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Labile ester sulphate in organic matter extracted from podzolic soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary We studied the effect of soil pretreatment, molecular-weight fractionation, and K2SO4 addition on the concentration and biochemical stability of ester sulphate in soil organic matter. A labile ester sulphate fraction (8.1 g S g–1 soil) was detected in the organic matter extracted from a sulphate-rich podzolic sandy loam. This fraction was susceptible to loss during soil pretreatment with water and KCl solution and subsequent extraction of organic matter from the soil. The low-sulphate loam was low in labile ester sulphate (0.6 g S g–1 soil) and the pretreatments had little effect. The addition of K2SO4 to the organic matter extracted from the low-sulphate soil resulted in the formation of appreciable amounts of labile ester sulphate. Newly formed ester sulphate tends to be biochemically less stable than indigenous ester sulphate in soil humic polymers and the ester sulphate associated with the low molecular-weight fractoin of soil organic matter appears to be more susceptible to loss by enzymatic hydroylsis. The results were interpreted in terms of steric effect. Ester sulphate groups bound to external surfaces of soil humic polymers may be easily accessible to sulphatase enzyme and thus readily mineralizable during incubation or extraction of soil organic matter at low soluble-sulphate levels. Sulphate groups on inner surfaces of the organic polymers are shielded from the enzyme due to size exclusion and hence more stable.  相似文献   

Various biologically mediated processes are involved in the turnover of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil; however, relatively little is known about the dynamics of either the microbial community or the individual classes of organic molecules during the decomposition of DOM. We examined the net loss of DOC, the mineralisation of C to CO2 and the degradation of DOC from six different soils by soil microorganisms. We also quantified the changes in the concentrations of protein, carbohydrate and amino acid C during microbial biodegradation. Over a 70-day incubation period at 20°C, the mineralisation of DOC to CO2 was described by a double exponential model with a labile pool (half-life, 3–8 days) and a stable pool (half-life, 0.4–6 years). However, in nearly all cases, the mass loss of DOC exceeded the C released as CO2 with significant deviations from the double exponential model. Comparison of mass DOC loss, CO2 production and microbial cell counts, determined by epifluorescence microscopy, showed that a proportion of the lost DOC mass could be accounted for by microbial assimilation. Carbohydrate and protein C concentrations fluctuated throughout the incubation with a net change of between 3 to 13 and −30 to 22.4% initial DOC, respectively. No amino acid C was detected during the incubation period (level of detection, 0.01 mg C l−1).  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one of the important factors affecting metal mobility and phytotoxicity in the soils receiving sewage sludge. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of DOM from anaerobically digested dewatered sludge on Cd and Zn sorption by three different soil types (calcareous clay loam, calcareous sandy loam and acidic sandy loam) of different physico-chemical properties through batch studies. The addition of DOM significantly reduced the Cd and Zn sorption capacity by a factor of 2.1–5.7 for Cd and 2.3–13.7 for Zn for these three soils as seen by their K values in the Freundlich equation compared to the control receiving no DOM, suggesting that DOM had a stronger inhibitory effect on Zn sorption than that of Cd. The reduction in metal sorption caused by DOM was very apparent in the pH range of 5 to 8, with a maximum inhibition on metal sorption occurring at pH 7–7.5 especially for Zn but the effect was minimal at lower pH. At a DOM concentration of < 200 mg C l 1, Cd and Zn sorption by all the three soils decreased with an increase in DOM concentration. At each given DOM concentration, the inhibition of metal sorption of the different soil types increased in the following order: acidic sandy loam < calcareous sandy loam < calcareous clay loam. DOM derived from sludge would significantly reduce metal sorption and increase its mobility through the formation of soluble DOM–metal complexes and poses risk of metal leaching and phytotoxicty in near-neutral and alkaline soils.  相似文献   

