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Urea dilution equations for prediction of empty body water in live cattle, developed by three separate groups of investigators, were evaluated by comparing empty body water calculated by these equations with that measured chemically in 6-, 12- and 18-mo-old crossbred beef steers (n = 10, 9 and 9, respectively). Of four equations for prediction of percent empty body water, one derived from mixed-breeds of steers overestimated empty body water in the 6-mo-old steers by 7.59% (P less than .05). For the 12- and 18-mo-old steers, calculated and measured percent empty body water did not differ (P greater than .05). Of seven equations for calculation of empty body water volume, two derived from Angus steers with an without live weight in the equation, and one derived from a combination of Angus and mixed-breeds of steers overestimated empty body water (P less than .05) in the 6-mo-old steers. No differences (P greater than .05) between calculated and measured empty body water volume were observed for either the 12- or 18-mo-old steers. When calculated empty body water values were regressed against that measured directly, all regression slopes were not different from 1 (P greater than .05). Intercepts from regressions involving percent empty body water (four equations) were not different from 0. Three of the seven equations for calculation of empty body water volume, one derived from bulls and the others from Angus steers had intercept estimates not different (P greater than .05) from 0. Validity required that these regressions have slopes not different from 1 and intercepts not different from 0. Empty body water calculated from equations that combined live weight and urea space were more highly correlated with directly measured empty body water than that calculated from equations derived only from urea space. Urea space correlations with body composition of our steers also were improved when live weight was included with urea space in multiple regression models. Results of this study suggest that before using any prediction equation for calculating body composition of cattle in vivo, equations should be tested with a sub-sample of cattle from the population for which its use is intended.  相似文献   

Five studies were conducted to determine 1) the time period required for the equilibration of deuterium oxide (D2O) in body water in neonatal pigs following the intravenous (iv), intramuscular (im) or intraperitoneal (ip) injection of D2O and 2) the accuracy and precision of estimating body water, protein, fat and ash in neonatal pigs from the body D2O pool space. Deuterium oxide administered by iv and im injection equilibrated with body water by 40 and 20 min postinjection, respectively. Body D2O space determined from individual samples of blood fluids drawn at 40, 80 or 120 min postinjection accurately reflected body water determined by desiccation. The difference between D2O pool space determined at 120 min postinjection and body water in 4-kg pigs injected iv averaged - .050 kg, and the magnitude of the difference was relatively constant (standard deviation [SD] = .121 kg). The D2O pool space determined from im injection overestimated body water slightly (.163 kg), but the precision of the estimate was good (SD = .019 kg). Deuterium oxide injected ip did not consistently equilibrate by 200 min postinjection, and the estimated D2O pool space was not indicative of body water. The 90% confidence limits for estimating body water, protein, fat and ash in 4-kg pigs as determined by im and iv injection of D2O were .020 and .092 kg, .014 and .021 kg, .030 and .043 kg and .007 and .047 kg, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In each of two experiments, 70 crossbred steers were blocked by BW and assigned to initial slaughter groups or to treatments in a 2 x 2 design. In Exp. 1, treatments were 168 d of photoperiod (8 h of light [L]:16 h of dark [D] or 16L:8D) and plane of nutrition (high energy [HPN] or low energy [LPN]). On d -22, 67 and 155, blood was sampled every 20 min for 8 h. Relative to LPN, HPN increased (P less than .01) ADG by 28%, carcass weight by 26% and accretion of carcass fat by 109% and carcass protein by 20%. On d 155, compared with LPN, HPN increased (P less than .01) serum insulin (INS; 1.09 vs .64 ng/ml) and lowered (P less than .05) growth hormone (GH; 2.14 vs 3.70 ng/ml), but prolactin was not affected. Photoperiod did not affect BW gains, carcass composition or serum hormones. In Exp. 2, treatments were 113 d of photoperiod (8L:16D or 16L:8D) and Synovex-S implant (presence [IMP] or absence [NONIMP]). On d 93, blood was sampled every 30 min for 10 h. Relative to NONIMP, IMP increased (P less than .01) ADG by 12% and accretion of carcass protein by 16%. Implants did not affect carcass weight or accretion of fat. Compared with NONIMP, IMP increased (P less than .05) GH (3.16 vs 2.39 ng/ml) and INS (.68 vs .46 ng/ml) but did not affect PRL. Photoperiod did not affect BW gain, carcass composition or serum hormones. We conclude that photoperiod fails to influence growth and carcass composition of steers.