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选择91日龄太行鸡和海兰灰蛋鸡,分别在强饲后的4、8、14、18、24、28、32、34h屠宰,比较两品种体重、消化器官的差异,禁食时间对消化道残留内容物含量的影响及消化道不同部位的排空速度和排空率.结果表明:太行鸡体重、嗉囊、腺胃肌胃相对重均小于海兰灰蛋鸡,小肠、直肠相对长度低于海兰灰蛋鸡,盲肠相对长度高于海兰灰蛋鸡.两品种鸡随禁食时间的延长消化道内容物减少,排空规律基本一致;太行鸡嗉囊、腺胃肌胃、小肠及整个消化道的排空率大于海兰灰蛋鸡;而消化道后段直肠、盲肠的排空率小于海兰灰蛋鸡;太行鸡排空速度比海兰灰蛋鸡快.  相似文献   

大蒜素对肉鸡消化道食糜排空效果的作用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
将240只AA肉鸡随机分为4组,从7日龄开始每个处理组在玉米-豆粕型基础日粮中,分别添加0(对照)、12.5、37.5、62.5mg/kg的大蒜素,饲养至35日龄,每组随机取6只分别装入笼内,禁饲32h后每只定量饲喂60g料,投料6h后宰杀取整个消化道,测定嗉囊、胃、十二指肠、空肠、回肠食糜的残留量。试验结果表明,添加12.5、37.5、62.5mg/kg的大蒜素3个处理组的胃食糜残留量和食糜总残留量显著低于对照组(P<0.05),胃排至十二指肠的食糜量比对照组显著增加(P<0.05);添加37.5、62.5mg/kg水平的大蒜素,胃排空率比对照组分别提高5.2%、4.6%,差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

鸡、鸭消化道pH和消化酶活的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为阐明鸡、鸭对营养物质利用率差异的原因,比较了8只公鸡和8只公鸭消化道内容物酸碱性及体内主要蛋白质消化酶、碳水化合物水解酶和脂肪水解酶活性的差异。结果表明:(1)鸭消化道前段除口腔pH比鸡的高(P〈0.01),食管膨大部、腺胃和肌胃的pH均比鸡低(P〈0.05或P〈0.01),而后段消化道从空肠开始到直肠,鸭的pH均比鸡高(P〈0.05)。(2)鸡和鸭消化道内主要蛋白酶活性存在差异。鸭肌胃内容物中胃蛋白酶的相对活性和总量都极显著高于鸡的(P〈0.01);鸭十二指肠、空回肠和盲肠内容物以及胰腺组织中胰蛋白酶的相对活性和总量高于鸡(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);鸭空回肠内容物中糜蛋白酶的活性显著高于鸡(P〈0.05)。(3)鸭胰腺组织中脂肪酶相对活性极显著高于鸡(P〈0.01),脂肪酶总量显著高于鸡(P〈0.05);肠道内容物中脂肪酶的活性也大多数高于鸡。(4)鸡和鸭消化道内可溶性碳水化合物水解酶活性差异没有很强的规律性,但鸭空回肠内容物中纤维素酶的相对活性高于鸡(P〈0.01),盲肠内容物中纤维素酶的总量显著高于鸡(P〈0.05)。消化道中消化酶活性差异是鸡鸭对饲料养分消化利用差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

为预防鸡、鸭、鹅的各种传染病,现推荐以下免疫程序.此程序虽经多次使用验证,免疫效果确实,但因各地疫病流行病种等有所变化,具体采用时应随时注意增补或作适当调整.  相似文献   

畜禽生产能值的评定,无论在动物饲料配合还是动物营养需要研究上,均有重要意义。油脂作为动物必需的三大营养物质之一,为动物提供生长发育、活动所需的能量。在动物日粮中添加油脂,主要具有改善物理性能和营养功能两方面的作用。在物理性能方面,添加油脂可防止饲料起尘,提高颗粒饲料的加工质量,减少制粒机压模的磨损;在营养功能方面,可使动物获得必需脂肪酸,改善脂溶性维生素在体内的运转情况并促进能源的利用。影响油脂代谢能值的因素很多,如油脂添加量、动物生理状况、年龄、油脂的加工方法以及氧化程度等。自加拿大学者Sib…  相似文献   