Microbial decomposition of extracted and leached dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) was demonstrated from three pasture soils in laboratory incubation studies. DOC concentration in water extracts ranged between 29 and 148 mg C L?1 and DON concentration ranged between 2 and 63 mg N L?1. Between 17 and 61 % of the DOC in the water extracts were respired as CO2 by microbes by day 36. DON concentrations in the extracts declined more rapidly than DOC. Within the first 21 days of incubation, the concentration of DON was near zero without any significant change in the concentration of NO3 ? or NH4 +, indicating that microbes had utilized the organic pool of N preferentially. Decomposition of leached DOC (ranged between 7 and 66 mg C L?1) and DON (ranged between 6 and 11 mg N L?1) collected from large lysimeters (with perennial pasture; 50 cm diameter?×?80 cm deep) followed a similar pattern to that observed with soil extracts. Approximately 28 to 61 % of the DOC in leachates were respired as CO2 by day 49. The concentration of DON in the leachates declined to below 1 mg N L?1 within 7–14 days of the incubation, consistent with the observations made with extractable DON. Our results clearly show that DOC and DON components of the dissolved organic matter in pasture soils, whether extracted or leached, are highly decomposable and bioavailable and will influence local ecosystem functions and nutrient balances in grazed pasture systems and receiving water bodies.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is often considered the most labile portion of organic matter in soil and to be negligible with respect to the accumulation of soil C. In this short review, we present recent evidence that this view is invalid. The stability of DOM from forest floor horizons, peats, and topsoils against microbial degradation increases with advanced decomposition of the parent organic matter (OM). Aromatic compounds, deriving from lignin, likely are the most stable components of DOM while plant‐derived carbohydrates seem easily degradable. Carbohydrates and N‐rich compounds of microbial origin produced during the degradation of DOM can be relatively stable. Such components contribute much to DOM in the mineral subsoil. Sorption of DOM to soil minerals and (co‐)precipitation with Al (and probably also with Fe), especially of the inherently stable aromatic moieties, result in distinct stabilization. In laboratory incubation experiments, the mean residence time of DOM from the Oa horizon of a Haplic Podzol increased from <30 y in solution to >90 y after sorption to a subsoil. We combined DOM fluxes and mineralization rate constants for DOM sorbed to minerals and a subsoil horizon, and (co‐)precipitated with Al to estimate the potential contribution of DOM to total C in the mineral soil of a Haplic Podzol in Germany. The contribution of roots to DOM was not considered because of lack of data. The DOM‐derived soil C ranges from 20 to 55 Mg ha–1 in the mineral soil, which represents 19%–50% of the total soil C. The variation of the estimate reflects the variation in mineralization rate constants obtained for sorbed and (co‐)precipitated DOM. Nevertheless, the estimates indicate that DOM contributes significantly to the accumulation of stable OM in soil. A more precise estimation of DOM‐derived C in soils requires mineralization rate constants for DOM sorbed to all relevant minerals or (co‐)precipitated with Fe. Additionally, we need information on the contribution of sorption to distinct minerals as well as of (co‐)precipitation with Al and Fe to DOM retention.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies combined with destructive and nondestructive analytical methods were used to characterize dissolved organic matter (DOM) in acid forest soils. DOM is produced in significant amounts in the forest canopy and in the forest floor. A major part of the organic solutes are lignocellulose-degradation products being strongly microbially altered in the course of ligninolysis. The release of lignin-derived moieties into the soil solution is controlled by their degree of biooxidation. Microorganisms contribute also directly to the organic solutes through the release of microbial metabolites. DOM released from the forest floor passes the upper mineral soil almost conservatively, whereas in the subsoil most DOM is removed from solution. Immobilization of DOM is mainly due to sorption on Fe and Al oxides. The highly oxidized lignin-derived moieties are preferentially removed from the soil solution whereas the saccharides are relatively enriched. We conclude that DOM in the forest soil output to the hydrosphere is a result of (1) the release of microbially degraded lignocellulose compounds and of microbial metabolites into the forest floor solution and (2) selective sorptive removal of the lignin-derived constituents in the subsoil.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important part of the microbially utilizable organic matter in soils. This paper describes an incubation experiment by which the lability and mobility of DOM extracted from forest‐floor materials are related to their age and degree of degradation. DOM extracted from a chronosequence of decomposing leaves (green leaves, fresh fallen leaves, litter [1 y weathering], fibric matter [2–3 y], hemic matter [>3 y], or peat [100+ y]) was applied to intact soil cores, and the CO2 produced over 5 d was measured to determine biodegradability. Biodegradability of DOM varied somewhat along the chronosequence, with the green leaves yielding more CO2 on an equal C basis than the older substrates and equivalent to glucose which was used as a reference substrate. Thus, the DOM extracts of the older substrates contain some refractory components. The humic‐acid content (or that of its precursors) of the extracts from older substrates relates to the lowered lability. The hydrophobic and hydrophilic content of DOM extracted from substrates was not related to CO2 production in the incubation studies conducted.  相似文献   



The content and composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in sediment directly affect nutrient cycling and material exchange in lake ecosystems. This study investigated the content and composition of DOM and its fractions in sediments, as well as the relationship between the different parameters and nitrogen (N) forms in DOM. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the compositional characteristics of DOM, hydrophobic bases (HOB), hydrophobic acids (HOA), hydrophobic neutral fractions (HON), and hydrophilic matter (HIM) in sediments from Erhai Lake, China.

