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Summary Studies were conducted to determine whether soils that showed enhanced biodegradation of organophosphate insecticides had significantly different enzyme activities from those in the same soils with no previous exposure to the insecticides. Twenty-one pairs of soils were collected from farms in the Midwest where chlorpyrifos, terbufos, fonofos, or phorate had failed to protect corn (Zea mays L) from corn rootworm (Diabrotica sp). Each soil was analyzed for acid and alkaline phosphatase, phosphodiesterase, phosphotriesterase, and dehydrogenase activities. Over 40% of the insecticide-treated soils had higher acid phosphatase activity than the fence row soils which had no previous exposure to the insecticide. Over twothirds of the soils treated with fonofos had higher acid phosphatase and phosphotriesterase activity than the fence row soils. If these enzymes are not directly involved in the biodegradation of the insecticitde, they may be indicative of enhanced biodegradation and may be used to predict which soils may be prone to insecticide failure.Contribution from the Soil-Microbial Systems Laboratory, Natural Resources Institute, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA  相似文献   

为保证蔬菜质量安全和消费者健康,该文提出利用.NET技术平台和SQL技术开发成功基于Web的蔬菜农残检测网络监控系统,利用数据库管理系统,通过数据统计和Web报表实现信息的采集和整理;该文给出了系统的结构设计方案、采用的关键技术和主要功能实现方法。该系统在江苏江阴地区实际测试效果良好,可应用于农产品品质检测和安全管理。  相似文献   

基于Web的蔬菜农药残留检测网络监控系统构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为保证蔬菜质量安全和消费者健康,该文提出利用NET技术平台和SQL技术开发成功基于Web的蔬菜农残检测网络监控系统,利用数据库管理系统,通过数据统计和Web报表实现信息的采集和整理;该文给出了系统的结构设计方案、采用的关键技术和主要功能实现方法.该系统在江苏江阴地区实际测试效果良好,可应用于农产品品质检测和安全管理.  相似文献   

Foods analyzed for pesticide residues in the monitoring programs of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are most often examined by using one or more of the multiresidue methods developed for this purpose over the years. Because no single method can be used for all potential residues, each commodity is examined by a method or methods which will identify and/or determine the chemicals most likely to have been used. FDA conducts research to develop new multiresidue methods, which are included in monitoring programs as needed to cover additional chemicals. FDA's multiresidue methods have undergone continuous study over a 20 year period to ascertain which compounds can and cannot be recovered by them. FDA continues to perform tests to discover a compound's analytical characteristics. Protocols have been published to direct the testing of additional compounds so that new information can be added to the existing compilations. Methods capable of determining residues of single pesticides are used to analyze selected commodities for residues of high priority that cannot be determined by existing multiresidue methods. Pestrak, a computerized listing of pesticide analytical information, has been developed by FDA to keep track of the capabilities of multiresidue methods and the coverage of residues by the single residue methods used in FDA monitoring.  相似文献   

Ten collaborating laboratories assayed 4 blind duplicate pairs of whole bovine blood for cholinesterase activity. The 4 sample pairs ranged from normal (100%) to severely organo-phosphorus-inhibited (less than 10%) activity. Collaborators also received commercially available human lyophillized serum as an external control and a chromate solution to evaluate spectrophotometer performance. The Ellman kinetic assay was performed on a 1:1000 dilution of the whole blood in pH 8.0 phosphate buffer. The method monitors the increase in absorbance at 412 nm caused by formation of 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid (yellow reaction product). Repeatability standard deviations (RSDr) ranged from 4.30 to 14.2%; reproducibility standard deviations (RSDR) ranged from 6.99 to 19.3%. The lower limit of detection was estimated to be 0.10 mumole/mL/min. The method has been approved interim official first action by AOAC.  相似文献   

A multiyear study in the C-111 canal system and associated sites in Florida Bay was undertaken to determine the potential pesticide risk that exists in South Florida. After the examination of extensive pesticide concentration data in surface water, tissues, and semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), canal contamination seems to be derived from the extensive agricultural production that drains into the C-111 canal. The results of this study indicate that runoff from agricultural processes led to quantifiable pesticide residues in both canal and bay surface water, which occasionally exceeded current water quality criteria. The major pesticide of concern was endosulfan, which was detected at 100% of the sites sampled. Endosulfan exposure did not cause any acute effects in fish and crustaceans deployed in field bioassays. Chronic effects were observed in copepods, clams, and oysters but could not be attributed to endosulfan exposure. The decision to alter the C-111 canal flow and allow increased freshwater flow into the adjacent Everglades National Park may result in discharges of pesticides into the Everglades. Continued monitoring in this area is needed during this change in flow regime.  相似文献   

Biomass productivity and nutrient cycling in a Bambusa bambos plantation aged 4, 5, and 6 years were studied. The dry matter production of above-ground biomass increased progressively with age. Nutrient quantities in bamboo stands were in a range of 1–2 t ha-1 for N and K, 0.5–1 t ha-1 for Ca and Mg, and 0.1–0.2 t ha-1 for P. Nutrient concentrations increased with the age of the plantation. About 10% year-1 the nutrients present in the biomass of the bamboo stand are recycled to the soil by litter fall.  相似文献   

