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在大学生英语学习过程中,自主学习发挥了越来越重要的作用。本文在文献研究的基础上,探讨了大学生英语自主学习能力的培养模式,包括:培养学生自主学习的意识、加强教师与学生的互动交流、充分应用开放教育资源、加强课外合作学习、开展自主学习策略训练。  相似文献   

自主学习是当今高等教育研究的一个重要主题,生物信息学课程由于其自身特殊性,学生自主学习能力的培养显得更为重要。笔者以齐齐哈尔大学为例,从应用"智能化"教学手段、提供"多样性"学习方式、建立"项目研发与创新"激励机制和提出有针对性的"归因指导"四个方面,对生物信息学教学中大学生自主学习能力的培养与实践做出说明。  相似文献   

目前,对于大学生自主学习能力的影响因素分析较多,但对大学生自主学习能力评估框架分析不足。本人认为,大学生自主学习能力评估框架包括学习内容、学习时间和学习目的。将学习内容、学习时间和学习目的同时画在空间坐标轴上,可描述学生自主学习能力的大小。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外"慕课"热潮的到来,对高等教育产生了巨大的影响,特别是对于在校学习的大学生,其影响不能忽视。"慕课"为大学生提供了更优质、更便捷、更平等的学习知识的渠道和平台。在此背景下,大学生更应注重提升自身的学习能力,养成自主学习、终身学习、合作学习、系统化学习的意识和习惯,以适应现代在线远程教育发展的大趋势。  相似文献   

统计课程作为医药专业大学生必修课程,其知识应用是学习工作中的必备技能。本文选取《生物统计与试验设计》课程为背景,由事例引入二项分布理论且与实际操作相结合,以此为起点将二项分布、参数假设检验以及SPSS工具的应用贯穿成知识体系,鼓励大学生自主思考,进行"一题多解""一题巧解""举一反三",真正从"被动知识灌输"转变为"主动探索思考",为大学生自主学习能力的形成和终身学习观念的培养打好坚实基础。  相似文献   

随着互联网的高效发展,网络自主学习已经成为大学生日常学习的重要方式。在校大学生是否能开展高效的网络自主学习已经成为人们普遍关注的焦点。该文分析高职大学生网络自主学习的能力、影响网络自主学习效果的内外因素,并针对网络自主学习中存在的问题提出科学的解决措施。  相似文献   

班级是大学生发展、成长的基本组织形式,是辅导员对大学生进行思想教育的主要阵地,是高校教学的基本组织单位,因此班级的建设直接影响大学生和高校的发展程度。但目前我国高校班级建设存在诸多问题,影响了我国高校班级建设的发展,针对目前高校班级建设中出现的一些问题,提出一些个人管理建议:加强高校发展模式对班级的影响,提高辅导员的管理水平及转变管理模式,注重培养学生骨干力量(班委)及班级体思想建设等,以此引导班级向健康之路发展。  相似文献   

如何培养大学生自主学习能力是当前高等教育的重要课题。本文从阐释大学生自主学习的科学内涵,分析了自主学习的影响因素,提出了提高大学生自主学习能力的对策,为学生树立终身学习意识奠定了基础。  相似文献   

结合问卷调查法和访谈法对畜牧兽医专业大学生学习道德状况进行调查,分析存在的突出问题及影响因素。结果表明:畜牧兽医专业大学生学习中存在的突出道德问题表现为课堂行为失范,作业失范,课程论文抄袭,考前突击,考试失范。针对以上问题,应培养学生正确的学习目标,树立大学生正确的学习道德认知,提高教师课堂教学艺术,激发学生学习自主性,加强师德建设,注重教师对学生的正确引导和校园、班级的学风建设。  相似文献   

高校班级管理中存在的"破窗效应"严重影响着高校的班级管理,防止"破窗效应"必须从班集体的整体气氛、班干部的领导意识和能力、大学生特定年龄阶段的特征等方面着手。泰勒的科学管理理论通过提高效率达到双赢的效果,与高校班级管理存在对应性。因此,用科学管理方法可以有效地防止高校班级管理中的"破窗效应"。  相似文献   

在管理学专业课教学中,对大学生有效的课堂激励是课堂教学有效进行的关键。目前大学课堂激励主要采用案例教学、角色扮演等偏重于浅层面的方式。为了有效地进行管理学专业大学生的课堂激励,应坚持“基于大学生个体特征”的理念,从充分理解大学生个体特征入手,分析大学生个体变量。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess pre-matriculation academic and demographic data to identify risk factors for academic difficulty and failure to graduate among veterinary students. Admissions data were compiled for 1,098 students admitted to veterinary college between 1989 and 2000 inclusive. Students were classified by (a) academic success, consisting of students who completed veterinary school within four years in the top 90% of the class or (b) academic difficulty, including students dismissed for academic reasons, students who experienced academic delay, and students who graduated with a cumulative GPA in the 10th percentile of their class. Of 1,098 admitted students, 930 (84.7%) completed veterinary school within four years in the top 90% of their class. Among students with academic difficulty, 94 (8.6%) completed veterinary school in four years in the 10th percentile, 44 (4%) experienced academic delay, and 30 (2.7%) were dismissed. Academic difficulty was associated with a low prerequisite GPA, a low GRE score, poor undergraduate institutional selectivity, and older age (> or =35 years). Students who attended three-or-more undergraduate institutions or two-year colleges prior to attending a four year institution were 1.9 times more likely to experience academic difficulty and 3.87 times more likely to fail to graduate than students who attended a four-year institution (major or small) to complete their prerequisites. These study findings may assist with early identification of students at greater risk of experiencing academic difficulty and support the consideration of cognitive selection criteria (GRE and GPA) and undergraduate institutional experience during the admissions process.  相似文献   