Materials and methods

Seven surface sediment samples with different environmental characteristics were collected. The DOM in the sediment was fractionated into HOB, HOA, HON, and HIM using XAD-8 resin based on compound hydrophobicity. The contents of DOM and its fractions were measured using a TOC analyzer. The structural characteristics of DOM and its fractions were investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and UV–Vis absorbance. Correlation analyses were carried out to better understand the relationships between the parameters of the spectral characteristics and the contents of the different N forms in DOM and its fractions.

Results and discussion

The content, spatial distribution and structure of DOM and its fractions in Erhai Lake sediment were affected by water depth and aquatic plants. The DOM content in sediment ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 g kg?1. HON accounted for 41.3 to 85.7 % of DOM, whereas HIM constituted 15.0 to 58.7 % and was significantly negatively correlated with HON (R 2 ?=?0.856, P?Conclusions (1) Hydrophobic fractions are the major components of DOM in the sediments from the seven sites in Erhai Lake. (2) DOM and its fractions mainly originated from microbial sources. (3) The A 253/A 203 ratio is useful for evaluating the contents of N forms. The structure of DOM and its fractions are important in affecting the contents of DON. Nitrate (NO3-N) contributes to eutrophication, and thus cannot be ignored from studies of Erhai Lake sediment.  相似文献   



The aim of this paper has been to determine the seasonal changes in the content of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the soils under agricultural use based on assaying changes in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved nitrogen (DNt) as well as determining the factors which can define the DOM in soils.

Materials and methods

The research has involved the soils under agricultural use sampled in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province (Poland). Phaeozems and Luvisols were sampled from the depth of 0–30, 30–60, and 60–100 cm, November 2011 through September 2013, in November, March, May, July, and September. The soil samples were assayed for the grain size composition, pH, dry weight content, content of total organic carbon, and total nitrogen. Dissolved organic matter was extracted with 0.004 mol dm3 CaCl2; in the DOM extracts, the content of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved nitrogen (DNt) were assayed. The research results were statistically verified.

Results and discussion

It has been demonstrated that in the first year of research, the content of dissolved organic carbon in the soils was changing throughout the year. The highest differences in the content of that carbon fraction occurred across the soil sampled in autumn and the soil sampled in spring. In the second year of research, an inverse dependence was noted. DOC was migrating to deeper layers of the soil profile; yet, the migration got more intensive in summer. The content of dissolved nitrogen was not changing significantly throughout the year. Higher DNt content in the surface layer, in general, resulted in a higher content of dissolved nitrogen in deeper profile layer, which could have been due to leaching of the nutrient deep down the soil profile.


The content of dissolved organic carbon was significantly related to the content of total organic carbon and total nitrogen. Significant changes in the content of dissolved forms of nitrogen were reported in the profile of Phaeozems due to mineral fertilization and irrigation. The soils where irrigation and higher nitrogen rates had been applied demonstrated a higher content and share of soluble forms of nitrogen, as compared with the soils non-irrigated and the soils where lower nitrogen rates had been supplied.

We characterized humic acids (HAs) and glycerol-extractable organic fractions (GEOFs) extracted from four Andisols, taken from comparable soil-climate conditions on the east side of Mount Etna. The soils were formed on old lava (about 9 000 years ago), old tephra (about 8 700 years ago), recent lava (about 2 600 years ago) and recent tephra (about 3 600 years ago). A part of the organic matter of the soils, deprived of HAs and fulvic acids (FAs), was isolated by glycerol extraction. The GEOF can not be extracted with alkaline solutions, probably because it is closely bound to the mineral component of the soil. The characterization of the extracted organic fraction was carried out using elementary and functional group analysis and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. About 20 extractions were necessary to extract the HA and FA from the older soils and about 10 extractions to extract them from the younger soils. Data showed that the GEOFs had a greater ash content and a smaller N content, as well as a greater presence of aliphatic compounds and carboxylic groups as compared to the HA extracted from the same soil. The GEOFs extracted from younger soils also had a lower yield, ash and COOH-group content, and were more aliphatic than the GEOF extracted from older soils. Finally, the GEOFs were more closely bound to the amorphous component of the soil (‘short-range’ minerals) and consequently less subject to biodegradation.  相似文献   

