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The rabbit, which is widely used as an experimental animal and is also popular as a companion animal, has aflat and elongated spleen with the longitudinal hilus running along its visceral surface. The spleen receivesvia the hilus an arterial supply that is essential for splenic nutrition and normal functioning. However, thedistribution and variation of the arteries to the spleen have not been studied in detail. This studyinvestigated anatomical variations of splenic arterial supply in 33 New Zealand White rabbits with a coloredlatex injection into arteries. We also examined whether the length of the spleen correlated with the number ofthe splenic branches of the splenic artery. The splenic artery always arose as the first independent branch ofthe celiac artery and ran along the splenic hilus to usually provide 6 (range, 3 to 10) splenic branches tothe spleen. There was a moderate correlation (R=0.6) between the number of splenic branchesand the longitudinal length of the spleen. The splenic branches often arose as a trunk or trunks in commonwith short gastric arteries. The number of common trunk(s) was usually 1 (range, 0 to 4). The data showed thatthe pattern and number of arterial branches to the spleen varied according to the individual animal,suggesting that such variations should be considered when performing experimental and veterinary surgicaltreatments in rabbits.  相似文献   

观测家猪心脏室间隔肌部和膜部的形态及位置关系,为比较解剖学和异种心脏移植提供解剖学依据.56例家猪心脏用100 rnL/L甲醛溶液固定48 h,大体解剖观测室间隔肌部和膜部.从右室面观测室间隔肌部,流入道、流出道、前缘、后缘和上缘长度分别为65.47 mm±7.28 mm、100.95 mm±9.81 mm、126.1...  相似文献   

The degu has drawn increasing attention for use as an experimental animal in stress response studies due to its physiological features, such as diurnality and seasonal breeding, which differ from conventional laboratory rodents. Stress response is elicited by steroid hormones secreted by the adrenal gland, whose functions are controlled by pituitary hormones reaching through the adrenal arteries. However, knowledge of the arterial anatomy of the degu adrenal gland remains insufficient. To address this issue, we observed adrenal arteries in 20 male degus injected with red-colored latex. Adrenal arterial branching patterns were classified into Types 1–4, which respectively have 1 to 4 parent arteries that give rise to the adrenal arteries. Based on the combination of the parent arteries, Types 2 and 3 were categorized into subtypes a to c, while Type 4 was categorized into subtypes a and b. On the left side, Type 2 (45%) and Type 3 (45%) were predominant, whereas Type 1 (5%) and Type 4 (5%) were infrequent. On the right side, Type 2 (50%) and Type 3 (45%) were predominant, whereas Type 4 (5%) was infrequent. Type 1 was not present. There were 0 to 4 cranial, 1 to 4 middle and 1 to 4 caudal adrenal arteries, with the total number varying from 2 to 9. The present observation provides knowledge of comparative anatomical features of the degu adrenal arteries, which can serve as an anatomical basis for comparative endocrinological studies.  相似文献   

Anatomical variations can be frequently found in the lymphatic system, which is also true for the shape and course of the thoracic duct (ductus thoracicus), the biggest lymph vessel in the body. From 2012 to 2019, the thoracic duct was successfully dissected in 43 dog carcasses that were used in the anatomy course at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb. The thoracic duct originated from the cranial border of the cisterna chyli as one lymph vessel in 36 dogs (83.7%), as two vessels in six dogs (14%) and as three vessels in one dog (2.3%). We divided the observed thoracic duct variations into six groups according to their anatomical similarities. Considering the specific embryonic development, we can conclude that all observed variations are the result of minor deviations from the standard ontogenesis. However, the importance of thoracic duct variations is significant in surgical procedures done in the thoracic cavity to prevent or cure the chylothorax. Since this research showed variations in 39 out of 43 dogs (90.7%) throughout the whole course of the thoracic duct, great care must be taken while performing the ligation or embolization of the thoracic duct.  相似文献   

