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Supplementary feeding can affect populations of birds. It reduces energy spent on foraging and reduces the risk of starvation, but it also increases the risk of disease transmission and predation. Supplementary feeding may reduce species richness if some species are better able to exploit supplementary food resources than others. Feeding may also artificially inflate the carrying capacity of the ecosystem, leading to bird nuisance in the form of droppings and noise. The aim of this study was to characterise and quantify the risk factors and consequences of feeding free-living birds in public areas in the western part of the city of Amsterdam. In seven study areas, the following data were collected: bird population size and species composition, feeding events, and the type and amount of supplementary food offered. Estimations were made of the nutritional energy provided and the number of birds that could be supported by the food offered. Members of the public who fed the birds were invited to complete a questionnaire on various aspects of feeding. Results showed that supplementary feeding attracts juvenile gulls and feral pigeons, which could in the long-term affect biodiversity. Bread was the main category of supplementary food being offered (estimated to be 67% of the total amount of food). The majority of respondents fed birds so as not to waste bread and meal leftovers. In six of the seven areas studied, an overabundance of nutritional energy was calculated. We conclude that the current type and extent of supplementary feeding in the city of Amsterdam is nutritionally unbalanced and affects species diversity at a local level. The overabundance is undesirable for reasons of both animal health, because it can lead to malnutrition, and public health, because surplus food attracts rats and may also have a negative effect on water quality.  相似文献   

Comparative studies on some selected pharmacokinetic parameters for kanamycin in sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens and pigeons, and for apramycin in sheep, rabbits, chickens and pigeons were carried out after intravenous administration of the two drugs at a dose of 10 mg/kg. The results revealed that a two-compartment open model was most suitable for kanamycin, while for apramycin a one-compartment open model was usually optimal. The log distribution rate constant (alpha) of kanamycin was significantly correlated to the log of the body mass (r = 0.919, n = 5, p < 0.05). Interspecies differences in the apparent volume of distribution (Vda) of kanamycin were small. These differences were larger for apramycin, as were the variations in the area under the serum concentration-time curve (AUC) and in the total body clearance (ClB) of both kanamycin and apramycin, both having almost a threefold difference depending on the species but without any correlation to body mass. The values of the log half-life of kanamycin in the mammals in this study and also those from data in the literature revealed a significant correlation with log body mass between animal species according to the equation: t1/2 beta = 38.47W0.21 (r = 0.7648, n = 10, p < 0.05).  相似文献   

本研究选取2周龄SPF鸭(绍兴麻鸭)自天然孔感染1株野鸭源H6N2亚型LPAIV,评价其对幼龄鸭的致病性。结果显示,试验感染鸭临床症状较轻微,病毒在鸭消化道复制能力较呼吸道内更强,且具有水平传播的能力。仅能在盲肠扁桃体和法氏囊2个组织器官中检测到病毒,但可对法氏囊等多个组织器官造成不同程度的损伤。此外感染鸭可产生HI抗体,并在第21天达到高峰。结果表明,该株H6N2亚型LPAIV对幼龄鸭的致病力较低,在AIV病毒传播中幼龄鸭起到了一定作用,为研究H6N2亚型LPAIV的致病机制及AIV发病机理提供了理论数据。  相似文献   

Between 2000 and 2004 a disease occurred in an aviary in Germany affecting various bird species belonging to the order Passeriformes including Collared Grosbeaks (Mycerobas affinis), Eurasian Bullfinches (Pyrrhula pyrrhula griseiventris), Brown Bullfinches (Pyrrhula nipalensis), Grey-headed bullfinches (Pyrrhula erythaca) and Yellow-bellied Tits (Periparus venustulus).The major clinical signs included increased mortality of fledglings and young birds, as well as feather disorders and feather loss in adult birds. In addition, adult Eurasian Bullfinches showed in one year a disease course, in which the major symptom was inflammation of the skin beginning on the basis of the beak and spreading over the head occurring a few days before death. Bacteriological and parasitological investigations did not reveal any consistent findings. Using a newly developed polymerase chain reaction protocol, DNA of the recently discovered finch polyomavirus (FPyV) was demonstrated in several affected birds. Because of the consistent detection of FPyV-DNA and the similarity of the symptoms with those observed during infection with the closely related avian polyomavirus in other bird species, an etiological role of FPyV in the observed disease is assumed.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine if migratory birds arriving in New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere spring of 2004 were infected with the highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) virus, H5N1.

METHODS: Cloacal and faecal samples were collected from migratory red knots following their arrival in New Zealand in October 2004. Two species of resident sympatric birds, wrybill and mallard duck, were sampled prior to, and following, the arrival of migratory birds.

RESULTS: No AI viruses were isolated from migratory or resident shorebirds. Non-pathogenic AI viruses were isolated from six resident mallard ducks, comprising the endemic subtypes H4 (n=2), H7 (non-pathogenic), H10, and H11 (n=2).

