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应用水蚀预报项目(Water Erosion Prediction Project,WEPP)模型评价紫色土坡面水蚀强度,提出模型参数的估算方法,并利用四川省遂宁水土保持试验站长期径流小区观测资料,验证和检验模型预测的精度和敏感性;探讨该模型在川中丘陵紫色土地区应用的可能性及模型参数选择存在的问题。运用WEPP模型进行降雨侵蚀预测,并与实测值进行比较。结果表明,WEPP模型在大多数情况下预报值较合理,低坡度坡面上模拟预测值高于实际观测值,高坡度坡面上模拟预测值低于实际观测值,不仅在一定程度上模拟值与实测值接近,而且模型还可估算土壤侵蚀的时空分布及全坡面或坡面任意一点的净土壤流失量及随时间的变化。这对布置水土保持管理措施具有重要意义。 相似文献
WEPP模型中细沟可蚀性参数估计方法误差的理论分析 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
细沟土壤侵蚀在坡面土壤侵蚀占有重要地位。土壤可蚀性参数是WEPP模型中计算预报/计算细沟土壤侵蚀中极其重要的参数。WEPP模型现在采用的可蚀性参数是用长的细沟/径流小区试验以细沟侵蚀产沙估计得到的最大可能剥蚀率为基础获得的。该文分析了细沟侵蚀产沙随沟长的变化关系,分析了可蚀性参数估计误差的来源。从理论上推导出了计算现有WEPP可蚀性参数估计误差的计算方法。理论分析表明,对于限定性细沟,可蚀性参数的估计误差主要来源于细沟最大可能剥蚀率的估计值。最大可能剥蚀率的理想估计值是水流载沙量与细沟长度的函数关系在细沟 相似文献
基于WEPP模型的水土保持措施因子与侵蚀量关系研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
水土保持措施能够有效减少水土流失,是土壤侵蚀过程中的一个重要影响因子。以北京市延庆县水土保持科技示范园的径流小区观测数据为基础,利用WEPP模型模拟了坡面不同水土保持措施下的侵蚀量,结果表明:(1)植被盖度与侵蚀量呈负相关关系,植被盖度越高侵蚀量越少,当盖度50%时侵蚀量会显著减少,且植被有效盖度的阈值为70%;(2)梯田的土壤侵蚀过程主要发生在田坎处,水平田面几乎没有水土流失,侵蚀量与田坎高成正比,与田面宽成反比。在北方土石山区,水平梯田田坎高度不宜超过2.5 m,田面宽不宜小于5 m;(3)粮—草间作能有效减少土壤侵蚀量,且草带所占比例越大减蚀效益越好。在水土保持为主的坡耕地上适合推广粮:草比为2:4的间作配置模式。研究结果对于北方土石山区的土壤侵蚀研究以及水土保持措施的配置具有一定参考意义。 相似文献
A useful method to evaluate the effectiveness of soil‐erosion models is to compare the models' soil‐loss and runoff calculations with measured data from experimental plots subjected to artificial rainfall. This study was conducted to develop a set of statistics to compare the performance of the soil‐erosion models EUROSEM, WEPP, and MEDRUSH. Rainfall (six rainfall intensities, two replicates), runoff, and soil‐loss data from artificial plots at two locations in Hungary were used to assess the accuracy of the different models. The soil types within the plots represented a wide range of soil properties and are soil types that are commonly used for agriculture. The results showed that the three soil‐erosion models performed with varying effectiveness dependent on basic soil properties. However, statistical analysis showed the EUROSEM model to be the best for estimating soil loss in Hungary. 相似文献
黄土坡面径流剥离土壤的水动力过程研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
坡面土壤侵蚀是径流冲刷和坡面抗蚀作用以及地面物质补充能力之间相互作用的复杂过程。本研究采用野外实地放水冲刷实验,研究了20°裸地(CK)及鱼鳞坑(YLK)、苜蓿草地(MXCD)、秸秆覆盖(JGFG)径流调控措施坡面薄层水流剥离土壤颗粒的水动力学过程,并运用水流切应力、单位水流功率、径流动能三种理论进行了详细分析。结果表明:(1)对于裸地和调控措施坡面,输沙率与径流剪切力、径流功率之间均呈现良好线性关系,与水流动能之间呈现良好对数关系;土壤侵蚀发生时均存在临界切应力和临界功率。(2)随放水流量增加,坡面流速迅速增大,导致水流切应力、单位水流功率、径流动能增大,进而水流对土壤颗粒的剥离能力增强,最终土壤侵蚀加剧。总之,三种理论在描述土壤侵蚀过程时各具特点,径流切应力更能详细地揭示土壤颗粒分离过程,而径流动能及功率理论更能简便、准确地描述坡面土壤侵蚀过程。 相似文献
水力梯度影响下WEPP模型估计细沟侵蚀参数的可行性分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为分析近地表水文条件影响下WEPP(Water Erosion Prediction Project)模型估计细沟可蚀性和临界剪切力的可行性,该研究选取长江中上游地区典型黄壤为研究对象,采用不同水力梯度值模拟饱和/渗流(水力梯度为0、0.71和1.43 m/m)和排水(水力梯度为?0.71和?1.43 m/m)2种近地表水文条件,并设置3个放水流量(0.55、1.58、2.51 L/min),利用"V"形试验土槽测定不同条件下细沟产流产沙,以WEPP模型估算的土壤可蚀性和临界剪切力为计算值。测定增大流量直到侵蚀开始并出现连续不断的土壤颗粒分离时所对应的流量,将基于此流量计算获得的临界剪切力作为实测值。比较临界剪切力计算值与实测值验证WEPP模型估算的可靠性。结果表明,在饱和/渗流条件下,土壤剥蚀率随着冲刷历时的增加逐渐减小;在排水条件下,放水流量为0.55 L/min的土壤剥蚀率随冲刷历时的增加快速减少并逐步稳定,而随着放水流量增大土壤剥蚀率波动的更为剧烈。5个水力梯度平均细沟可蚀性为2.51×10?2 s/m。饱和/渗流条件下细沟可蚀性为3.07×10?2 s/m,是排水条件的1.78倍。除水力梯度为?1.43 m/m时临界剪切力在WEPP模型中的计算值与实测值相符外,在?0.71~1.43 m/m范围内,临界剪切力的计算值均高估了实测值,平均高估了36.85%。临界剪切力实测值与计算值呈指数函数关系(R2=0.77,P0.01)。该研究可为黄壤的侵蚀防治及WEPP细沟侵蚀模型临界剪切力修正提供理论支持和科学指导。 相似文献
WEPP模型在紫色土坡面侵蚀预测中的应用研究 总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17
WEPP模型是一种基于侵蚀过程的计算机土壤侵蚀预测模型。本文通过对遂宁市紫色土产流、产沙侵蚀的观测.运用WEPP模型进行单次降雨侵蚀预测,并与实测值进行比较。通过分析比较结果.认为WEPP模型对紫色土侵蚀过程预测合理,为进一步研究WEPP模型对紫色土多年侵蚀预测提供参数参考。 相似文献
