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The diploid goatgrass Aegilops tauschii is considered the D-genome donor of bread wheat and has probably a centre of diversity in north of Iran. In order to measure the genetic diversity of and the relationships among different populations, varieties and subspecies belonging to Ae. tauschii in Iran, DNA was extracted from 48 accessions of Ae. tauschii collected across the geographic range of the species in the Country and the genetic diversity was assessed using AFLPs based on eight PstI/MseI +3 primer pairs resulted in 277 bands, 198 of which were polymorphic. High level polymorphism was detected, with an average of polymorphism rate of 0.715; relatively low genetic similarity (0.455) between accessions and significant difference between the lowest (0.179) and the highest genetic similarity (0.817). The Iranian Ae. tauschii populations showed high level of genetic diversity. The populations studied were divided into two groups: one group was mainly representing Northern populations collected from Southern Caspian Sea shore and the other group was mainly representing Northeast and Northwest populations. Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested that Ae. tauschii possesses two separate gene-pools in Iran: Northern and Northeastern–Northwestern. Considering the needs for introducing new characteristics and alleles for wheat improvement purposes, Ae. tauschii Iranian gene-pool is assumed to be of high importance for more investigation in the future.  相似文献   

Iwateyamanashi (Pyrus ussuriensis var. aromatica) is one of the Pyrus species which grows wild in Japan. The number of Iwateyamanashi trees has been decreasing, so conservation and evaluation is urgently needed. Over 500 accessions of Pyrus species collected from Iwate in northern Tohoku region are maintained at Kobe University as an Iwateyamanashi germplasm collection. In order to investigate the genetic diversity, five SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers, developed from Japanese and European pear were examined for 86 Pyrus individuals including 58 accessions from Iwate. These SSR loci could discriminate between all the Iwate accessions except for 10 that bear seedless fruit, as well as determine the genetic diversity in Iwateyamanashi germplasms. High levels of variation were detected in 41 alleles and the mean observed heterozygosity across 5 loci was 0.50 for the Iwate accessions. Seedless accessions sharing identical SSR genotype with the local pear variety “Iwatetanenashi” were supposed to have been propagated vegetatively via grafting. In an UPGMA phenogram, Japanese pear varieties (P. pyrifolia) were clustered into two groups with some Iwate accessions including seedless ones. Another 38 Iwate accessions were not clustered clearly, and there was no clear relationship between these accessions and geographical distribution or morphological characters. Allele frequency revealed that the Iwate accessions were genetically more divergent than the Japanese pear varieties. Most Japanese pears possessed a 219 bp deletion at a spacer region between the accD and psaI genes in the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), but other Pyrus species and two Iwateyamanashi trees did not. In the Iwate accessions, 79.3% had a deletion type cpDNA and others had a standard type cpDNA without deletion. These results are indicative of the wide range of genetic diversity in the Iwate accessions which include Japanese pear varieties. A combination of SSR and cpDNA analyses revealed high heterogeneity in Iwateyamanashi and coexistence of Iwateyamanashi and hybrid progeny with P. pyrifolia. These could be reasons for the wide range of continuous morphological variation described previously.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), highly dispersed nucleotide sequences in genomes, were used for germplasm analysis and estimation of the genetic relationship of the D-genome among 52 accessions of T. aestivum (AABBDD), Ae. tauschii (DtDt), Ae. cylindrica (CCDcDc) and Ae. crassa (MMDcr1Dcr1), collected from 13 different sites in Iran. A set of 21 microsatellite primers, from various locations on the seven D-genome chromosomes, revealed a high level of polymorphism. A total of 273 alleles were detected across all four species and the number of alleles per each microsatellite marker varied from 3 to 27. The highest genetic diversity occurred in Ae. tauschii followed by Ae. crassa, and the genetic distance was the smallest between Ae. tauschii and Ae. cylindrica. Data obtained in this study supports the view that genetic variability in the D-genome of hexaploid wheat is less than in Ae. tauschii. The highest number of unique alleles was observed within Ae. crassa accessions, indicating this species as a great potential source of novel genes for bread wheat improvement. Knowledge of genetic diversity in Aegilops species provides different levels of information which is important in the management of germplasm resources.  相似文献   

Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) is a strategic nut tree species in the Middle East which holds comparative advantage over other fruit trees in view of its hardiness, income generation opportunities and benefits for the ecosystem. Yet pistachio cultivation depends on a very narrow genetic base, in spite of the existence of many varieties still marginally exploited. Syria is an important center of diversity for pistachio. A country wide ecogeographic survey in this country was carried out to determine the extent of pistachio genetic diversity and its use. As a whole, 114 accessions were collected from 37 farms to assess diversity at morphological and molecular level. Molecular evaluation was carried out using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) technique and performed using seven primer pair combinations. Results from the studies allowed the identification of 25 pistachio female varieties in Syria, some of which unique and described for the first time. Three groups of pistachio diversity were identified by cluster analysis which provides useful information about the distribution of genetic diversity in Syria for enhanced use and sustainable conservation.  相似文献   

Total 65 lotus accessions in genus Nelumbo mainly collected from China, were subjected to random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to estimate the genetic diversity and to test the genetic basis of the relationships between morphotypes and molecular markers. Seventeen primers generated a total of 195 highly reproducible and discernible loci, among which 173 were polymorphic. Percent polymorphism varied from 66.7 to 100 with an average of 88.72, and five primers out of them, OPC05, OPG10, OPN20, OPP09 and OPS17, showed 100% polymorphism. A relatively high genetic diversity was detected among all the samples with the similarity coefficient values ranging from 0.45 to 0.85, and Nei’s gene diversity (h) 0.30, and Shannon index (I) 0.46. The UPGMA dendrogram clustered 65 accessions in four clusters and the clustering pattern showed two groups, N. nucifera ssp. nucifera and those accessions related to the American lotus, and some special cultivars, landraces, hybrids and the American lotus. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCA) further indicated that the genetic diversity of Nelumbo accessions was not evenly distributed, instead, was presented by a clustered distribution pattern. Similar to the results revealed by the dendrogram, two main groups representing the two subspecies of N. nucifera, as well as some special landraces, cultivars of Chinese lotus, the Japanese lotus and hybrids out of the two groups were obtained. Neither the UPGMA dendrogram nor the PCA analysis exhibited strict relationship with geographic distribution and morphotypes among the accessions.  相似文献   

Erianthus rockii, a wild relative of sugarcane, is drought and cold tolerant, and both are potentially important agronomic traits to the sugarcane industry worldwide. As such it is of interest as a source of parental germplasm to sugarcane breeders and is currently being used in sugarcane introgression programs in both China and Australia. To date morphological characters have been used to verify the putative hybrids produced. Two crosses were generated between two different Saccharum species and two E. rockii accessions. Over 400 AFLP markers were used to identify the intergeneric hybrid progeny as well as determine hybrid diversity. Both crosses generated hybrids but efficiency levels were very different and are probably related to the different Saccharum parent used in each cross. Cross 1 was between a Saccharum officinarum and E. rockii and generated 100% hybrid progeny. Cross 2, however, was between a sugarcane hybrid (S. officinarum × Saccharum spontaneum) and E. rockii and only 10% of the progeny were intergeneric hybrids. Inheritance of markers in the progeny was analysed and for both crosses there were equal numbers of markers from both parents indicating n + n transmission of chromosomes. This is the first verification of E. rockii hybrids with molecular markers. It may now be possible to exploit genes of value from E. rockii in sugarcane breeding programs.  相似文献   

Wild banana Musa balbisiana Colla is one of the progenitors of cultivated bananas and plantains. It is native to Southeast Asia and the western Pacific. South China represents the northern limit of its distribution range. The genetic diversity of Musa balbisiana was assessed by the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting in 15 populations of China. Four primer pairs produced 199 discernible loci. High levels of genetic diversity were detected, with P = 78.5%, H E = 0.241, and H pop = 0.3684 at population level, and P = 100%, H T = 0.3362 and H sp = 0.5048 at species level. Significant genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on Hickory’s analysis (27.6%), Shannon’s diversity index (27.0%) and AMOVA (27.1%). The AFLP results are discussed and compared with data obtained by microsatellites method. The estimates of genetic diversity and differentiation between each pair of populations computed with microsatellites and AFLP markers were not significantly correlated. Conservation strategies for Musa balbisiana in China are proposed.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of seven Rhus L. species was assessed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) markers. Initially, 90 primers were screened, of which 25 produced reproducible amplification products. These primers generated a total of 296 bands, with an average of 11.8 bands per primer. Out of 296 bands scored, 236 (80%) were polymorphic and 62 (20%) were monomorphic. Primers OPC-05 and OPD-05 generated 100% polymorphic bands. The resolving power of primers ranged from 9.4 to 26.8. Similarity matrix values ranged from 0.45 to 0.63. The dendrogram generated using Unweighted Pair Group Method using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA) grouped all the species of Rhus in one major group with two sister groups, whilst R. pyroides Burch. and R. dentata Thunb. were outliers. R. gerrardii (Harv. ex Engl.) Diels, R. glauca Thunb. and R. pentheri Zahlbr. constituted one sister group, while R. natalensis Bernh. ex C. Krauss and R. gueinzii Sond. were included in the other. The degree of genetic diversity observed between seven species of Rhus with RAPD markers suggest that this approach could be used for studying the phylogeny of the genus.  相似文献   

