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为了探索微量元素对妊娠母羊营养状况的影响,选取体重相近、年龄和胎次相同的卡拉库尔羊妊娠母羊和空怀母羊各6只,清晨采取颈静脉血样和臀部毛样,利用原子吸收光谱法对铜、锌、铁、锰4种微量元素含量进行了测定(国标法)。结果表明:血清中,铜的含量在妊娠母羊与空怀母羊之间差异显著(P<0.05);全血中,铁、铜、锰含量在妊娠母羊与空怀母羊之间差异显著(P<0.05);羊毛中,铜、锰含量在妊娠母羊与空怀母羊之间差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

本研究通过在精饲料中添加蒙脱石喂养杂交牛的方法,探讨蒙脱石对动物体内必需微量元素铜、铁、锌及有害元素镉、铅含量的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,喂蒙脱石的杂交牛日增重提高了14.96%(P<0.01),饲料转化率提高了9.22%(P<0.05);肾脏和脾脏中铅含量显著增加(P<0.05),肾脏、肝脏、脾脏和肠中镉的含量极显著增加(P<0.01),而血液中镉含量显著降低(P<0.01),其余组织中镉和铅的含量变化不显著;脾脏铜和铁含量极显著减少(P<0.01),肾脏中锌含量极显著增加(P<0.01),肝脏和肌肉组织中铁含量显著增加(P<0.05),其余各组织中的变化不显著(P>0.05)。结论:在饲料中添加蒙脱石,可在不同程度上改变铅、镉、铜、锌、铁在动物体内各器官和组织中的分布水平,但不能有效降低肉牛各组织中铅、镉的蓄积。  相似文献   

微波消解-火焰原子吸收光谱法测定饲料中铜铁锌锰含量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商军  沈富林  王蓓  蒋音 《中国饲料》2003,(13):21-22
铜、铁、锌、锰是畜禽重要的营养微量元素 ,对畜禽造血 ,细胞生长 ,酶活性的激发 ,RNA、DNA和蛋白质合成以及促生长等方面都起着极其重要的作用。目前 ,饲料中铜、铁、锌、锰含量测定的前处理一般需要用干法 (饲料原料、配合料、浓缩料、含金属螯合物预混料 )和酸提取法 (预混料 )。干法前处理时间长 ,操作繁琐 ,试剂用量多 ;预混料酸提取法虽操作简便、时间短 ,但往往会提取不完全。为改进 ,我们采用硝酸 -过氧化氢 ( 4∶1 )对饲料样品进行微波酸消解前处理 ,然后用火焰原子吸收光谱法对饲料中铜、铁、锌、锰含量进行测定 ,取得了满意效…  相似文献   

The highest DNA concentration so far recorded from organs of turkey chicken one day after hatching was the lung value of 8.61 +/- 0.20 mg/g of fresh matter, while the lowest level amounted to 1.92 +/- 0.11 mg/g and was linked to the myocardium. DNA concentrations in the spleen went up from 5.93 +/- 0.26 mg/g on the first day to 13.04 +/- 0.93 mg/g on the 224th day. The highest total amount of DNA on the 224th day was 314.6 +/- 30.23 mg/g in the liver. A high RNA concentration on the first day from hatching was 8.74 +/- 0.14 mg/g in the liver and the lowest 2.51 +/- 0.12 mg/g in the myocardium. DNA levels for the whole period under review (first through 224th days) rose by the following factors: 246.3 in the spleen, 87.4 in the pancreas, 76.6 in the liver, 60 in the duodenum, 40.5 in the kidneys, 18 in the lung, and 31.3 in the myocardium. Functional implications relating to DNA, RNA, and protein variations are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

This study determined the effects of dietary copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo) and sulphur (S) on urinary Cu and zinc (Zn) excretion in cattle. Four Simmental and four Angus heifers were fed low (L) or high (H) levels (mg/kg DM) of Cu (5, 40), Mo (1, 10) and S (0.2, 0.5%). Initially two of each breed was fed either LCu or HCu (2 mo). Then all eight animals were fed sequentially LCuHS (1.5 mo), HCuHS, HCuHMo and HCuHMoHS (2 mo each). Simmental had a higher urine flow, increased concentration and total excretion of urinary Cu and Zn compared to Angus, but only total Zn excretion was significantly higher. Urinary Cu excretion was greatest with the HCuHMoHS diet. Urinary Zn excretion significantly increased with HS but not HS in combination with HMo and/or HCu. This study, together with previously reported biliary excretion, allows a direct comparison of urinary and biliary Cu and Zn excretion responses to dietary Cu, Mo and S.  相似文献   

