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一九八九年是我们开展飞播种草十周年。为了总结过去十年来飞播种草经验,指导今后的工作,我们对全盟十年来的飞播种草进行了全面的调查,本文就是通过对调查结果的总结、分析和研究,阐述了十年飞播种草的成就、成功的经验和存在的问题,对今后的飞播种草提出了建议。  相似文献   

甘肃省畜牧厅委托省饲草饲料技术推广总站于1984年9月11至15日在华池县召开了全省飞播牧草现场会。参加会议的有兰州大学、甘肃农业大学、甘肃草原生态研究所、兰州民航总局以及有关地(州)、县(市)农牧处、种草站负责同志、专家和技术人员共45人。会议期间代表们参观了环县的山城梁、大梁洼和华池县的郭庄岭等飞播区,同时学习了党中央和中央领导同志关于种草种树和建设草原的重要指示;传达了1984年全国飞播牧草现场观摩会议精神;听取了庆阳行署农牧处、华池县、环县和兰州市飞播牧草工作的经验介绍和省饲草饲料技术推广总站  相似文献   

青海省一九九三年飞播牧草技术工作总结邹华,王湘国,石凡涛(青海省草原总站810001)1982年以来,我省在农牧渔业部及西北航空公司的大力支持下,开展了飞播牧草工作。飞播工作由点到面,规模逐渐扩大,累计飞播牧草面积51.5万余亩,占全省人工草地总面积...  相似文献   

<正> 党的十一届三中全会以来,党中央和中央领导同志,多次对种草和开展草原建设发出重要指示。邓小平同志曾指出:要在大西北地区种植沙打旺等牧草,指示空军担负飞播牧草的任务,飞播种草要搞二十年。胡耀邦、赵紫阳同志近年来在视察西北、内蒙古等地时,也都发出了种草种树,发展畜牧,改造山河,治穷致富的号召。今年三月一月,中共中央、国务院在关于绿化祖国的指示中,再次提出要在全国范围内,开展种树种草种花的活动。搞好全民义务种草,已成为摆在全党、全国人民面前的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

<正>河北重点草原区是京津冀地区重要的水源涵养区、防风固沙区和生态环境支撑区。近年来,河北省不断加强草原资源保护建设力度,累计完成人工种草197.8万亩、围栏封育911.63万亩、基本草场建设205.76万亩、飞播牧草87.1万亩,累计治理"三化"草原1350万亩。草原生态呈"点上好转、局部改善、恶化趋势初步遏制"。一、摸清家底,开展草地资源清查和资产负债表编制工作1.全面完成草地资源资产负债表编制工作。2016年河  相似文献   

直升机飞播种草能提高草原植被盖度、高度和产草量,是大面积治理若尔盖沙化草原的一种有效措施。  相似文献   

直升机飞播种草能提高草原植被盖度、高度和产草量,是大面积治理若尔盖沙化草原的一种有效措施.  相似文献   

根据作者多年来在若尔盖沙化草地飞播牧草的实践,对高寒地区利用直升机在播前准备、飞播的安全管理、飞播作业以及现场质量检查等飞播种草治沙技术进行了初步总结,以便为直升机飞播种草治沙提供参考。  相似文献   

高寒地区利用直升机飞播种草治沙技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据作者多年来在若尔盖沙化草地飞播牧草的实践,对高寒地区利用直升机在播前准备、飞播的安全管理、飞播作业以及现场质量检查等飞播种草治沙技术进行了初步总结,以便为直升机飞播种草治沙提供参考.  相似文献   

飞播种草综合配套技术研究及创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
飞播种草是沙化、退化草地治理的重要技术措施之一,近10年在财政部、农业部的大力支持下,全国开展了以"飞播种草 保护利用"为核心,对牧草筛选、草种组合、种子处理、地面处理、适时播种、机型选择、播后管护、合理利用8项关键技术进行组装和研究,集成应用在北方沙化退化草地区等6个不同生态区域中.在筛选以乡土草种为主的飞播草种、最佳播种时期、青藏高海拔利用直升机播种等方面实现了自主创新.在豆科草种接种根瘤菌与混合草种拌种增产菌、应用GPS导航技术、地面处理、组织管理等方面实现了集成创新.为改善草原生态环境、饲草饲料资源开发和保护生物多样性奠定了一定的基础.  相似文献   