X. Morvan C. Naisse O. Malam Issa J. F. Desprats A. Combaud O. Cerdan 《Soil Use and Management》2014,30(3):372-381
This study was conducted in Champagne vineyards in France, and the objectives were to compare the main cultivation practices in Champagne vineyards and to specify the conditions required for the optimum effect of inter‐row grass cover on runoff and erosion in experimental plots of 0.25 m² under simulated rainfall. Three types of ground cover were studied. In the bark‐and‐vine‐prunings plots, the runoff coefficient (RC) ranged from 1.3 to 4.0% and soil losses were <1 g/m2/h. In the bare soil (BS) plot, the highest RC of the study was found (80.0%) and soil losses reached 7.4 g/m2/h. In the grass cover plots, the RC and amount of eroded soil were highly variable: the RCs ranged from 0.4 to 77.0%, and soil losses were between less than 1 and 13.4 g/m2/h. Soil type, soil moisture, slope and agricultural practices did not account for the variability. In fact, the density of grass cover in the wheel tracks explained a portion of this variability. The lack of grass in the centre of the inter‐row allowed for a preferential flow and created an erosion line in the wheel tracks where the soil was compacted. This study showed that grass cover in a vineyard was not necessarily sufficient to reduce surface runoff and prevent soil erosion. To be effective, the grass cover must be dense enough in the wheel tracks of agricultural machinery to avoid RCs close to the RC achieved with BS. 相似文献
Conservation management practices – including agroforestry, cover cropping, no-till, reduced tillage, and residue return – have been applied for decades to control surface runoff and soil erosion, yet results have not been integrated and evaluated across cropping systems. In this study we collected data comparing agricultural production with and without conservation management strategies. We used a bootstrap resampling analysis to explore interactions between practice type, soil texture, surface runoff, and soil erosion. We then used a correlation analysis to relate changes in surface runoff and soil erosion to 13 other soil health and agronomic indicators, including soil organic carbon, soil aggregation, infiltration, porosity, subsurface leaching, and cash crop yield. Across all conservation management practices, surface runoff and erosion had respective mean decreases of 67% and 80% compared with controls. Use of cover cropping provided the largest decreases in erosion and surface runoff, thus emphasizing the importance of maintaining continuous vegetative cover on soils. Coarse- and medium-textured soils had greater decreases in both erosion and runoff than fine-textured soils. Changes in surface runoff and soil erosion under conservation management were highly correlated with soil organic carbon, aggregation, porosity, infiltration, leaching, and yield, showing that conservation practices help drive important interactions between these different facets of soil health. This study offers the first large-scale comparison of how different conservation agriculture practices reduce surface runoff and soil erosion, and at the same time provides new insight into how these interactions influence the improvement or loss of soil health. 相似文献
