Brachiaria spp. for more than three consecutive years, and 16 were non-adapted (naïve) sheep from flocks that never had prior contact with pastures of Brachiaria spp. were randomly divided into four groups. Each of the four experimental groups was composed by eight adapted and four non-adapted animals. The four experimental groups were introduced into paddocks, each of which contained a single grass: either Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria brizantha, Panicum maximum, or Andropogon gayanus. The addition of the naïve sheep to the groups was designed to detect pastures’ toxicity to naïve sheep and to adjust the stocking rate to optimize the use of forage. The weight gains of sheep grazing on B. decumbens, B. brizantha, and P. maximum were similar; however, the A. gayanus group showed lower weight gains compared with the other groups (P?<?0.05). The mean serum activities of γ-glutamyltransferase in the sheep grazing on B. decumbens were higher than those in the sheep from the other groups. No significant differences among the groups were found in aspartate aminotransferase, creatinine, albumin, or total protein serum concentrations. No clinical signs were observed in the adapted sheep in any of the pastures. Of the four non-adapted sheep introduced into the B. decumbens pasture, two showed clinical signs of steroidal saponin poisoning, and one died. No clinical signs were observed in the non-adapted sheep in the other pastures. The saponin (protodioscin) concentrations in the pastures varied from 3.3 to 12.2 g/kg DM in B. decumbens, from 2.8 to 9.1 g/kg DM in B. brizantha, and from 1 to 1.5 g/kg DM in A. gayanus. No saponins were found in P. maximum. It is concluded that sheep from flocks reared in pastures of B. decumbens and B. brizantha were resistant to steroidal saponin poisoning and showed similar weight gains to those of sheep grazing in other tropical pastures.  相似文献   

A new, fatal mycotoxicosis of cattle has been recognised in north-western Australia. A feeding trial confirmed the toxicity of a previously unknown species of Corallocytostroma that grows on Mitchell grass (Astrebla spp). The disease has been colloquially named ‘black soil blindness’ because its most prominent features are its confinement to pastures on black soil, and blindness and death of affected animals. Over 500 cattle have died and considerable subclinical disease is present. Above average wet season rainfall and extended growing seasons may explain the emergence of the fungus. The disease is important because cattle production in large areas of Australia utilise Mitchell grass pastures.  相似文献   

A diagnosis of dicoumarol toxicity in a herd of Friesian cattle was made following investigation of the deaths of three mature cows and eleven yearling heifers. Affected stock had been fed wrapped, bailed silage containing approximately 90% sweet vernal grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum). Sweet vernal grass contains coumarin, which can be converted to dicoumarol, a vitamin K antagonist, through the action of moulds. Most deaths were preceded by lethargy, severe anaemia and subcutaneous and internal haemorrhage. Dicoumarol toxicosis was suspected based on clinical signs, necropsy findings and prolonged prothrombin and activated partial thromboplastin times. Dicoumarol analysis of blood from affected animals and silage confirmed the diagnosis. Activated partial thromboplastin time Haemoglobin Packed cell volume Prothrombin time Red cell count  相似文献   

A diagnosis of dicoumarol toxicity in a herd of Friesian cattle was made following investigation of the deaths of three mature cows and eleven yearling heifers. Affected stock had been fed wrapped, bailed silage containing approximately 90% sweet vernal grass ( Anthoxanthum odoratum ). Sweet vernal grass contains coumarin, which can be converted to dicoumarol, a vitamin K antagonist, through the action of moulds. Most deaths were preceded by lethargy, severe anaemia and subcutaneous and internal haemorrhage. Dicoumarol toxicosis was suspected based on clinical signs, necropsy findings and prolonged prothrombin and activated partial thromboplastin times. Dicoumarol analysis of blood from affected animals and silage confirmed the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study aimed at elucidating effects of replacing sorghum with blue panic (BP) on total dry matter intake (TDMI), average daily gain (ADG), feed...  相似文献   

Regular worm counts were done post-mortem on sheep that had grazed on Kikuyu pastures at the Elsenburg Research Station near Stellenbosch, a winter rainfall region. Major species were Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Trichostrongylus axei, while Ostertagia circumcincta was usually present in large numbers. Minor species were Haemonchus contortus, Nematodirus spathiger, Dictyocaulus filaria, Oesophagostomum venulosum, Trichuris spp., Chabertia ovina and larvae of the arthropod Oestrus ovis. Muellerius capillaris caused the formation of nodules in the lungs but were not counted. The trial started in April 1982 and was concluded in March 1984. One hundred and four sheep died or were slaughtered and 99 were examined post-mortem during this period. Total worm burdens rose to a peak of 88,763 (range 67,281-124,735) worms in March 1983, i.e. sheep mortality was such that the flock had to be treated with an anthelmintic in April 1983 to prevent further losses. Kikuyu pastures provide shade, form an excellent mat, the humus layer under the grass retains moisture and is an excellent incubator for preinfective larvae and a protector for infective larvae. If these qualities are combined with more than 100 mm of rain in spring and summer, Kikuyu pastures are a paradise for the free-living stages.  相似文献   

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