Fifty-three wheat cultivars have been genotyped using 24 SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers in order to evaluate genetic similarities among Polish wheats, i.e. 53 spring and winter cultivars; ‘Chinese Spring’ was taken as reference. ll but one SSR marker allowed to identify DNA polymorphisms, giving in total 166 alleles (including nulls), from 3 to 13 alleles per marker with mean of 7.22. Based on marker data, genetic similarities were calculated and a dendrogram was created. ‘Spring’ cultivars were less diverse than winter ones, showing the biggest similarity to ‘Chinese Spring’. Four sister cultivars (Nutka, Tonacja, Zyta and Sukces), formed a cluster of very similar materials, of which Zyta and Sukces had the highest similarity indices. Parental lines Jubilatka and SMH 2182 were more distant from each other (genetic similarity of 0.227). It was possible to differentiate all the wheats using only four SSR markers: Xgwm186, Xgwm389, Xgwm459 and Xgwm577.  相似文献   

Diversity among 36 snapmelon landraces, collected from 2 agro-ecological regions of India (9 agro-climatic sub-regions), was assayed using RAPD primers, morphological traits of plant habit and fruit, 2 yield-associated traits, pest and disease resistance and biochemical composition (TSS, ascorbic acid, titrable acidity). Typical differences among accessions were observed in plant and fruit characteristics and snapmelon germplasm with high titrable acidity and possessing resistance to downy mildew, Cucumber mosaic virus, Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, Papaya ringspot virus, Aphis gossypii and Meloidogyne incognita was noticed in the collection. RAPD based grouping analysis revealed that Indian snapmelon was rich in genetic variation and region and sub-region approach should be followed across India for acquisition of additional melon landraces. Accessions of var. agrestis and var. momordica clustered together and there was a separate cluster of the accessions of var. reticulatus. Comparative analysis of the genetic variability among Indian snapmelons and an array of previously characterized reference accessions of melon from Spain, Israel, Korea, Japan, Maldives, Iraq, Pakistan and India using SSRs showed that Indian snapmelon germplasm contained a high degree of unique genetic variability which was needed to be preserved to broaden the genetic base of melon germplasm available with the scientific community. N. P. S. Dhillon and Ranjana contributed equally to this work and are considered the first authors.  相似文献   

The genetic control of morphological characters and gliadin composition was studied in two bread wheat lines with introgressed segments from Aegilops speltoides Tausch. It was found that the transferred trait of leaf hairiness is controlled by one dominant gene, non-allelic to the known gene, Hl1. It was localized in 7B chromosome. Whole plant non-glaucousness is under the control of an inhibitor gene, allelic to the gene W1I of wheat located on chromosome 2B. This gene was found to be epistatic to the gene controlling spike waxlessness. The introgressed gene for spike glume color was found to be allelic to the Rg1 gene located on 1BS of common wheat, but it was linked with another allele of the gliadin locus Gli-B1.  相似文献   