Abstract. Over a 10-year period, runoff and soil erosion on the plots of the Woburn Erosion Reference Experiment were concentrated in periods with sparse vegetation cover: in winter after the late planting of cereals; in spring after the planting of beets; or when soils were bare after harvest. The mean event runoff of 1.32 mm from plots cultivated up-and-downslope was significantly greater ( P <0.05) than that from plots cultivated across-slope (0.82 mm). However, mean event soil loss was not significantly different between the two cultivation directions. No significant differences were found between minimal and standard cultivations. Mean event runoff from the across-slope/minimal tillage treatment combination (0.58 mm) was significantly less ( P <0.01) than from the up-and-downslope/minimal tillage (1.41 mm), up-and-downslope/standard tillage (1.24 mm), and across-slope/standard tillage (1.07 mm) treatment combinations. Runoff from the across-slope/standard treatment combination was significantly ( P <0.05) less than from the up-and-downslope/minimal tillage treatment. The across-slope/minimal tillage treatment combination had a significantly smaller ( P <0.05) event soil loss (67 kg ha−1 ) than the up-and-downslope/standard tillage (278 kg ha−1 ) and up-and-downslope/minimal tillage (245 kg ha−1 ) combinations. Crop yields were significantly ( P <0.05) higher on across-slope plots in 1988, 1996 and 1997 than on up-and-downslope plots, and were also higher (but not significantly) on the across-slope plots in 7 of the 8 remaining years. Minimal cultivation decreased yield compared with standard cultivation in one year only. We recommend that across-slope cultivation combined with minimal tillage be investigated at field scale to assess its suitability for incorporation into UK farming systems. 相似文献
影响土壤氮素径流流失的因素探析 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
从自然因素和人为因素出发探讨了地形、降雨、土壤理化性质、植被以及施肥、耕作制度等因素对土壤N素流失的影响,并综述了国内外有关研究的最新进展。并认为,基于这些因素相互作用的复杂性,有必要开展以下3方面的内容:一是大量开展多因子交叉实验,定量评价它们之间的关系,这为深入理解土壤N素流失机理和确定流域非点源污染模拟模型参数提供科学依据;二是加强有关土壤N素流失机理的多学科之间的联系,协同攻关建立较完善的理论认识;三是利用微观径流小区开展田间试验,结合遥感和GIS分析等方法,建立宏观大尺度土壤N素流失模型,为环境问题的宏观决策提供支持。 相似文献
Land-use impacts on surface runoff and soil detachment within agricultural sloping lands in Northern Vietnam 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
P. Podwojewski D. Orange P. Jouquet C. Valentin Van Thiet Nguyen J.L. Janeau Duc Toan Tran 《CATENA》2008,74(2):109-118
Two consecutive years of investigation on soil surface features, surface runoff and soil detachment within 1-m2 microplots on 40% slope highlighted the effects of land-use change, vegetation cover and biological activity on the water pathways in Northern Vietnam. Three replicate plots were set up on each of five land-uses: cassava (CAS), grass fodder of Bracharia ruziziensis (BRA), a 3-year old fallow (FAL), tree stands of Acacia mangium and Venicia montana (FOR), and a fallow with regrowth of Eucalyptus regularly cut (EUC). The second year, two of the microplots under FAL and EUC were treated with herbicide (FALh, EUCh), one of them was burnt (FALh+b, EUCh+b). The highest yearly surface runoff coefficient of 16%, and soil detachment rate of 700 g m− 2 yr− 1 in average with a maximum of 1305 g m− 2 yr− 1 have been recorded under CAS. On FALh and FALh+b, runoff ratios were 8.7 and 13.5%, respectively and detachment rates were 86 and 389 g m− 2. On FAL and BRA the yearly runoff ratio varied from 5.9 to 9.8% but the detachment rate was limited at 24 to 35 g m− 2. FOR and EUC annual runoff was ≤ 3.1% and annual soil detachment ≤ 71 g m− 2. These values were very