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The objectives of this study were to examine the pharmacokinetics of tobramycin in the horse following intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), and intra‐articular (IA) administration. Six mares received 4 mg/kg tobramycin IV, IM, and IV with concurrent IA administration (IV+IA) in a randomized 3‐way crossover design. A washout period of at least 7 days was allotted between experiments. After IV administration, the volume of distribution, clearance, and half‐life were 0.18 ± 0.04 L/kg, 1.18 ± 0.32 mL·kg/min, and 4.61 ± 1.10 h, respectively. Concurrent IA administration could not be demonstrated to influence IV pharmacokinetics. The mean maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) after IM administration was 18.24 ± 9.23 μg/mL at 1.0 h (range 1.0–2.0 h), with a mean bioavailability of 81.22 ± 44.05%. Intramuscular administration was well tolerated, despite the high volume of drug administered (50 mL per 500 kg horse). Trough concentrations at 24 h were below 2 μg/mL in all horses after all routes of administration. Specifically, trough concentrations at 24 h were 0.04 ± 0.01 μg/mL for the IV route, 0.04 ± 0.02 μg/mL for the IV/IA route, and 0.02 ± 0.02 for the IM route. An additional six mares received IA administration of 240 mg tobramycin. Synovial fluid concentrations were 3056.47 ± 1310.89 μg/mL at 30 min after administration, and they persisted for up to 48 h with concentrations of 14.80 ± 7.47 μg/mL. Tobramycin IA resulted in a mild chemical synovitis as evidenced by an increase in synovial fluid cell count and total protein, but appeared to be safe for administration. Monte Carlo simulations suggest that tobramycin would be effective against bacteria with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 2 μg/mL for IV administration and 1 μg/mL for IM administration based on Cmax:MIC of 10.  相似文献   

REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The bronchodilator effects of trimetoquinol (TMQ) have been studied when administered i.v. or intratracheally, but not in an aerosolised form. OBJECTIVES: To define the relationship between the therapeutic and adverse responses (therapeutic index) of TMQ when administered as an aerosol or by the oral route. METHODS: Increasing doses of TMQ were administered to horses with heaves as an aerosol and by the oral route. Dose ranged 100-1000 microg/horse for aerosolised TMQ and from 6-60 microg/kg bwt for the oral route. Airway and cardiac effects were assessed by measurement of maximal change in pleural pressure (deltaPplmax) and heart rate (HR), respectively. Side effects of sweating, agitation and muscle trembling were scored subjectively. Duration of action of aerosolised (1000 pg/horse) and oral (6-60 microg/kg bwt) TMQ was evaluated over 6 h. RESULTS: Aerosol administration of TMQ caused dose-dependent bronchodilation but did not change HR or cause other observable side effects. When 1000 microg/horse was administered via aerosol, TMQ produced a 2-phase bronchodilation; an immediate effect lasting up to 30 min and a second phase between 2 and 4 h. Oral TMQ was therapeutically ineffective. CONCLUSION: Aerosol administration of TMQ is a safe and effective method of producing bronchodilation in horses.  相似文献   

DiMaio Knych, H.K., Steffey, E.P., Deuel, J.L., Shepard, R.A., Stanley, S.D. Pharmacokinetics of yohimbine following intravenous administration to horses. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 34 , 58–63. Yohimbine is an alpha 2 adrenergic receptor antagonist used most commonly in veterinary medicine to reverse the effects of the alpha 2 receptor agonists, xylazine and detomidine. Most notably, yohimbine has been shown to counteract the CNS depressant effects of alpha 2 receptor agonists in a number of species. The recent identification of a yohimbine positive urine sample collected from a horse racing in California has led to the investigation of the pharmacokinetics of this compound. Eight healthy adult horses received a single intravenous dose of 0.12 mg/kg yohimbine. Blood samples were collected at time 0 (prior to drug administration) and at various times up to 72 h post drug administration. Plasma samples were analyzed using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC‐MS) and data analyzed using both noncompartmental and compartmental analysis. Peak plasma concentration was 114.5 + 31.8 ng/mL and occurred at 0.09 + 0.03 h. Mean ± SD systemic clearance (Cls) and steady‐state volume of distribution (Vdss) were 13.5 + 2.1 mL/min/kg and 3.3 + 1.3 L/kg following noncompartmental analysis. For compartmental analysis, plasma yohimbine vs. time data were best fitted to a two compartment model. Mean ± SD Cls and Vdss of yohimbine were 13.6 ± 2.0 mL/min/kg and 3.2 ± 1.1 L/kg, respectively. Mean ± SD terminal elimination half‐life was 4.4 ± 0.9 h following noncompartmental analysis. Immediately following administration, two horses showed signs of sedation, while the other six appeared behaviorally unaffected. Gastrointestinal sounds were moderately increased compared to baseline while fecal consistency appeared normal.  相似文献   

