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A serological survey for Coxiella burnetii was undertaken on a randomly selected population of 103 Ontario sheep flocks. Twenty-two flocks had at least one positive ewe; seven flocks had two or more reactors. The positive flocks were geographically clustered northwest of Guelph. Crutch-clipping of the ewe's wool prior to lambing, and total confinement housing at lambing in winter and spring seemed to lower the probability of seroreactivity of the flock (p less than 0.05). The study suggests that sheep are not a major reservoir for Coxiella burnetii in Ontario.  相似文献   

Little information is available in Turkey on Q fever, a zoonose caused by Coxiella burnetii and transmitted from domestic ruminants. This study aimed at investigating the seroprevalence in sheep flocks from three provinces (Bursa, Balikesir and Canakkale). Serosurvey was undertaken on 42 flocks, which were categorised by sizes. Sera were collected randomly from specific age groups within the young population. CHEKIT Q-fever ELISA kit was used to identify the infection in sheep. The results showed that 20% (n=151) of sheep were seropositive. A total of 34 flocks (81%) revealed at least one seropositive animal. Higher seroprevalence was observed in Balikesir region. Larger flocks resulted more infected than medium and small flocks. An association was found between seropositivity and age, when the primiparous ewes (1-year old) had higher antibodies rates than newborn sheep (aged less than 10 months) or biparous ewes (2 years old). These results showed that Q fever infection was common and circulating in the studied region, hence encourage efforts to propose measures that could reduce the spread and the zoonotic risk.  相似文献   

Numerous data show that the epizootics of Q fever in goats can be particularly related to cases of this disease in humans. The aim of the study was to examine 98 goat serum samples from the farm where abortions, early parturition and parturition of weak goatlings were noted. The microaglutination method was used in this study. Serum dilution 1:8 was defined as a positive titre. The study revealed that 79.6% of serum samples were positive and numerous high titres suggested an acute form of infection. It could be supposed that Q fever was the reason of abortions in the herd. The results obtained point to the necessity of examinations for Q fever in goats, because of the possibility of infection in people who have a contact with these animals. Goats seem to be the animal species especially sensitive to C. burnetii infection. Q fever should be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of the goat diseases, when abortions occur.  相似文献   

Pepin M  Bouloy M  Bird BH  Kemp A  Paweska J 《Veterinary research》2010,41(6):61-Dec;41(6):61
Rift Valley fever(RVF) virus is an arbovirus in the Bunyaviridae family that, from phylogenetic analysis, appears to have first emerged in the mid-19th century and was only identified at the beginning of the 1930's in the Rift Valley region of Kenya. Despite being an arbovirus with a relatively simple but temporally and geographically stable genome, this zoonotic virus has already demonstrated a real capacity for emerging in new territories, as exemplified by the outbreaks in Egypt (1977), Western Africa (1988) and the Arabian Peninsula (2000), or for re-emerging after long periods of silence as observed very recently in Kenya and South Africa. The presence of competent vectors in countries previously free of RVF, the high viral titres in viraemic animals and the global changes in climate, travel and trade all contribute to make this virus a threat that must not be neglected as the consequences of RVF are dramatic, both for human and animal health. In this review, we present the latest advances in RVF virus research. In spite of this renewed interest, aspects of the epidemiology of RVF virus are still not fully understood and safe, effective vaccines are still not freely available for protecting humans and livestock against the dramatic consequences of this virus.  相似文献   