In mined dune areas, revegetation with manured seedlings of native species is a common practice. Establishment of mycorrhized Tocoyena selloana seedlings in the mined coastal sand dunes of Northeast Brazil was tested. In greenhouse, seedlings were grown in substrates with 0, 5, 10, 15 or 20% cattle manure proportions and inoculated with Acaulospora longula, a mixture of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) or uninoculated. The seedlings responded positively to the inoculation, but growth was limited in the absence of manure, independently of inoculation, and was higher with fertilizing doses ≥10%. The seedlings transplanted to the field were grown in a substrate with 16.5% manure and inoculated with A. longula or Gigaspora albida. After 13 months, 19 AMF species were identified in the rhizosphere and the inoculated plants were more colonized than those uninoculated. Plants associated to G. albida were taller and those associated to A. longula had a tendency of higher biomass than the uninoculated ones. Even though this tendency was not statistically significant, considering the effect on height and the low cost of inoculation it may be a feasible practice to maximize environment restoration.  相似文献   

The Colorado River is contaminated with perchlorate concentrations of 1.5-8 microg/L, an anion linked to thyroid dysfunction. Over 90% of the lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) consumed during the winter months in the United States is produced in the Lower Colorado River region. Studies were conducted in this region to survey the potential for lettuce perchlorate accumulation and estimate potential human exposure to perchlorate from lettuce. Total uptake of perchlorate in the above-ground plant of iceberg lettuce was approximately 5 g/ha. Exposure estimates ranged from 0.45 to 1.8 microg/day depending on lettuce types and trimming. For all lettuce types, hypothetical exposures were less than 4% of the reference dose recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. Results show the relative iodide uptake inhibition potential because of lettuce nitrate was 2 orders of magnitude greater than that associated with the corresponding trace levels of perchlorate. These data support the conclusion that potential perchlorate exposures from lettuce irrigated with Colorado River water are negligible relative to acute or long-term harmful amounts.  相似文献   

滇南热区优良绿肥饭豆栽培及其利用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究结果表明饭豆压青处理可使陆稻籽实产量、生物量及玉米籽实产量分别提高42.86%、70.77%和19.28%;可改善土壤养分状况,0~10cm土层土壤有机质含量为26.34g/kg、全N1.98g/kg、全P0·08g/kg和全K18.2g/kg,比压青前分别提高4.48g/kg、0.32g/kg、0·01g/kg和3.9g/kg。饭豆作橡胶幼林种植园覆盖作物可保护林地表土免遭冲刷。饭豆叶片中富含营养(含粗蛋白134.0g/kg,粗纤维184.7g/kg,粗脂肪32.0g//kg,粗灰分64.6g/kg)和18种氨基酸(其总含量高达87.3g/kg),可作家畜优质饲料。  相似文献   

Cecil sandy loam soils (ultisol) from forest (coniferous and deciduous), pasture, and arable ecosystems were sampled (0-10 cm) in the vicinity of Athens, Georgia, USA. Soil from each site was subdivided into three portions, consisting of untreated soil (control) as well as live and sterile samples treated with the fungicide metalaxyl and the herbicide propachlor at 10 mg kg-1 soil. Pesticide transformation rate, basal respiration (basal) and substrate-induced respiration (SIR) rates, and microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2) were measured for the initial application of metalaxyl [methyl-N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-N-(metoxyacetyl)-DL-alaninate] or propachlor (2-chloro-N-isopropyl-acetanilide) at 22°C and 60% water holding capacity. Positive correlations were found for the following: metalaxyl transformation rate constant (Kmet) and basal (r=0.73); Kmet and SIR (r=0.83); propachlor transformation rate constant (Kpr) and basal (r=0.89); and Kpr and SIR (r=0.91). Regression analysis of pesticide transformation rate and soil respiration activity, coupled with specific soil properties (pH, Corg, and clay content), revealed a positive correlation between K and SIR for Corg (r=0.88 and 0.98, for metalaxyl and propachlor, respectively). qCO2s were not significantly different (P=0.05) in propachlor-amended and pesticide-free soils. Metalaxyl amendment resulted in a change in the ecophysiological status of the soil microbial community as expressed by qCO2. The qCO2 values in metalaxyl-amended soils were significantly greater (P=0.05) in pine forest (by 25%) and arable and pasture (by 20%) soils compared to unamended soils. Differences in qCO2 values may represent the magnitude of pesticide-induced disturbance. The duration of this disturbance was greater in the pine forest soil (48 days) compared to arable and pasture soils (21 and 15 days, respectively).  相似文献   