Soma, L. R., Uboh, C. E., Liu, Y., Li, X., Robinson, M .A., Boston, R. C., Colahan, P. T. Pharmacokinetics of dexamethasone following intra‐articular, intravenous, intramuscular, and oral administration in horses and its effects on endogenous hydrocortisone. J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap.  36 , 181–191. This study investigated and compared the pharmacokinetics of intra‐articular (IA) administration of dexamethasone sodium phosphate (DSP) into three equine joints, femoropatellar (IAS), radiocarpal (IAC), and metacarpophalangeal (IAF), and the intramuscular (IM), oral (PO) and intravenous (IV) administrations. No significant differences in the pharmacokinetic estimates between the three joints were observed with the exception of maximum concentration (Cmax) and time to maximum concentration (Tmax). Median (range) Cmax for the IAC, IAF, and IAS were 16.9 (14.6–35.4), 23.4 (13.5–73.0), and 46.9 (24.0–72.1) ng/mL, respectively. The Tmax for IAC, IAF, and IAS were 1.0 (0.75–4.0), 0.62 (0.5–1.0), and 0.25 (0.08–0.25) h, respectively. Median (range) elimination half‐lives for IA and IM administrations were 3.6 (3.0–4.6) h and 3.4 (2.9–3.7) h, respectively. A 3‐compartment model was fitted to the plasma dexamethasone concentration–time curve following the IV administration of DSP; alpha, beta, and gamma half‐lives were 0.03 (0.01–0.05), 1.8 (0.34–2.3), and 5.1 (3.3–5.6) h, respectively. Following the PO administration, the median absorption and elimination half‐lives were 0.34 (0.29–1.6) and 3.4 (3.1–4.7) h, respectively. Endogenous hydrocortisone plasma concentrations declined from a baseline of 103.8 ± 29.1–3.1 ± 1.3 ng/mL at 20.0 ± 2.7 h following the administration of DSP and recovered to baseline values between 96 and 120 h for IV, IA, and IM administrations and at 72 h for the PO.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Detomidine hydrochloride is used to provide sedation, muscle relaxation and analgesia in horses, but a lack of information pertaining to plasma concentration has limited the ability to correlate drug concentration with effect. Objectives: To build on previous information and assess detomidine for i.v. and i.m. use in horses by simultaneously assessing plasma drug concentrations, physiological parameters and behavioural characteristics. Hypothesis: Systemic effects would be seen following i.m. and i.v. detomidine administration and these effects would be positively correlated with plasma drug concentrations. Methods: Behavioural (e.g. head position) and physiological (e.g. heart rate) responses were recorded at fixed time points from 4 min to 24 h after i.m. or i.v. detomidine (30 μg/kg bwt) administration to 8 horses. Route of administration was assigned using a balanced crossover design. Blood was sampled at predetermined time points from 0.5 min to 48 h post administration for subsequent detomidine concentration measurements using liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Data were summarised as mean ± s.d. for subsequent analysis of variance for repeated measures. Results: Plasma detomidine concentration peaked earlier (1.5 min vs. 1.5 h) and was significantly higher (105.4 ± 71.6 ng/ml vs. 6.9 ± 1.4 ng/ml) after i.v. vs. i.m. administration. Physiological and behavioural changes were of a greater magnitude and observed at earlier time points for i.v. vs. i.m. groups. For example, head position decreased from an average of 116 cm in both groups to a low value 35 ± 23 cm from the ground 10 min following i.v. detomidine and to 64 ± 24 cm 60 min after i.m. detomidine. Changes in heart rate followed a similar pattern; low value of 17 beats/min 10 min after i.v. administration and 29 beats/min 30 min after i.m. administration. Conclusions: Plasma drug concentration and measured effects were correlated positively and varied with route of administration following a single dose of detomidine. Potential relevance: Results support a significant influence of route of administration on desirable and undesirable drug effects that influence case management.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the pharmacokinetics of voriconazole following IV and PO administration and assess the distribution of voriconazole into body fluids following repeated PO administration in horses. ANIMALS: 6 clinically normal adult horses. PROCEDURES: All horses received voriconazole (10 mg/kg) IV and PO (2-week interval between treatments). Plasma voriconazole concentrations were determined prior to and at intervals following administration. Subsequently, voriconazole was administered PO (3 mg/kg) twice daily for 10 days to all horses; plasma, synovial fluid, CSF, urine, and preocular tear film concentrations of voriconazole were then assessed. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD volume of distribution at steady state was 1,604.9 +/- 406.4 mL/kg. Systemic bioavailability of voriconazole following PO administration was 95 +/- 19%; the highest plasma concentration of 6.1 +/- 1.4 microg/mL was attained at 0.6 to 2.3 hours. Mean peak plasma concentration was 2.57 microg/mL, and mean trough plasma concentration was 1.32 microg/mL. Mean plasma, CSF, synovial fluid, urine, and preocular tear film concentrations of voriconazole after long-term PO administration were 5.163 +/- 1.594 microg/mL, 2.508 +/- 1.616 microg/mL, 3.073 +/- 2.093 microg/mL, 4.422 +/- 0.8095 microg/mL, and 3.376 +/- 1.297 microg/mL, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that voriconazole distributed quickly and widely in the body; following a single IV dose, initial plasma concentrations were high with a steady and early decrease in plasma concentration. Absorption of voriconazole after PO administration was excellent, compared with absorption after IV administration. Voriconazole appears to be another option for the treatment of fungal infections in horses.  相似文献   

