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The West Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming regions on Earth, and, as a consequence, most maritime glaciers and ice shelves in the region have significantly retreated over the past few decades. We collected a multiyear data set on ice scouring frequency from Antarctica by using unique experimental markers and scuba diving surveys. We show that the annual intensity of ice scouring is negatively correlated with the duration of the winter fast ice season. Because fast ice extent and duration is currently in decline in the region after recent rapid warming, it is likely that marine benthic communities are set for even more scouring in the near future.  相似文献   

Ice flow of the Antarctic ice sheet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a reference, comprehensive, high-resolution, digital mosaic of ice motion in Antarctica assembled from multiple satellite interferometric synthetic-aperture radar data acquired during the International Polar Year 2007 to 2009. The data reveal widespread, patterned, enhanced flow with tributary glaciers reaching hundreds to thousands of kilometers inland over the entire continent. This view of ice sheet motion emphasizes the importance of basal-slip-dominated tributary flow over deformation-dominated ice sheet flow, redefines our understanding of ice sheet dynamics, and has far-reaching implications for the reconstruction and prediction of ice sheet evolution.  相似文献   

Fresh ice stalactites were observed beneath sea ice in Antarctica. They are hollow, tapering, inverted cones having a base diameter between 10 and 20 centimeters and a tip diameter of 4 to 10 centimeters extending downward about 100 centimeters. The stalactites form when dense, chilled brine drains downward from the ice sheet into seawater of norma1 salinity and near-freezing temperature.  相似文献   

As continental ice from Antarctica reaches the grounding line and begins to float, its underside melts into the ocean. Results obtained with satellite radar interferometry reveal that bottom melt rates experienced by large outlet glaciers near their grounding lines are far higher than generally assumed. The melting rate is positively correlated with thermal forcing, increasing by 1 meter per year for each 0.1 degrees C rise in ocean temperature. Where deep water has direct access to grounding lines, glaciers and ice shelves are vulnerable to ongoing increases in ocean temperature.  相似文献   

田福中 《安徽农学通报》2007,14(16):172-173
本文介绍了以红薯茎叶汁为原料,生产保健冰淇淋的工艺过程.  相似文献   

Global Warming and Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Extent   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Surface and satellite-based observations show a decrease in Northern Hemisphere sea ice extent during the past 46 years. A comparison of these trends to control and transient integrations (forced by observed greenhouse gases and tropospheric sulfate aerosols) from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and Hadley Centre climate models reveals that the observed decrease in Northern Hemisphere sea ice extent agrees with the transient simulations, and both trends are much larger than would be expected from natural climate variations. From long-term control runs of climate models, it was found that the probability of the observed trends resulting from natural climate variability, assuming that the models' natural variability is similar to that found in nature, is less than 2 percent for the 1978-98 sea ice trends and less than 0.1 percent for the 1953-98 sea ice trends. Both models used here project continued decreases in sea ice thickness and extent throughout the next century.  相似文献   

Recent research using microwave satellite remote sensing data has established that there has been a reduction of about 3 percent per decade in the areal extent of the Arctic sea ice cover since 1978, although it is unknown whether the nature of the perennial ice pack has changed. These data were used to quantify changes in the ice cover's composition, revealing a substantial reduction of about 14 percent in the area of multiyear ice in winter during the period from 1978 to 1998. There also appears to be a strong correlation between the area of multiyear ice and the spatially averaged thickness of the perennial ice pack, which suggests that the satellite-derived areal decreases represent substantial rather than only peripheral changes. If this apparent transformation continues, it may lead to a markedly different ice regime in the Arctic, altering heat and mass exchanges as well as ocean stratification.  相似文献   

The instrumental record of Antarctic sea ice in recent decades does not reveal a clear signature of warming despite observational evidence from coastal Antarctica. Here we report a significant correlation (P < 0.002) between methanesulphonic acid (MSA) concentrations from a Law Dome ice core and 22 years of satellite-derived sea ice extent (SIE) for the 80 degrees E to 140 degrees E sector. Applying this instrumental calibration to longer term MSA data (1841 to 1995 A.D.) suggests that there has been a 20% decline in SIE since about 1950. The decline is not uniform, showing large cyclical variations, with periods of about 11 years, that confuse trend detection over the relatively short satellite era.  相似文献   

