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BACKGROUND: Upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) of cats is caused by a number of pathogens, including Chlamydophila felis and Mycoplasma spp. For effective treatment of both infections, doxycycline and enrofloxacin are recommended, but adverse effects limit their use in cats. HYPOTHESIS: That the fluoroquinolone pradofloxacin is effective against C. felis and Mycoplasma infection in cats with URTD or conjunctivitis. ANIMALS: Thirty-nine cats with signs of URTD or conjunctivitis. METHODS: Placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. Cats were randomly entered into 1 of 2 treatment groups: treated PO with either 5 mg/kg pradofloxacin q24h or 5 mg/kg doxycycline q12h for 42 consecutive days. Changes in health status and clinical scores were evaluated. The presence of C. felis and Mycoplasma spp. was determined by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nested PCR of conjunctival swabs, respectively. RESULTS: At the beginning of the study, C. felis and Mycoplasma spp. were detected in 23 and 20 cats, respectively. Cats of both groups responded rapidly with a marked improvement in clinical signs within the 1st week. During treatment with either drug, C. felis DNA copy number declined quickly. Complete elimination of Mycoplasma spp. was achieved in both groups; however, whereas all cats receiving doxycycline eliminated C. felis, 4 cats treated with pradofloxacin remained PCR-positive. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: This study demonstrates that both pradofloxacin and doxycycline have good efficacy against C. felis and Mycoplasma spp., resulting in a marked improvement of clinical signs. However, C. felis DNA remained in some cats after treatment with pradofloxacin, suggesting that infection might not have been eliminated.  相似文献   

An update on the 2005 American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) Consensus Statement on blood donor infectious disease screening was presented at the 2015 ACVIM Forum in Indianapolis, Indiana, followed by panel and audience discussion. The updated consensus statement is presented below. The consensus statement aims to provide guidance on appropriate blood‐borne pathogen testing for canine and feline blood donors in North America.  相似文献   

猫泛白细胞减少症是一种由猫泛白细胞减少症病毒引起的,猫科动物常见的接触性传染病,临床发病率和死亡率均较高,疫苗免疫接种是预防和控制该病最经济、最直接的措施.然而,国内几无商业化宠物疫苗,特别是猫用疫苗,国外疫苗进口困难,亟需开发新型宠物用高效疫苗.对国内外猫泛白细胞减少症疫苗现状及不同类型疫苗(灭活疫苗、减毒活疫苗等)...  相似文献   

Objective – To review and summarize current information regarding the etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of feline babesiosis, especially with regard to features distinct from canine babesiosis.
Etiology – Babesiosis is caused by hemoprotozoa of the genus Babesia . Numerous species of Babesia exist worldwide. The babesial organism spends the majority of its life cycle within the erythrocyte of the definitive host, resulting in hemolysis, with or without systemic complications.
Diagnosis – Definitive diagnosis depends on direct visualization of the organism on blood smear or a positive polymerase chain reaction. Positive serologic tests indicate only exposure, with or without active infection.
Therapy – Antiprotozoal drugs and supportive care are the mainstays of therapy. Primaquine phosphate is considered the treatment of choice in cats.
Prognosis – Prognosis depends on the severity of disease, which in turn depends on both organism and host factors. Mortality rates of 15–20% are reported.  相似文献   

