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Fusarium species can cause damping‐off and root rot of young conifer seedlings, resulting in severe crop and economic losses in forest nurseries. Disease control within tree nurseries is difficult because of the inability to characterize and quantify Fusarium spp. populations with regard to disease potential because of high variability in isolate virulence. Fusarium isolates were collected from healthy and diseased seedlings of Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western white pine (Pinus monticola) from a nursery in Idaho, USA. Molecular markers such as DNA sequences (mitochondrial small subunit and nuclear translation elongation factor 1‐alpha) and amplified fragment length polymorphism were used to identify isolates as either F. oxysporum or F. commune. In addition, diagnostic primers were developed to detect and distinguish F. commune from F. oxysporum. In vitro and greenhouse virulence tests were completed on Douglas‐fir germinants and seedlings. For Douglas‐fir germinants and seedlings, F. oxysporum isolates generally caused less severe symptoms, whereas most Fcommune isolates caused mortality through damping‐off. This is the first report of direct evidence that F. commune can cause damping‐off disease on Douglas‐fir seedlings under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

This study examined 108 15‐year‐old Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) trees to investigate whether trees exhibiting less severe Swiss needle cast (SNC) symptoms were more resistant (had less fungal colonization) or more tolerant (maintained healthy foliage under similar infection levels). Trees were sampled from six open pollinated families that were categorized into three disease severity groups (two families for each group; mild, moderate and severe disease symptoms). The amount of retained foliage and level of discoloration were visually assessed on trees in the field. Fungal colonization (as determined by proportion of stomata occluded with pseudothecia and by amount of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii DNA in sampled needles) was measured on 1‐ and 2‐year‐old needles in the laboratory. Trees in the different disease severity groups were similar with respect to amount of fungus in their needles, yet the trees in the mild symptom group retained higher proportions of needles and maintained greener foliage. The relationship between amount of P. gaeumannii in needles and SNC symptom severity was statistically significant (p < 0.05) for amount of fungal DNA in 1‐year‐old needles and average needle retention (NR) over the last four growing seasons. Average NR decreased with increased amount of pathogen DNA in the mild disease symptom families. This relationship was reversed in the severe disease symptom group and there was no relationship in the moderate disease symptom group. Because the amount of P. gaeumannii DNA in foliage did not differ significantly among the groups, differences in symptom severity were attributed to tolerance, not resistance. Visual scoring of individual trees for average NR over the past four growing seasons could be used to effectively assess for SNC tolerance in Douglas‐fir.  相似文献   

In the Rocky Mountains, ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa (ssp.) ponderosa Dougl. ex P. Laws. & C. Laws) often co-occurs with Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Mayr) Franco). Despite previous reports showing higher shoot vulnerability to water-stress-induced cavitation in ponderosa pine, this species extends into drier habitats than Douglas-fir. We examined: (1) whether roots and shoots of ponderosa pine in riparian and slope habitats are more vulnerable to water-stress-induced cavitation than those of Douglas-fir; (2) whether species-specific differences in vulnerability translate into differences in specific conductivity in the field; and (3) whether the ability of ponderosa pine to extend into drier sites is a result of (a) greater plasticity in hydraulic properties or (b) functional or structural adjustments. Roots and shoots of ponderosa pine were significantly more vulnerable to water-stress-induced cavitation (overall mean cavitation pressure, Psi(50%) +/- SE = -3.11 +/- 0.32 MPa for shoots and -0.99 +/- 0.16 MPa for roots) than those of Douglas-fir (Psi(50%) +/- SE = -4.83 +/- 0.40 MPa for shoots and -2.12 +/- 0.35 MPa for roots). However, shoot specific conductivity did not differ between species in the field. For both species, roots were more vulnerable to cavitation than shoots. Overall, changes in vulnerability from riparian to slope habitats were small for both species. Greater declines in stomatal conductance as the summer proceeded, combined with higher allocation to sapwood and greater sapwood water storage, appeared to contribute to the ability of ponderosa pine to thrive in dry habitats despite relatively high vulnerability to water-stress-induced cavitation.  相似文献   