  【目的】  研究不同来源有机肥释放的溶解有机质 (DOM) 的粒径分布与光谱特征,为有机肥在农业生产中的应用及DOM后续环境行为的研究提供理论指导。  【方法】  本研究选择海藻、羊粪、虾肽以及小麦秸秆生物炭4种有机肥,提取有机肥中的DOM (<0.7 μm)。利用超滤分级技术对提取的DOM进一步区分为 <1 kDa、1~100 kDa、100 kDa~0.2 μm和0.2~0.7 μm 4个粒级,使用总有机碳 (TOC) 分析仪测定各粒径DOM的含量并使用傅里叶变换红外光谱 (FTIR)、紫外?可见吸收光谱 (UV-Vis) 和三维荧光光谱 (3D-EEM) 进行光谱表征。  【结果】  从全量 (粒径<0.7 μm) 溶解有机碳(DOC)来看,小麦秸秆生物炭 (308 mg/kg)<虾肽 (1060 mg/kg)<海藻 (1266 mg/kg)<羊粪 (2989 mg/kg)。供试有机肥中不同粒径的DOC所占比例和含量差异明显,均以最小粒径 (<1 kDa) 所占比例最高,除海藻为47%外,其余有机肥处理皆达到50%及以上。4种不同来源有机肥DOM的紫外和荧光特征值表明,4种有机肥的荧光指数 (FI) 和自生源指数(BIX)随着DOM粒径的减小而增大,而SUVA254、SUVA260和腐殖化指数 (HIX)随着DOM粒径的减小而减小。虾肽DOM各粒径的类蛋白组分含量高且主要为内源DOM,自生来源有机质丰富,生物可利用性高;羊粪DOM各粒径受人类活动影响较大;而小麦秸秆生物炭的DOM大粒径(>100 kDa)组分的FI<1.4,表明其大粒径DOM主要为外源性的,自身生产和微生物活动贡献相对较低。此外,尽管海藻、羊粪和虾肽各粒径的DOM的HIX值随着粒径的减小而逐渐减小,除虾肽DOM的<1 kDa组分外,其腐殖化程度依旧较高 (HIX>10),而小麦秸秆生物炭小粒径DOM的HIX<4,表明小麦秸秆生物炭的小粒径DOM疏水组分含量高,腐殖化程度相对较低。荧光组分和红外光谱表明了4种不同来源有机肥DOM以类腐殖质物质为主,且含有大量氨基酸N—H键、O—H键和C—O键等官能团。  【结论】  依据有机肥释放的DOM的粒径分布和光谱特征,海藻、羊粪、虾肽有机肥中的DOM主要以小粒径为主,其腐殖化程度高,蛋白组分含量较低。小麦秸秆生物炭DOM的生物稳定性要高于其他有机肥,生物可利用性较低,因此,施加过量的生物炭不利于微生物对土壤DOM的降解利用;而虾肽来源有机肥的DOM类蛋白组分贡献最大,生物可利用性高,施用虾肽有机肥可能有利于微生物对土壤DOM的降解利用。  相似文献   

秸秆施用后土壤溶解性有机质的动态变化   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
采用室内培养方法研究了水稻秸秆腐解对土壤溶解性有机质(Dissolved Organic Matter,DOM)含量及其化学组成的动态影响。结果表明,秸秆腐解的前7 d显著增加了土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量,7 d后则无明显影响;同时,秸秆腐解增加了土壤中溶解性糖(DS)、溶解性酚酸(DP)以及芳香族化合物含量。随着腐解时间的延长,溶解性糖在DOC中所占比例下降,而芳香族化合物逐渐上升,表明秸秆腐解不同阶段DOM的化学组成发生了变化。溶解性总氮(TDN)的变化表明,秸秆腐解增加土壤氮素的固定。  相似文献   

