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人工饲养麝鼠有很多养殖模式,如庭院饲养模式、房前屋后的半散放饲养模式、池塘鼠鱼饲养模式、全封闭笼舍饲养模式等。这里向大家介绍一种全新的饲养模式——立体生态养殖模式。1场地选择养殖场的场址要选择在靠近水塘边,周围环境安静,水源充足易于排水的地方。2圈舍的建造圈舍的建造可采用水封洞、全封闭、楼式的繁殖窝室。这种结构是将平式的水池、运动场和窝室三部分立体化,即下层为水池约90×50×30厘米,水池上面镶嵌水泥板。水泥板的内侧留有12厘米的洞口。该洞口是出入水池、运动场和窝室的必经之路。隔板以上用砖砌成上下两层的窝室,…  相似文献   

人工饲养环境下斑鳖采食量与温度关系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈大庆  狄敏  顾文华  陈晶 《野生动物》2011,32(4):214-216
斑鳖是极度濒危的物种,目前仅在中国和越南的动物园中有3只存活个体。为了建立科学合理的人工饲养斑鳖的方法,在苏州动物园的1只雄性斑鳖饲养于改造过的人工池塘内,采用定时定点人工饲喂方法,在2008~2010年期间,较为系统地观察了其采食习性。结果表明,气温达到18~20℃(大约每年的3~4月),斑鳖从冬眠中苏醒,开始自由活动。只有当日最高气温达到25℃以上时,才开始采食。随着温度上升和活动量加大,采食量也会随之加大。6月平均气温在22~26℃之间,平均最高气温在27~31℃之间,是斑鳖食欲旺盛时期,出现采食高峰期。但是,平均气温在28~31℃,最高平均气温在31~36℃时,斑鳖几乎停止采食,重新钻进池塘底部的淤泥里,进入了夏眠状态。当进入秋季,平均气温低于18℃时(每年的9月底~10月底),斑鳖逐渐减少采食或不食,然后逐步进入冬眠状态。  相似文献   

目前人工饲养的野鸭主要是绿头鸭。野鸭个体肥大,瘦肉率高,肉质鲜美,野味足,营养丰富,脂肪少,蛋白质含量高,被视为野味中的珍品,在国内外市场上都较为畅销。野鸭在饲养管理上除了与家鸭基本相似外,还应掌握以下四要领。1营造适合野鸭生活习性的饲养环境为了使野鸭在家养条件下,仍保持野生鸟类的天性,防止退化,露天放养是十分重要的。如采用场舍饲养法,场舍可一半搭棚作休息室,一半要作露天活动场地且要有水源,活动场地无水源的应挖水池,同时在活动场上要栽树木、种草,在水池中培育藻类,营造1个适合野鸭生活的饲养环境。如…  相似文献   

人工饲养环境下斑鳖产卵规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑鳖目前仅在中国和越南的动物园中有4只存活个体,为了拯救这一物种,中国的苏州动物园和长沙动物园开展了斑鳖联合繁育项目。在2008~2011年对斑鳖的产卵时间、产卵窝数、产卵数量和卵的重量、直径等进行了测量。结果表明,雌性斑鳖在夜间产卵,有护卵行为。每年可产卵2—4窝,首次产卵在5月底或6月中旬,最晚在7月中旬结束。产卵间隔变化较大,最短的为12d,最长的达到36d,平均18.4±8.3d。每窝产卵数45~70枚,平均为60.3±7.5枚,年产卵总数在100~200枚之间,年度之间波动很大,在1~136枚之间。卯的重量在19.0-21.5g之间,平均20.1±0.7g;卵的直径在31.5~34.4mm之间,平均为32.6±0.7mm。产卵次数、窝卵数、卯重和大小都会受到运输或环境变化的影响。以上结果表明,目前提供的环境条件和饲养管理符合斑鳖的繁殖要求,但是管理中要注意减少运输应激和环境的改变。  相似文献   