This study determined the effects of dietary copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo) and sulphur (S) on urinary Cu and zinc (Zn) excretion in cattle. Four Simmental and four Angus heifers were fed low (L) or high (H) levels (mg/kg DM) of Cu (5, 40), Mo (1, 10) and S (0.2, 0.5%). Initially two of each breed was fed either LCu or HCu (2 mo). Then all eight animals were fed sequentially LCuHS (1.5 mo), HCuHS, HCuHMo and HCuHMoHS (2 mo each). Simmental had a higher urine flow, increased concentration and total excretion of urinary Cu and Zn compared to Angus, but only total Zn excretion was significantly higher. Urinary Cu excretion was greatest with the HCuHMoHS diet. Urinary Zn excretion significantly increased with HS but not HS in combination with HMo and/or HCu. This study, together with previously reported biliary excretion, allows a direct comparison of urinary and biliary Cu and Zn excretion responses to dietary Cu, Mo and S.  相似文献   

分子生物学的研究揭示,微量元素通过与蛋白质和其它有机基团结合,形成酶、激素、维生素等生物大分子,"以微见著",发挥着重要的生理生化功能.微量元素不但构成了机体内重要的载体与电子传递系统,而且还参与激素与维生素的合成.酶是生命的催化剂,至今发现动物机体内有1000多种酶,其中约50%~70%需要微量元素参与或激活;微量元素对核酸的物理、化学物质均可产生影响,目前已确定一些金属离子在维持核酸的双螺旋结构与核蛋白方面有重要作用;微量元素如Zn、Cu、Mn、Se对免疫功能有重要影响.因此,微量元素是动物机体不可缺少的组成部分.针对我省大部分地区因Se等元素缺乏而给养殖业造成巨大的经济损失这一现状,本课题组研制出一种含铜、铁、锌、硒的牛复合微量元素缓释制剂,实验证明该制剂能降低奶牛微量元素缺乏性疾病的发病率,提高产奶量及乳品品质;同时,还能提高肉牛肥育率及生产性能等.为了能使该制剂在生产上大规模的推广应用,笔者等探讨了该制剂的安全性及相关因素,现报道如下.  相似文献   

通过在甘肃省兰州市城关、伏龙坪、花庄奶牛场、临泽县雪莲乳品厂对2 076头奶牛投服含Se、Cu、Zn、Fe元素的缓释剂,并定期检测牛体内的相关元素的变化,统计、分析缓释剂投服前后奶牛胎衣不下、子宫内膜炎、乳房炎等疾病的发病情况.试验结果表明,Se、Cu、Zn、Fe微量元素缓释剂对奶牛胎衣不下等疾病有较好的预防作用.  相似文献   

廖巧霞 《饲料广角》2004,(13):33-34
在应用GB/T13885-92方法测定预混料中微量元素铜、锌时,通过减少样品取样量,降低试液稀释倍数,样品前处理基本不变,测定结果与对照组比较,差异不显著。  相似文献   

试验采用以玉米碴、淀粉及提纯大豆蛋白为主的半纯合型饲粮,分别含有0(对照)、8、16、24、32及40%的麦麸,添加玉米油调整能量差异。试验观察麦麸水平对蛋鸡(0~4周)生长发育及某些组织器官锌、铁、锰及铜含量及沉积率的影响。添加脂肪,调整由纤维增多而降低的饲粮能量后,饲粮麦麸对蛋鸡的生长发育无不良影响,不含麦麸的半纯合型饲粮通过降低采食量(P<0.01)而影响生长速度(P<0.01),40%麦麸导致胫骨长度降低(P<0.05)。胫骨中的锌含量非常显著地随麦麸水平的增加而降低(P<0.01),麦麸水平超过16%及24%时分别降低胰脏锌和血液锌含量(P<0.01)。胫骨锰含量下降时的麦麸水平为40%(P<0.01)。铜含量有随麦麸水平增加而降低的趋势,仅胫骨中的铜在麦麸水平超过32%时差异显著(P<0.05)。麦麸对组织器官元素沉积率(%)的影响对胫骨尤其明显,锌的沉积率非常显著地随麦麸水平增加而降低(P<0.01),铜沉积率在麦麸水平超过24%时低于对照(P<0.05)。40%麦麸导致胰脏中铜沉积率降低(P<0.05),除此之外,肝及胰脏中的微量元素沉积率不因添加麦麸而降低。  相似文献   

At each 8 chickens of the race "white leghorn" analyses of the body weight as well of the wet weight and the concentration of DNA and of RNA in different tissues from the 2nd to the 203rd day after hatching were performed. On the 2nd day after hatching the DNA-concentration in the brain amounted to 1.50 +/- 0.12, in the heart-muscle to 2.86 +/- 0.19, in the lung to 7.23 +/- 0.19 and in the liver to 2.86 +/- 0.20 mg/g wet weight. The highest content of nuclei in the brain of 1.38 x 10(9) was estimated on the 56th, in the heart-muscle of 1.94 x 10(9) on the 168th day, in the lung of 16.86 x 10(9) on the 112th day and in the liver of 69.81 x 10(9) on the 203rd day. Further the RNA:DNA- and the wet weight:DNA-ratio of the different tissues was calculated.  相似文献   