近几年来,一种鲜为人知的寄生虫病——鸡隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium)的检出率有所增加,它的传播可以导致一种新型的疾病,给养鸡业带来重大的经济损失。该病又是一种人畜共患病,动物与人之间可以相互传播。  相似文献   

<正>1999年10~12月,广西容县有5个养鸡、养鸭专业户接连发生了一种以两脚瘫软、排石灰样粪便和突然死亡为特征的疾病。其中发生于50日龄肉鸡的有2900羽,60日龄的1940羽;发生于110日龄鸭的有900羽,30日龄的560羽,31日龄的1000羽。根据临床症状、剖检变化和实验室检验诊断为内脏型痛风病症。  相似文献   

本研究说明钨矿选矿废水——尾砂水灌溉的农田,受其中重金属镉的污染,形成高镉土壤,生产高镉饲料,因被动物采食而引起中毒。应用硒铜锌防治司获得良好效果。  相似文献   

鸡鸭对饲料能量利用的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选用18周龄健康、体重基本一致的海兰褐佳蛋公鸡和北京Z系公鸭各48只,以Sibbald“真代谢能(TME)”法测定了公鸡和公鸭常用谷物、饼粕和油脂等3大类9种常用饲料的代谢能。结果表明:鸡和鸭对饲料能量利用存在明显的差异。AME除棉粕和玉米淀粉鸭与鸡差异不显著外(P>0.05),其余7种饲料AME鸭都比鸡高;TME玉米淀粉鸭与鸡差异不显著(P>0.05),其余8种饲料TME鸭都比鸡高。48h鸭内源能排泄量(113.10MJ)比鸡(88.88MJ)高(P<0.01)。并且饲料蛋白质含量越高,鸭和鸡饲料AME、TME值之间差异越大。  相似文献   

肉用公鸡与蛋用公鸡的代谢率测定结果比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用经典全收粪代谢试验方法,在西宁地区对29 ~60 日龄AA 肉用公鸡和星杂579公鸡( 各48 只) 的采食量和能量、氮及总氨基酸代谢率进行测定。结果表明:AA肉用公鸡日均采食量比蛋用公鸡高21.73 % ~50 .3 % ,而且测得AA 肉用公鸡43 日龄前的采食量比低海拔地区高;29 ~38 日龄和50~53 日龄期间,肉用公鸡与蛋用公鸡的能量代谢率和总氨基酸代谢有显著差异,表现为肉用公鸡比蛋用公鸡低;但氮代谢率二者在不同生长阶段和不同日粮能量蛋白水平下的差异没有规律性。29 日龄以后,肉用公鸡比蛋用公鸡能量代谢率和总氨基酸代谢率低,可能与增重速度和肉仔鸡吸收不良及肠道中饲料残留有关。  相似文献   

鹅和鸡4种常用饲料原料的代谢能比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验旨在比较鹅和鸡常用饲料原料的代谢能差异.选用体重为(3.76±0.23)kg的成年扬州鹅(公)和体重为(2.57±0.17)kg的成年新扬州鸡(公)各10只,采用Sibbald真代谢能法测定玉米、豆粕、稻谷、麦麸4种常用饲料原料的代谢能值,内源能测定采用饥饿法.结果表明:玉米、豆粕的表观代谢能(AME)鹅与鸡差异不显著(P>0.05),真代谢能(TME)鹅显著低于鸡(P<0.05);而稻谷、麦麸的AME鹅显著高于鸡(P<0.05),TME鹅与鸡差异不显著(P>0.05).每小时内源能排出量,除强饲豆粕条件下鹅略高于鸡但差异不显著外(P>0.05),强饲其他3种饲料条件下,鹅均显著高于鸡(P<0.05).由此表明,鹅的饲料代谢能与鸡的并不完全相同,部分饲料的代谢能鹅和鸡之间存在显著差异,并且鹅的内源能排出量高于鸡.  相似文献   