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing the study: Excessive accumulations or depletions of body fat have been associated with increased morbidity and mortality in horses and ponies. An objective, minimally‐invasive method to accurately quantify body fat in living animals is required to aid nutritional management and define welfare/performance limits. Objectives: To compare deuterium oxide (D2O) dilution‐derived estimates of total body water (TBW) and body fat with values obtained by ‘gold standard’ proximate analysis and cadaver dissection. Hypothesis: D2O dilution offers a valid method for the determination of TBW and body fat in equids. Methods: Seven mature (mean ± s.e. 13 ± 3 years, 212 ± 14 kg, body condition scores 1.25–7/9), healthy, Welsh Mountain pony mares, destined for euthanasia (for nonresearch purposes) were used. Blood samples were collected before and 4 h after D2O (0.11–0.13 g/kg bwt, 99.8 atom percent excess) administration. Plasma was analysed by gas isotope ratio mass spectrometry following filtration and zinc reduction. After euthanasia, white adipose tissue (WAT) mass was recorded before all body tissues were analysed by proximate chemical analyses. Results: D2O‐derived estimates of TBW and body fat were strongly associated with proximate analysis‐ and dissection‐derived values (all r2>0.97, P≤0.0001). Bland‐Altman analyses demonstrated good agreements between methods. D2O dilution slightly overestimated TBW (0.79%, limits of agreement (LoA) ‐3.75–2.17%) and underestimated total body lipid (1.78%, LoA ‐0.59–4.15%) and dissected WAT (0.72%, LoA ‐2.77–4.21%). Conclusions and potential relevance: This study provides the first validation of the D2O dilution method for the minimally‐invasive, accurate, repeatable and objective measurement of body water and fat in living equids.  相似文献   

Empty body composition of 68 mixed-breed and 50 Angus steers was determined by chemical analysis of the right half-carcass and entire noncarcass fraction of each steer. Chemical composition was used to develop prediction equations for empty body protein (EBPRO) and fat (EBFAT) in steers using urea space (US) and body weight measurements. Previous research showed a significant positive correlation between empty body water (EBH2O) and urea space in these steers. For all steers studied, the percentage of EBH2O ranged from 44.8 to 69.2 (mean = 56.0), the percentage of EBPRO ranged from 14.1 to 19.8 (mean = 17.0) and the percentage of EBFAT ranged from 6.1 to 38.1 (mean = 22.1). The best predictions obtained were multiple regression equations with actual weight of body components as dependent variables and US and empty body weight (EB) as independent variables. Urea space alone was a poor predictor of EBFAT, but US improved predictions based on live weight (LW) or EB alone. Coefficients of determination for the best predictions of percentage of composition were not as high as coefficients of determination for the best predictions of actual weight of body components. These data suggest that US measurements can be used to predict empty body composition of live steers, but this may require repeated measurements and an independent estimate of EB from LW for greatest accuracy.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the accuracy of measuring some 25 body dimensions of typically commercial beef-type steers. The measurements were chosen on the basis of their likely relationships with quantitative carcass compositional data. One of the objectives of the study was to compare the degree of accuracy obtained with values reported in the literature based on data from dairy cows and calvesThe repeatability was estimated by analysis of variance of duplicate measurements made by a single operator on 15 Hereford steers. F-ratios of the between animal to between repeated measurement mean square variances were significant (P < 0.01) for 21 of the 25 measurements, indicating that these measurements were sufficiently accurate to record differences in the body dimensions of the animals in this experimental sample. Generally, the highest F-ratio values were obtained for those measurements taken with a pair of calipers, and in each case where the length between two points was recorded by means of both flexible tape and caliper the highest F-ratios were obtained from the calipers reading.The standard deviations of the observer errors involved in this study were generally larger (on average 1.4 times larger) than those recorded for the same measurements made on dairy cows and calves.  相似文献   