A comprehensive characterization of crop germplasm is critical to the optimal improvement of the quality and productivity of crops. Genetic relationships and variability were evaluated among 63 durum wheat landraces from the Mediterranean basin using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and microsatellites markers. The genetic diversity indices found were comparable to those of other crop species, with average polymorphism information content (PIC) values of 0.24 and 0.70 for AFLP and microsatellites, respectively. The mean number of alleles observed for the microsatellites loci was 9.15. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling clustered the accessions according to their geographical origin with the landraces from the South shore of the Mediterranean Sea closely related. The results support two dispersal patterns of durum wheat in the Mediterranean basin, one through its north side and a second one through its south side.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the genetic variation in several Israeli and Turkish populations of wild emmer wheat, Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides, the progenitor of most domesticated wheat. Single spikes were collected in 2002 from 60 plants that grew in six different habitats in Ammiad, northeastern Israel (8–12 plants from each habitat), and in 1998 from 56 plants that grew in seven different habitats in Diyarbakir, southeastern Turkey (8 plants from each habitat). Seeds were planted in a nursery and DNA was extracted from every plant and analyzed by the fluorescent-based amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) method. Seven primer combinations produced 788 discernible loci of which 48.6% were polymorphic in Israel and 40.5% in Turkey. The genetic diversity estimates P (frequency of polymorphic loci) and He (gene diversity) were higher in Ammiad than in Diyarbakir (means of P = 0.34 and He = 0.13 in Ammiad vs. P = 0.20 and He = 0.08 in Diyarbakir). Ammiad populations contained more unique alleles than Diyarbakir populations. The relative genetic diversity estimates (θ) values were 0.188 in Ammiad and 0.407 in Diyarbakir, suggesting better differentiation of the populations in Turkey. Genetic distance was larger between Israeli and Turkish populations than between populations of each country. The data indicate that the Israeli and Turkish populations are considerably diverged and that the Israeli populations are more polymorphic than the Turkish ones, having a larger within-populations genetic variation than among-populations one. The significance of the results in relation to the differentiation pattern of wild emmer in the Near East is discussed.  相似文献   

Edamame [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is a type of soybean selected for fresh or frozen vegetable use at an immature stage. Since edamame has a similar protein content, milder flavor, nuttier texture, and is easier to cook when compared to grain soybean, it is being promoted as a new vegetable for global consumption. Global production will require breeding programs for local adaptation; however, limited research has been published on genetic diversity of edamame varieties for the assessment of genetic resources. Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were used to study the genetic diversity among 130 accessions, including edamame cultivars and landraces from Japan, China and the US, and also the new breeding lines in the US. Although it is assumed that elite edamame cultivars would have narrow genetic diversity, seventeen SSRs detected polymorphism to distinguish 99 of the 130 accessions. The cluster analysis generated nine clusters and 18 outliers. Genetic diversity within Japanese edamame was lower than that within Chinese vegetable soybean accessions (maodou), even though only 10 Chinese maodou were analyzed compared to 107 Japanese edamame. Cluster analysis revealed that the patterns of SSR diversity in edamame can generally distinguish maturity classes and testa color. We concluded that Japanese edamame have a narrow genetic base different from others and that SSRs can describe the patterns of genetic diversity among the elite vegetable soybean.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among Citrus and its relatives, including 29 genotypes belonging to Citrus, Poncirus, Fortunella, Microcitrus, Eremocitrus, Atalantia and Severinia using AFLP analysis. Cluster analysis was conducted using neighbour joining (NJ) method. The results demonstrated that Poncirus, Microcitrus and Eremocitrus are distant from Citrus. A strong affiliation exists between C. halimii and Fortunella and the results did not support C. halimii as the fourth basic species. Further evidence was provided that P. polyandra should not be the hybrid between trifoliate orange and Citrus genotypes and it deserves species status. Neither the separation of subgenus Papeda and Citrus nor the separation of subgenus Archicitrus and Metacitrus were clearly resolved in the dendrogram. C. ichangesis is a distinct species very different from other Citrus genotypes, and the results showed it is improper to classify it into subgenus Metacitrus. C. reticulata, C. maxima and C. medica were separated into three distinct clusters. Therefore if only cultivated Citrus species are considered, the three basic species concept is acceptable. However, it is not applicable for whole genus Citrus.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within and among 12 populations of the dioecious tropical tree species Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmel. in Ethiopia was examined with eight inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers. A total of 104 clearly scorable bands were generated, among which 84 (81%) were polymorphic. Jaccard similarity coefficient was calculated for pairwise comparisons among all 120 individuals and ranged from 0.30 to 0.88 while average within-population similarity ranged from 0.53 to 0.66. Within-population variability was estimated as percentage polymorphic loci (ranging from 52% to 87%), Shannon’s information index (0.30–0.50) and Nei’s genetic diversity (0.21–0.35). The highest variability values were obtained for one recently planted population and for one wild population growing in an undisturbed primary forest area. Significant overall differentiation among populations was detected by both Shannon’s information index (0.26) and G ST (0.25). Relatedness among samples was estimated with a principal coordinate analysis, and relatedness among populations was estimated with a cluster analysis (UPGMA). A Mantel test indicated a significant association between genetic and geographic distances, and an autocorrelation analysis showed significant evidence of gene flow over distances up to 30 km. This study is the first of its kind for H. abyssinica, which has decreased recently in Ethiopia and now must be regarded as an endangered species. Both within-population and between-population diversity estimates are typical of outcrossing, longlived and late successional species, suggesting that recent anthropogenic disturbances have not yet had much impact on population genetic parameters. DNA marker data can, however, be used to identify the most suitable sites for in situ conservation and for collection of material for establishment of genebanks and plant improvement programs.  相似文献   