庭院由于所处的位置特殊,从而形成了独特小气候环境,可用来经营一些大田中难以经营的项目,在有限庭院土地上实行集约经营,产值可高于大田数倍。  相似文献   

通过单因素试验和正交试验,得到雪莲果保健冰淇淋的最优配方为:雪莲果浆 20%、白砂糖 10%、脱脂乳粉 5%、稀奶油 10%、鲜牛乳 45%、蛋黄粉 1%、复合稳定剂 0.5%、水 8.5%。感官评价结果显示,雪莲果冰淇淋组织细腻,具有雪莲果独特风味;营养成分分析结果显示,雪莲果冰淇淋糖(12.38%±0.06%)和脂肪(6.58%±0.22%)的含量较低,而总固形物(39.05%±0.05%)、粗蛋白(15.20%±0.18%)含量较高。此外,雪莲果浆的添加,使冰淇淋中粗纤维(0.06%±0.01%)和Vc(6.54%±0.08%)等功能性成分含量增加,提升了冰淇淋的风味特色和保健功效。雪莲果冰淇淋是一款低糖、低脂、高蛋白、高营养的保健冰淇淋,具有开发价值。  相似文献   

为了研究不同澄清剂对沙棘冰酒澄清效果的影响,以透光率为评定指标,通过单因素试验研究壳聚糖、明胶、硅藻土、果胶酶、蛋清液、PVPP六种澄清剂对沙棘冰酒澄清效果的影响。在单因素试验基础上,通过正交实验优化得出的最佳复合澄清剂方案为:果胶酶添加量0.1%、明胶添加量0.2%、壳聚糖添加量0.02%。此时透光率高达96.9%,澄清后沙棘冰酒澄清透亮、颜色透明,这为棘冰酒的澄清提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

利用海冰密集度资料和海冰范围指数,分析了3月北半球海冰在1979-1995年和1996-2014年2个时间段内的变化趋势以及趋势差异的区域特征.结果表明:北半球3月总海冰范围以稳定速率减少,速率无明显加速.而各个分海域的海冰变化表现出一定的区域差异.其中,巴伦支海海冰在2个时期内以稳定的速率减少;白令海海冰不减反增;鄂霍次克海海冰缩减速度在后期减小;圣劳伦斯湾的海冰范围在90年代中期以前显著增大,后期缓慢缩减. 3月海冰趋势变化的空间特征与同期表面气温和表面风场的趋势变化相一致.  相似文献   

The Production of Ice Crystals in a Cloud of Supercooled Water Droplets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

马克思认为亚细亚、古典古代、日耳曼三种生产方式为原生生产方式,在这些共同体瓦解过程中,产生的奴隶制、农奴制等等被称为次生形态。三种原生形态的生产方式之间的关系并不是并列的,而是私有财产从公有财产中获得解放的过程。同时,这些原生生产方式内部也有一个私有财产瓦解共同体本身的发展过程。对生产方式原生形态的研究,有利于我们更好地理解唯物史与辩证法的内在关系。  相似文献   

蔬菜生产过程的主要污染源及防控对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了蔬菜生产过程中的主要污染源,包括农药污染、化学肥料污染、农膜增塑剂污染、大气污染、灌溉水污染等,并针对蔬菜生产栽培过程的污染提出相应的防控对策,以期为生产无公害蔬菜提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通过田间小区试验研究"慧农"牌水稻健粒饱在水稻的应用,结果表明水稻施用"慧农"牌水稻健粒饱能明显改善水稻生育性状,每667m2产量达705.5 kg,比对照增产66.7 kg,增产率10.4%,差异达到极显著水平。每667m2增加纯收入90.06元。  相似文献   