本科生课堂专注力低是高校传统课堂上的突出问题,也是影响大学教学质量的重要原因。除授课效果等外在原因外,还存在学生多方面的自身原因,教师应提高授课质量和改变授课风格,采取激励学生学习兴趣、重视课堂专注力考查、加强课堂管理等课堂内措施,以及加强班风建设、保证学生睡眠时间和防止学生沉迷网络等课堂外措施,以提高高校本科生课堂专注力。  相似文献   

Veterinary colleges face difficulties in meeting the demand for rural veterinarians with the scope to practice quality production medicine. Increasing population density around veterinary colleges, retaining the interest of students with a background in animal agriculture, and educating students without a farm background requires that veterinary colleges consider innovative ways to not only teach traditional food-animal practice but give future veterinarians the advanced skills the food industry demands. This article describes a three-year elective program, Beef Records Analysis, in which beef production medicine is taught by teaming a student and a beef producer together early in the student's veterinary education. These producer/student teams complete risk assessments, balance rations, collect financial and production information, and evaluate back-grounding and feedlot enterprises. Students learn how to evaluate their producers using industry benchmarks and past performance records and how to communicate their findings back to their producer. Producers often make management decisions based on the students' findings, and, because the students maintain their relationships with producers for three years, they can assess the outcomes of the producers who follow or ignore their recommendations and interventions. Students share recommendations and outcomes associated with their herd with the entire class. This allows students to learn how to establish best management practices through objective analysis of outcomes of recommended practices of all herds represented in the class. While a formal assessment of the course is needed, the students rate the program very high on evaluations.  相似文献   

The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine (UW-SVM) has implemented a variety of strategies to optimize teaching in dairy herd medicine. These include the provision of opportunities for dairy cow handling and management using a dairy teaching herd for veterinary students throughout the four-year curriculum, exposure for all students in their final year to a substantial first-opinion dairy case load using a private practice-based ambulatory clinic rotation, and, finally, the teaching of dairy herd health management and problem solving in a group of four final-year elective production medicine clinical rotations. On average, since 1986, 32.6% of each graduating class attended at least one elective production medicine rotation, with a range from 19.0% to 43.4%. For those University of Wisconsin students who could be traced, 65% were still actively involved in some aspect of dairy practice, representing a range of between seven and 17 students per year since the start of the program. The advantages and disadvantages of operating a "regional center of excellence" for training students from out-of-state institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

借鉴“三线一圆”企业管理理论,把高校看作一个“生产”人才的特殊“企业”,将该理论中用于描绘企业生存和发展美好蓝图的业务线、制度线、声誉线和文化圆这四个抽象的管理元素用于构建高校教育管理的新模式。指出在高等教育工作中,通过强化高等教育事业的业务质量线、制度管理线、品牌声誉线,夯实校园文化内涵圆,从而构建全面造就人,综合发展人,科学培养人这一高等教育管理的系统工程。  相似文献   

选取06级两个平行教学班作为对照班,在其中一个班采用现代教育技术为主的教学模式,在另一个班采用传统的教学模式。首先,利用信息技术理论对高校计算机基础课程教材做出分析,选择了一些适合整合的内容;其次,在06级旅游管理(本科)班实施信息技术与理论教学、实验教学整合;最后,通过两次期末考试、实验测验、课外作业等三次成绩作为统计结果的依据,最终得出结论。  相似文献   

基于高职院校畜牧兽医类专业岗位实习管理模式的实践,本文从岗位实习的组织、实习咨询及问题处理、安全保障、监督与抽查、管理中的突出问题及成因分析与优化途径方面进行了梳理与总结,并据此提出了加强信息共享,积极推进信息化管理;基于“三全育人”理念,引导学生树立正确实习观念;持续推进规范化管理,建立长效机制的实施路径,以期为我国高职院校畜牧兽医类专业岗位实习管理模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

付娟娟  呼天明  杨培志 《草业科学》2022,38(9):1882-1888
国家"双一流"建设要求全面提升大学生的综合素质和国际视野.草坪学作为草业科学专业重要的专业课程,实施双语教学是教学改革的必然趋势.本文针对西北农林科技大学草坪学双语课程传统教学中存在的问题,基于学校优慕课网络教学平台,探讨了践行翻转课堂教学模式在草坪学双语教学中的实施方法.在本课程改革中设置"课前–课上–课后"3个教学环节,教师能够通过线上和线下混合式教学,公正、客观、实时、全面地了解学生学习过程中的学业完成情况,实现以教为主向以学为主转变,激发学生学习兴趣,促进学生混合式自主学习,培养学生创新能力,提升教学效果和人才培养质量.  相似文献   

The understanding of animal products and dairy farming is important for the promotion of dairy farming. Thus, to examine the effects of farm experience on the understanding of animal products and the management of dairy farming, the interaction between students and dairy cows was investigated in groups of first‐year veterinary nursing students in 2011 and 2012 (n = 201). These students included 181 women and 20 men. Nine items about dairy cows were presented in a questionnaire. The survey was performed before and after praxis on the educational farm attached to the authors' university. After praxis on the farm, increases occurred in the number of positive responses to the items involving the price of milk, dairy farming and the taste of milk. For these items, a significant difference (P < 0.05) was found between the scores obtained before and after training. The results of the study suggested that farm experience is useful for improving the understanding of animal products and dairy farming.  相似文献   

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