ISSR molecular markers have been used to investigate genetic diversity of oca (Oxalis tuberosa Mol.), an Andean neglected tuber crop species. Sampling procedure allowed a preliminary study of the genetic diversity at the intra- and intervarietal levels. Twenty tuber lots conserved in situ in the microcentre of Candelaria and ex situ in the Toralapa Centre (Bolivia) were identified. Four ISSR primers amplified a total of 25 fragments of which 17 (68%) were polymorphic. These experiments show that the structure of oca varieties is mainly based upon vernacular names with a greater differentiation among tuber lots than within them, supporting agromorphological data. ISSR technique enlightened the existence of heterogeneous varieties in oca and divergence between in situ and ex situ conservation strategies. These observations are potentially linked to the different ways of management of tubers in these two conservation systems.  相似文献   

Pueraria montana var. lobata and P. phaseoloides originating from tropical Asia and parts of Oceania are ecologically and economically important legumes that are used as green manure, cover crop or forage plants. Conservation and use of plant genetic resources require an understanding of the extent and distribution of genetic diversity in any given region. In this study, genetic variation of five P. montana var. lobata and 16 P. phaseoloides accessions was analysed developing a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker methodology for Pueraria species and thereby creating basic data for follow-up research and the development of conservation strategies. Seeds were collected from native populations in Bac Kan Province, a mountainous region in Northeast Vietnam. P. montana var. lobata presented a high level of variation with 54.3% of the detected markers being polymorphic, whereas P. phaseoloides exhibited an intermediate to high level of variation (45.5%). The P. montana var. lobata accessions clustered in congruence with their eco-geographical origin. For P. phaseoloides no correspondence between sampling sites and genetic differentiation was found. Inter-population differentiation was measured as Jaccard's similarity coefficient (JSC). Mean JSC amounted to 0.35 in P. montana var. lobata and 0.52 in P. phaseoloides. Results are compared to other genetic studies of herbaceous legumes and conservation strategies are suggested.  相似文献   

Dead seeds of a fodder beet cultivar ‘Elvetham’ stored under ambient conditions since 1880 were compared to a homonymous sample preserved in an on-farm situation in Denmark. DNA was isolated from single seeds and successfully applied to Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of the accessions. Six primer pairs were used to determine the similarity between the two accessions based on 112 polymorphic bands. Furthermore, similarity among seven cultivars of fodder beets representing the main types used in Scandinavia at the end of the 19th century was determined. This analysis was based on 152 polymorphic bands. Differentiation among the seven cultivars was determined to a mean G ST value of 0.438, while G ST between the two ‘Elvetham’ accessions was 0.266. A principal coordinate analysis based on jaccards similarity index illustrates that the two ‘Elvetham’ accessions are different from each other. The differentiation is higher than the value found between two separate ‘Eckerndorfer’ accessions. The results indicate that the cultivated accession has changed. Additionally, the value of applying old dead seed material for documentation in gene banks is demonstrated. During the analysis it was found that DNA isolated from seeds and leaves behaved differently in the AFLP process, however, the two fractions assigned to their common accession.  相似文献   

Wild annual Cicer gene pools contain valuable germplasm for chickpea improvement programs. Previous research showed that duplication might exist in accessions collected from these gene pools, which would hinder chickpea breeding and related research. AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers were used to fingerprint the world collections of the primary and secondary gene pools including C. reticulatum Lad., C. bijugum K.H. Rech., C. judaicum Boiss. and C. pinnatifidum Jaub. et Sp. Duplicates were detected in a total of 24 accessions in both the gene pools, highlighting the necessity to fingerprint the germplasm. Genotypic difference was detected as gene pool specific, species specific and accession specific AFLP markers. These were developed into fingerprinting keys for accession identification between and within species and gene pools. Use of AFLP markers to detect duplicates and to identify accessions is a reliable method which will assist in the characterisation and use of wild annual Cicer germplasm in chickpea improvement programs. We recommend the procedure presented in this paper as a standard approach for the precise genetic identification and characterisation of future world collections of wild Cicer, to keep germplasm integrity and to benefit chickpea breeding and related research programs.  相似文献   

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