Romifidine is an alpha‐2 adrenergic agonist used for sedation and analgesia in horses. As it is a prohibited substance, its purported use at low doses in performance horses necessitates further study. The primary goal of the study reported here was to describe the serum concentrations and pharmacokinetics of romifidine following low‐dose administration immediately prior to exercise, utilizing a highly sensitive liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry assay that is currently employed in many drug testing laboratories. An additional objective was to describe changes in heart rate and rhythm following intravenous administration of romifidine followed by exercise. Eight adult Quarter Horses received a single intravenous dose of 5 mg (0.01 mg/kg) romifidine followed by 1 h of exercise. Blood samples were collected and drug concentrations measured at time 0 and at various times up to 72 h. Mean ± SD systemic clearance, steady‐state volume of distribution and terminal elimination half‐life were 34.1 ± 6.06 mL/min/kg and 4.89 ± 1.31 L/kg and 3.09 ± 1.18 h, respectively. Romifidine serum concentrations fell below the LOQ (0.01 ng/mL) and the LOD (0.005 ng/mL) by 24 h postadministration. Heart rate and rhythm appeared unaffected when a low dose of romifidine was administered immediately prior to exercise.  相似文献   

Methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) is commonly administered to performance horses, and therefore, establishing appropriate withdrawal times prior to performance is critical. The objectives of this study were to describe the plasma pharmacokinetics of MPA and time‐related urine and synovial fluid concentrations following intra‐articular administration to sixteen racing fit adult Thoroughbred horses. Horses received a single intra‐articular administration of MPA (100 mg). Blood, urine, and synovial fluid samples were collected prior to and at various times up to 77 days postdrug administration and analyzed using tandem liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS). Maximum measured plasma MPA concentrations were 6.06 ± 1.57 at 0.271 days (6.5 h; range: 5.0–7.92 h) and 6.27 ± 1.29 ng/mL at 0.276 days (6.6 h; range: 4.03–12.0 h) for horses that had synovial fluid collected (group 1) and those that did not (group 2), respectively. The plasma terminal half‐life was 1.33 ± 0.80 and 0.843 ± 0.414 days for groups 1 and 2, respectively. MPA was undetectable by day 6.25 ± 2.12 (group 1) and 4.81 ± 2.56 (group 2) in plasma and day 17 (group 1) and 14 (group 2) in urine. MPA concentrations in synovial fluid remained above the limit of detection (LOD) for up to 77 days following intra‐articular administration, suggesting that plasma and urine concentrations are not a good indicator of synovial fluid concentrations.  相似文献   