CONCLUSIONS: Highly pathogenic AI H5N1 virus was not detected in migratory shorebirds or sympatric water birds in the Firth of Thames, New Zealand, in 2004-2005, despite the possible proximity of migratory birds to outbreaks of the disease in East Asia in 2004.  相似文献   

This work reviews the anatomy of the upper respiratory tract in domestic birds including the chicken and pigeon. Non‐exhaustive additional information on other bird species, illustrating the extraordinary diversity in the biological class Aves, can be found in several footnotes. The described anatomical structures are functionally considered in view of avian sound production. In particular, the Syrinx is invaluable. Its most important structures are the Labia and the lateral and medial tympaniform membranes in non‐songbirds and songbirds, respectively. These structures produce sound by vibrating during expiration and eventually inspiration.  相似文献   

The present work was carried out to describe morphological features of the tongue and laryngeal entrance of the Common pheasantPhasianus colchicus, using light and scanning electron microscopy. The lingual apex was taper-shaped with a shallow median sulcus. A V-shaped papillary crest with 15–20 caudally directed conical papillae was located between the radix and corpus linguae. The second row of papillae consisting of three caudolaterally directed conical papillae was arranged caudal to the main papillary crest. The mons laryngealis was equipped caudally with a double-layer of large conical papillae as pharyngeal crest, and few small conical papillae were seen around the glottis. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation showed that the apex linguae and corpus were covered with compact filiform papillae, while the radix linguae were free of papillae. Numerous openings of salivary gland can be seen on the radix linguae and mons laryngealis at higher magnification. On histological sections, all parts of the tongue and mons laryngealis were covered with a keratinised stratified squamous epithelium. The keratinised layer became thinner rostro-caudally. The simple alveolar salivary glands were distributed in the submucosa from the apex linguae to the radix linguae as well as the mons laryngealis. PAS staining revealed mucin-secreting activity of this glands. According to the findings, although the tongue and laryngeal entrance of the Common pheasant is characteristics of a galliform bird, it has some features similar to passeriformes and falconiformes.  相似文献   

Histologically verified tumours submitted to the Norwegian Canine Cancer Register from 1990 to 1998 were studied (n=14,401). The proportion of testicular tumours (n=345) was 2.4%, and the breakdown of histological tumour diagnoses is presented. The frequency of the most common histopathological types was 33% interstitial (Leydig), 26.4% Sertoli and 33.9% seminomas/germ cell tumours. The average age at diagnosis was 10 years, but was significantly lower for Sertoli cell tumours (8.6 years) than for the other tumour types. Following a histopathological re-evaluation, 22.5% of the original tumor diagnoses were modified. Proportional morbidity ratios were calculated and individuals from the breeds Shetland sheepdog and Collie were five times more likely to have testicular tumours than the overall average for the registry. Breed differences in the distribution of histopathologic types were observed. Shetland sheepdog and Collie were most commonly diagnosed with Sertoli cell tumours, while all tumours from Norwegian elkhound in this material were seminomas.  相似文献   

Plasma metabolites and immunoreactive insulin (IRI) concentrations and enzyme activities of some types of peripheral leucocytes were measured to clarify one aspect of the differences in nutrient metabolism between dogs and cats. There were no significant differences in plasma concentrations of glucose, triglyceride, free fatty acids and IRI between dogs and cats. Higher total cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol concentrations were observed in feline plasma, and H/T ratio (HDL/total cholesterol concentrations) was significantly lower than that in canine plasma. The cytosolic activities of fructokinase (FK), pyruvate kinase (PK), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were significantly higher and the activities of cytosolic malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and mitochondrial glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) were significantly lower in feline leucocytes than those in canine leucocytes. Higher activities of FK, PK and G6PD, which regulate the rate of biosynthesis of fatty acids, may reflect the different characteristics in nutrient metabolism in feline tissues from canine tissues.  相似文献   

There are no precise data concerning the effect of cerulein on the small-intestinal migrating motor complex (MMC) in sheep. Thus, the effort was directed towards the elucidation of the role of cerulein, a cholecystokinin (CCK) amphibian analogue, in the regulation of MMC cycle in conscious fasted and non-fasted sheep in various regions of the small intestine. In six sheep, equipped with bipolar electrodes in the entire small intestine and with one duodenal strain gauge force transducer in four of these animals, the continuous myoelectric and motor activity recordings were performed. During control period, two normal consecutive MMC cycles were recorded in fasted and non-fasted animals and then cerulein was slowly injected at the dose 1 (during 30 s), 10 (during 30 s or 60 s) or 100 ng/kg (during 30 s, 60 s or 120 s) or infused at the dose 0.5 or 1.5 ng/kg/min during 60 min. After cerulein administration at least two consecutive MMC cycles were also recorded. It was found that cerulein in moderate and higher doses injected in both fasted and non-fasted animals, especially during phase 2a or 2b MMC, inhibited phase 3 in the duodenum in at least one-third of the experiments and significantly increased the MMC cycle duration. The application of 100 ng/kg of cerulein during 120 s in the course of phase 2b MMC prolonged cycle duration from 70 +/- 21 to 113 +/- 19 min (p < 0.05) or from 51 +/- 18 to 113 +/- 19 min (p < 0.01) in fasted and non-fasted sheep respectively. The first phase 3 MMC arriving after cerulein administration at the highest dose was usually abnormal in approximately 60% of the experiments. The second phase 3 observed following the hormone injection was abnormal much less frequently and to the lesser extent. Furthermore, both cerulein doses significantly shortened the duration of phase 3 MMC either in fasted (from approximately 5.5-6.5 cpm to 4-5 cpm) or in non-fasted sheep (from approximately 4.5-5.5 to 3-4.5 cpm). The effects of cerulein exhibited the dose-response character. They were more pronounced when cerulein was injected during phase 2b or 2a MMC when compared with phase 1 MMC. The effects of cerulein on the ileal MMC were less evident, although the inhibition of the ileal phase 3 in response to both higher injected doses was observed occasionally. Infusions of cerulein in non-fasted sheep exerted similar effects as cerulein injections. It was stated that cerulein exerts marked regulatory effect upon the small-intestinal MMC in sheep. Although it remains uncertain whether the efficient doses of cerulein used in the present study correspond to physiological or pharmacological doses of CCK it seems likely that most of these doses were physiological. Thus, it is concluded that cerulein participates in the control of MMC cycles in the digestive and interdigestive states in sheep. It is possible that CCK is a physiological regulator of the ovine small-intestinal MMC.  相似文献   

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