可溶性有机物对土壤中绿麦隆吸附与解吸的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A batch equilibrium techniques was used to examine the effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from both non-treated sludge (NTS) and heat-expanded sludge (HES) on the sorption and desorption of chlorotoluron (3-(3-chloro-p-tolyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) in two types of soils, a yellow fluvo-aquic and a red soil from China. Without DOM,sorption of chlorotoluron was significantly greater (P 〈 0.05) in the red soil than in the yellow fluvo-aquic soil. However,with DOM the effect was dependent on the soil type and nature of DOM. Chlorotoluron sorption was lower in the yellow fluvo-aquic soil than in the red soil, suggesting that with the same DOM levels the yellow fluvo-aquic soil had a lower sorption capacity for this herbicide. Application of DOM from both NTS and HES led to a general decrease in sorption to the soils and an increase in desorption from the soils. Desorption of chlorotoluron also significantly increased (P 〈 0.05) with an increase in the DOM concentration. Additionally, for sorption and desorption, at each DOM treatment level the NTS treatments were significantly lower (P 〈 0.05) than the HES treatments. This implied that non-treated sludge had a greater effect on the sorption and desorption of chlorotoluron than heat-expanded sludge.  相似文献   

The processes controlling the solid–solution partitioning of organic matter in soils are central to understanding carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, yet are poorly understood at present. We studied the partitioning of soil organic matter between solid and solution in batch titrations of 12 soil samples from three European forests in a range of climates. We also examined the release of soil organic matter on repeated leaching. The partitioning was simulated using a model that pictures the pool of potentially mobile organic matter to consist of fractions of differing solubilities. Desorption of organic matter was then effected by an increase in the electrical charge of the organic molecules due to their chemical reactions with other soil components. The model could simulate the partitioning of organic matter in all the soils using two parameters describing the amounts of soil organic matter in each fraction. The release of organic matter on repeated leaching was reasonably well described. The model predicted that dissolved organic matter should have become more hydrophilic with depth in the soil, due to the retention of more hydrophobic components in the upper horizons. This accorded with observed compositions of the soil organic matter. The model also showed that at the ambient pH of the soils, only a small proportion of the potentially mobile organic matter (comprising fulvic acids and hydrophilic moieties) was involved in partitioning to the solution.  相似文献   

To understand the dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM) in the Eurasian steppe, several soil and meteorological properties were tested in order to estimate the amounts of potentially mineralizable organic carbon (PMC) and nitrogen (PMN). Total 41 surface soil samples were collected in Ukraine and Kazakhstan from cropland, forest, grassland, and desert ecosystems. The fresh soils were incubated for 133 days under constant temperature and moisture conditions, and the CO2 emissions and the mineral N from the soils were monitored. PMC and PMN were determined by fitting models to the cumulative curves of the CO2 and the mineral N. Tested soil properties included soil pH, sand, silt and clay contents, carbon and nitrogen contents of light fraction (LF, <1.6 g cm?3) and heavy fraction (HF), and C/N ratio of LF and HF. The meteorological properties considered were mean annual temperature and precipitation. Using multiple regression analysis with the stepwise method, PMC was well estimated by carbon content of LF (LFC) and clay content, compared to the simple correlation with organic carbon (OC). Similarly, PMN was better determined by nitrogen content of LF (LFN) and clay content. These results suggest the partially labile nature of clay-associating OM and of LFC and LFN. The higher PMC and PMN in the forest and grassland sites would be attributed to the higher LFC and LFN, while the lower LFC and LFN in cropland sites would suggest the relatively higher contribution of clay-associating OM to PMC and PMN.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of waste-material-derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) was characterized by chemolytic analyses and 1H, 13C and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Dissolved organic matter was extracted by water from an aerobic fermented urban waste compost, a sewage sludge and a pig slurry and then fractionated using the XAD-8 method. The amount of water-extractable dissolved organic carbon (DOC) ranged from 3% in the sewage sludge to 22% in the pig slurry. Dissolved organic matter isolated from pig slurry was equally distributed between hydrophilic and hydrophobic DOC, whereas in the sewage-sludge-derived material the hydrophobic fraction was predominant. Dissolved organic C from the urban waste compost was mainly within the hydrophilic fraction. Wet-chemical analysis and 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra showed that both DOM fractions from the urban waste compost were low in neutral, acidic and amino sugars as well as in lignin-derived compounds. In turn, the materials were rich in low-molecular-weight aliphatic compounds. The chemical structure of both fractions is probably the result of the intensive transformation of urban waste compost during its fermentation. The hydrophilic fractions of DOM from sewage sludge and pig slurry contained considerable amounts of carbohydrates but were also rich in low-molecular-weight aliphatics. The respective hydrophobic fractions had the largest contents of CuO-extractable phenols which may in part derive from sources other than lignin. By contrast with the other materials, the hydrophobic fraction from the pig slurry seemed to contain polymeric rather than low-molecular-weight material. The 31P-NMR spectrum of the hydrophilic DOM fraction from urban waste compost did not show signals of inorganic or organic P compounds while the spectrum of the hydrophobic fraction revealed traces of monoester P, diester P, and orthophosphate. 31P-NMR spectroscopy suggested that both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions from pig slurry did not contain organic P. The hydrophilic DOM fraction from sewage sludge contained orthophosphate, organic monoester P and a little pyrophosphate. The hydrophobic fraction contained mainly organic diester P and smaller amounts of teichoic acids and organic monoester P. Considering that water-soluble fractions of urban waste compost contained no easily plant-available P and a low content of labile organics, we conclude that this material contains less labile nutrients and is more refractory than the soluble constituents of pig slurry and sewage sludge.  相似文献   

