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Linda J.  Konde  DVM  Robert H.  Wrigley  BVSc  MS  DVR  MRCVS  Richard D.  Park  DVM  PhD  Jack L.  Lebel  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1985,26(3):74-81
Eight dogs with renal neoplasia were radiographically and sonographically examined. An enlarged, nonopacified kidney was seen on the excretory urogram in four dogs, but differentiation between a solid mass or severe hydronephrosis was not possible. The excretory urogram suggested an avascular lesion in one kidney, but differentiation between solid or cystic disease was not possible. Renal neoplasia was diagnosed in two dogs by excretory urography. Radiographic examination suggested splenic neoplasia in one dog. Solid masses were sonographically diagnosed in all dogs. A metastatic lesion was sonographically diagnosed in the opposite kidney of one dog that was missed on the radiographic examination. Ultrasonography com-plemented radiography as a diagnostic modality in eliciting additional information on renal disease. Sonograms did not allow determination of tumor cell type or whether the tumor was benign or malignant.  相似文献   

The sonographic appearance of intraabdominal abscess, excluding prostatic abscess, is presented. The most common sonographic pattern identified for intraabdominal abscess is an irregularly defined, hypoechoic mass with minimal to no through transmission. Definitive diagnosis of intraabdominal abscess using only sonography is not possible, as variations of this common sonographic pattern are imaged. Sonography is best utilized to scan an animal when there is a high suspicion of intraabdominal abscess with no overt physical or radiographic evidence, and to better characterize intraabdominal masses. Sonography can be used to assist in percutaneous aspiration, catheterization, and intraoperative localization of abscessation.  相似文献   

Endoscopic ultrasonographic evaluation and gray-scale histogram analysis of pancreatic atrophy after pancreatic duct ligation were performed in four normal adult dogs. Using endoscopic ultrasonography, markedly dilated pancreatic ducts were visualized, and the pancreas became gradually atrophied with a hyperechoic parenchyma. In gray-scale histogram analysis of the pancreas, mean brightness increased gradually until 8 weeks, then decreased temporally. Standard deviation of the histogram increased markedly and then fluctuated until the 4th week, after which the mean brightness and standard deviation became stable. At 4 weeks postoperatively, collapse of most pancreatic acinar structures were observed, and each atrophic lobule was associated with a significantly large amount of interstitial fibrous tissue at histopathology. At 12 weeks postoperatively, most exocrine tissue had decreased and was partly replaced by fibrous and fatty tissue. These changes of mean brightness and standard deviation reflected the histologic analysis. These findings indicated that endoscopic ultrasonography is a useful technique to image such atrophic disorders of the pancreas as chronic pancreatitis. Furthermore, gray-scale histogram analysis provides helpful information for ultrasonographic tissue characterization of the pancreas.  相似文献   

Linda J.  Konde  DVM  Robert H.  Wrigley  BVSc  MS  DVR  Jack L.  Lebel  DVM  PHD  Richard D.  Park  DVM  PHD  Charles  Pugh  DVM  MS  Susan  Finn  DVM 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1989,30(1):41-45
The clinical, radiographic, and sonographic signs in three dogs with splenic torsion are presented. AH dogs exhibited weight loss, anorexia, and lethargy. Splenomegaly was consistent radiographic finding in two dogs and large ill-defined midabdominal mass was seen in one dog. The spleen was easily imaged sonographically in all dogs. Splenic sonography in two dogs showed diffuse, hypoechoic pattern consistent with splenic congestion. Hilar splenic vessels were enlarged on the sonograms of two dogs.  相似文献   

Forty dogs with clinical signs suggestive of upper respiratory tract disease underwent echolaryngography and laryngoscopy. Laryngoscopy was used as the definitive technique to diagnose laryngeal paralysis. The ultrasound investigation accurately indicated the presence of the paralysis and confirmed the uni- or bilateral nature of the disorder. Findings indicative of laryngeal paralysis included asymmetry or absence of motion of the cuneiform processes (30/30), abnormal arytenoid movement (16/30), paradoxical movement (9/30), caudal displacement of the larynx (2/30) and laryngeal collapse (1/30). Thirty dogs were found to be afflicted with laryngeal paralysis and ten had normal laryngeal motility.  相似文献   

The radiographic signs associated with implanted canine total hip prostheses include: (1) a 1 mm-or-less wide static lucent zone at the acetabular and femoral bone-cement interfaces, and (2) periosteal bone proliferation surrounding the stem of the femoral prosthesis. The radiographic signs associated with total hip replacement complications are dislocation of the femoral component, bone changes suggestive of infection involving the acetabular and femoral components, and loosening of the acetabular component. Arthrography is beneficial in determining the presence of a loose prosthesis with or without infection.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic linear and area measurements were performed on both kidneys of 15 clinically healthy dogs. Renal volumes were calculated from linear and area data applying three prolate ellipsoid models. Ultrasonographic volumes were then compared using linear regression analysis with kidney volumes measured in vitro by water displacement. In vivo ultrasonographic volumes had a statistically significant relationship with the in vitro volume. The highest correlation was provided by the single plane area method. There was also a correlation between body weight and ultrasonographically detected renal volume, suggesting that ultrasound imaging may be a useful method for assessment of renal volume changes in dogs with renal disease.  相似文献   