In certain situations, an alternate route for parenteral drug administration in horses may be useful. The intra‐osseous (IO) route may provide a safe alternative to the intravenous (i.v.) route for administration of sedatives to horses when the i.v. route is inaccessible or undesirable. Six adult horses were administered xylazine i.v. or IO in a block‐randomized crossover design. For the i.v. trial, both jugular veins were catheterized, and one was used for xylazine administration, while the other was used for blood collection. For the IO trial, one jugular vein was catheterized for blood collection and an intra‐osseous device was placed in the tuber coxae using a powered driver for xylazine administration. Heart rate, respiratory rate, and head position were measured, and concentration of sedation was assessed at various times up to 90 min. Xylazine concentrations were measured using high‐performance liquid chromatography and noncompartmental analysis was performed. General linear mixed modeling and Wilcoxon signed‐rank tests were used for statistical analysis, with  0.05. There were no significant differences in heart rate, respiratory rate, head position, concentration of sedation, Cmax, Tmax, half‐life, or AUC between the i.v. and the IO routes of drug administration. No complications were observed following placement of the intra‐osseous device. Intra‐osseous xylazine administration provides a useful option in emergent and other settings in which i.v. access is difficult or contraindicated.  相似文献   

Over the last few years there has been a nationwide cooperative effort to establish threshold concentrations and withdrawal time guidelines for corticosteroid use in racehorses. As dosing regimens are specific to individual horses and highly variable, it is not possible to establish regulatory guidelines for every dosing scenario and therefore they are often based on single dose administration studies. The goal of the study described here was to assess the applicability of current regulatory recommendations for intra‐articular corticosteroids based on clinical protocols used by practitioners. A total of 58 Thoroughbred and 82 Quarter Horse racehorses received varying doses of triamcinolone acetonide, methylprednisolone acetate, isoflupredone or betamethasone intra‐articularly in various joints by the treating practitioner. Blood samples were collected at 0, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days post drug administration and serum samples analysed by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for quantitation of drug concentrations. Serum elimination varied depending upon the dose and the number and specific joints treated. Serum concentrations fell below the ARCI threshold guidance by Day 7 (100 pg/ml) for both triamcinolone acetonide (2–40 mg dose) and isoflupredone acetate (4–30 mg dose) and Day 21 (100 pg/ml) for methylprednisolone acetate (20–600 mg dose). Betamethasone fell below the regulatory threshold (10 pg/ml) by 7 days for all Quarter Horses and for 7/10 Thoroughbreds studied. Drug concentrations were below the regulatory threshold by Day 10 in the remaining 3 horses receiving betamethasone.  相似文献   