During the processes of primary succession and soil development, large stocks of organic C with very long residence times accumulate in many soils. Soluble organic C adsorbed by soils may contribute to the stock of organic C accumulating during soil development. We determined whether the mineralization rate of water-soluble organic C and the insoluble residue from 14C-labelled leaf litter added to soils from a weathering chronosequence decrease as soil age and adsorption capacity increase. The soils were formed on mudflows of andesitic material deposited about 75, 255, 616 y ago, and another older but undetermined time before this study. The percentage of the DOC adsorbed by the soils increased with age. After 1 year of incubation there were no significant differences in the mineralization rates of DOC added to soils of different ages. The DOC appeared to be comprised of two fractions, one that comprises about 32% of the total that mineralized with a half decay time of 0.02 y (7 d) and a second fraction comprising 68% with a half decay time of about 1.6 y. Consequently, the slowly mineralized fraction of the soluble C contributed to the accumulation of slowly mineralized C in the soil. Both the slowly and rapidly mineralized fractions of the insoluble residue decomposed more slowly than the corresponding fractions in DOC. We found no support for the idea that increased adsorption capacity due to weathering resulted in protection of soluble organic C from microbial mineralization.  相似文献   



Returning of rice straw into paddy field, which not only can increase the organic carbon content of soil but also can introduce dissolved organic matter (DOM) into soil, is a popular farm management strategy. However, chemical and structural heterogeneities of DOM derived from rice straw are not well characterized. The aim of this paper was to study the chemical and structural characteristics of DOM derived from rice straw at the different stages of decay.  相似文献   

Glomalin is described in the literature as a N-linked glycoprotein and the putative gene product of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Since the link between glomalin and various protein fractions in soil is not yet clearly defined, glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) more appropriately describes glomalin's existence in natural organic matter (NOM). The objective of this study was to examine the chemical characteristics of GRSP present in several mineral and organic soils of varying organic carbon content. GRSP was isolated using high temperature sodium citrate extraction followed by either trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or hydrochloric acid (HCl) precipitation. GRSP was characterized by quantitative solid-state 13C DPMAS NMR, infrared (IR) spectroscopy, elemental analysis, and the Bradford assay for protein content. GRSP accounted for 25% and 52% of total C in the mineral soils and organic soil, respectively. Molar C/N and H/C ratios reveal that GRSP has less nitrogen than bovine serum albumin (BSA), and that GRSP extracted from the Pahokee peat soil possessed a more unsaturated, and thus aromatic character relative to the mineral soil GRSP, respectively. GRSP's high aromatic (42-49%) and carboxyl (24-30%) carbon contents and low aliphatic (4-11%) and carbohydrate-type carbon contents (4-16%) suggests that GRSP does not resemble a typical glycoprotein. In fact, the NMR spectra of GRSP closely resemble that of humic acid. GRSP extracted from mineral and organic soils possessed the same NMR fingerprint regardless of the precipitation method used (i.e., either TCA or HCl). It is likely that the current GRSP extraction methods, because of their similarity to the method used to extract humic acid, are coextracting both materials.  相似文献   

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