low compared to the values reported on steep slopes in Laos within similar climate and vegetation cover.The runoff and detachment rates underlined the importance of rainfall intensities, soil physical properties, soil surface features, soil vegetation cover and biological activity. The annual surface runoff was highly correlated to the soil surface crusting. CAS and BRA plots were prone to crusting especially after weeding at the onset of the rainy season, when the soil surface was still uncovered. Soil bioturbation (earthworm casting activity) was the second factor that explains local variation of surface runoff and soil detachment. The continuous production of earthworms casts on soil surface, especially on FOR and EUC microplots, induced a marked surface roughness and reduced the surface runoff. The production of casts was very limited in FAL and completely absent in CAS microplots. So it is evident that our results confirm the deleterious effects of cassava on soil and water conservation. 相似文献
Abstract. The effect of grazing pressure on infiltration, runoff, and soil loss was studied on a natural pasture during the rainy season of 1995 in the Ethiopian highlands. The study was conducted at two sites with 0–4% and 4–8% slopes at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Debre Zeit research station, 50 km south of Addis Ababa. The grazing regimes were: light grazing stocked at 0.6 animal-unit-months (AUM)/ha; moderate grazing stocked at 1.8 AUM/ha; heavy grazing stocked at 3.0 AUM/ha; very heavy grazing stocked at 4.2 AUM/ha; very heavy grazing on ploughed soil stocked at 4.2 AUM/ha; and a control with no grazing. Heavy to very heavy grazing pressure significantly reduced biomass amounts, ground vegetative cover, increased surface runoff and soil loss, and reduced infiltrability of the soil. Reduction in infiltration rates was greater on soils which had been ploughed and exposed to very heavy trampling. It was observed that, for the same % vegetative cover, more soil loss occurred from plots on steep than gentle slopes, and that gentle slopes could withstand more grazing pressure without seriously affecting the ground biomass regeneration compared to steeper slopes. Thus, there is a need for developing 'slope-specific' grazing management schedules particularly in the highland ecozones rather than making blanket recommendations for all slopes. More research is needed to quantify annual biophysical changes in order to assess cumulative long-term effects of grazing and trampling on vegetation, soil, and hydrology of grazing lands. Modelling such effects is essential for land use planning in this fragile highland environment. 相似文献
J. A. Gómez C. Llewellyn G. Basch P. B. Sutton J. S. Dyson C. A. Jones 《Soil Use and Management》2011,27(4):502-514
Cover crops (CC) in vineyards and olive groves provide an alternative to conventional tillage (CT) for land management. Runoff, sediment and nutrient loss from six sites in France, Spain and Portugal were compared over 3–4 yr. In general, runoff loss was not significantly reduced by the CC alternatives: average annual runoff coefficients ranged from 4.9 to 22.8% in CT compared with 1.9–25% in the CC alternatives. However, at two sites, reductions in average annual runoff coefficients were greater for CC: 17.2 and 10.4% in CT, 6.1 and 1.9% in CC. Nutrient loss in runoff followed a similar pattern to runoff, as did pesticide loss on the one site; reductions