鸡鸭对饲料氨基酸利用的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文旨在研究鸡和鸭对饲料氨基酸消化率的差异,为合理配制鸭饲料提供必要参考。选用18周龄健康、体重约为(2.6±0.20)kg的海兰褐佳蛋公鸡和北京Z系公鸭各48只。以Sibbald“真代谢能(TME)”法测定公鸡和公鸭常用谷物(玉米、稻谷、小麦和麸皮)、饼粕(豆粕、棉粕、花生粕)两大类7种常用饲料的氨基酸消化率,每种饲料各用8只禽来测定,每只禽为1个重复。结果显示:(1)豆粕、花生粕、玉米、水稻和小麦的总氨基酸表观消化率(total amino acid apparent digestibility,TAAAD),鸭的测定值都比鸡显著高(P<0.05),鸭对棉粕、麸皮的TAAAD极显著高于鸡(P<0.01),在同一种饲料中,大多数氨基酸表观消化率(amino acid apparent digestibility,AAAD)鸭测定值明显高于鸡的;(2)鸡和鸭内源总氨基酸排泄量分别为478.31和941.34 mg/48 h,差异极显著(P<0.01),单个氨基酸排泄总量鸭都极显著高于鸡(P<0.01);(3)7种饲料总氨基酸真消化率(total amino acid true digesti-bility,TTAAD)鸭的测定值都高于鸡(P<0.01),同一种饲料中,大多数氨基酸真消化率(amino acid true digestibil-ity,TAAD)鸭的测定值显著高于鸡。以上结果表明,鸡和鸭对饲料氨基酸消化率存在显著差异,在所测定的7种植物饲料中大多数AAAD和TAAD测定值都是鸭比鸡高,目前以鸡测定各种饲料氨基酸消化率不适宜鸭的生产。  相似文献   

Carcass contamination during processing is an expensive problem for poultry processors. Feed withdrawal (FW) is commonly used to reduce the amount of gut contents prior to slaughter, thereby reducing the probability of contamination. The present study used market aged mixedsex broilers to evaluate the effect of FW time on the incidence of fecal spillage and contamination of broiler carcasses at processing. In order to develop a more simple research protocol for FW, the effects of live haul and holding in stationary crates were compared. Broilers were subjected to 1 of 4 FW times (4, 8, 12, and 16 h) prior to slaughter at a commercial processing plant, in which the incidence of carcass contamination was recorded. Carcass yield and clearance of contents from 8 gut sections were determined. Moisture content of the pooled gut contents was assessed.Shrink increased from 2.1 to 3.3% of pre-FW BW after 4 and 16 h, respectively. Gut weights decreased significantly with every additional 4 h of FW. The incidence of processing plant inefficiencies decreased with increasing FW time. Gut moisture was not correlated with FW time, although moisture of the gut contents was reduced in birds subjected to live haul. Twelve hours of FW resulted in an optimal combination of gut clearance and carcass yield.  相似文献   

药物对鸡尿酸清除率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用分光光度计测定鸡尿酸清除率,比较了支肾囊霸和肾肿解毒药对尿酸清除率、尿量及尿液pH值的影响。结果发现常温下,支肾囊霸可提高鸡尿酸清除率,增加排尿量,降低pH值。虽然肾肿解毒药对这些生理指标亦影响,但影响程度不及支肾囊霸,临床实验也证明支肾囊霸对肾尿酸盐沉积的治疗效果较好。  相似文献   