Energy concentration of gain (EG) is an inherent component in beef cattle feeding systems. The National Research Council (NRC) uses equations based on body weight, rate of gain and cattle type to predict EG and, in turn, to calculate dietary energy requirements. From EG, fat and protein deposition can be calculated directly. A dynamic computer growth model also can be used to estimate EG. In both the NRC and the computer model, EG increases from about 3 to 6 Mcal/kg as body weight increases from 200 to 500 kg if daily gain is 1 kg. Both NRC and the model predict EG of calves to be about .3 Mcal/kg greater than a previous NRC system. In contrast to the NRC, model-predicted EG of yearlings is lower at lighter and greater at heavier body weights. Rate of gain affects estimates of EG more for the dynamic model than for the NRC systems. When predicted EG was compared with observed EG for 46 pens of feedlot steers in comparative slaughter trials, NRC estimates exhibited a narrow range compared with observed values with correlation coefficients of r = .38 and r = .71 (previous NRC). Model estimates of EG were closer (r = .85). The NRC predictions of EG systematically erred with initial body composition, diet metabolizable energy and length of feeding period (P less than .01) and with initial body weight and rate of gain (P less than .05). No systematic errors in model-predicted EG were detected. Enhanced model sensitivity to compensatory growth and rate of gain should reduce both EG and body weight gain prediction errors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with 64 first-litter sows to evaluate the efficacy of a D2O dilution procedure for measuring in vivo body composition during the reproduction cycle. Eight gilts were each infused at breeding, 57 and 105 d postcoitum and at 5 and 25 d postpartum, with equivalent numbers of nongravid controls infused at corresponding periods except at 5 d postpartum. Results from D2O dilution were compared with body water estimates obtained from chemical analysis. An early-equilibrating D2O pool (before 15 min) was similar quantitatively to empty body (ingesta free) water in nongravid and lactating animals, but not in pregnant sows. Because of inconsistent D2O equilibration patterns in gravid sows, the early pool was considered to have equilibrated with part but not all of the water in the conceptus products. Total body D2O space measurement obtained from data following equilibration of D2O in the entire body (1 to 2 h) overestimated total body water (including gastrointestinal water) by approximately 19%. Coefficients of determination for equations relating total body D2O space to empty body and maternal body water were .96 and .88, respectively, in gestating sows and .67 and .74, respectively, for lactating sows, while coefficients of variation were below 6% in all cases. Prediction equations were developed to estimate empty and maternal body components (protein, fat and ash) from body weight and D2O space. Accuracy of protein and ash weight prediction is lowest with this procedure because it involves the composite error of estimation of the other body components.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the feeding value of high moisture grain as an alternative to dry grain for finishing beef cattle. Winter wheat grain was harvested sequentially for rolling, acid treatment and ensilage (ER; 705 g dry matter (DM)/kg), urea whole grain treatment and anaerobic storage (UN; 746 g DM/kg) and whole grain propionic acid treatment and aerobic storage (rolled before feeding; PR; 849 g DM/kg). Friesian steers (n = 120; mean starting live-weight 518 kg) were allocated on a live-weight basis to 12 replicate blocks and then randomly assigned from within blocks to ten treatments. Treatments were grass silage offered ad libitum together with (i) no wheat, (ii–iv) PR at 3 or 6 kg/head daily, or ad libitum, (v–vii) UN at equivalent DM allowances to (ii) and (iii) above, or ad libitum, (viii–x) ER