“蛋子瘟”是一俗名,其实是卵黄性腹膜炎,是由致病性大肠杆菌引起的、产蛋母鹅的一种常见传染病。本病主要发生于产蛋期间,可造成母鹅产蛋率明显下降和死亡。饲养管理不善,环境卫生不良,鹅群在浅而污秽的水池或水塘内交配,易诱发本病的发生。公鹅发病时,其阴茎常见发炎溃烂等病损。公母鹅交配在本病的传播上起重要的作用。  相似文献   

传统养鸭公母鸭配比正常,且鸭大多放牧于水塘、湖泊,适合于自然交配,因此鸭的种蛋受精率高。20世纪80年代前,鸭人工授精在生产中应用很少。但随着养殖规模的日益扩大,一方面公鸭留种数量增多,饲养公鸭的负担增加;另一方面,规模饲养大多以圈养结合运动场的方式,没有水塘、  相似文献   

为了探讨不同运动场对种公牛生产性能的影响,通过塑料大棚运动场牛舍饲养模式与常规露天运动场牛舍饲养模式对种公牛生产性能影响的比较试验,测试塑料大棚运动场在种公牛饲养中的应用效果。精液品质按照《牛冷冻精液》标准和《牛冷冻精液生产技术规程》进行测定。采用随机分组试验设计,随机选择一幢常规露天运动场牛舍改造为塑料大棚运动场牛舍,并以其中饲养的13头种公牛为试验组,以相邻的常规露天运动场牛舍及其中饲养的13头种公牛进行同比对照试验;以试验组13头种公牛前12个月的采精记录作为环比对照试验。试验结果表明:同比试验处理,试验组种公牛采精量、原精活力、冷冻精液产量和冷冻精液解冻活力均极显著高于对照组(P0.01);环比试验处理,试验组种公牛采精量、原精活力、冷冻精液产量和冷冻精液解冻活力极显著高于对照组(P0.01)。塑料大棚运动场牛舍饲养模式饲养种公牛效果良好,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

麝鼠又名青根貂 ,是一种水陆两栖草食性毛皮动物 ,其皮板结实 ,毛被丰厚致密 ,沥水性强 ,保温性能良好 ,美观轻柔 ,是国际裘皮市场畅销的商品 ,其肉质细嫩 ,营养丰富。雄鼠能提取麝香 ,所含成份与天然麝香相同。麝鼠以草食为主 ,饲养成本低 ,经济效益显著 ,人工养殖麝鼠是一种很有前途的家庭养殖业。1 圈舍建造。圈舍由窝室、运动场和水池三部分组成 ,圈舍长宽高约 1 5× 1× 0 5米 ,可成对饲养。圈舍的底面(包括窝室、运动场、水池 )可用水泥砌成 ,以防麝鼠挖土打洞 ,四周用砖砌成 ,顶部用铁丝网罩上 ,但要留一活动门 ,以便投食 ;窝室…  相似文献   

为比较种鹅在不同养殖模式下的繁殖性能差异,将2 700只"江南白鹅"父母代种鹅随机分为3组,分别采用旱养、小水池、大水面三种饲养模式,记录种鹅产蛋量和种蛋受精率等。结果显示:池塘组和小水池组的产蛋高峰期产蛋率极显著高于旱养组(P0.01),旱养组活胚率极显著低于池塘组(P0.01),三种饲养模式间种蛋受精率差异不显著(P0.05),池塘组死胚率极显著低于旱养组和小水池组(P0.01);旱养组孵化率显著低于小水池组(P0.05),旱养组孵化率极显著低于池塘组(P0.01),小水池组与池塘组间孵化率差异不显著(P0.05)。因此,在节水饲养模式下,还需要研究配套的饲养技术,减少死胚率,提高种蛋活胚率。  相似文献   

牛肝片吸虫病是由肝片吸虫寄生于牛胆管中引起的,在云南省大关县天星镇散养牛群中多发,由于饲养管理缺乏经验、对该病重视程度不够等原因,有河流、水田或水塘的地方感染率高。笔者在多年兽医临床实践中采取综合防治措施,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