本试验旨在探讨贮藏时间对沙柳混合发酵饲料营养成分及体外消化率的影响,为沙柳的利用开辟新途径。试验按不同沙柳比例(36.44%和67.08%)调制成2组混合发酵饲料,分别用FF1和FF2表示,在各组中添加等量的复合菌剂,考察发酵饲料在贮藏1、3、5、7、10、12、15、22、30、45和60 d时,沙柳混合发酵饲料营养成分和体外消化率随时间的变化规律。结果表明:1)随着贮藏时间的延长,沙柳混合发酵饲料的干物质、有机物和可溶性碳水化合物含量显著下降(P<0.05),并显著降低了中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤木质素含量(P<0.05);粗脂肪含量显著提高( P<0.05);粗蛋白质含量在贮藏过程中略有上升,但差异不显著( P>0.05)。2)随着贮藏时间的延长,沙柳混合发酵饲料的干物质、有机物、粗蛋白质、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维的体外消化率均显著升高( P<0.05)。2组发酵饲料之间的营养物质体外消化率均差异显著( P<0.05)。由此可见,按沙柳不同比例调制的2种发酵饲料配方,经发酵处理可以有效提高沙柳混合发酵饲料的营养价值。综合各项指标,确定在贮藏30 d后沙柳混合发酵饲料营养成分趋于稳定,且FF1组的营养品质优于FF2组。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the variations between the difference method and the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method for determining endogenous amino acid loss and the true amino acid digestibility in ducks fed normal protein-containing diets. These methods were compared to the nitrogen-free (N-free) diet method. The difference method was based on soybean meal as the only protein source, with the experimental diets containing crude protein levels at 15% and 20%. The enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method was based on enzyme-hydrolyzed casein meal as the protein source, with the experimental diet containing a crude protein level of 17.5%. The N-free diet was prepared with starches and paper fibers. In each method, 64 Tianfu meat drakes (7-weeks-old) with an average body weight of 2.77 ± 0.16 kg were used and divided into four groups, and fed four different diets. Each group contained four replicates of four drakes and they were force fed trial diets according to the Sirbald method for detecting their apparent amino acid digestibility, endogenous amino acid loss and true amino acid digestibility. The results demonstrated that using the difference, enzyme-hydrolyzed casein and N-free diet methods, endogenous amino acid losses were 0.9946, 1.2243 and 0.9297 mg/g dry matter intake (DMI), respectively. The true amino acid digestibility measured by the difference method was 88.93% ± 4.43%. Using the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method with two dietary crude protein levels of 15% and 20%, the digestibility was 91.15% ± 4.33% and 91.97% ± 4.16%, respectively, and by the N-free diet methods with two dietary crude protein levels of 15% and 20%, it was 88.55% ± 4.29% and 88.82% ± 4.61%, respectively. The results suggested that when the dietary protein level was 15% to 20 %, the true amino acid digestibility and endogenous amino acid loss as determined by the difference method was more accurate than the values determined by the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method.  相似文献   

In this study,we examined the variations between the difference method and the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method for determining endogenous amino acid loss and the true amino acid digestibility in ducks fed normal protein-containing diets.These methods were compared to the nitrogen-free(N-free)diet method.The difference method was based on soybean meal as the only protein source,with the experimental diets containing crude protein levels at 15% and 20%.The enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method was based on enzyme-hydrolyzed casein meal as the protein source,with the experimental diet containing a crude protein level of 17.5%.The N-free diet was prepared with starches and paper fibers.In each method,64 Tianfu meat drakes(7-weeks-old)with an average body weight of 2.77±0.16 kg were used and divided into four groups,and fed four different diets.Each group contained four replicates of four drakes and they were force fed trial diets according to the Sirbald method for detecting their apparent amino acid digestibility,endogenous amino acid loss and true amino acid digestibility.The results demonstrated that using the difference,enzyme-hydrolyzed casein and N-free diet methods,endogenous amino acid losses were 0.9946,1.2243 and 0.9297 mg/g dry matter intake(DMI),respectively.The true amino acid digestibility measured by the difference method was 88.93%±4.43%.Using the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method with two dietary crude protein levels of 15% and 20%,the digestibility was 91.15%±4.33% and 91.97%±4.16%,respectively,and by the N-free diet methods with two dietary crude protein levels of 15% and 20%,it was 88.55%±4.29% and 88.82%±4.61%,respectively.The results suggested that when the dietary protein level was 15% to 20 %,the true amino acid digestibility and endogenous amino acid loss as determined by the difference method was more accurate than the values determined by the enzyme-hydrolyzed casein method.  相似文献   

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