There is interest in Canada in seeding grass seed using air seeders and air drills that were originally designed for seeding cereals and oilseeds. These seeders use an air delivery system to move the seed from large grain tanks on the seeder to the cultivator furrow openers for seed placement in the ground. Various types of furrow openers (i.e. spoons or knives) were evaluated for their effectiveness in placing meadow brome grass seed (Bromus riparius [Rehmann]) in the ground. Knife openers provided the best seed emergence results. Seed brakes and variable air velocities were also evaluated as a means of preventing the seed from blowing out of the seed row when using high air velocities. The screen-type seed brakes were prone to plugging with the grass seed. Acceptable seeding results were achieved without seed brakes when used at low air velocities; however, at these lower air velocities, seed distribution may be less accurate. It was also shown that when monoammonium phosphate (11-51-0) was mixed with the meadow brome grass seed at 33 kg·ha−1 as a means of preventing seed bridging in the delivery system, the seedling emergence counts were significantly less than applying the fertilizer at the point where the seed enters the openers.  相似文献   

追述了雅安地区 2 0年来 ,在牧草引种选育、驯化选育、定位观测方面的研究动态 ;剖析了种草养畜的成效及其成因 ;指出了在当前退耕还林还草进程中 ,草业生态工程存在的薄弱环节 ,提出了“点、线、片”上草畜配套技术、宏观对策和可行措施 ;预测了 2 1世纪科技兴草和草业发展的光明前景。  相似文献   

应用种子蛋白电泳图谱对高羊茅品种进行鉴别与聚类研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用种子贮藏蛋白进行二二烷其磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝脉电泳,对23个高羊茅品种进行了 分析。表明该方法成本低,效率高,重复性好,能有效地反应高羊茅品种的遗传差异和亲缘关系。电泳谱带聚类分析所得到的类群,能代表生产上,饲用,草坪用类型以及两种用途中的主要生态类型。  相似文献   

新的禾本科模式植物——二穗短柄草   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻(Oryza sativa)是禾本科中目前唯一已完成基因组测序的模式植物,但由于它很早从冷季型禾本科中进化分离出来,故其作为禾本科其他亚科的模式植物有一定局限性,因此,需要一种新的、更适合的模式植物。二穗短柄草(Brachypodium distachyon)是一种温带禾草,归属禾本科早熟禾亚科短柄草族短柄草属,具有基因组小、株型小、自花授粉、一年生、生命周期短、有二倍体和一系列多倍体、易培植、易转化等诸多优点,尤其是与很多重要的谷类作物如小麦、大麦、燕麦、玉米、水稻、高梁等以及许多牧草与草坪草有较近的亲缘关系,因而是温带禾本科植物功能基因纽学以及生物能源作物(如柳枝稷)研究的理想模式植物,作者例举二穗短柄草之所以成为新模式植物系统的依据,并介绍其在遗传进化、基因组特点、功能基因组及形态特征等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

外来植物奇岗的生物学特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
席庆国  洪浩 《草业科学》2008,25(2):26-28
奇岗 Miscanthus x giganteus 是由日本引入欧洲的一种高大禾草,在欧洲已有数十年的栽培历史. 近20年来被作为有潜力的工业原料植物,进行了深入的研究.这种植物近来被作者引入中国,其汉语名称暂定为奇岗(商品名芒杞).文中对这种植物提出了新的和详尽的描述.这种植物的主要特点是:杂交种、三倍体、花不育、花序外形似荻 M.sacchariflorus;横生茎与秆丛集,秆直立.  相似文献   

实验选用浓度为 5 0 %、75 %、10 0 %的黑麦草、草地早熟禾、翦股颖和白三叶的茎叶浸提液 (母液浓度为 10 % ,w/v) ,按照培养皿砂培的生物检测方法对四种牧草的化感作用进行初探。结果表明 :适当浓度施体茎叶浸提液对受体植物萝卜、黑麦草、高羊茅、苜蓿、白三叶、红三叶的苗干重、根干重、苗长、根长等均产生明显的抑制或促进作用 ,说明四种牧草均存在化感作用的潜势 ,且受体植物的根受化感物质的影响比植株地上部分敏感  相似文献   