对生长在黄金海岸自然保护区盐碱生境的6种单子叶植物:芦苇Phragmites australis、矮生苔草Carex pumila、野牛草Buchloe dactyloides、看麦娘Alopecurus aequdis、牛筋草Eleusine indica、菵草Beck-mannia syzigachne的叶片进行了解剖研究,对这6种植物叶的上、下表皮角质层厚度、主脉厚、叶肉细胞密度、泡状细胞、维管束上、下两端厚壁细胞层数7个抗性指标进行了观测,并进行了方差分析和品种间的多重比较,得出6种植物耐盐、碱性大小依次为:矮生苔草>芦苇>牛筋草>野牛草>菵草>看麦娘。  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of Salmonella enterica infection was carried out in five Italian farrow-to-finish swine herds previously known to be infected by Salmonella. Five litters were randomly selected from each herd and in each litter six piglets were randomly selected and individually identified. Thus, the study included 30 pigs from each farm. At weaning, individual blood samples were collected for serological examination from all selected piglets and on the same day from all sows in the farrowing unit. Piglets were bled again at approximately 60, 90, 150, 210 and 270 days of life whereas the last blood sample was collected at slaughtering. In one of the herds, in which the duration of productive cycle was about 12 months, the last blood samples were collected at 350 days of life. With the same time scheduling, five pen pooled faecal samples were collected from each herd for bacteriological examination. At slaughtering, mesenteric lymph nodes were collected from each ear-tagged pig. Sero-prevalence (cut off S/P ratio 0.25) in sows varied from 93.8% to 100%. In four herds, sero-prevalence in piglets showed a similar profile with complete decline of maternal antibodies at day 60 and clear sero-conversion between day 90 and day 150. In one herd, sero-conversion was observed earlier and 56% of piglets were positive at day 90. The peak of sero-prevalence was observed between day 210 and day 270. Sero-prevalence at slaughtering varied from 66% to 100%. Salmonella was isolated from faecal samples in four of five herds. No Salmonella was isolated from mesenteric lymph nodes at slaughter in two of the herds. Culture prevalence from mesenteric lymph nodes in the other three herds ranged from 3.3% to 30%. This longitudinal study provides original information about epidemiological dynamics of Salmonella enterica infection in Italian swine herds in consideration of the unique extended fattening period typical of the Italian production.  相似文献   

In contrast to studies on domestic animals, few reports describe ventricular bands in wildlife, and none in aquatic mammals. Ventricular bands in the endangered Saimaa ringed seal (Pusa hispida saimensis) and the Baltic ringed seal (Pusa hispida botnica) were examined as part of an ongoing research on the comparative anatomy of ringed seal subspecies. The dissections illustrated that a varying number of thin or thick ventricular bands from the papillary muscles to the ventricular walls were visible in the ventricles of all ringed seal specimens examined. The histological appearance of the ventricular bands was characterized by a fibromuscular pattern.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the arterial arrangement of the cervical spinal cord in the guinea pig. The study was carried out on 20 adult English self guinea pigs using corrosion and dissection technique. Batson's corrosion casting kit no. 17© was used as a casting medium. The origin of the ventral spinal artery from the left vertebral artery was found on average in 35% of the cases and from the right vertebral artery on average in 40% of the cases. The ventral spinal artery with origin from the anastomosis of two medial branches was found on average in 25% of the cases. The presence of ventral radicular branches of rami spinales entering the ventral spinal artery in the cervical region was observed in 42% of the cases on the right side and in 58% of the cases on the left side. The presence of dorsal radicular branches of rami spinales that reached the spinal cord was observed in 63% of the cases on the left side and in 37% of the cases on the right side. The number of radicular branches supplying the spinal cord is greater in guinea pig than in humans.  相似文献   

The anatomy and histology of the atrioventricular bundle (AVB) was studied in the heart of six camels (Camelus dromedarius). The trunk of the atrioventricular bundle (bundle of His) was a direct continuation of the atrioventricular (AV) node with no sharp line of demarcation between the node and the bundle. The atrioventricular bundle ran through the fibrous trigone and entered the lower part of the interventricular membranous septum, beneath the right endocardium, then lay over or slightly to the side of the centre of the muscular interventricular crest. The AVB of camels measured 4.12±1.00 mm in length, 3.66±1.13 mm in width and 1.13±1.85 mm in thickness, its maximum sectional area being 12.68±6.13 mm2.Histologically, the AVB in the heart of camels comprised multiple strands of Purkinje cells separated by collagen fibres and surrounded by connective tissue. It resembled that in human beings and dogs except that, in camels, intercalated discs were present at the intercellular connections in the AVB.Abbreviations AVB trunk of the atrioventricular bundle - AV node atrioventricular node  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the gross anatomy of the ventral rami of the thoracic spinal nerves in capuchin monkey (Sapajus apella) and compare with humans and other primate species. Eight specimens, prepared in 10% formalin solution and dissected following routine standard techniques, were used. The animals presented 13–14 pairs of thoracic spinal nerves emerging from the intervertebral foramen and divided into dorsal and ventral rami. The ventral rami of the first 12 or 13 pairs represented intercostal nerves and the latter referred to the subcostal nerve. The intercostal and subcostal nerves gave off muscular and cutaneous branches (lateral and ventral), which promote innervation of muscles and skin associated with the chest and abdominal wall. Atypical anatomy was verified for the 1st, 2nd and 7th to 13th intercostal nerves as well as for the subcostal nerve. The morphological characteristics were similar to those observed in humans and some non‐human primates, especially in the absence of collateral branches.  相似文献   