不同饲养基质对豆天蛾越冬影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究豆天蛾的越冬条件,以便为饲养繁殖豆天蛾提供科学依据。以纯土、蘑菇料土、锯末土和纯锯末为豆天蛾越冬的饲养基质,通过用4种饲养基对豆天蛾的室内、室外处理发现,室内处理的豆天蛾化蛹率为纯锯末>锯末土>蘑菇料土>纯土,死亡率为纯锯末>纯土>蘑菇料土>锯末土;室外处理的豆天蛾化蛹率为纯锯末>锯末土>蘑菇料土>纯土,死亡率为纯土>蘑菇料土>纯锯末>锯末土。研究结果表明,饲养基质中有机质的含量影响豆天蛾的化蛹率和死亡率,豆天蛾趋向于含有有机质较多的饲养基质中越冬。  相似文献   

利用杂交育种、丝胶蛋白含量跟踪检测等方法,构建了能分泌白色、绿色、黄色、橘红色丝胶蛋白的18个品种组成的资源库,其丝胶蛋白含量位于93.92~100%,为制备纯天然、不变性的高品质丝胶蛋白及其在化妆品、医药、食品和纤维改性材料等领域的利用提供高品质原料。  相似文献   

During the last decade the number of outdoor breeding pig units increased in Northern Europe. With comparable results in reproduction and up to 70 per cent lower capital outlays in relation to the conventional indoor systems the interest of farmers in outdoor breeding grew also in Germany. There are a number of issues that are specific to outdoor systems that need to be considered during winter season.  相似文献   

 选择鸡群变动小、生长良好的成年笼养蛋鸡2000只和5家放养比较规范的农户(每户700只),研究不同饲养方式对卢氏绿壳蛋鸡产蛋性能、经济效益的影响。结果表明:生态放养的绿壳蛋鸡产蛋率显著低于笼养鸡(P<0.05),笼养比生态放养的蛋重平均值高15.80%(P<0.01)。笼养鸡的效益为44.76元/只,生态放养鸡的效益为59.39元/只。  相似文献   

Assessing the reasons for death in pig breeding units is the first step in understanding and controlling the factors influencing sow losses due to mortality. From October 1997 to October 2001 in forty-nine indoor (2876 sows died) and sixty-five outdoor breeding units (3451 sows died) sow mortality was evaluated. The average annual mortality rate during the four year evaluation period was 5.1 +/- 1.2% in indoor and 12.2 +/- 2.1% in outdoor production units. Swine urogenital disease (SUGD, 32.4%), heart failure (HF, 21.8%) and locomotor problems (LP, 33.1%) caused deaths were markedly higher in outdoor production, while periparturient diseases (mastitis-metritis-agalactia, MMA, 24.5%) and torsion or distension abdominal organs (TDA, 20.5%) revealed markedly higher losses in indoor units. The annual culling rate was 39.1% in the indoor and 45.2% in the outdoor units. In outdoor units 40.1% of all deaths occurred during the periparturient period of the reproductive cycle, in indoor units the majority of mortality happened during lactation (40.2%). Average parity at death was 3.6 in indoor and 2.5 in outdoor production.  相似文献   

樗蚕茧解舒困难,缫丝易落绪,不好缫丝,以目前的技术条件,樗蚕茧只可做绢纺原料。利用本研究制订的煮茧和解舒工艺,缫得的茧丝长平均在300~400m左右,人工室内育茧的丝长最长409.5m;人工室外育茧的丝长最长478.13m。人工室外育樗蚕茧丝胶含量为25.29%,略高于人工室内樗蚕茧;茧层练减率为33.89%,略高于人工室内育樗蚕茧。用樗蚕茧加工制成的绵片疏松而有弹性。  相似文献   

