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湖南省双牌县五星岭林场发现松针褐斑病 ,大面积黄山松严重受害 ,平均发病率为60 .9% ,病情指数为 3 4.2 ,黄山松表现对松针褐斑病的高度感病性 ;而在人工接种条件下黄山松的病情指数仅为 1 2 .2 ,表现为抗病性。  相似文献   

黄山松对松针褐斑病菌的感病性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

通过调查,分析松针红斑病(Dothistroma pini Hulbary)不同病情对樟子松年生长量的影响,找出了病情与材积生长量损失率之间的关系,进一步建立了材积生长量损失率的数学模型。  相似文献   

松针红斑病是国内检疫性病害 ,病原菌为松穴褥盘孢菌 ( Dothistroma piniHulbary)。它可危害松属 ( Pinus) 41个种 ,但在黑龙江省林区主要危害樟子松、红松和红皮云杉。苗圃内如果感染此病 ,可造成苗木减产或绝产。幼树被害后影响生长 ,严重者则可因感病而枯死。为有效地阻止其传播蔓延 ,杜绝此病发生 ,必须严把检疫关 ,提高其产地检疫及调运检疫技术。1 产地检疫技术   1.1 种苗繁育基地应设在无检疫对象发生的地区。   1.2 对上山造林的苗木及换床苗木要进行逐株检疫 ,发现带疫苗木及时销毁或处理 ,禁止用感病苗木上山造林。  …  相似文献   

云南的松针红斑病病原菌形态鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道在云南寄生于云南松PinusyunnanensisFranch,加勒比松P.caribaeaMorelet,湿地松P.elliottiiEngelm和火炬松P.taedaL.上的松褥盘孢菌Doth-istromapiniHulbary形态鉴定,该菌侵染导致松针的衰弱死亡后,进行死体分解的菌是乔松攻斑壳Lophodermiumpini-excelsaeAhmad、星状拟盘多毛孢菌Pestal  相似文献   

本文报道在云南寄生于云南松PinusyunnanensisFranch.、加勒比松P.caribaeaMorelet、湿地松P.elliottiiEngelm.和火松P.taedaL.上的松褥盘孢菌Doth-istromapiniHulbary形态鉴定。该菌侵染导致松针的衰弱死亡后,进行死体分解的菌是乔松散斑壳Lophodermiumpini-excelsaeAhmad、星状拟盘多毛孢菌PestalotiOpsisstella-ta(Belk.&Curt.)H.T.SumetCao、污斑拟盘多毛孢菌Pestalotiopsisfoedans(Sacc.&Ell.)Stey.,它们加速了死亡部分的分解而使症状更加显得严重。  相似文献   

应用松针褐斑病菌菌丝对国外松松苗进行接种,以及应用脱脂棉吸附松针褐斑病菌孢子保温保存方法进行了初步探索,试验结果表明,应用菌丝接种的松苗一组没有出现褐斑病典型症状。用脱脂棉吸附孢子低温冷藏保存孢子有效时间不超过6d。  相似文献   

松针红斑病属世界流行的重要病害之一.该病原菌侵染危害樟子松、红松等多种松树,是一种严重危害针叶的病害.松红斑病可导致松针大量脱落、生长放缓、木材生长量下降,甚至死亡.综述了松针红斑病的分类研究进展、生物学特性、产生的毒素,包括分子生物学在分类及病害鉴定方面的应用,并就其控制措施做了全面的总结.  相似文献   

【目的】依据气候变化,探究气候变化对松针红斑病分布的影响,预测中国松针红斑病的潜在分布区。【方法】根据松针红斑病已知分布区域和相关气候数据,结合政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)针对未来气候变化情景发布的CCSM4气候模式数据,采用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)预测松针红斑病的潜在分布区。【结果】松针红斑病最适宜分布区为黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古东北部和云南省。经刀切法分析(Jackknife)表明,6月降水量、11月平均最高温度和最冷季度降水量等主要影响松针红斑病的潜在分布区。在未来不同气候变化情景下,总适宜区面积呈上升趋势,增加幅度为15. 66%~18. 29%。山东北部、河北、山西的大部分地区、陕西中部和南部、甘肃东南部、四川北部和南部、辽宁西部和内蒙古东部的各等级适宜区面积增加,适宜等级上升。【结论】MaxEnt模型预测结果与实际调查结果具有很高的一致性,能够反映松针红斑病在中国的分布情况。随着未来气候变化,云南、四川交界地区,东北三省和内蒙古东北部最适宜分布区呈现破碎化的趋势。松针红斑病适生区质心有由东北向华北、西北扩散的趋势。  相似文献   

Dothistroma and Lecanosticta needle blight are among the most damaging foliage diseases in plantations and natural pine stands worldwide, and are therefore listed as quarantine organisms in numerous countries. The aim of this study was to validate different methodologies used for the detection of both diseases. Based on multiplex quantitative PCR (qPCR), simultaneous detection and discrimination of the three pathogens Dothistroma septosporum, Dothistroma pini and Lecanosticta acicola were possible in symptomatic needles. Additionally, the same set of needles was analysed for the presence of all three pathogens using novel end‐point PCR assays followed by enzymatic digestion of PCR products. Results were compared with the qPCR data, and for validation, collected needles were screened morphologically for the presence of typical fruiting bodies and spores. Differences in detection sensitivity were found between the detection tools. The qPCR‐based detection allowed for specific and efficient identification and quantification of all three pathogens simultaneously. At the same time, conventional PCR assays, which target the multicopy ITS region, showed increased detection sensitivity and can be conducted without the use of expensive infrastructure and reagents.  相似文献   