通过观察描述骨项鸡消化系统各器官的解剖学特点,并与水禽、松鸡、雉鸡等的消化器官进行比较,发现与水禽相似,骨项鸡无嗉囊。骨顶鸡小肠占肠道总长的70%,盲肠占肠道总长的14%,松鸡科小肠占肠道总长的45%~49%,畜肠占肠道总长46%~49%,雉鸡小肠占肠道总长71%,盲肠占24%;从这些数据可以看出,骨项鸡小肠占肠道总长的比例居中,但盲肠短。  相似文献   

自2018年8月以来蔓延的非洲猪瘟疫情给我国养猪业造成了巨大损失,生猪供应缺口凸显,猪价整体高位运行。安全顺利复产是规模猪场的优先选择,但由于准备不足、匆忙复产而导致失败的案例甚多;在目前没有相关疫苗的情况下,完善生物安全体系、彻底清除猪场内外残余病毒是规模猪场非洲猪瘟背景下复产的先决条件。笔者团队通过制订复养程序,指导某猪场进行非洲猪瘟复养消毒,各区域检测、复检为阴性后引入180头保育猪作为哨兵猪饲养2个多月,病原学和血清学检测结果均为阴性,复养初步成功。  相似文献   

黑龙江省猪完整繁育体系猪群结构优化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以黑龙江省猪品种资源构成、养猪生产具体条件及过去杂交试验等为基础,拟定了二元、回交和三元杂交方案.在系统分析的基础上,运用线性规划模型优化了不同杂交方案下不同品种组合的猪完整繁育体系内猪群结构.得出,不同杂交方案下猪完整繁育体系各阶层母猪群的最优数量结构呈金字塔形.  相似文献   

Criollo horse breeding is an important economic activity in South America. Because of their athletic performance, these animals tend to show great incidence of musculoskeletal disorders, many of them diagnosed by means of perineural blocks. However, incorrect interpretation of these blocks may be due to anatomical differences in nerve distribution. The objective of this study was to describe the innervation of the digit region of thoracic limbs in Criollo horses, in order to improve the interpretation of tests for claudication diagnosis based on nerve block. Thirty thoracic limbs from Criollo horses were dissected. It could be observed that in 90% of the limbs, dorsal branches of the palmar nerve originated proximally to the proximal sesamoid bone. In 93% of the cases, the palmar digital nerve and the dorsal branches communicated; in 87% of the cases, communication between branches of the dorsal branch was observed; and in 27% (8/30) of the limbs, the palmar metacarpal nerve and the dorsal branch presented communications. None of the specimens showed complete symmetry in the distribution of nerves in contralateral limbs. The high frequency of communication between the nerves may be a particularity of the Criollo breed that may interfere with the interpretation of perineural blocks. Based on the anatomical position, it may be inferred that divergent results in Criollo horses may occur when abaxial sesamoid nerve block is used. Palmar digital nerve block may be less influenced by these variations, provided it is performed as distal as possible from the ungular cartilage.  相似文献   

The African giant pouched rat is a nocturnal, fossorial and omnivorous wild rodent widely distributed in sub‐Saharan Africa. The morphology of lingual surface has not previously examined and was investigated by gross dissection, stereomicroscopy, scanning electron and light microscopy. Grossly, it was elongated and dorso‐ventrally flattened with rounded tip. It measured 3.48 ± 0.33 cm in length, with a median groove of 1.4 ± 0.1 cm in length and well‐developed lingual prominence. Stereomicroscopically, filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae were indicated in the apex, body and root. Fungiform papillae intermingled with filiform on the ventral and dorsal surface of the apex and body. Three vallate papillae were located in triangular arrangement on the root. The surface ultrastructural features distinguished four types of filiform which varied in size, shape and distribution: first type with long pointed process was preponderant on the apex and body of tongue; the second with robust base was located on central lingual prominence; the third (caudal body) was conically shaped with pointed process; and the fourth type (root) had forked filamentous process. Large oval‐shaped fungiform papillae were apparent. Each vallate was surrounded by a circumferential groove into which taste pores opened. Histologically, the tongue surface displayed moderately keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, and lamina propria that varied in places. Fungiform and vallate showed spindle‐shaped taste buds. Serous and mucous acini containing neutral and acidic mucins were observed in lamina propria of root. The structural adaptations of the tongue to omnivorous diet and food manipulation in oral cavity were comparatively discussed.  相似文献   