Examples for practical solutions of animal welfare questions in poultry and pig holdings are described: A new inspection trolley for laying hens in battery cages with 8 floors, rearing conditions for laying hens in alternative housing systems including outdoor areas, improvement of hen-runs with plantation and mobile shelters, incidence of day-light in broiler houses, use of an automatic broiler catching machine, straw-racks and structured pens for fattening turkeys, outdoor husbandry of "Kelleyturkeys", kennelled system with "bungalows" for weaners (Nürtinger System), "Straw-Flow" systems with a sloping floor and straw provided from a freely accessible dispenser, outdoor areas with solid surface for fattening pigs, straw-racks, animal friendly construction of farrowing pens as well as an outdoor system for breeding sows.  相似文献   

由于动物福利、节约成本等原因,户外养猪得到了快速发展。在此就户外养猪的可行性、户外养猪基本条件与基本操作以及户外养猪效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the risk factors for swine dysentery in East-European middle-to-large sized, farrow-to-finish units, with separate breeding and grower-finisher facilities. Samples of faeces from 10 breeding animals (3-10% of the female inventory) and 10 grower finisher pigs (80-140 days of age) were collected for polymerase chain reaction testing (PCR) for Brachyspira hyodysenteriae (B. hyo). Of 139 farrow-to-finish units, 51 (36.7%) were positive, 49 (35.3%) were negative, and 39 (28.1%) were inconclusive for B. hyo by PCR. In breeding subunits, twelve variables passed the screening criterion for risk factors (P < .2) for B. hyo PCR positivity. The odds of the breeding subunits being B. hyo PCR positive were 3.5 times greater when the grower-finisher subunit was positive and the fibre content of the diet was > 6%. Use of 'all-in-all-out' farrowing policy and having >60% multiparous sows each reduced the odds of being B. hyo PCR-positive by 4-fold. In grower-finisher subunits, fourteen variables passed the screening criterion for risk factors (P < .2) for B. hyo PCR positivity. B. hyo PCR-positive status of the breeding subunits and higher fibre content of the diet were the most influential variables, with the odds of the grower-finisher subunits being B. hyo PCR positive being almost 8 times greater when the breeding subunit was also B. hyo PCR positive. Grower-finisher B. hyo PCR positivity was also associated with the percentage of pigs housed on concrete slats, with the odds of being positive being 7.5-times higher for subunits where more that 70% of the animals were kept on concrete slats compared with all other floor types. There was a strong association between grower-finisher status and whether the animals were on outdoor lots, with the odds of being B. hyo PCR positive being substantially lower for pigs on outdoor lots compared with all other surfaces. IN CONCLUSION: All-in-all-out management in the breeding units, B. hyo negativity of adjacent grower-finisher units, high fibre content of the diet, and older parity structure in a sow herd may reduce the risk of swine dysentery. In grower-finisher units, slatted flooring is associated with a higher risk, while B. hyo negativity of the breeding units, the fibre content of the diet, and outdoor production are associated with lower risk of swine dysentery.  相似文献   

本试验根据饲养方式的不同设4个处理:即传统的水面圈养(对照组)、无水面旱地圈养结合每天4次每次30 min的管道间歇喷淋组(试验1组)、每天喷淋4次每次30 min的莲蓬头喷淋组(试验2组)、每天喷淋3次每次30 min的莲蓬头喷淋组(试验3组),用以测定各组产蛋期产蛋性能和受精率、孵化率等繁殖性能。结果表明,同是莲蓬头喷淋方式,喷淋4次的鸭500日龄产蛋总数、产蛋总重和料蛋比均显著优于喷淋3次的效果;同是喷淋4次,管道喷淋方式的鸭500日龄产蛋数达到329.4枚、料蛋比2.85∶1,为4组最高,与莲蓬头喷淋4次组差异不显著(P>0.05),而显著高于水面圈养方式的对照组和莲蓬喷淋3次的试验3组,试验1组500日龄产蛋总重最高,达到22513 kg,极显著高于试验3组,高于对照组但差异不显著,且用水量比莲蓬头喷淋4次和对照组的更少。各组的受精率和孵化率没有显著差异。从而筛选出管道喷淋模式为生产性能最佳又最节省喷淋用水的蛋鸭旱地圈养间歇喷淋模式。  相似文献   

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