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桂林是广西草莓主要产区之一,种植草莓已有2O多年的历史。通过对草莓种植面积、栽培模式、主栽品种等方面进行调研分析,针对桂林市草莓产业存在的问题,提出解决对策,为草莓产业的健康可持续发展提供思路。  相似文献   

江苏盐城地区的草莓产业发展迅速,种植面积不断扩大,但草莓种植品种和种植技术存在差异,致使上市时间、种植效益不一,究其原因主要是草莓花芽分化时间有差异.提早花芽分化是实现草莓早熟化栽培的关键措施,也是提高草莓种植效益的重要手段.该文从选用早熟品种、提高种苗质量、改进育苗方式、加强栽培管理等方面介绍了促进草莓提早花芽分化的...  相似文献   

草莓营养丰富、种植经济效益高,近几年在武汉地区发展迅猛.对武汉地区草莓产业的栽培、育苗、育种等现状进行了分析,发现存在技术水平参差不齐、品种相对简单、栽培方式保守、种苗质量不稳定、产业链延伸不够等问题,并有针对性地提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

东港是全国草莓第一县,无论栽培面积、产量、效益均居全国首位.2012年,全市草莓生产面积达1.03万hm2,总产量超过35万t,总产值突破30亿元.从业人数达12万人,品牌价值逾14亿元.近些年来,东港市草莓研究所从国内外引进和自育草莓品种100多个,通过对这些品种形态特征及生长结果习性的对比试验,优选出一些适宜本地区栽培的高产、优质、高效草莓品种.为解决主栽品种因生产应用年限增多出现的种性退化问题,保证东港草莓生产持续高效稳步发展,我们一方面加大新品种引进培育力度,加快品种更新换代步伐;另一方面对现有的主栽品种进行茎尖脱毒组培繁育,提纯复壮.现将东港地区草莓品种介绍如下.  相似文献   

以上海市浦东新区塑料大棚主栽草莓品种‘章姬’为对照,对引入的‘久香’‘越丽’‘越心’3个草莓新品种的生物学和农艺性状进行比较分析。结果显示:与‘章姬’相比,‘越心’在植株性状和果实品质方面表现优越,‘久香’植株长势好,风味好、品质优、产量高,生产中可进行多品种搭配种植,以丰富品种多样性,优化市场结构;‘越丽’产量较低,口感略酸,不宜推广栽培。  相似文献   

公四莓一号草莓在黑龙江绥棱的表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从国内外引进草莓优良品种45个,建立了草莓品种资源圃,进行引种栽培试验,筛选出公四莓一号、港丰、C2、枥乙女、P3等5个综合性状表现较好的草莓品种。其中,公四莓一号为四季草莓品种,既适宜保护地栽培,又适宜露地栽培,可作为目前黑龙江省绥棱地区的主栽品种。  相似文献   

基于2003~2016年中国草莓主产区种植数据和2018年4~5月江苏省草莓生产调研数据,分析江苏省草莓种植变化情况,并与其他主产区进行比较,测算江苏省草莓产业的集中度和竞争力。结果表明:江苏省草莓种植面积和产量不断增加,2016年已位居全国第二,但是单产仅为其他草莓主产省份(山东、辽宁、河北)的65%~75%;专业化程度和集中系数不高,主要是受单产较低的影响;综合比较优势明显,主要得益于效率优势和规模优势初见成效。制约江苏省草莓产业集中度和竞争力提升的因素主要有:品种单一,标准化生产水平低;农户繁育脱毒苗比例低,种苗繁育规模化程度低;连作障碍严重;产业组织化程度不高;品牌意识差,宣传力度不够。据此提出提升江苏省草莓产业集中度和竞争力的对策建议。  相似文献   

对温州大棚条件下草莓‘红颊’品种和当地主栽品种‘丰香’的主要植物学特性、育苗特性、产量和经济性状进行调查和比较试验。结果表明:‘红烦’在丰产性、果实品质、抗病性等综合性状方面表现突出,适合在温州草莓促成栽培中推广。若与当地主栽品种‘丰香’轮换种植,可以改善大棚草莓品种构成,增加果农收入。  相似文献   