Plants utilize two general strategies to cope with pathogen attack. They either limit or resist the pathogen (termed ‘resistance’) or they cope with the disease by surviving and growing (termed ‘tolerance’). Both strategies tend to increase plant fitness; however, there are possible costs, trade‐offs and interactions associated with each strategy. This study focused on five half‐sib interior Douglas‐fir families [Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Beissn.) Franco] that were putatively classified as either resistant or susceptible to Armillaria ostoyae in a previous greenhouse study of seedling families challenged with A. ostoyae. We compared their survival rates in the greenhouse study with results of juvenile trees from the same five families that were artificially inoculated in field conditions. Both resistance and tolerance appeared to be operating in the field test trees, and a possible trade‐off between resistance and tolerance was detected. Significant differences were detected among the five families for stem radial growth following infection at the tree root collar. Compared with the putatively susceptible families, resistant families had smaller lesions and lower proportional root collar girdling. Tolerant families generally had larger lesions but demonstrated better growth when diseased than resistant families. One tolerant family that was a good survivor in the greenhouse survival study presented vertically shaped lesions that were large in area but had greatly reduced proportional root collar girdling. While a second family showed tolerant traits in the field study, its poor survival in the greenhouse study agreed with the large horizontally spreading lesions associated with high root collar girdling in the field study trees. Survival rankings of the five families in the greenhouse study mostly agreed with results from the field study based on the proportion of collar girdling among families. These host responses are discussed with respect to stability, quantity and quality of stands and products.  相似文献   

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) was first introduced to Europe from North America more than 150 years ago, was then planted on a large scale and is now the economically most important exotic tree species in European forests. This literature review summarizes the current knowledge on the effects of Douglas fir on soil chemistry, plants, arthropods and fungi. Douglas fir shapes its abiotic environment similarly to native tree species such as Norway spruce, silver fir or European beech. In general, many organisms have been shown to be able to live together with Douglas fir and in some cases even benefit from its presence. Although the number of species of the ground vegetation and that of arthropod communities is similar to those of native conifer species, fungal diversity is reduced by Douglas fir. Special microclimatic conditions in the crown of Douglas fir can lead to reduced arthropod densities during winter with possible negative consequences for birds. The ecological impacts of Douglas fir are in general not as severe as those of other exotic tree species, e.g., Pinus spp. in South Africa and Ailanthus altissima, Prunus serotina and Robinia pseudoacacia in Europe. Nonetheless, Douglas fir can negatively impact single groups of organisms or species and is now regenerating itself naturally in Europe. Although Douglas fir has not been the subject of large-scale outbreaks of pests in Europe so far, the further introduction of exotic organisms associated with Douglas fir in its native range could be more problematic than the introduction of Douglas fir itself.  相似文献   

Commercial‐aged Douglas‐fir trees mechanically damaged during commercial thinning activities were investigated to quantify fungal taxa present 14 years after thinning. A total of 235 wood cores from 18 damaged and 18 non‐damaged control trees were obtained. Fungi were isolated on malt extract agar and molecular methods were used to identify 48 taxa. Damaged Douglas‐fir trees were more than twice as likely to contain wood‐inhabiting fungi as undamaged trees (p = 0.07) and contained more than 2.5 times more fungi (p = 0.006). However, typical Douglas‐fir stem‐decay fungi were not isolated. Fungi present were mostly endophytes and no significant differences were found in frequencies of decay/non‐decay soft‐rot fungi between damaged and control trees (p = 0.67). Likewise, no significant differences were found for the trend in number of fungi isolates over radial depth into the stem between damaged and control trees (p = 0.29). Frequency of fungal isolates was non‐linearly related to depth in the tree bole. Significant differences between damaged and control trees (p = 0.03) was influenced by the data in the outermost 3 mm. With the exception of these data, there were no significant differences between damaged and control trees in the radial trend in fungal frequency (p = 0.37). Results of this study suggest that wounding in commercial‐aged Douglas‐fir may not contribute significantly to occurrence and species composition of wood inhabiting fungi over the period of a short‐rotation final harvest. However, damage mitigation is recommended supported by a related study showing vertical discolouration affecting all wounded stems.  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - In Germany, Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Franco) is seen as a valuable species for future cultivation in times of climate change. Local seed production...  相似文献   

One-year-old Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) seedlings were grown for 17 weeks in 100-cm deep, 7.8-liter containers. Two Douglas-fir provenances, one from a wet and one from a dry site in coastal British Columbia, and two lodgepole pine provenances, one from a wet and one from a dry site in interior British Columbia, were grown in wet (522% water content) or dry (318% water content) peat/vermiculite soil in a factorial design. Each container was sealed so that water loss occurred only through the seedling. Five harvests were made at three to five week intervals and water use, dry matter increment, root length and root weight were determined at each harvest. Stomatal conductance and shoot water potentials were measured during the last 12 weeks of the experiment. Lodgepole pine seedlings had greater dry matter production, water use, stomatal conductance and new root length than Douglas-fir seedlings. New root weight of lodgepole pine seedlings exceeded that of Douglas-fir seedlings during the last five weeks of the experiment, and specific root length (root length per unit root weight) of new roots was higher for lodgepole pine seedlings throughout the experiment. Douglas-fir seedlings showed higher water use efficiency (WUE) than lodgepole pine seedlings, and both species showed higher WUE in the dry soil treatment. Douglas-fir seedlings had lower water potentials and higher water uptake rates per unit of new root length than lodgepole pine seedlings, although water uptake rates per unit of root dry weight showed little difference between species. Soil water treatment influenced specific root length of new roots, water uptake per unit of new root length, and WUE in Douglas-fir seedlings more than in lodgepole pine seedlings.  相似文献   