The goals of our study were to review the ultrasonographic features of spontaneous extrahepatic biliary obstruction in cats and to determine whether these features can assist in differentiating tumor, inflammation, and choleliths as the cause of obstruction. Thirty cats with a presurgical ultrasound examination an dconfirmed extrahepatic biliary obstruction were studied. A common bile duct diameter over 5 mm was present in 97% of the cats with extrahepatic biliary obstruction. Gallbladder dilation was seen in < 50% of the cats. Ultrasound identified all obstructive choleliths (calculus or plugs) in the common bile duct. However, neither common bile duct diameter nor appearance or any other ultrasonographic feature allowed differentiation between tumor and inflammation as the cause of obstruction. A short duration of clinical signs (10 days or less) seemed to be associated with obstructive cholelithiasis.  相似文献   

Four dogs with an accessory spleen are described. The accessory spleens appeared as a round‐to‐triangular structure located in the perisplenic area. They were homogeneous and isoechoic with the adjacent spleen. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound was performed using a second generation microbubble contrast medium (sulfur hexafluoride). The type and timing of enhancement of the accessory spleen was similar to that of the parent spleen. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound is a noninvasive modality useful in distinguishing an accessory spleen from a mass of another origin.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine the accuracy of ultrasonographic measurement of the prostate; to observe the ultrasonographic appearance of the normal prostate; and to compare these observations with those in prostates affected by cystic hyperplasia, benign hyperplasia, land neoplasia. Trassabdominal ultrasonography of the canine prostate was performed in eight normal dogs to establish criteria for evaluating enlarged prostates. Marginal boundries, size, and ultrasonographic architecture were compared with dissection findings to assess the accuracy of ultrasonography. Four enlarged prostates were evaluated ultrasonographically, and the findings were correlated with results of needle aspiration and urethral wash and with surgical and histopathologic findings. Differentiation between cystic and solid prostatic enlargement by ultrasonography proved efective. Transducer frequency and gain manipulation were important factors in describing the nature of the fluid within a cyst. Assenssment of the nature of solid prostatic enlargement and accurate size determination proved to be areas in which ultrasonography should by used in conjunction with other diagnostic techniques.  相似文献   

Bonnie Lynn  Boag  DVM  MSc  Matthew  Atilola  DVM  PhD  Paul  Pennock  DVM  MSc 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1993,34(2):112-117
The purpose of this study was to establish sonographic baseline values for normal kidneys initu and to document sonographic changes following unilateral nephrectomy. Normal canine renal measurements were determined sonographically prior to and following unilateral nephrectomy. These included: cortical thickness (cranial, caudal, dorsal, ventral, lateral and medial), medullary measurements (cranial and caudal) and measurements of the renal silhouette (length, height and width). The latter group of measurements was obtained to determine renal volume. Normal parameters were obtained from sixteen healthy dogs prior to nephrectomy; the unilateral nephrectomy group was comprised of eight of these animals, the remaining eight dogs were part of an allo-transplant study.1 The mean sonographic value for the length of the kidney was 60.3 mm ± 6.4 (n = 26) while the widths and heights were 34.7 ± 3.8 (n = 27) and 27.8 mm ± 3.3 (n = 26) respectively. Renal cortical measurements were found to be smallest dorsally and ventrally on sagittal and transverse sonograms. The largest volumes were the cranial pole on sagittal scans and the lateral pole on the transverse scans. Pearson correlation coefficient for volume resulted in r values of 0.88, 0.78 and 0.72 for length, height and width (n = 25, dif = 24) respectively.  相似文献   