occurred when runoff losses were significantly reduced by CC. The lack of differences at the other sites is thought to be due to a combination of soil conditions at the surface (compaction and capping) and sub‐surface (low‐permeability horizons close to the surface). In contrast, CC always resulted in reductions in soil erosion loss, plus similar reductions in nutrients and organic matter (OM) associated with sediment. Soil erosion loss ranged from 1.4 to 90 t/ha/yr in CT compared with 0.04–42.7 t/ha/yr in CC. Overall, reductions in runoff and associated nutrient and pesticide loss from vineyards and olives occurred with the introduction of CCs only when soil permeability was sufficiently high to reduce runoff. In contrast, reduction in soil erosion and associated nutrients and OM occurred even when the amount of runoff was not reduced. In the most extreme encountered situations (highly erodible soils in vulnerable landscape positions and subject to highly erosive rainfall), additional conservation measures are needed to prevent unsustainable soil loss. 相似文献
水蚀模型USLE与WEPP在紫色土水蚀预测中的应用对比研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
该文分别确定了USLE与WEPP模型的参数指标,通过实测遂宁组紫色土的单次降雨产沙量,对降雨产沙实测值与模型预测值进行比较分析,结果表明:在20°休闲小区模拟预测WEPP模型预测效果多数情况下优于USLE模型;通过多因子贡献分析发现,降雨量因子对产沙量的影响最大,其对休闲区和布设措施小区产沙量的贡献率分别达到了48.0%和64.1%。根据统计学中累积贡献率大于80%确定公共因子的原则,确定降雨量与降雨历时为遂宁组紫色土地区侵蚀产沙量的公共因子。 相似文献
Surface runoff, soil loss, suspended sediment concentration (SSC), texture of eroded soils and suspended sediment were determined on slightly eroded chernozems (mouldboard fall-ploughed) during years with different amounts of snow in three areas of southern West Siberia (Predsalairye, Priobye and Kuznetsk hollow). These areas have different geomorphological and climatic characteristics and soils. Observations were made from 1969 to 2007. The soil loss during very low-snow and low-snow years did not exceed 2 t ha− 1. After winters with normal amounts of snow, the runoff led to slight soil loss (2–5 t ha− 1). Soil losses in high-snow and very high-snow years varied from slight to severe (4.8–15.8 t ha− 1) depending on studied area. The main sediment exported during intensive snowmelt and the 1 mm of runoff transported from 35 to 150 kg ha− 1 of soil material. The removal of soil particles < 0.01 mm (especially clay) prevailed during the initial and final stages of snowmelt. Clay removal by meltwater from the ploughed layer in high-snow and very high-snow years varied from 3300 to 4200 kg ha− 1 and, in the initial and final stages of snowmelt clay removal, accounted for 1260–1,500 kg ha− 1. Among the three studied regions, Predsalairye had decreased soil erosion resistance and was the area with the greatest danger of erosion. 相似文献
Effect of Polyacrylamide integrated with other soil amendments on runoff and soil loss: Case study from northwest Ethiopia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) has the potential to reduce soil erosion through soil conditioning. However, a comprehensive study about its effectiveness especially when applied combined with other amendments have rarely been conducted in the tropical highland climatic conditions, such as in Ethiopia. The study assessed the effectiveness of PAM (P = 40 kg ha?1) alone or integrated with other soil amendments such as gypsum (G = 5 t ha?1), lime (L = 4 t ha?1) and biochar (B = 8 t ha?1) on runoff and soil loss at Aba Gerima watershed in the Upper Blue Nile basin, northwest of