The natural durability of timber is an important property in order to assess its performance in service. For numerous species grown in primary forests, this property has already been determined. As plantation-grown timber becomes more and more important, detailed information on its properties is needed, because increasing amounts of this material are coming to the market. The majority of planted Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) in Germany is around 40 years old. In the present study, representative material of totally ten trees from two different sites in the south of Germany was investigated with regard to natural durability. In laboratory tests based on European standard DIN EN 350-1, inner and outer heartwood zones were exposed to basidiomycetes. Density measurements were additionally used for further characterisation of this material. Results showed a lower durability of the plantation-grown Douglas fir wood as compared with wood from natural sites. Significant differences for both durability and density were found between inner and outer heartwood, even though no correlation between the parameters was recognised. Data illustrate that for a better understanding of durability variations, chemical, topochemical and electron microscopic studies are needed.  相似文献   


A novel densitometer consisting of a continuous wave near-infrared (NIR) laser source and an avalanche photodiode module as the detector has been designed, which can rapidly and non-destructively measure the density of wood. The wood density of a small area (3.14 mm2) at the radial-transverse face was continuously estimated using the intensity of the transmitted light with the aid of the modified Lambert-Beer law. By conducting a validity evaluation with statistical coefficients, it was shown that the constructed system could obtain the sharp density profile compatible with X-ray densitometer [Root mean squared error of calibration (RMSEC) = 0.045 g cm?3, Root mean squared error of validation (RMSEV) = 0.046 g cm?3). It was concluded that the constructed NIR device has high performance from the viewpoint of operability, measuring time and safety.  相似文献   

In response to an infection, traumatic resin canals (TRCs) are formed in the roots of many conifers, which may be used to determine the timing and sequence of infection events essential for epidemiological studies of root diseases. Juvenile Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) tree roots at coastal and interior sites in British Columbia were wounded at various times of the year or were inoculated with an isolate of Armillaria ostoyae, and root sections were taken to determine the timing and extent of TRC formation. Naturally infected Douglas‐fir were also examined to determine the extent of the TRCs in infected and uninfected roots on infected trees and in the lower stem. Wounds made in March and October had poor or no TRC formation while the summer wounds responded strongly and were associated with resin soaking. Roots wounded in October did not respond until the following year in all trees except one. Trees produced TRCs and resin soaked tracheids at all times in response to the fungal inoculations. The most striking difference between wounding or fungal inoculation was the multiple bands of TRCs produced in response to the fungus. TRCs at natural A. ostoyae infections were found 92% of time in roots at the stem junction and 74% of the time in the stem at soil line. TRCs were produced in uninfected roots on infected trees but disappeared with increasing distance from the initiating lesion. TRCs can be used to time yearly and seasonal root infections when they can be traced from an identified lesion.  相似文献   

The process of lesion formation and host response to natural infection by Armillaria ostoyae were studied in the roots of western larch (Larix occidentalis) and Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii ssp. glauca) trees in the three age classes, 6–8, 18–19 and 85–95 years. The characteristics of lesions on infected roots were recorded and bark samples were dissected from infection points and lesion margins in the field and stored in liquid nitrogen for macroscopic study in the laboratory. Infection in the roots of 6‐ to 8‐year‐old trees advanced freely, overcoming any host resistance, quickly girdling the root collar and killing the trees. In 18‐ and 19‐year‐old trees, however, 43% of infections on western larch and 27% of the infections on Douglas‐fir roots were confined to lesions bounded by necrophylactic periderms with multiple bands of phellem. Host response was similar in 85‐ to 95‐year‐old trees, but the percentage of confined lesions was higher than in younger trees. The results suggest that larch shows resistance to A. ostoyae at a younger age and with greater frequency than Douglas‐fir.  相似文献   