Static and real-time B-mode hepatic ultrasound imaging was performed on 16 anesthetized dogs (7.7–29 kg). Sagittal static B-mode scans were acquired at 1–cm intervals, and transverse scans were made with both static and real-time units. Measurements were made from the surface of the liver to the diaphragm and were tested individually and when added or multiplied together for significant correlation with liver and body weight. Only one of the static B-mode measurements had a significant correlation ( p >0.05), and none of the real-time measurements was dependent on liver weight. Ultrasonographic assessment of canine liver size using these methods was of little value in predicting actual liver weight.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify access portals for ultrasonographic evaluation of canine long bones (humerus, radius, ulna, femur, and tibia). A 7.5 MHz linear transducer was used in five medium-sized dogs (range of 25-35 kg body weight). Good approaches could be identified for all long bones. For the proximal humerus, a cranial portal, and the distal humerus, a lateral portal is suggested. For the radius and ulna, a craniolateral approach seemed to be the best. In the hindlimb, a medial approach for the femur and a craniolateral approach for the tibia were the most effective approaches.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to find an ultrasonographic method to estimate pleural fluid volume in dogs. Nine canine cadavers of mixed breed were studied. Using a transsternal view, linear measurements from the pleural surface of the midline of the sternebra at the center of the heart to the furthest ventrolateral point of both right and left lung edges were recorded. Isotonic saline was injected using ultrasound guidance into both right and left pleural spaces and the measurements were repeated using standard increments until 1000 ml total volume was reached. No relationship was identified between mean distance and injected volume up to 100 ml. Thereafter, the mean distance increased in an approximately linear relationship with the cube root of fluid volume. There was a high correlation ( r ≥0.899) between the ultrasonographic measurement and fluid volume within individual dogs, but it was not possible to produce a useful equation to calculate absolute pleural fluid volume for new subjects. Nevertheless, ultrasonography may be used to semiquantitatively monitor pleural fluid volume, so that a decrease in the mean linear measurement obtained reflects a decrease in the total fluid volume.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of ultrasonographic imaging of the vagosympathetic trunk in the dog. Cervical ultrasound was performed in 30 healthy dogs. In all 30 dogs the vagosympathetic trunk was detected as a hypoechoic structure in the carotid sheath, adhering the dorsomedial surface of the common carotid artery. The echotexture of the nerve was heterogeneous with anechoic areas separated by hypoechoic bands. A scanner equipped with a 5 to 8 MHz linear array probe was used for imaging and measurements. The diameter of the vagosympathetic trunk ranged from 0.59 to 2.48 mm varying in correlation to the body weight. In summary, ultrasonography is a helpful noninvasive method to image and evaluate the cervical vagosympathetic trunk in the dog.  相似文献   

Chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy was diagnosed using ultrasound in six dogs that were presented for chronic vomiting. An evenly thick hypoechoic layer surrounding the pyloric lumen was visualized ultrasonographically in dogs with grades 1 or 2 chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy. This was histologically found to correspond with a thickened muscular layer. Gastric wall thickness was greater than or equal to 9 mm in all six dogs. In dogs with grade 1 or 2 chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy, the hypoechoic muscular layer was greater than or equal to 4 mm.  相似文献   

Mitsuyoshi  Takiguchi  BVSc  MS  Jun  Yasuda  DVM  PhD  Kenji  Ochiai  DVM  PhD  Yutaka  Morita  DVM  Akira  Hashimoto  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1997,38(5):398-399
A three-year-old, intact male, Siberian husky was evaluated for a two day history of dysuria. Sonographically there was an anechoic cyst-like structure in the urinary bladder. The abnormality appeared to be a'cyst within a cyst', which is a characteristic ultrasonographic feature of ureterocele in humans. Ultrasonography may be a useful means of establishing a diagnosis of ureterocele in dogs.  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic appearance of clinically undifferentiated neck masses for which a definitive diagnosis was eventually obtained in nineteen dogs and one cat is presented in this report. Multiple lesions were seen ultrasonographically in 4 dogs and no cervical abnormalities were seen in 2 dogs resulting in 22 lesions in 20 annuals. Of 7 benign lesions, there were 2 patients with reactive lymph nodes from a regional inflammatory process, and 1 patient each with primary pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis, arteriovenous malformation, foreign body granuloma, cellulitis, and hematoma. Of 15 malignant lesions, 7 were thyroid carcinomas, 3 were lymphomas with submandibular and cervical lymph node enlargement, 3 were lymph node enlargements associated with regional metastasis of malignant tumors, one was a leiomyosarcoma and one was a carotid body tumor. One dog with a diffuse soft tissue swelling of the ventral cervical region had only slight asymmetry of the thyroid lobes on ultrasound examination and no abnormalities of the neck at post mortem. A second dog examined with ultrasound 4 months after surgical removal of a carotid body tumor had no evidence of tumor recurrence. Ultrasonographic examination provided information regarding the character of the lesions, the tissue or organ of origin, and invasion into other anatomic structures. Ultrasound examination in conjunction with fine needle or tissue biopsy provided a definitive diagnosis in those animals in which biopsies were performed.  相似文献   

The detection of small amounts of free peritoneal fluid in the canine patient can be a diagnostic dilemma. Ultrasonography and radiography have been advocated to detect intraabdominal fluid not detectable by physical exam. The purpose of this study was to determine the more sensitive method for detecting small amounts of free peritoneal fluid. Ultrasound examinations and radiographs were performed after increments (1 ml/lb body weight) of fluid were injected intraperitoneally. Ultrasonography detected fluid in one animal at 2 ml/lb. AH other animals had fluid detected at 3 ml/lb. With radiographs fluid could be detected with a high degree of accuracy at 4 ml/lb. The lateral view was more accurate than the ventrodorsal view in detecting fluid. The authors concluded that Ultrasonography is more sensitive than radiography and is the method of choice to detect small amounts of free peritoneal fluid.  相似文献   

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