Searching for new therapeutic options against septic arthritis in horses, this research was focused on the study of the kinetics and local side effects after the intra‐articular treatment of horses with cefovecin sodium. A single dose (240 mg) of the drug (Convenia®) was administered into the radiocarpal joint of adult healthy horses (n = 6), and drug concentrations in plasma and synovial fluid were determined by high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Local tolerance was also studied based on the modification of different joint physiopathological parameters (pH, cellular, and protein concentration in synovial fluid). Although no clinically relevant joint damage was noticed, significant increases in the protein concentrations at 5 min and in the cellular concentration at 30 min after cefovecin administration were observed in the treated radiocarpal joints. The duration of the cefovecin above the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) ≤1 μg/mL was 28.80 ± 2.58 h in the radiocarpal joint and 16.00 ± 2.86 h in plasma. The results of this study showed that intra‐articular administration of cefovecin sodium in horses could be considered in the future to manage septic arthritis in horses, as it offers a good pharmacokinetic behavior and good local tolerance.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Although fentanyl has been reported to cause CNS excitation in horses, a transdermal therapeutic system (TTS) containing this mu agonist has recently been used empirically in equine medicine to treat moderate to severe pain. A better understanding of the disposition of fentanyl following transdermal administration would facilitate the clinical use of TTS fentanyl to obtain analgesia in horses. OBJECTIVES: To determine the pharmacokinetics of fentanyl following i.v. and TTS patch administration in healthy, mature horses and to evaluate the tolerance of horses to TTS fentanyl administration. METHODS: The pharmacokinetics of fentanyl in serum were assessed following a single i.v. dose, a single TTS dose, and multiple TTS doses in 6 healthy horses. Physical examinations, haematology and serum biochemistry analyses during transdermal fentanyl application were then performed to determine tolerance of continuous fentanyl administration. RESULTS: Fentanyl was very rapidly and completely absorbed following a single TTS dose. Mean serum fentanyl concentrations consistent with analgesia in other species were reached by 1 h and maintained until 32 h after patch application. Similar steady state serum concentrations were obtained when multiple doses of TTS fentanyl were administered every 48 or 72 h over 8 or 9 days, with less fluctuation in serum concentrations during the 48 h dosing interval. Three horses exhibited brief (< 12 h) episodes of increased body temperature; however, transdermal fentanyl administrations were not associated with other significant changes in haematology and biochemistry panels or physical examination findings. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Although the pharmacodynamics of fentanyl have not been investigated fully in horses, transdermally-administered fentanyl exhibited a favourable pharmacokinetic profile without clinically relevant side effects and may be a useful analgesic in equine patients.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the potent diuretic bumetanide were determined by a sensitive high performance liquid chromatographic procedure in plasma and urine from horses following intravenous and intramuscular administration of a dose rate of 15 micrograms/kg. The elimination half-life was found to be 6.3 min, the volume of distribution at steady state 68 ml/kg and the total plasma clearance 10.9 ml/min/kg. The onset of diuresis occurred within 15 min and diuresis was no longer apparent 1 h after i.v. administration. Given by the intramuscular (i.m.) route, bumetanide was rapidly absorbed; bioavailability was 70-80%. i.m. administration of bumetanide prolonged its plasma half-life (11-27 min) and enhanced and prolonged its diuretic effect.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the pharmacokinetics of fluconazole in horses. ANIMALS: 6 clinically normal adult horses. PROCEDURE: Fluconazole (10 mg/kg of body weight) was administered intravenously or orally with 2 weeks between treatments. Plasma fluconazole concentrations were determined prior to and 10, 20, 30, 40, and 60 minutes and 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 hours after administration. A long-term oral dosing regimen was designed in which all horses received a loading dose of fluconazole (14 mg/kg) followed by 5 mg/kg every 24 hours for 10 days. Fluconazole concentrations were determined in aqueous humor, plasma, CSF, synovial fluid, and urine after administration of the final dose. RESULTS: Mean (+/- SD) apparent volume of distribution of fluconazole at steady state was 1.21+/-0.01 L/kg. Systemic availability and time to maximum plasma concentration following oral administration were 101.24+/-27.50% and 1.97+/-1.68 hours, respectively. Maximum plasma concentrations and terminal half-lives after IV and oral administration were similar. Plasma, CSF, synovial fluid, aqueous humor, and urine concentrations of fluconazole after long-term oral administration of fluconazole were 30.50+/-23.88, 14.99+/-1.86, 14.19+/-5.07, 11.39+/-2.83, and 56.99+/-32.87 microg/ml, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bioavailability of fluconazole was high after oral administration to horses. Long-term oral administration maintained plasma and body fluid concentrations of fluconazole above the mean inhibitory concentration (8.0 mg/ml) reported for fungal pathogens in horses. Fluconazole may be an appropriate agent for treatment of fungal infections in horses.  相似文献   