The reactions of dinitrogen pentoxide (N(2)O(5)) with H(2)O and hydrochloric acid (HCl) were studied on ice surfaces in a Knudsen cell flow reactor. The N(2)O(5) reacted on ice at 185 K to form condensed-phase nitric acid (HNO(3)). This reaction may provide a sink for odd nitrogen (NO(x)) during the polar winter, a requirement in nearly all models of Antarctic ozone depletion. A lower limit to the sticking coefficient, gamma, for N(2)O(5) on ice is 1 x 10(-3). Moreover, N(2)O(5) reacted on HCl-ice surfaces at 185 K, with gamma greater than 3 x 10(-3). This reaction, which produced gaseous nitryl chloride (ClNO(2)) and condensed-phase HNO(3), proceeded until all of the HCl within the ice was depleted. The ClNO(2), which did not react or condense on ice at 185 K, can be readily photolyzed in the Antarctic spring to form atomic chlorine for catalytic ozone destruction cycles. The other photolysis product, gaseous nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)), may be important in the partitioning of NO(x) between gaseous and condensed phases in the Antarctic winter.  相似文献   

体外生产猪原核期胚胎的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初步研究了在体外生产猪的原核期胚胎.结果表明:将在体外成熟培养44h的卵母细胞移植入发情当日的母猪体内,同时进行人工授精,受精后16 h冲出胚胎,获得同期原核期胚胎的效率最高,可以降低多精入卵的发生率.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical Controls and Feedbacks on Ocean Primary Production   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Changes in oceanic primary production, linked to changes in the network of global biogeochemical cycles, have profoundly influenced the geochemistry of Earth for over 3 billion years. In the contemporary ocean, photosynthetic carbon fixation by marine phytoplankton leads to formation of approximately 45 gigatons of organic carbon per annum, of which 16 gigatons are exported to the ocean interior. Changes in the magnitude of total and export production can strongly influence atmospheric CO2 levels (and hence climate) on geological time scales, as well as set upper bounds for sustainable fisheries harvest. The two fluxes are critically dependent on geophysical processes that determine mixed-layer depth, nutrient fluxes to and within the ocean, and food-web structure. Because the average turnover time of phytoplankton carbon in the ocean is on the order of a week or less, total and export production are extremely sensitive to external forcing and consequently are seldom in steady state. Elucidating the biogeochemical controls and feedbacks on primary production is essential to understanding how oceanic biota responded to and affected natural climatic variability in the geological past, and will respond to anthropogenically influenced changes in coming decades. One of the most crucial feedbacks results from changes in radiative forcing on the hydrological cycle, which influences the aeolian iron flux and, in turn, affects nitrogen fixation and primary production in the oceans.  相似文献   

2017年冬季斯科舍海南极磷虾种群结构变动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斯科舍海蕴含着丰富的南极磷虾资源,是重要的南极磷虾渔场,该海域南极磷虾种群结构存在显著的时空差异。为了解该海域冬季南极磷虾的种群结构变动,以明晰渔场的变化,并探究南极磷虾的越冬机制,利用2017年5—8月渔业资源调查随机收集的样本,对冬季布兰斯菲尔德海峡和南乔治亚岛东北水域南极磷虾种群结构差异进行分析。结果显示,2017年冬季各月南极磷虾性比差异不大,均为雌性占比稍高于雄性,且各月性成熟度分布不存在显著差异。总体而言,雌性磷虾在整个冬季月份,除个例外均为未成熟个体。对于雄性磷虾,5月未成熟个体少于成熟个体;6月未成熟个体多于成熟个体;7月未成熟个体显著多于成熟个体;8月均为未成熟个体。对于布兰斯菲尔德海峡和南乔治亚岛两区域,整体来说,随月份增加,磷虾雌、雄个体的成熟个体数量减少,而未成熟个体数量逐渐增加。通过历史资料对比可知,斯科舍海冬季磷虾种群结构存在较为显著的年际和年间变化。  相似文献   

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