Plant lesions affect disease impact, progression and host resistance. Root lesions caused by Armillaria ostoyae (Romagn.) Herink were inspected on 24‐ to 34‐year‐old planted Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) pulled from the soil in five locations. Four hundred seventy‐nine lesions were measured for length (mm), expansion rate (mm/year) and lesion type. Lesion types were patch lesions on a root side, girdled lesions covering the root circumference and root collar lesions on the stem below ground. Non‐linear mixed modelling revealed that fungal lesion length at girdled and collar lesions increased but the expansion rate slowed as a power function of time, indicating increasing secondary inoculum and host resistance. Average fungal lesion expansion rate in girdled root and collar lesions was 127 mm the first year which then declined non‐linearly to 26 mm/year after 10 years. Fungal lesion length in patch lesions showed little change after the first year of infection. For girdled and collar lesions, fungal lesion length increased with tree size at the time of infection. Sites with a longer frost‐free period had shorter girdled root and stem lesions, probably because of more active host defence. Results indicate that mortality would be rare from one infection event. Furthermore, patch lesions pose a lower risk of mortality than other lesions because of a lower fungal lesion expansion rate and secondary inoculum. Tree size, lesion position, lesion type and fungal lesion expansion rate need to be considered when assessing the risk of lesions to individual tree survival. Techniques to minimize the disease impact are discussed.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cytokinin-like compounds were measured in root tips of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) collected in spring. Cytokinin bases and ribosides were estimated by radioimmunoassay after purification by immunoaffinity (zeatin riboside and isopentenyladenosine antibodies coupled to cellulose gel) and high performance liquid chromatography. Cytokinin glucosides were similarly analyzed in root extracts treated with beta-glucosidase and octadecyl-silica column chromatography in conjunction with immunoaffinity purification. The identity of predominant cytokinins obtained after enzymatic degradation was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Each of the observed cytokinin bases and ribosides seemed to have a corresponding hexose conjugate form. Total quantity of cytokinin glucosides was twice that of cytokinin bases and ribosides, and the major compound was isopentenyladenosine hexose conjugate.  相似文献   

Manter  Kelsey  Stone 《Forest Pathology》2001,31(4):229-240
Current assessments of infection levels of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii, the incitant pathogen of Swiss needle cast disease on Pseudotsuga menziesii, typically rely on surveys of abundance of fruit bodies on diseased needles. The relationship between this measure and internal fungal colonization is unknown. In this article, a series of experiments to determine whether ergosterol can be used to quantify P. gaeumannii internal colonization within Douglas‐fir needles is reported. It was found that ergosterol content in seven commonly occurring Douglas‐fir foliar fungi is proportionally related to biomass, and in P. gaeumannii this relationship is not affected by age of the culture. Furthermore, at four sites tested, P. gaeumannii was the most common fungus species isolated from Douglas‐fir needles, accounting for approximately 50% of the isolations. Ergosterol content in these needles was best related to P. gaeumannii despite the presence of other fungi. The strong relationship between ergosterol and P. gaeumannii is attributed to its greater contribution to total fungal biomass compared with all other fungi present within Douglas‐fir needles.  相似文献   

Douglas-fir has been planted in Bavaria for over 100 years. Its high growth potential and good wood quality combined with its silvicultural characteristics have increased interest in the species which can easily be integrated into existing natural ecosystems. In order to be successful in the establishment of Douglas-fir one must select the best provenance (only the so called “green” or viridis coastal type form is suitable for Bavaria), maintain a broad genetic base and carry out proper silviculture. The goal of the study was to check the origin/provenance (coastal or interior type) of older Bavarian Douglas-fir stands, the respective genetic variation of the stands and also the natural regeneration, the collected seed and the plants raised in the nursery. Possible changes in the genetic composition and diversity due to selective processes in the nursery phase were also investigated. Isoenzyme gene markers were used for the study. The majority of the investigated older stands apparently belong to the coastal type Douglas-fir; however, we also found mixed stands and stands solely of the interior (unsuitable) type. Older stands show large variation in their genetic diversity (v gam between 19.9 and 90.1). Some of the stands of unsuitable provenance have natural regeneration and others have been selected as seed collecting stands. Through natural regeneration the genetic structure of the older stands is passed on to the following generation. The same is true for reproductive material collected from such stands. In comparison to seed collected from stands in the USA (from stands selected by the EU for seed collection), seed from Bavarian stands is genetically very heterogeneous in respect to the allele variants and the diversity. No significant changes in the genetic population structure were found in the nursery due to sowing or transplanting. The critical stage for obtaining high quality reproductive material of Douglas-fir is the selection of seed collecting stands and the harvesting procedure. The resulting consequences for seed collection and procurement of suitable reproductive material for Douglas-fir are discussed.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that transfer conductance (gi) of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings is reduced by water stress. Seedlings were irrigated with a solution of 25% polyethylene glycol so as to impose water stress rapidly, thereby limiting acclimatory responses. Transfer conductance was measured pre-treatment and post-treatment by two methods. Water stress reduced net photosynthesis by 20-50%. The initial slope of the rate of photosynthesis (A) over the intercellular carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration (Ci) response was reduced by water stress, indicating that reduced photosynthesis was not wholly accounted for by reduced stomatal conductance. The carbon isotope and chlorophyll fluorescence methods both indicated that water stress decreased gi. From isotopic measurements with 1% O2, gi was 0.076 +/- 0.009 (mean +/- SE) mol m(-2) s(-1) in well-watered seedlings and 0.044 +/- 0.004 mol m(-2) s(-1) in water-stressed seedlings. Fluorescence estimates of gi were 0.08 +/- 0.01 mol m(-2) s(-1) in well-watered seedlings and 0.044 +/- 0.004 mol m(-2) s(-1) in water-stressed seedlings. The drought-induced reduction in gi was responsible for the reduction in slope of the A/Ci response, and thus there was no difference in the slope of the A over the chloroplastic CO2 concentration (Cc) response between treatments and no indication of impaired mesophyll metabolism. These data illustrate that impairments of mesophyll metabolism can be revealed only from analysis of the A/Cc response.  相似文献   