Land ownership in Alaska includes a mosaic of federally managed units. Within its agency’s context, each unit has its own management strategy, authority, and resources of conservation concern, many of which are migratory animals. Though some units are geographically isolated, many are nevertheless linked by paths of abiotic and biotic flows, such as rivers, air masses, flyways, and terrestrial and aquatic migration routes. Furthermore, individual land units exist within the context of a larger landscape pattern of shifting conditions, requiring managers to understand at larger spatial scales the status and trends in the synchrony and spatial concurrence of species and associated suitable habitats. Results of these changes will determine the ability of Alaska lands to continue to: provide habitat for local and migratory species; absorb species whose ranges are shifting northward; and experience mitigation or exacerbation of climate change through positive and negative atmospheric feedbacks. We discuss the geographic and statutory contexts that influence development of ecological monitoring; argue for the inclusion of significant amounts of broad-scale monitoring; discuss the importance of defining clear programmatic and monitoring objectives; and draw from lessons learned from existing long-term, broad-scale monitoring programs to apply to the specific contexts relevant to high-latitude protected areas such as those in Alaska. Such areas are distinguished by their: marked seasonality; relatively large magnitudes of contemporary change in climatic parameters; and relative inaccessibility due to broad spatial extent, very low (or zero) road density, and steep and glaciated areas. For ecological monitoring to effectively support management decisions in high-latitude areas such as Alaska, a monitoring program ideally would be structured to address the actual spatial and temporal scales of relevant processes, rather than the artificial boundaries of individual land-management units. Heuristic models provide a means by which to integrate understanding of ecosystem structure, composition, and function, in the midst of numerous ecosystem drivers.  相似文献   

北京山区森林叶面积指数季相变化遥感监测   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
森林叶面积指数(LAI)遥感反演,对于区域环境生态监测具有重要意义。该文以北京市西北山区鹫峰国家森林公园为研究区,获取多时相Landsat5 TM数据,并利用半球形照相机(Hemispherical Photography)同步获取森林LAI。使用3种植被指数(归一化植被指数NDVI、增强植被指数EVI和三梯度差植被指数TGDVI),分别建立单个观测时期及整个时期的LAI反演模型,通过相关性分析筛选出最佳模型。研究表明利用整个时期的LAI建立的模型精度较高,其中最好的是基于NDVI的LAI指数模型。利用该模型反演森林LAI,生成基于时间序列的北京山区森林LAI分布图。该研究进一步分析了阔叶林、针叶林和混交林3种情况,结果表明,与不分植被类型的LAI反演模型精度比较,阔叶林和混交林有所提高,而针叶林稍微下降,但模型精度均达到显著水平。  相似文献   

Use of reference compounds in antioxidant activity assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The choice of reference compounds is examined as a "critical control point" of antioxidant activity assessment. Gallic, caffeic, sinapic, uric, and ascorbic acids, isoeugenol, and Trolox were tested using different redox (FRAP, Folin-Ciocalteu) and radical scavenging (DPPH*, ABTS*+, CBA, ORAC) assays. The ability to chelate transition metals was assessed to support some of the findings. Analytes were also tested in liposomes. On the basis of the findings, we do not recommend uric acid (due to solubility constrains) and ascorbic acid (due to fast degradation kinetics) as references. The behavior of the rest of the compounds could not always be attributed to typical structural characteristics. Selection of suitable reference compounds for in vitro antioxidant activity assays is not an easy task to achieve. The choice of reference compounds has to remain at the convenience of the researchers, with regard to the aim of the study.  相似文献   

Phosphonic acid (trans-4-phosphono-2-butenic acid; TPB) was used as a generic hapten in order to generate broad specificity antibodies against a group of organophosphorus pesticides. The polyclonal antiserum showed, in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) format, preferential binding toward pesticides containing unsaturated diethyl-phosphate functionalities rather than the equivalent thiophosphate or dimethyl structures. The level of detection in the ELISA using a heterologous system was investigated and showed a 20-fold improvement when a conjugate for which the antibody had lower affinity was immobilized on the plate. Biosensor assays using parathion as a standard indicated that the antibody had a relatively high dissociation rate, and reproducible cycles of regeneration were achieved. The potential for using TPB as a generic hapten is discussed.  相似文献   

泥炭和牛粪对土壤中微量元素活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
盆栽试验的结果表明:牛粪、泥炭对外源微量元素形态分配的影响总趋势是一致的;四种微量元素化学有效态的主要给源不完全相同,但主要是以交换态和松结合有机态为主;土壤中生物有效性Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn的影响因素比较复杂,可能与有机质对不同元素具有强弱不同的络合能力以及Fe、Mn元素自身的变价有关.  相似文献   

宁夏南部山区小麦干旱监测与灾损评估模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究计算了宁夏回族自治区南部山区 1961~ 2 0 0 0年参考作物蒸散量 ,并利用FAO提供的山区小麦Kc值和历年小麦生育期资料模拟历年逐旬小麦需水量。通过土壤水分平衡方程各分量的订正 ,求算出历年小麦生长期间实际耗水量和水分满足率 ,运用包络产量和作物水分生产函数建立了小麦单产干旱监测与灾损评估模型 ,应用效果良好 ,可满足监测与灾损评估需要  相似文献   

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