The concentrations of minerals (Ca, Mg, Na, K, total-P) and of trace elements (Fe, Cu, Zn) in the plasma and erythrocytes of bulls, of experimentally induced cryptorchids (Muchsen) and of oxen of the breed Holstein-Friesian and of bulls and cryptorchids of a hybrid breed with a high portion of meat-cattle were investigated. Further the concentrations in various tissues (M. semimembranosus, M. longissimus dorsi, left and right ventricle, liver, kidney, adrenal glands, lung, spleen, testis) in bulls, cryptorchids and oxen of the breed Holstein-Friesian were analyzed. The differences of some concentrations of various elements in some tissues are discussed relative to their genesis and significance.  相似文献   

In investigations of 51 pregnant sows, blood Hb levels above 7.45 mmol/l (mean value of 8.94 +/- 0.88) were recorded from 43 animals (Group A), while levels below that margin were recorded from eight (Group B) (mean value of 6.73 +/- 0.31). Iron levels in blood plasma of Group A were 36.9 +/- 8.07 and were thus higher (p less than 0.01) than those in Group B (28.9 +/- 5.19 mumol/l). No difference was found to exist between the two groups with regard to iron fixation capacity as well as copper and zinc in blood plasma. Oral uptake of 50, 500 or 2,000 mg of iron in the form of FeSO4.7H2O with cereal shred as morning ration by 17 or 15 sows failed to cause any increase in blood plasma iron levels, within 360 minutes from uptake. Literature data as well as the results of these analyses have supported the recommendation that Hb variations between 4.96 and 9.93 mmol/l (8-16 g/dl) should be rated as physiological in the blood of pregnant sows. The GDR Standard TGL 35,423 on "Monitoring of Metabolism on Pig Breeding and Fattening Units" should be accordingly amended.  相似文献   

Keeping of piglets on slatted metal floor, without complementary iron supply, caused anaemia within seven days from parturition. Hb levels in the blood dropped from 7.00 +/- 1.16 to 3.47 +/- 0.74 mmol/l. Iron deficit reduced growth and vitality. The iron levels in blood plasma of the piglets tested varied between 5 and 35 mumol/l, immediately after parturition. Intraperitoneal or oral administration of Fe-dextran (150 mg Fe) on the first day after parturition resulted in physiological iron levels in blood plasma, after seven days. Yet, when 14 days had passed, the levels were similar to those recorded from piglets without additional iron supply. Iron bonding capacity of blood plasma increased in piglets of all groups up to the seventh day from birth. Death occurred, on the second day of age, to many piglets with protein levels below 50 g/l plasma. Copper levels in blood plasma of newborn piglets were below those recordable from sows, but they went up by more than three times of their original values up to the seventh day from birth. In piglets, zinc, levels of blood plasma after parturition were higher than those of sows and went up by some 50 percent, within seven days from birth.  相似文献   

古浪灌区土壤耕层有效锌、锰、铜、铁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张春梅 《草业科学》2011,28(6):1221-1225
摘要:在2009-2010年,对古浪县井灌区、河灌区和引黄灌区326个土壤样点的耕层有效锌、锰、铜、铁含量进行定量监测分析,旨在为该区土壤合理施肥提供科学依据。结果表明,井灌区、河灌区和引黄灌区分别有81.6%、67.1%和41.7%的耕地土壤有效锌含量低于作物的需锌临界值,缺锌状况比较严重;3个灌区土壤有效锰含量分别为5.64~10.12、6.46~14.68和7.22~15.17 mg/kg,有效铜含量分别为0.42~1.12、0.90~2.00和0.81~2.47 mg/kg,均高于作物需锰(5.0 mg/kg)和铜临界值(0.2 mg/kg),属高含量水平;3个灌区土壤有效铁含量分别为2.88~8.08、2.42~13.19和2.61~14.22 mg/kg,平均为5.40、10.20和12.30 mg/kg,虽高于作物需铁临界值(4.5 mg/kg),但3个灌区仍分别有18.5%、6.4%和3.7%的耕地土壤有效铁含量低于作物需铁临界值。因此,3个灌区土壤耕层土壤有效锌含量严重缺乏,有效锰和有效铜含量丰富,局部地方缺铁;3个灌区种植作物时均需施锌肥,适当施铁肥,不需施锰和铜肥,施肥量依作物种类和土壤状况不同而异。  相似文献   

Focal hepatic and splenic lesions, vascular abnormalities, and disorders of the biliary system can readily be detected with ultrasonography. The sonographic appearance in certain cases may be nonspecific, but the differential diagnosis can be substantially narrowed when the presenting clinical signs are considered. Ultrasonography is less helpful when the liver or spleen is diffusely involved without parenchymal abnormalities. However, certain diseases may also be eliminated from diagnostic consideration on the basis of this finding. Percutaneous ultrasound guided biopsy markedly improves the success and safety of obtaining a definitive diagnosis when either diffuse or focal lesions are present. Sonography has also been very beneficial for serially evaluating the response to therapy once focal lesions of the liver or spleen have been identified.  相似文献   

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