at equivalent DM allowances to (ii) and (iii) above, or ad libitum. Mean daily live-weight gains were 852 (ER), 726 (UN) and 855 g (PR) (s.e. = 65.5; P < 0.05) with corresponding values for carcass gain of 522, 425 and 528 g (s.e. = 35.6; P < 0.001) and daily silage DM intakes of 3.5, 4.0 and 3.6 kg (s.e. = 0.15; P < 0.001). Wheat DM intake when offered ad libitum was 7.8, 8.3 and 8.2 kg (s.e. = 0.10; P < 0.05) for ER, UN and PR, respectively. The content of apparently undigested whole grains and starch in faeces was higher (P < 0.001) for UN than for ER and PR, particularly at higher rates of wheat ingestion. It is concluded that ER treatment of wheat grain can be an acceptable alternative to the more traditional PR and superior to the UN treatment in the diets of finishing beef cattle.  相似文献   

Current methods of estimating milk production in beef cows can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and subject to high variability. The weigh-suckle-weigh (WSW) method requires repeated separation of offspring from their dams. Machine milking requires that animals be acclimated to the equipment prior to the estimation. The objective of Exp. 1 was to validate a deuterium oxide (D2O) dilution method of estimating milk production in cattle. In Exp. 1, Holstein calves (n = 5) averaging 29+/-2 d of age and 52.6+/-2.5 kg (+/- SE) were used as the model. Blood was collected for baseline D2O measurements followed by an injection of 300 mg D2O/kg BW. Syringes were weighed before and after the injection to gravimetrically determine the dose. Another blood sample was collected after D2O was allowed to equilibrate with body water for 2 h, and on each of the next five consecutive days, prior to feeding. Actual milk intake was measured by disappearance (i.e., amount of milk replacer offered to the calf minus the amount refused). Deuterium oxide in plasma was measured by mass spectrometry and milk intake was computed from the disappearance curve of D2O in blood plasma for each calf. Accumulated milk intake estimated by D2O dilution was highly correlated (y = 0.9x + 0.6; R2 = 0.99; P < 0.001) with actual milk intake. The objectives of Exp. 2 were to determine whether 1) D2O dilution was comparable to a standard measure of milk production in beef heifers and 2) growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) in heifers at weaning is predictive of subsequent milk production. Deuterium oxide dilution and WSW were compared using 14 first-calf Angus heifers and their calves. Deuterium oxide dilution was used to estimate milk production of 40 first-calf Angus heifers that had been challenged with GHRH at weaning. Results indicate that the D2O dilution method is correlated (R2 = 0.89; P = 0.04) to the WSW estimation of milk production. Growth hormone response to GHRH in weanling heifers is positively related (R2 = 0.22; P = 0.03) to their subsequent milk production. Deuterium oxide dilution in calves offers an additional approach to the estimation of milk production of the dam in typical beef cattle production settings.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of previous BW gain during winter grazing on subsequent growth, carcass characteristics, and change in body composition during the feedlot finishing phase. In each experiment, 48 fall-weaned Angus x Angus-Hereford steer calves were assigned randomly to one of three treatments: 1) high rate of BW gain grazing winter wheat (HGW), 2) low rate of BW gain grazing winter wheat (LGW), or 3) grazing dormant tallgrass native range (NR) supplemented with 0.91 kg/d of cottonseed meal. Winter grazing ADG (kg/d) for HGW, LGW, and NR steers were, respectively, 1.31, 0.54, 0.16 (Exp. 1) and 1.10, 0.68, 0.15 (Exp. 2). At the end of winter grazing, four steers were selected randomly from each treatment to measure initial carcass characteristics and chemical composition of carcass, offal, and empty body. All remaining steers were fed a high-concentrate diet to a common backfat end point. Six steers were selected randomly from each treatment for final chemical composition, and carcass characteristics were measured on all steers. Initial fat mass and proportion in carcass, offal, and empty body were greatest (P < 0.001) for HGW, intermediate for LGW, and least for NR steers in both experiments. Live BW ADG and gain efficiency during the finishing phase did not differ (P = 0.24) among treatments, but DMI (% of mean BW) for NR and LGW was greater (P < 0.003) than for HGW steers. Final empty-body composition did not differ (P = 0.25) among treatments