The sequence of events leading to necrophylactic periderm formation was studied throughout the year following the abiotic wounding of the non‐infected roots of 10‐ and 27‐year‐old western larch (Larix occidentalis) and 11‐ and 25‐year‐old Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees that were infected with Armillaria ostoyae. The sequence was the same for both ages and species of trees. Wound repair was more rapid in the summer compared with the spring and autumn. Following cell hypertrophy, a zone of lignified impervious tissue was in the initial stages of formation within 10 days of wounding in the summer and 14 days in the spring or autumn. The new phellogen produced a layer of phellem three to four rows of cells thick after 20 days in the summer or 40 days in the spring. Modified cells abutting the inner boundary of the impervious zone frequently developed thick lignified abaxial walls and thin suberized adaxial walls. A typical exophylactic periderm in healthy root bark tissue of both western larch and Douglas‐fir consisted of stone phellem one to four rows of cells thick and a layer of thin‐walled phellem three to six rows of cells thick in western larch and two to three rows thick in Douglas‐fir, a single row of phellogen cells and one to three rows of phelloderm cells. Mature thin‐walled phellem cells had pigmented contents, red in western larch and light brown in Douglas‐fir. In response to wounding, 27‐year‐old western larch and 25‐year‐old Douglas‐fir developed necrophylactic periderms with annual bands of phellem. The bands included a layer of phellem that was six to 12 and nine to 15 rows of cells thicker than the layer of phellem observed in the respective naturally developed exophylactic periderms. Fifty days following wounding in the summer, stone phellem, one to three rows of cells thick, was observed in the necrophylactic periderm of 10‐year‐old trees. When fully developed, the necrophylactic periderm in 27‐year‐old western larch also had a layer of stone phellem three to five rows of cells thick in each band. Stone phellem development was only sporadic in 25‐year‐old Douglas‐fir. Wounds in the winter showed no signs of activity associated with repair until dormancy broke in the spring.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of plant-available mineral nutrients in forest soils is often highly heterogeneous. To test the hypothesis that local nutrient enrichment of soil leads to increased root proliferation in the nutrient-rich soil zone, we studied the effects of nutrient enrichment on the growth and nutrient concentrations of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) roots. Three-year-old seedlings were grown for 9 months in split-root containers filled with nutrient-poor forest mineral soil, with one side supplemented with additional mineral nutrients. Root dry weight and root length in Scots pine and Norway spruce were increased in the nutrient-supplemented soil compared with the nonsupplemented side, whereas root growth in Douglas-fir was unaffected by nutrient enrichment. Of the three species examined, Norway spruce exhibited the highest root and shoot growth and the highest nutrient demand. Specific root length (m g(-1)) and the number of root tips per unit root length were not affected by local nutrient addition in any of the species. Despite increased root growth in Norway spruce and Scots pine in nutrient-supplemented soil, their root systems contained similar nutrient concentrations on both sides of the split-root container. Thus, coniferous trees may respond to local nutrient supply by increased root proliferation, but the response varies depending on the species, and may only occur when trees are nutrient deficient. As a response to local nutrient enrichment, increases in root dry matter or root length may be better indicators of pre-existing nutrient deficiencies in conifers than increases in root nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

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