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以寒地城市哈尔滨市闽江小区社区花园为例,结合场地的自然现状,对寒地社区花园的空间塑造、景观营造、活动开展和后期维护等方面进行规划设计,以期科学有效地解决地域性、寒地气候性问题,并为以儿童自然教育为背景的寒地社区花园营造设计方法提供一种新的实践指导.通过分析使用荒废的社区绿地空间作为儿童自然教育载体的必要性和现实意义,提出了功能布局科学合理、儿童老人友好、生态可持续化、后期维护管理共治、适应寒地特性的社区花园景观营造与设计策略.  相似文献   

程淑杰  王婷  王重玲 《花卉》2019,(12):18-19
在城市转型发展及人居环境提升背景下,通过解读城市更新与社区花园之间的有机联系。解析社区花园在回应城市问题、营造理想环境和维护可持续发展等方面的可能及设计策略,进而促进社区花园营造。  相似文献   

笔者阐述了城市化进程中自然教育对于公众和环境的紧迫性和重要性,社区共建花园实施自然教育的可行性以及社区共建花园基于自然教育的场域设计,并以深圳市社区共建花园“企鹅花园”为例,通过文献分析法、案例研究法、实地调研法等研究方法,对其功能分区、植物选配、设计原则和自然教育活动等加以分析,为社区共建花园可持续开展自然教育活动提出建议,以期推动社区共建花园场域自然教育进一步发展。  相似文献   

曹姮 《花卉》2021,(10):129-130
城镇化进程的不断推进,随之而来的社会问题也日益凸显。社区作为城市发展最基本的单元,也面临着邻里关系冷漠、社区人口老龄化、居住环境逐步衰败、自然联系割裂等问题,社区花园作为一种绿地组织形式,为各类社区问题的处理提供了新思路、新方向。本文从国内社区花园发展现状及困境着手,从不同角度分析其在城市更新设计中的价值与作用。  相似文献   

城镇化进程的不断推进,随之而来的社会问题也日益凸显。社区作为城市发展最基本的单元,也面临着邻里关系冷漠、社区人口老龄化、居住环境逐步衰败、自然联系割裂等问题,社区花园作为一种绿地组织形式,为各类社区问题的处理提供了新思路、新方向。从国内社区花园发展现状及困境着手,从不同角度分析其在城市更新设计中的价值与作用。  相似文献   

面对疫情等不确定性事件的发生,社区花园成为居民进行日常活动的主要绿色空间。可食性社区花园能够为居民提供食物来源,提高社区韧性,并促进城市中人与人、人与自然的互动。近年来,在我国华北、东南地区已有较多可食性社区花园探索实践,但在西南地区尚未积极推广。本研究提出组合式的创新方法,对西南地区可食性植物进行筛选分类,并赋予不同的标签,根据不同人群需求对照标签进行搭配组合,归纳出疗愈、科普、康养3种主题的可食性花园营造模式,并针对不同模式提出植物群落层次高度、空间组合等方面的指导建议。组合式营造模式易理解、易操作,可以结合个性化需求,营造具有西南地域特色的社区花园。  相似文献   

张郢娴 《现代园艺》2022,(19):103-105
快速的城市建设使绿地空间大幅度的缩减,存量土地的优化以及因资源不均带来的部分衰败地区的更新,已然成为城市更新建设中所面临的重大挑战。以多方协作为基础、以优化存量土地的复合使用为目标、以小微空间的改造为对象的局部更新方式,逐渐成为提升和激活碎片化空间品质和活力的新方式。本研究分析了社区微更新的背景,阐述了社区花园的定义与发展脉络,以及社区花园与现行主流景观生产方式的异同,然后解析了社区花园参与式空间微更新的价值,最后从社区花园营造的3个不同阶段提出参与式空间微更新的实施策略,旨在探索多元化的社区参与路径和有机更新模式。  相似文献   

甘晓惠 《现代园艺》2022,(20):133-135
近年来,我国城镇化建设快速发展,城市更新作为当下的政策热点话题,老旧社区的综合整治改造是社会治理的重点。社区的绿化作为室外环境的重要组成部分,与社区居民的日常生活密切相关,因此,做好老旧社区的绿化改造极其重要。乡土植物种类资源丰富,生态调节功能较好,适应本地气候发展,对城市景观建设有积极作用。  相似文献   