in Exp. 1. In Exp. 2, final carcass and empty-body fat proportion (g/kg) was greater (P < 0.03) for LGW and NR than for HGW steers. Accretion of carcass fat-free organic matter was greater (P < 0.004) for LGW than for HGW and NR steers in Exp. 1, but did not differ (P = 0.22) among treatments in Exp. 2. Fat accretion in carcass, offal, and empty body did not differ (P = 0.19) among treatments in Exp. 1, but was greater (P < 0.05) for LGW and NR than for HGW steers in Exp. 2. Heat production by NR steers during finishing was greater (P < 0.02) than by HGW steers in Exp. 1 and 2. Differences in ADG during winter grazing and initial body fat content did not affect rate of live BW gain or gain efficiency during finishing. Feeding steers to a common backfat thickness end point mitigated initial differences in carcass and empty-body fat content. However, maintenance energy requirements during finishing were increased for nutritionally restricted steers that were wintered on dormant native range.  相似文献   

Data from seven beef steer trials were compiled and regression analyses used to evaluate relationships among molar proportions of acetate (Ac), propionate (Pr) and butyrate (Bu), total concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA), rumen ammonia (NH3), rumen pH, rumen fluid dilution rate (FDR), rumen fluid volume (FVOL), body weight (WT), dry matter intake (DMI) and dietary concentration and intake of crude protein (CP and CPI), acid detergent fiber (ADF and ADFI), ash (ASH and ASHI) and metabolizable energy (ME and MEI). Of the six fermentation variables, Pr (negative regression coefficient, beta) and pH (positive beta) were related (P less than .05) to FDR, but only 3 and 12% of the variation in these two variables, respectively, was explained by FDR. When FDR was described by dietary characteristics, ASHI was positively related to FDR (R2 = .16). The best two-variable model for FDR contained DMI (positive beta) and WT (negative beta) and increased R2 to .36. Fluid volume was best described by ME (positive beta; R2 = .20). The two-variable model for FVOL added ASH with a positive partial beta (R2 = .23). When fermentation variables were regressed on dietary characteristics, Ac was best described by ADF (positive beta; R2 = .71). The variable that best described Pr proportion was ADF (negative beta; R2 = .50), and addition of CP (negative beta) and MEI (positive beta) into the Pr model improved R2 to .70. Molar proportion of butyrate was related to CP (positive beta; R2 = .23), and addition of ME (positive beta) to the model improved the R2 to .31. Total VFA concentration was best described by ADFI (positive beta; R2 = .14). An R2 of .29 resulted when ME (positive beta) and CPI (negative beta) were included in the total VFA model. Rumen pH was related to ADF (positive beta; R2 = .45), and addition of CP (positive beta) to the rumen pH model increased R2 to .55. Crude protein concentration was related to ruminal NH3 level (positive beta; R2 = .42), and inclusion of ADFI (positive beta) into the model improved the R2 to .47.  相似文献   

To determine if urea diffuses into reticulo-ruminal water (RRW) during urea dilution estimation of body composition, four 450-kg heifers were infused intravenously with a solution containing 65.05 g urea plus .95 g 15N-urea, after a 20-h removal of feed. Blood, urine and rumen fluid were collected before infusion and at various times for 120 min after infusion. Plasma 15N clearance was described by a two-pool model. Plasma and urine 15N levels equilibrated within 12 min post-infusion and then declined at similar rates, suggesting that renal clearance is a major component of the second pool. Rumen fluid contained no urea and rumen NH3-N did not increase during the study. Rumen fluid and plasma 15N did not equilibrate over the time studied (rumen fluid 15N/plasma 15N = .07 and .17 at 12 and 120 min after infusion, respectively). Therefore, urea dilution at 12 min overestimates empty body water only by the volume of urine produced during this time; RRW influences urea dilution estimation of body composition only as a component of live weight.  相似文献   