It has recently been proposed that the cost of rehabilitating medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae [L.] Nevski)–invaded rangelands may be reduced by concurrently seeding desired vegetation and applying the preemergent herbicide imazapic. However, the efficacy of this “single-entry” approach has been inconsistent, and it has not been compared to the multiple-entry approach where seeding is delayed 1 yr to decrease herbicide damage to nontarget seeded species. We evaluated single- and multiple-entry approaches in medusahead-invaded rangelands in southeastern Oregon with seeding for both approaches occurring in October 2011. Before seeding and applying herbicide, all plots were burned to improve medusahead control with imazapic and prepare the seedbed for drill seeding–introduced perennial bunchgrasses. Both approaches effectively controlled medusahead during the 2 yr postseeding. However, almost no seeded bunchgrasses established with the single-entry treatment (< 0.5 individals · m-2), probably as a result of nontarget herbicide mortality. Perennial grass cover and density in the single-entry treatment did not differ from the untreated control. In contrast, the multiple-entry treatment had on average 6.5 seeded bunchgrasses · m-2 in the second year postseeding. Perennial grass (seeded and nonseed species) cover was eight times greater in the multiple-entry compared to the single-entry treatment by the second year postseeding. These results suggest that the multiple-entry approach has altered the community from annual-dominated to perennial grass–dominated, but the single-entry approach will likely be reinvaded and dominated medusahead without additional treatments because of a lack of perennial vegetation.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the cattle industry has experienced practically a full circle. With the promising beef prices in the early 1970s, with the glut of grain and a generous assist from government incentive programs, the forage acreage and cattle population have increased at a record rate. By 1974, the tide began to turn — grain prices went up sharply and beef prices became sluggish — and by 1976 a major crisis faced the producers. The cattle industry which had been developing on a cheap grain economy was now obliged to rely more on forage for its survival. Unfortunately, the forage was not existent and the only salvation of the industry was the gift of Providence — weather patterns that provided ample moisture conditions and above normal forage crops, the utilization of cereals and the intervention of government cow-calf support programs.Over the past year, the cycle was completed and record beef prices again prevail. The barley bins are full again and the cattlemen are gearing up for a few fat years. Demands for forage seed are brisk and the seeding down of forage acreage is bound to increase substantially over the next few years. And with this increase, cattle population expansion is bound to follow: how much expansion can the economy support? The production cost factors will determine the extent, but one can almost be certain that any expansion will either be modest or of short duration. At least, it should be.If the cattle industry is to establish solid foundations, it cannot be dependent upon the instability of a grain surplus-shortage position. With the present resources and the potential for developing it in direct competition with other crops, one can only expect a small and steady expansion over a long time span. One must agree with the range researchers and specialists of the Canada Research Stations at Lethbridge and Swift Current that pasture and range will continue to be the limiting factors of cattle expansion as they have been for the past 50 years. It is interesting to note that in the Prairie Provinces at least, the number of livestock raised each year has not changed since 1930 although cattle have largely replaced the horses.It is easy to speculate on paper that Canada can double in the next 20 years its forage and cattle production on its large expanses of land on the fringes of the agriculturally settled areas. It is true that these lands, while marginal for cash crops, could produce excellent forage. But at what cost? And what kind of pasture could we grow on them?It is easy to speculate that our livestock geneticists can breed a ruminant-type animal that will feed on poplar saplings and poplar leaves, or develop a new breed of cattle with buffalo vigor that will thrive in the extreme north. But looking at the musk-ox experience in the Northwest Territories and the history of the Wood Buffalo National Park leaves little room for optimism.The present generation is not likely to see in its lifetime the cattle population go beyond the 20 million mark. We can look, however, with good assurance on the present cattle numbers remaining stable and can look forward to gradual increase brought about by normal improvement in both forage and cattle management.Hopefully, both the cattle producer and the veterinarian will be able to reap the benefits of this most important segment of Canada''s agricultural industry.  相似文献   

中国牧草种子生产现状及需求分析调研报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为全面掌握中国草种生产现状及未来供需情况,对我国草种子生产现状及未来草种子供需形势进行了调查研究,查阅了相关文献,统计了近几年来全国草种子地区分布、面积、产量和草种子类别,并分析预测了未来几年我国草种的供求趋势,对比了发达国家在草种生产方面的经验和成果,以供行业发展和决策参考。  相似文献   

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