Reason for performing study: Current therapy protocols to treat persistent post mating endometritis and retained fetal membranes in mares typically include the administration of ecbolic drugs. Evaluation of the pharmacokinetics and tolerability of carbetocin, a long‐acting oxytocin analogue, after i.v. administration is required. Objectives: To determine the pharmacokinetic parameters (principally half‐life) of carbetocin in horses. Methods: Five mature mares and one gelding received 0.175 mg carbetocin i.v. All animals were monitored periodically throughout the study for elevation in rectal temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate and signs of pain or discomfort. Plasma samples were collected for determination of carbetocin concentrations by radioimmunoassay. Results: Administration of carbetocin was well tolerated by all horses and its half‐life was 17.2 min. Conclusions: The half‐life of carbetocin is greater than that previously reported for oxytocin (6.8 min). Potential relevance: Carbetocin is an attractive alternative to oxytocin therapy in broodmare management.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe the pharmacokinetics of intra-articularly (IA) administered morphine.Study designExperimental randomized, cross-over study.AnimalsEight adult healthy mixed breed horses aged 6.5 ± 2.3 (mean ± SD) years and weighing 535 ± 86 kg.MethodsUnilateral radiocarpal synovitis was induced by IA injection of 3 μg lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on two occasions (right and left radiocarpal joint, respectively) separated by a 3-week wash-out period. Treatments were administered 4 hours post-LPS-injection: Treatment IA; preservative free morphine IA (0.05 mg kg?1) plus saline intravenous (IV) and treatment IV; saline IA plus preservative free morphine IV (0.05 mg kg?1). Concentrations of morphine, morphine-3-glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) were determined repeatedly in serum and synovial fluid (SF) by high-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, at 2 and 4 hours and then at 4 hours intervals until 28 hours post-treatment.ResultsInjection of LPS elicited a marked and comparable synovitis in all LPS-injected radiocarpal joints. IA administered morphine was detectable in SF of all eight joints 24 hours post-treatment and in 6/8 joints 28 hours post-treatment. The terminal half-life of morphine in SF was estimated to be 2.6 hours. IA administration of morphine resulted in mean serum concentrations of morphine below 5 ng mL?1 from 2 to 28 hours after treatment.Conclusions and clinical relevanceIntra-articularly administered morphine remained within the joint for at least 24 hours. At the same time only very low serum concentrations of morphine and M6G were detected. The present results suggest that IA morphine at 0.05 mg kg?1 may be used for IA analgesia lasting at least 24 hours and give strong support to the theory that previously observed analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of IA morphine in horses are most likely to be mediated peripherally.  相似文献   

REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Trimetoquinol (TMQ) is a potent beta-adrenoceptor agonist bronchodilator used in human medicine but has not been evaluated for potential use as a therapeutic agent for horses with 'heaves'. OBJECTIVES: To assess the pharmacodynamics of TMQ in horses with 'heaves' to determine potential therapeutic effects. METHODS: Increasing doses of TMQ were administered to horses with 'heaves' by i.v. and intratracheal (i.t.) routes. Doses ranged 0.001-0.2 microg/kg bwt i.v. and 0.01-2 microg/kg bwt i.t. Cardiac and airways effects were assessed by measurement of heart rate (HR) and maximal change in pleural pressure (deltaPplmax), respectively. Side effects of sweating, agitation and muscle trembling were scored subjectively. Duration of action to i.v. (0.2 microg/kg bwt) and i.t. (2 microg/kg bwt) TMQ was evaluated over 6 h. RESULTS: Intravenous TMQ was an exceptionally potent cardiac stimulant. Heart rate increased at 0.01 microg/kg bwt, and was still increasing after administration of highest dose, 0.2 microg/kg bwt. Airway bronchodilation, measured as a decrease in deltaPplmax, also commenced at 0.01 microg/kg bwt. By the i.t. route, TMQ was 50-100-fold less potent than by i.v. Side effects included sweating, agitation and muscle trembling. Overall, the onset of HR and bronchodilator effects was rapid, within about 3 min, but effects were over at 2 h. CONCLUSION: When administered i.v. and i.t., TMQ is a highly potent cardiac stimulant and a modest bronchodilator. It may not be an appropriate pharmacological agent by i.v. and i.t. routes for the alleviation of signs in horses with 'heaves'. Further studies of TMQ by oral and aerosol routes are necessary. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: In horses, TMQ is a fast-acting bronchodilator with a short duration of action. It could be used as a rescue agent during an episode of 'heaves'. The i.v. and i.t. administration of TMQ is associated with side effects, similar to those reported for all other beta-agonists. However, other routes, such as aerosol and oral, may prove useful and safe for the alleviation of bronchoconstriction typical of 'heaves'.  相似文献   

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