骆爱玲 《现代园艺》2022,(20):145-146+149
近年来,随着城市生活压力的不断加大及生活节奏的逐步增快,越来越多的人在身体和心理方面处于亚健康状态。园艺疗法可通过营造舒适、放松的园林环境舒缓人们的内心和精神,对促进人体健康具有积极意义。在城市社区建设绿色康养花园,依托各种园艺植物景观为人们创造舒适优美的居住环境,调节居住者的身心健康,是园艺疗法的主要运作方式之一。概述了园艺疗法的定义、类型、作用,分析了基于园艺疗法的社区绿色康养花园设计策略及构成,最后提出2种基于园艺疗法的社区绿色康养花园活动方式,希望能为社区绿色康养花园建设提供一些有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

社区公园建设已成为我国城市园林绿化工作和城市建设的重要内容,也是创建服务型政府,执政为民的重要体现,准确掌握目前社区公园的现状及存在的问题,对城市的建设与发展具有重要意义。本文总结了社区公园在城市发展中的作用,归纳出了目前旧城区社区公园普遍存在的问题,提出了旧城区社区公园改造的原则和对策,以期对今后旧城区社区公园改造工作提供参考。  相似文献   

基于国外社区农园研究文献,特别是国外发达国家社区农园发展历程为线索,重点就社区农园运营、管理模式、社区农园发展障碍及解决方法进行了综合分析,并根据我国社区农园发展现状,提出了重视社区农园土地的可供应性、可获得性和可利用性,加强政府的支持及多方面的协调合作,明确责权关系,鼓励专业人士参与社区农园建设的参考意见。  相似文献   

With rising interest in urban agriculture and urban food issues, community gardens have become an increasingly welcomed feature of urban landscapes. Reflecting this growing interest and demand, there has been a corresponding shift from temporary occupation of vacant sites to integration of community gardens into urban parks system. Such integration holds significant opportunities for community gardens to achieve stability, expand their overall footprint, and become a more integral part of the urban built environment. But as community gardens become a more accepted feature of public parks, what are some of the key issues and challenges of integration? How can community gardens thrive under a different spatial and institutional framework that governs public parks? Using Seattle as a case study where integration of community gardens into public parks has a long history as well as significant recent growth, this article examines lessons and challenges of such integration. Specifically, it identifies lessons including the clarity of roles and responsibilities of different agencies and the importance of collaboration and partnership as well as participatory site planning and design. It also points to perception of community gardens as private use and spatial and programming conflicts between gardening and other park uses as continued challenges.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of literature examining the multifaceted benefits of community gardens for environmental and social wellbeing. While there are studies examining the increase of grassroots urban gardening initiatives in low income and vulnerable communities, there remains a need for research that explores the lived experiences of individuals in social housing communities with urban nature and community gardens. Individuals living in urban social housing may experience inequalities in access to green infrastructure both within their housing estates as well as the surrounding community. For the past two decades, the Community Greening program at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, Australia, has implemented outreach initiatives to support the development and maintenance of community gardens in social housing communities in New South Wales. This article presents the findings from a study conducted with participants at six new community gardens built in social housing communities, focusing specifically on focus group interviews with residents and staff questionnaires to examine the perceived impact of the Community Greening program. The participants’ narratives highlight program outcomes across the key themes of community gardens as sites for knowledge generation and connection to nature, sense of community, and improving residents' sense of pride and public perceptions of public housing. The findings suggest that community gardens enhance green infrastructure in social housing estates and their broader urban locales by improving access to green space and promoting place-making in social housing contexts. We conclude with a discussion of the recommendations and lessons learned that may help to inform future policies and practices when setting priorities that promote social and environmental sustainability in social housing.  相似文献   

Community gardens are very popular in developed countries, providing multiple benefits to inhabitants. In developing China, residents in many emerging urban communities of China have been appropriating and reclaiming public open spaces intentionally as a leisure opportunity and transforming their entertainment functions into vegetable plots, which has caused a series of conflicts and disputes. However, this issue of informal community gardening has rarely been discussed formally at community level. Therefore, this study aims to learn and better understand what factors motivate residents to reclaim existing public open spaces for gardening and cultivating plants. The approach was to select and study informal community gardens in three urbanizing communities in Hangzhou, China. These emerging communities consist, to a significant extent, of people with farming experience, who have relocated here from previously rural areas during the urban expansion from the year 2000 to the current day. The informal community gardening takes place in the context of lack of community management, neglected public infrastructure and a disregard for resident’s living needs such as their personal sentiment, social activity, food quality and saving expenses. While most people are willing to participate in community gardening and those who do not want to contribute are not substantially against the activity. In the conclusions, suggestions are made about how to fulfil resident’s requirements and are presented at both community and city levels so that they may inform to the growth of emerging communities in other cities and countries undergoing rapid urbanization.  相似文献   