Ethiopia, where there is high erosion-caused soil degradation. A total of 79 daily runoff and sediment data were collected from eight runoff plots (1.3m × 4m) with three replications planted with teff (Eragrostis tef) crop for two years (2018 & 2019) rainy seasons. Associated changes in soil physicochemical properties and crop growth parameters were investigated. Treatments reduced seasonal runoff by 12–39% and soil loss by 13–53%. The highest reduction in runoff was observed from P + B and PAM treatments while the highest reduction in soil loss was observed from that of P + L and PAM treatments. Integrating PAM with other amendments improved soil structural stability, moisture content, soil pH (P + L) and organic matter (P + B), leading to favorable environment for crop growth (biomass yield) and reduced runoff and soil erosion. Unlike PAM, biochar and lime amendments may need more time after application to be more effective. Hence continuing the field experiment and studying physico-chemical mechanisms for extended period will better elucidate their single or combined effectiveness over time. 相似文献
Runoff and soil erosion from areas of burnt scrub: comparison of experimental results with those predicted by the WEPP model 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The effects of burning on runoff and soil erosion from scrub-bearing hillslopes in northwest Spain were investigated by monitoring of experimental plots over a 4-year period. At the beginning of this period, two plots (BP1 and BP2) were subjected to low-intensity controlled burns, and two plots left as controls; in the year following the controlled burns, however, one of the control plots (plot WF) was burnt in a wildfire of higher intensity than the controlled burns. Runoff and erosion losses from the BP plots were only slightly higher than from the control plot, with the loss in no case exceeding 300 g m−2 yr−1. Erosion losses from plot WF were considerably higher (1314 g m−2 over the 1st year post-burning, 8.5 times higher than from the control plot). These results were compared with those predicted using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) hillslope model (Version 95.7). In general, WEPP predictions of total runoff volume over the study period were acceptable: coefficients of determination for the regression of predicted on observed values were 0.41, 0.68, 0.66 and 0.57 for the control plot and plots BP1, BP2 and WF, respectively. Erosion losses were likewise predicted with reasonable accuracy, though the model showed a consistent tendency to under-estimate, particularly with plot WF. 相似文献
农田土壤溶质的地表径流流失是农业面源污染的重要组成部分,为了更加有效预测和控制农田土壤溶质的流失,该文将水迁移率考虑为随土壤侵蚀变化而变化的函数,并修改Hydrus-1D代码数值求解土壤溶质的地表径流浓度值。利用两组已经发表的试验数据对改进的模型进行校验,研究结果表明该文模拟值与观测数据的相关系数r≥0.81,残差绝对均值和均方根差与原模型的模拟值相比,分别平均减少了35.42和60.77 mg/L,该文改进的模型能更好地模拟土壤溶质的地表径流流失规律。该文的研究成果将为实际预防和控制农业面源污染提供参考。 相似文献
雨强和坡度对红壤坡耕地地表径流及壤中流的影响 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6
地表径流和壤中流是坡面重要水文过程,雨强和坡度是影响坡面地表径流和壤中流产流主要因素。为研究降雨强度和地表坡度对坡耕地地表径流和壤中流的影响,该文采用人工模拟降雨试验法,在长3.0 m、宽1.5 m、深0.5 m土槽,设计4个不同坡度(5°、10°、15°、20°)和3个不同雨强(30、60、90 mm/h)对红壤坡耕地地表径流及壤中流产流过程进行模拟试验。结果表明:1)壤中流开始产流时间滞后于地表径流,降雨强度从30到90 mm/h,地表径流、壤中流产流开始时间均随雨强增大而减小,壤中流比地表产流开始滞后时间随着雨强增大先增大后趋于稳定;2)地表径流强度随雨强增大而增大,壤中流初始径流强度随雨强增大而增大,不同雨强下壤中流径流峰值相近;3)地表径流和壤中流产流过程曲线有明显差异,地表径流产流过程线先增大后趋于稳定,壤中流产流过程线呈抛物线型即先增大后减小;4)从5°到20°,地表产流开始时间随坡度增大而减小,壤中流产流开始时间随坡度增大先减小后增大;5)从5°到20°,地表径流强度先增大后减小,10°为转折坡度,壤中流产流峰值随坡度增大而减小,并且随着坡度增大达到壤中流峰值时间不断减小。 相似文献