Q fever     
Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by the ubiquitous pathogen Coxiella burnetii responsible for acute and chronic clinical manifestations. Farm animals and pets are the main reservoirs of infection, and transmission to human beings is mainly accomplished through inhalation of contaminated aerosols. This illness is associated with a wide clinical spectrum, from asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic seroconversion to fatal disease. In humans Q fever can manifest as an acute disease (mainly as a self-limited febrile illness, pneumonia, or hepatitis) or as a chronic disease (mainly endocarditis), especially in patients with previous valvulopathy and to a lesser extent in immunocompromised hosts and in pregnant women. In contrast in animals, Q fever is in most cases, strikingly asymptomatic. The definite diagnosis of Q fever is made based on a significant increase in serum antibody titers, the determination of which often requires considerable time, and therefore patients must be monitored for a certain period. The treatment is effective and well tolerated, but must be adapted to the acute or chronic pattern with the tetracyclines to be considered the mainstay of antibiotic therapy. Several actions have been proposed to prevent and reduce the animal and environmental contamination. Vaccination of animals in infected flocks, as well as in uninfected ones close to them, with an efficient vaccine can prevent abortions and shedding of the bacteria.  相似文献   

Q fever     

Q fever, a zoonosis caused by the gram-negative bacterium Coxiella burnetii, occurs worldwide and affects both humans and animals. Ruminants are considered to be the main source of infection of humans, with the main route of infection being through inhalation of the organism of fine-particle aerosols. Abortion is the main clinical sign in ruminants. During and after abortion, large quantities of the bacterium are shed via the placenta and other vaginal secretions. The bacterium may also be present in faeces and milk. The bacterium can survive for a long time in the environment after shedding and can be spread over long distances. Seroprevalence among cattle is rather high in the Netherlands and in many other countries. Infection is diagnosed by detecting antibodies against the bacterium or the bacterium itself by means of a PCR method. The efficacy of using antibiotics or vaccines for treatment or prevention of the disease in cattle is still unclear and there are currently no effective disease control programmes.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Query fever (Q fever), is among the most highly infectious zoonotic pathogens transmitted among livestock, with chronic effects challenging to veterinary and medical detection and care systems. Transmission among domestic livestock species can vary regionally due to herd management practices that determine which livestock species are raised, whether or not livestock are in contact with wildlife, and the susceptibility of these livestock to infection. To explore how different livestock management practices are associated with the risk of infection in multispecies environments, we carried out a comparative study of three types of herd management systems in the central Kenyan county of Laikipia: agro‐commercial, mixed conservancy/commercial, and smallholder ranches. We tested C. burnetii antibody seroprevalence in four common livestock species. Across all management types, the highest seroprevalence was in camels (20%), followed by goats (18%), sheep (13%), and cattle (6%). We observed a lower odds of testing seropositive for young compared to adult animals (adjusted OR = 0.44 [95% CI 0.24, 0.76]), and for males compared to females (adjusted OR = 0.52 [95% CI 0.33, 0.80]). Animals from mixed conservancy/commercial and smallholder operations had a higher odds of testing seropositive compared to animals from agro‐commercial ranches (adjusted OR = 5.17 [95% CI 2.71, 10.44] and adjusted OR = 2.21 [95% CI 1.17, 4.43] respectively). These data suggest that herd management practices might affect the transmission dynamics of C. burnetiiin arid African ecosystems like those seen in Kenya where several transmission modes are possible, risk of drought has promoted new livestock species such as camels, and multiple wildlife species may co‐occur with livestock on the landscape. Further longitudinal studies are needed to disentangle the mechanisms underlying these patterns, and further explore transmission patterns between wildlife, domestic animal, and human populations.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread prevalence of infection with Coxiella burnetii, there have been few large population-based studies examining the epidemiology of this infection. The aim of this study was to examine the distribution and determinants of C. burnetii past infection in Northern Ireland (NI). Coxiella burnetii phase II specific IgG antibodies were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in stored serum from 2,394 randomly selected subjects, aged 12-64, who had participated in population-based surveys of cardiovascular risk factors performed in 1986 and 1987. The overall prevalence of C. burnetii antibody positivity was 12.8%. The prevalence of sero-positivity was slightly higher in males than that in females (14.3% versus 11.2%, P = 0.02). Sero-positivity was low in children (<10%), increasing to 19.5% and 16.4% in males and females, respectively, in the 25-34 age group and subsequently remaining fairly steady with increasing age. Sero-positivity among farmers, at 48.8%, was significantly higher than the general population. More sero-positive than sero-negative women had a history of a miscarriage or still-birth (19.5% versus 9.8%, P < 0.001). In conclusion, this study demonstrated a high prevalence of evidence of past C. burnetii infection in NI. Associations between past C. burnetii infection and age, sex, social class, occupation and reproductive history were seen. We estimate that 20% of Q fever infections in NI occur in farmers.  相似文献   