The composition of carcass and noncarcass tissue growth was quantified by serial slaughter of 26 Angus x Hereford crossbred steers (initial age and weight 289 +/- 4 d and 245 +/- 4 kg) during continuous growth (CON) or compensatory growth (CG) after a period of growth restriction (.4 kg/d) from 245 to 325 kg BW. All steers were fed a 70% concentrate diet at ad libitum or restricted levels. Homogenized samples of 9-10-11th rib and noncarcass tissues were analyzed for nitrogen, fat, ash, and moisture. Growth rate from 325 to 500 kg BW was 1.54 and 1.16 kg/d for CG and CON steers. The weight of gut fill in CG steers was 10.8 kg less (P less than .05) before realimentation and 8.8 kg more (P less than .10) at 500 kg BW than in CON steers. The allometric accretive rates for carcass chemical components relative to the empty body were not affected by treatment. However, the accretive rates for CG steers were greater (P less than .01) for noncarcass protein (.821 vs .265), noncarcass water (.861 vs .507), and empty-body protein (.835 vs. .601) than for CON steers. Final empty-body fat was lower (P less than .001; 24.2 vs 32.4%) and empty-body protein higher (P less than .001; 16.6 vs 14.8%) in CG steers than in CON steers. Consequently, net energy requirements for growth (NEg) were approximately 18% lower for CG steers. We conclude that reduced NEg requirements and changes in gut fill accounted for most of the compensatory growth response exhibited in these steers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate effects of vaccination of feedlot steers against bovine neosporosis on weight gain, feed intake and efficiency (feed intake per gain), and carcass characteristics. DESIGN: Longitudinal observational study. ANIMALS: 60 weaned Brangus steers seronegative for Neospora caninum. PROCEDURE: Steers were assigned to age-matched control and treatment groups. Steers in the treatment group received N. caninum vaccine on days 79 and 106, while control steers received 2 placebo injections. For each steer, serologic status for N. caninum was determined on days 0 (weaning), 51, 79, 106, 135, 163, 191, 219, and 247 by use of an ELISA; body weight was determined on the same days and at slaughter (day 259). Daily feed intake per steer was measured from days 79 to 259. RESULTS: Seroconversion occurred in 23 of 30 (76.7%) steers in the vaccinated group. Immediately after vaccination, average daily gain, average daily feed intake, and feed efficiency were significantly greater in the treatment group than in the control group, but these differences did not persist. No differences between groups were found in regard to live weight at slaughter, hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, or quality grade; however, steers in the vaccinated group had significantly lower yield grades than did control steers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In feedlot steers, use of this vaccine against N. caninum was safe and did not affect overall feedlot performance or meat quality; effects on yield grade require further evaluation.  相似文献   

Twenty-four nonlactating and nonpregnant Belgian Blue double-muscled cows, with diverging parities (one to seven), body conditions and body weights (436 to 903 kg), were used to investigate empty body (EB) composition. Direct measurements of EB composition, such as water, fat, protein, ash and energy, were carried out after slaughter. EB weight (EBW) averaged 624.7 kg and consisted of 393.3 kg water, 122.3 kg protein, 84.5 kg fat and 24.6 kg ash and was characterized by an energy content of 6158 MJ. Relationships between body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), chest girth, dressing percentage, carcass grading score, EBW, rib-cut components and EB composition were determined. Significant regression equations (P<0.001) with a coefficient of determination (R2) of more than 0.9 were obtained between BW or BW and BCS and EB water, EB fat and EB energy. The prediction of EB ash was less accurate (R2<0.75). The relationship could further be improved by inclusion of carcass characteristics and rib-cut components (R2>0.95). Energy contents of EB lipids and protein amounted to 39.3 and 23.2 MJ/kg. EB protein (197 g/kg) was higher in the present double-muscled cows than reported for non-double-muscled animals, while EB fat (126 g/kg) and EB energy (9.5 MJ/kg) were lower. One BCS unit corresponded with 26.7 kg EB fat (P<0.001; R2=0.659). It can be concluded that simple live animal measurements as BW and BCS can be considered as potentially useful predictors of EB composition in double-muscled cows. Theoretical calculations based on the present observed data indicated that body reserves were lower in Belgian Blue double-muscled cows than in most other breeds. Body reserve tissue may be limited in young primiparous suckling cows so that energy restriction may be detrimental for reproductive performance.  相似文献   

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