Abstract— Pododermatoses are uncommon in the cat. Diagnosis is based on a detailed and thorough history including progression of the disease, its response to previous therapy, involvement of other animals or people, and the cats' environment. Physical examination of both the skin and the body, as a whole, is essential because feline pododermatoses are often associated with systemic disease such as feline leukaemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodefiency virus (FIV) and diabetes mellitus. Laboratory tests include skin scrapings, Wood's light examination, fungal culture, lesion smears, and skin biopsy. The latter is often the key to the diagnosis of feline pododermatoses. Other tests may include the intradermal skin test, patch testing and evaluation of endocrine function. Successful therapy of feline pododermatoses is dependent upon obtaining a definitive diagnosis. Résumé— Les pododermatites sont peu fréquentes chez le chat. Le diagnostic repose sur une anamnèse soignée comprenant l'évolution de la maldie, sa réponse aux traitements antérieurs l'atteinte d'autres animaux on de personnes et l'environnement du chat. L'examen clinique, de la peau et de l'enseble du corps comme un tout, est essentiel, les pododermatites félines étant souvent associées à des maladies générales telles que le FeLV, le FIV ou le diabète sucré. Les examens complémentaires comportent des raclages cutanés, un examen à la lampe de Wood, une culture fongique, des caiques des lésions et des biopsies. Cette derrière est souvent la clef du diagnostic d'une pododermatite féline. Les autres examens complémentaires peuvent ètre des intradermopréactions, des tests épicutanés et des tests hormonaux. Le succès du traitement d'une pododermatite féline dépend de la possibilité d'établir un diagnostic définitif. Zusammenfassung— Pododermatitis bei Katzen ist selten. DieDiagnose beruht auf einer detaillierten und sorgfältig erhobenen Anamnèse einschließlich des Verlaufs der Erkrankung, ihrem Ansprechen auf bereits durchgeführte Therapien, die Erkrankung weiterer Tiere oder Menschen sowie Angaben über die Lebensumstände der Katze. Die klinische Untersuchungen von Haut und dem Körper als Ganzes ist ein wesentlicher Punkt, da feline Pododermatosen oft mit systemischen Erkrankungen wie FeLV, FIV und Diabetes mellitus vergesellschaftet sind. Laboruntersuchungen schließben Hautgeschabsel, Untersuchungen mit der Wood-Lampe, Pilzkultur, Abklatschpräparate, der Hautveränderungen und Hautbiopsien mit ein. Letztere sind oft der Schlüssel zur Diagnose der felinen Pododermatitis. Andere diagnostische Methoden können intradermale Hauttests, Patchtests und überprüfung endokriner Organfunktionene beinhalten. Die erfolgreiche Behandlung der felinen Pododermatitis hängt davon ab, ob eine definitive Diagnose erstellt werden kann. Resumen Pododermatosis es un hallazgo infrequente en el gato. El diagnóstico se basa en una historia detallada y completa incluyendo el curso de la enfermedad, respuesta a la terapia instaurada, si ha afectado a otros animales o personas, y el medio ambiente que rodea al gato. El examen fisico de ambos, piel y cuerpo, como si se tratase de una entidad única, és esencial, ya que las pododermatosis felinas se asocian frequentemente a enfermedades sistémicas como FeLV, FIV y diabetes mellitus. Los exámenes de laboratorio incluyen raspados cutáneos, investigación con la lámpara de wood, cultivos fungales, examinación microscópica directa del exudado, y biopsia cutánea. Esta última es frecuentemente la clave en el diagnóstico de la pododermatosis felina. Otros tests a llevar a cabo podrían ser pruebas cutáneas intradérmicas, tests de sensibilidad de contacto, y evalucación de la función endocrina. El éxito de la terapia depende de la obtención de un diagnóstico correcto.  相似文献   

Chlamydiae are an important cause of acute and chronic conjunctivitis in cats. Until recently, only one organism was thought to infect cats, Chlamydophila felis (previously Chlamydia psittaci var. felis). Recently, other Chlamydia-like organisms belonging to the family Parachlamydiaceae, which comprises organisms that reside and proliferate within free-living amoeba, have been identified in cats with neutrophilic and eosinophilic conjunctivitis. The relative importance of these organisms and their amoebic hosts requires investigation. There is also weak evidence that chlamydiae may also be capable of causing reproductive tract disease and lameness in cats. Diagnosis of chlamydial conjunctivitis requires use of specialized culture techniques or the polymerase chain reaction. The antibiotic of choice to treat these infections is doxycycline; azithromycin is less effective. All cats in the household should be treated simultaneously. The zoonotic potential of these organisms appears low, but some precaution is warranted when handling affected cats.  相似文献   

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