草莓是日本重要园艺栽培作物之一,在水果生产中占有重要位置。日本是草莓生产和消费大国,其品种食味佳,栽培方法独特,销售方式新颖。本文从日本草莓的面积分布、栽培类型及销售方式等方面进行了分析,以期为中国草莓产业的稳定发展提供参考。  相似文献   

5个保护地栽培草莓新品种在沈阳的表现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,我国保护地栽培草莓发展较快,由于其具有果实成熟期早、应市期长、收益高等方面的优势,已逐渐取代露地栽培,成为我国北方地区草莓栽培的主要模式。目前,我国北方大部分保护地栽培草莓产区发展历史较短,生产上推广应用的品种相对较少,且良莠不齐,一些果农选择保护地栽培草莓品种存在着较大的盲目性,在一定程度上影响了保护地栽培草莓的单位面积产量、市场竞争力和收益。为此,沈阳农业大学1997年以来先后从日本、美国等国家引入草莓新品种20余个,根据不同品种特性,分别采用日光温室栽培和冷棚栽培方式,在沈阳地区进行了多年的引种栽培试验,初步选出适宜沈阳及与其气候相近地区试栽的2个适合日光温室栽培品种和3个适合冷棚栽培品种,现简介如下。  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the cropping systems in northern European countries such as Norway and Finland. Winter injury commonly occurs in strawberry fields in northern climates and inadequate snow cover further aggravates the problem. During the last decade there has been an increase in programmed “out-of-season” strawberry production. Greenhouse producers aim for year-round production, whereas those using polyethylene tunnels extend the main production season to include May/June and September/October. The dominant strawberry cultivars in Nordic countries are ‘Senga Sengana’ for the processing industry and the Dutch cultivar ‘Korona’ is preferred for direct fresh market consumption due to its good flavor and high yields. Recently, ‘Honeoye’ has gained considerable interest among Danish and Swedish growers due to its high productivity and its relatively low susceptibility to grey mold. In Finland, the Norwegian cultivar ‘Jonsok’ is one of the most popular cultivars due to its high tolerance to winter injury and grey mold.  相似文献   

为了不断推进草莓产业发展,提升日光温室草莓种植经济效益,丰富可与草莓套种的厚皮甜瓜品种,选取5个优质厚皮甜瓜品种作为试验材料与草莓进行套种栽培,通过比较田间长势、果实外观、果实品质等指标,筛选出适合与草莓进行套种栽培的厚皮甜瓜品种.结果表明:雅州蜜与草莓进行套种时,心糖含量达到16.50%,坐果率达到98.67%,具有...  相似文献   


There is an increasing demand in the market to improve strawberry quality by promoting human-health compounds content, as these may play a significant role in the prevention of chronic diseases. Strawberry cultivars, environmental conditions, and agronomical conditions have an effect on fruit characteristics; therefore, it is necessary to constantly generate information about the cultivar response to different production areas and cultural practices. The goal of this work was to evaluate the effect of two planting dates, two harvest dates, and four strawberry cultivars on total phenolic acid (gallic acid equivalent), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and soluble solid content?titratable acidity-1 (SSC?TA-1) ratio in Huelva, Spain. Sixteen treatments resulted from the combination of four cultivars, two planting dates, and two harvest dates. Strawberry ‘Camarosa’, ‘Sabrosa’, ‘Aguedilla’, and ‘Fuentepina’ were selected for both seasons and planted on 7 Oct. (early planting) and 21 Oct. (late planting). Mid-February and mid-April were considered early and late harvest, respectively. Nutraceutical and organoleptic responses were specifics for each cultivar. The highest SSC?TA-1 ratio was observed in ‘Fuentepina’ planted late and harvested early. ‘Aguedilla’ resulted in the highest phenolic content when harvested in the late season. Additionally, phenolic content was significantly higher when using late planting combined with late harvest in most of the cultivars. Late harvested ‘Camarosa’ showed the highest TA concentration, whereas ‘Sabrosa’ resulted in the highest SSC regardless of harvesting date. Additionally, ‘Aguedilla’ and ‘Sabrosa’ showed the highest ascorbic content. Strawberry quality could be improved by selecting the adequate planting and harvesting dates according to specific cultivars.  相似文献   