A historical outbreak of needle blight disease was recorded during 2018 to 2019 in plantations of Pinus radiata and Pinus nigra in the North of Spain. The main pathogens involved in this historical outbreak were identified as Lecanosticta acicola and Dothistroma septosporum. Recently, a variety of tree species in three arboreta planted between 2011 and 2013 in the Basque Country as part of the European project REINFFORCE were showing symptoms of needle blight and defoliation. The aim of this study was to determine which pine species were affected with these pathogens. Tree species sampled included several provenances of P. brutia, P. elliottii, P. nigra, P. pinaster, P. pinea, P. ponderosa, P. sylvestris and P. taeda. Using molecular identification methods, Lecanosticta acicola was confirmed infecting Pinus brutia (Provenance: Alexandropolis, Greece and var. eldarica, Crimea) and represents a new host species for this pathogen. Pinus elliottii (Provenance: Georgia, USA) and P. ponderosa (Provenance: Central California, USA) are new host reports of L. acicola for Spain. Dothistroma septosporum was found for the first time on P. brutia (Provenance: Marmaris, Turkey) and P. ponderosa (Provenance: Oregon, USA) in Spain and was also detected infecting P. nigra (Provenance: Sologne Vayrières, France).  相似文献   

应用Verhulst模型测报松针褐斑病发病率   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据瑞金市1992~1998年松针褐斑病逐年发病率的时间数据序列,尝试应用Verhulst模型进行预测预报。  相似文献   

从美国 8个州 16个种子园引进了一批火炬松一代种子园优良家系 ,用自然感染法和毒素法结合对各家系的抗褐斑病性能进行了评价。尽管在自然条件下林间感病较轻 ,但可以确定NY - 1、TX - 4等 11个家系是感病的。毒素测定法显示 ,来自亚拉巴马州的AL - 3、AL - 4和来自密西西比州的MG - 7等家系 ,抗褐斑病性能较强。但同时强调毒素测定只能作为一个参考 ,不能作出最后结论  相似文献   

Dothistroma Needle Blight (DNB) has been known in Slovenia since 1971, but the disease symptoms have intensified in recent years. With this study, the DNB symptoms in Slovenia are for the first time connected to both phytopathogenic Dothistroma species: D. pini and D. septosporum. Based on the ITS‐rDNA comparisons, the Slovenian isolates of D. pini group with the D. pini isolates from France, Hungary and the USA and not with the D. pini isolates from Russia and Ukraine. Both mating types MAT1 and MAT2 of D. septosporum are present in Slovenia, while for D. pini, only MAT2 was found. The current widespread occurrence of D. pini in native forest stands indicates the prolonged presence of this species in Slovenia.  相似文献   

Lecanosticta acicola (Thüm.) Syd., a serious foliage pathogen of pines in many regions of the world, is an emerging invasive species in northern Europe. After the first record of L. acicola on Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws. in northern Estonia in 2008, monitoring was started to investigate the spread and host range of the fungus in the country. By the beginning of 2015, L. acicola was also recorded on P. uncinata Mill. ex Mirb., P. mugo Turra and on P. mugo var. pumilio (Haenke) Zenari, being the northernmost records of the fungus in Europe. So far, the single native pine species Pinus sylvestris L. has not been found to be infected. Molecular analysis proved infection of L. acicola on pines in five different localities of Estonia: in Tallinn (mainly in the Botanic Garden, northern Estonia), in Tori and Kärdla (western Estonia), in Vasula and Kärevere (east-central Estonia). The sexual state (teleomorph) of the fungus was not found, but the existence of the both mating types, MAT1-1 and MAT1-2, was confirmed.  相似文献   

The presence of quarantine pathogen Lecanosticta acicola, the causal agent of brown spot needle blight, was confirmed using molecular methods for the first time in northern part of Poland on the coastal area adjacent to the Baltic Sea. This area includes sandy beaches, where Pinus mugo and P. sylvestris were planted. Symptomatic needles were collected in 2017 from 20 P. mugo trees growing in one stand in Ustka. Typical symptoms of brown spot needle blight infection, including dead needle tips and central zones with yellow or reddish brown, circular spots in green tissue, were observed on all samples. Only, the asexual stage of L. acicola was obtained during this work. The pathogen species identity was confirmed using classical morphological methods (microscopic examination of the infected needles), real‐time and species‐specific priming (SSPP) PCR, and ITS sequencing. Analysis of mating‐type (MAT) genes showed the presence of both mating types in northern Poland.  相似文献   

福州市松针褐斑病的发生现状及防治措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张珠河 《福建林业科技》2003,30(2):68-69,73
介绍福州市松针褐斑病[Lecanostictaacicola(Thum.)Sydow.]的发生、发展状况,分析了该病流行原因,提出了具体防治技术措施。  相似文献   

MURRAY  J. S.; BATKO  S. 《Forestry》1962,33(1):57-65
Dothistroma pini Hulbary, not hitherto reported in Britain,is described. Since 1954, and possibly before this date, ithas caused serious defoliation of nursery pine stock, particularlyof Pinus nigra and P. ponderosa. It has been reported only fromtwo nurseries both in the Wareham area, Dorset, but the reasonfor this extremely limited distribution is unknown. Attacksare worst in wet summers. Spore inoculations on potted plantsgave severe infection.  相似文献   

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