The anatomical features of the autonomous nerves, including the greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves, were examined in 4 female and 4 male adult pigs (Sus scrofa). The origin and course of these nerves were examined with regard to sex and the side of the body. The greater splanchnic nerve was present in all of the animals included in the study, whereas the lesser splanchnic nerve was present at a rate of 87.5% on the right side and 75% on the left side of the median plane. On the other hand, the least splanchnic nerve was present on the right side at a rate of 62.5% and on the left side at a rate of 37.5%. The greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves on the right side of the median plane were determined to originate from a more cranial location. Furthermore, these nerves were observed to be longer and larger on the right side in comparison with the left side. Evaluation of the findings revealed no significant difference between both sides of the median plane with regard to the origin, course and dimensions of these nerves. Similarly, no significant difference was detected between sexes.  相似文献   

对 60只体重 (1 2 .5± 2 .5) kg陕西八眉猪肝脏及其附属管道进行解剖学测定和分析。结果显示 ,八眉猪肝脏各管道及其叶、段划分与人肝基本一致 ;各叶、段由同名的门静脉分支、肝动脉分支供应血液 ,肝静脉汇合入肝内后腔静脉 ,胆汁由各叶同名肝管汇流入肝总管。除肝前后腔静脉、肝后后腔静脉与人同名血管管径有显著性差异外 ,其余管道直径无显著性差异。说明八眉猪肝和人类肝脏在解剖特性上有一定的相似性。  相似文献   



To describe the ventral spinal nerve rami contribution to the formation of the brachial plexus (BP), and to compare ease of performing and nerve staining between three blind techniques for BP blockade in dogs.

Study design

Prospective, randomized, blind study.


A total of 18 dog cadavers weighing 28.2 ± 9.7 kg (mean ± standard deviation).


Dogs were randomly assigned to two of three BP treatments: traditional approach (TA), perpendicular approach (PA), and axillary approach (AA). Dye (0.2 mL kg?1) was injected in the left BP using a spinal needle; another BP treatment was used in the right BP. Landmarks (L) included: L1, midpoint between point of the shoulder and sixth cervical (C6) transverse process; L2, scapulohumeral joint; and L3, first rib. For TA, the needle was introduced craniocaudally through L1, medial to the limb and cranial to L3. For PA, the needle was directed perpendicular and caudal to L2, aligned with L1, until cranial to L3. For AA, the needle was directed ventrodorsally, parallel and cranial to L3 until at L1. All BPs were scored for dyeing quality [0 (poor) to 5 (excellent)]. The left BP was dissected for nerve origins. Durbin test was used to compare scores (p < 0.05).


In all dogs, the musculocutaneous nerve originated from C7 and C8; the radial nerve from C8, the first thoracic vertebra (T1) (16/18 dogs) and C7 (2/18); and the median and ulnar nerves from C8, T1 (17/18) and C7 (1/18). Respective raw scores and adjusted scores for the incomplete block design were not significantly different (p = 0.72; ranks TA 16.5, PA 19.0, AA 18.5).

Conclusions and clinical relevance

The musculocutaneous, median, ulnar and radial nerves originate from C7, C8 and T1. Regardless of the technique, knowledge of anatomy and precise landmarks are relevant for correct dye dispersion.  相似文献   

通过磁共振(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)影像技术探讨湖羊颅脑影像解剖结构。使用1.5 T磁共振扫描仪对10只健康湖羊进行扫查,采用自旋回波(SE)序列,快速自旋回波(FSE)序列以及液体衰减反转恢复(FLAIR)3种序列对湖羊脑部矢状面、横断面及冠状面进行成像。对获得的影像进行详细的解剖结构注释,并且测量了湖羊间脑、颅脑、端脑、第三脑室、第四脑室高度及下垂体的长度、宽度和高度。得到了一套完整的湖羊颅脑磁共振影像解剖图谱及正常湖羊脑解剖结构测量数据。本研究结果可为湖羊及其他绵羊颅脑疾病的影像学诊断提供依据,同时也为医学实验动物模型的研究提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Irregular triangular cartilage or bone fragments are sometimes found in the fibrous triangle of the heart. Ossa cordis and/or cartilago cordis has been demonstrated in various terrestrial animal species. Regarding marine mammals, sperm whales lack heart bones, and there have been no studies on bones or cartilage in pinniped hearts. Therefore, we examined the ossa cordis and/or cartilago cordis of the Steller sea lion. Eleven Steller sea lion hearts were examined morphologically and histologically. Before dissection, some hearts were imaged by CT to confirm the presence of ossa cordis or cartilago cordis. As a result, ossa cordis-like fragments were confirmed in four adults and one pup. All of the fragments were found at the right fiber triangle, and one adult had ossified tissue, including adipose tissue in the bone marrow cavity. The ossa cordis probably support the aorta because they surround the aorta as in other terrestrial animals. Steller sea lions can dive to a few hundred meters, but they need to rest on land frequently. Hence, their ossa cordis help maintain heart function during the tachycardia that occurs upon repeated surfacing and movements on land after diving in water.  相似文献   

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