In Norway and Finland strawberry cultivation in greenhouses is limited. However, interest in strawberry cultivation in greenhouses or under high tunnels is increasing rapidly. Controlled environments offer growers an opportunity to produce strawberries year-round, and specifically during the off-season (September to June) when Norwegian and Finnish strawberries are not readily available and carry a high price. In Norway, Grimsby Gartneri has developed one method for winter production of strawberries, using artificial light. In this system ‘Korona’ strawberry plants are induced to flower three times during the season using artificial short days resulting in a continual harvest from November until June. In Finland, there are few greenhouse strawberry producers. They grow Junebearing cultivars and obtain a maximum of two crops a year, in the spring and in the fall. Artificial light is not used in this production system. In order to develop out-of-season strawberry production in Finland, artificial short day treatments have been studied at the University of Helsinki since 1998  相似文献   

北京草莓产业的调研与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王琼  宗静  刘瑞涵  李锐  祝宁 《蔬菜》2021,(4):61-64
为了促进北京草莓产业持续健康发展,对北京草莓产业相关情况开展了调查,通过调查草莓种植规模、产销情况、生产者理念等情况,发现北京草莓产量、销量有所降低,销售渠道多元化,种植效益有所降低(传统采摘渠道效益下降明显,新型团购渠道效益稳定),生产方式向多样化套种方向发展,并结合实际提出了思考及建议,如调整种植结构,平衡种植风险;创新销售方式(团购、对接社区等),拓展疏通销售渠道;提高种植者风险意识,对不同规模生产者分类引导;保证产品质量,提升品牌价值的对策,促进农民效益增加。  相似文献   


Producing strawberry transplants from runner tips that were plugged ~1 month earlier (early July) than the standard time (early August) promoted fall flowering in some short-day strawberry cultivars. In 2002,100% of ‘Chandler’ transplants produced in early July flowered in the fall, but none of the August-plugged ‘Chandler’ transplants flowered in the fall. In 2003, 73% of ‘Chandler’ transplants produced in mid-July from average-size runner tips and less than half of transplants from small-size runner tips flowered in the fall. Again, August-plugged plants did not flower in the fall. Flowering was absent in ‘Northeaster’ plants. Under protected cultivation, July-plugged ‘Sweet Charlie’ plants bloomed earlier and produced more fruit in November and December than those plugged in August. This study showed that fall flowering in ‘Chandler’ and ‘Sweet Charlie’ strawberry is possible if the transplants are prepared by plugging runner tips in early July. This novel technique for propagating strawberry transplants for annual plasticulture combined with production under high tunnels creates an opportunity for strawberry production in early winter and again in the spring (double cropping) in the mid-Atlantic coast region.  相似文献   


In the mild winter regions strawberries are the most important crop of the small fruits. Strawberry production systems rely on the ‘winter’ planting system developed in California for early production and predominantly on California cultivars with plants set at high densities. The aim of this paper is to provide a brief review of strawberry growth and development in the mild winter regions based on a review of the literature and on research studies carried out in southwestern Portugal.  相似文献   

为进一步提高生姜生产技术水平,对昌邑市生姜产业相关情况开展了调查,通过调查昌邑市生姜主栽品种、栽培方式、合理密度、适时覆盖和撤掉遮阳网、适时适度覆土、合理生长期和生长状况等栽培情况,发现存在植株过高或过矮、分枝数偏少、块茎过长过短和过宽过窄、块茎及各姜球质量差距大、地上茎叶过旺或过弱、地上地下部分生长不平衡等栽培问题,并结合实际提出了选择好良种和栽培方式、计划好种植密度、掌握好遮阳网的覆盖和撤掉时机、把握好覆土厚度和时间、做好生姜生长期综合统筹管理等建议。  相似文献   

石小强  王琼  师立伟  杨春  魏春雷 《蔬菜》2023,(11):56-58
为了助力岷县蔬菜产业规模化、专业化发展,从生产规模、融合发展、销售渠道等方面综述了甘肃岷县高原夏菜产业发展现状,分析了存在的问题,如适宜品种少、机械化程度低、栽培标准化程度低、农机农艺融合不紧密等,并结合实际提出加强新品种引进筛选,提升集约化育苗水平;集成轻简化、标准化栽培技术;加强农机农艺的紧密结合;完善政策扶持和项目支持等建议。  相似文献   

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