居住区绿道网络与景观规划的融合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着房地产业的发展,与之配套的园林环境也得到了长足的发展,居住区的园林环境也应转向关注人的生存状态和生活质量,重视居住区园林设计的生态性、娱乐性和文化性,使居住者生活在一个充满自然生机和精神文化的、人与自然和谐共存的健康住区中.现从绿色通道的概念和特征入手,通过对绿色通道在规划阶段中所扮演的角色提出了我国居住区景观规划中融合绿道网络思想的几点启示.  相似文献   

When planned coherently, urban green spaces have the potential to provide cities with a range of unique ecosystem services that support ecosystem and human health. This paper draws on existing green space planning literature to argue that the integration of community gardens into standardised and previously under-utilised public park landscapes represents an innovative approach to providing ecosystem services. Particular focus is given to the challenges facing green space planning in Perth, Western Australia. At an individual level, community gardens provide a venue for an alternative and more accessible form of physical activity – gardening – and a restorative park environment that is a more attractive destination for neighbourhood walking. At the community level, gardens can facilitate bridging interactions between different social groups, whilst providing opportunities for local residents to participate actively in green space planning processes. Perhaps most importantly, community gardens can provide unique opportunities for environmental education that lead to enhanced local ecological outcomes. The paper concludes with a brief overview of the main challenges likely to be faced with this integration, and some strategies that may allow them to be overcome. It is hoped this paper will provide a background for future case studies, and a catalyst for increasing integration between formal green space planning and community garden development.  相似文献   

While cultural ecosystem services (CES) provided by collective urban gardens have been researched for more than a decade, how knowledge of CES can inform the governance of gardens and enhance gardeners’ wellbeing remains a challenge. Retired adults are a group whose lives can be especially improved by collective gardening. We interviewed users of community and allotment gardens in Zagreb to explore their motivations for gardening and the influence of different forms of garden management on the generation of CES. Their responses were supplemented and contextualised by interviews with urban planners, academics and gardening activists. We used Fish et al. (2016) framework to identify CES in interviews. As expected, CES drove gardeners’ engagement. We grouped their motivations into six categories: escape, usefulness and tradition, home-grown produce, socialising, wellness, and private oasis. Interestingly, food production was only of secondary importance as a motivator of urban gardening. Findings are used to outline recommendations for urban planners and decision-makers regarding planning, design and management of collective gardens that would amplify the generation of CES for retired gardeners.  相似文献   

Urban gardens are focal in metropolitan social-ecological infrastructure and yet they are spaces often threatened by urban development. In Berlin and Warsaw, major urban changes have prompted citizens to alter their attitudes toward the use of existing garden areas. This study tackles the socio-spatial phenomena of emerging grassroots projects and practices jointly implemented by groups of allotment and community gardeners, which are instrumental in envisioning new forms of common management and protection of garden spaces along urban transformations. The article investigates how cooperation between gardeners of different backgrounds influences allotments’ patterns of property and public accessibility. The focus is on a possible change of perspective regarding the use of closed allotment structures and the conceptualisation of a new form of hybrid urban landscape: an integrated garden. Our findings fit into the general debate on gardens as commons and new forms of green space selfgovernance.  相似文献   

This article examines the strategic role played by private gardens in meeting societal challenges in urbanized environments in the late 19th-early 20th century. These gardens represented a means to provide food, a healthier living environment and, by implication, improved living conditions for the growing urban population. This strategic role was embedded in spatial and urban planning policies, as exemplified here in two case studies: the residential area Rostorp, Malmö (Sweden) and the region of Flanders (Belgium). With the case studies’ results as starting point their historical narratives were written. These narratives were then confronted and the cases were qualitatively compared to demonstrate how, over time, the idea and materiality of the private garden have created value and meaning. These values include the strengthening of family values, establishing and maintaining social coherence, sense of place and identity, and creating social space which enabled an exchange of knowledge. We argue that these values have been gradually lost over the past half-century, particularly the understanding of private gardens as strategic spaces in which social challenges can be met. Due to lack of documentation, current knowledge of their meaning and heritage is poor. Their physical space is declining through urban densification. We add to the densification debate by arguing the potential for reinvigoration of the private garden and its values, to meet and plan for sustainable urban futures. Based on historical reflections and a presentation of the significance and meaning of private gardens in Belgium and Sweden, the main contributions of this article are general insights on the heritage and meaning of private gardens and a future outlook on the strategic role of private gardens in planning.  相似文献   

社区公园作为城市绿地的一个重要组成部分,是最为贴近居民日常生活的城市绿地之一。随着我国近年来经济的高速增长,人们对交往空间需求的增加、对人居环境的重视以及对户外娱乐交往休闲空间的渴求,国内的社区公园建设正在兴起。对社区公园进行简单介绍,并简述社区公园的作用与存在的问题。  相似文献   

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