Bluetongue is an arthropod-transmitted viral disease of ruminants and certain other animals that was recognized and described more than 100 years ago in southern Africa. Bluetongue virus (BTV) infection of ruminants and vector Culicoides insects is enzootic throughout tropical and temperate regions of the world; however, there have been drastic recent regional alterations in the global distribution of BTV infection, particularly in Europe since 1998. Multiple novel BTV serotypes also have been detected since 1998 in the south-eastern United States, apparently encroaching from the adjacent Caribbean ecosystem, and novel serotypes of BTV have been identified recently in other historically enzootic regions of the world, including the Middle East and Australia. It has been proposed, but certainly not proven, that global climate change is responsible for these events. BTV infection of ruminants is often subclinical, but outbreaks of severe disease occur with regular frequency especially at the upper and lower limits of the virus' global range where infection is highly seasonal - occurring in the late summer and autumn. Bluetongue disease results from vascular injury, likely through a process analogous to that of human hemorrhagic viral fevers in which production of vasoactive mediators from virus-infected macrophages and dendritic cells results in enhanced endothelial paracellular permeability with subsequent vascular leakage and hypovolemic shock.  相似文献   

This paper describes major pathogenetic mechanisms of African and Classical Swine Fever virus infections. The interactions between both viruses and the monocyte-macrophage-system result in the release of mediator molecules, which are important for the further progression of the diseases. The causes of the thrombocytopenia and the mechanisms of the haemorrhages, which are characteristic in both infections, are described. Apoptotic cell death is regarded as the predominant cause of lymphopenia in both virus infections.  相似文献   

The immune response and persistence of antibodies were investigated in dairy cattle vaccinated with formalin-inactivated phase (ph) I Coxiella burnetii vaccine agglutinating antibody geometric mean titer (GMT) of 193.2 at 1 month after vaccination compared to a GMT of 2.0 for nonvaccinated calves. The agglutinating antibodies gradually decreased in vaccinated cattle, but the GMT remained approximately 4 times higher than that for the nonvaccinated group for at least 20 months. Results of serotests at 2 months after revaccination indicated a rapid increase in the GMT to 177.0 with agglutinating titers between 1:64 and 1:512.  相似文献   

As neglected zoonosis for many years, Q fever is now ubiquitous in Japan. Similarly to elsewhere in the world, domestic animals are considered to be important reservoirs of the causal agent, Coxiella burnetii, a resistant intracellular bacterium. Infected animals shed bacteria in milk, feces, urine, vaginal mucous and birth products. Inhalation of bacteria present in the environment is the main route of animal and human infection. Shedding of C. burnetii in milk by domestic ruminants has a very limited impact as raw milk is seldom ingested by the Japanese population. The clinical expression of Q fever in Japan is similar to its clinical expression elsewhere. However clinical cases in children are more frequently reported in this country. Moreover, C. burnetii is specified as one of the causative organisms of atypical pneumonia in the Japanese Respiratory Society Guideline for the management of community-acquired pneumonia. In Japan, C. burnetii isolates are associated with acute illness and are mainly of moderate to low virulence. Cats are considered a significant source of C. burnetii responsible for human outbreaks in association with the presence of infected parturient cats. Since its recognition as a reportable disease in 1999, 7-46 clinical cases of Q fever have been reported by year. The epidemiology of Q fever in Japan remains to be elucidated and the exact modes of transmission are still unproven. Important further research is necessary to improve knowledge of the disease itself, the endogenous hosts and reservoirs, and the epidemiological cycle of coxiellosis in Japan.  相似文献   

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