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The Irish Horse Industry expanded during the Celtic Tiger boom years, then contracted in the current economic recession. High value horses were traditionally controlled through sale at public auction, private sales and sales to dealers; these are now also being reduced by decreases in production (> 40%), and increases in retirement, re-homing, euthanasia and disposal through Category 2 plants and abattoirs. The absence or banning of horse abattoirs has been shown to have very significant welfare social and economic consequences in the USA. This study described the currently available data on the demographics of unwanted horses in Ireland from 2005 to 2010.


The majority of horses euthanised by practicing veterinarians are destroyed on medical grounds but the number euthanised at the request of welfare groups and the state, as well as welfare related calls and the number of horses involved in these calls and subsequent visits is increasing reflecting the increasing involvement of the veterinary profession in equine welfare. Welfare groups have limited resources and do not have a tradition of recording data, but they too have reported increasing calls, visits and numbers of horses per visit. Welfare groups provide significant service to equine welfare and the community. Local Authorities report similar trends. Over 300 horses were found dead or required immediate or subsequent euthanasia following welfare group and local authority visits in 2010, which is of national concern. The majority of local authority interfaces with unwanted horses are with urban (60%) rather than rural (40%) horses. Mortality figures are poor indicators of non-fatal neglect. More horses were admitted into the care of local authorities than welfare groups, reflecting significant state and taxpayer investment in the control of low value horses. Category 2 plants and abattoirs represent a significant state investment in licensing and control in the national interest. Abattoirs provide an increasingly important and essential service for the disposal of unwanted horses. Despite the increase in unwanted horses, Ireland is a minority contributor to the EU slaughter total.


There is a need for annual demographic data compilation and review of the numbers of unwanted horses and ponies within the horse industry to assist policy makers and legislators.  相似文献   

Moxidectin has broad‐spectrum anti‐nematodal and anti‐arthropodal activities in the horse but is not effective against tapeworms or flukes. Moxidectin and ivermectin have the same efficacy against internal, adult parasites of horses. Moxidectin, however, is highly effective in eliminating encysted and hypobiotic larval stages of cyathostomins, whereas ivermectin is not. Treatment of horses with moxidectin results in an egg‐reappearance period (ERP) of 15–24 weeks. Because of its long ERP, moxidectin is labelled to be used at 12 week intervals. Moxidectin may provide protection against infection by ingested cyathostomin larvae for 2–3 weeks after it is administered. The larvicidal activity of moxidectin has often been compared to that of fenbendazole administered at either 7.5 or 10 mg/kg bwt for 5 consecutive days. The efficacy of fenbendazole, when administered daily for 5 consecutive days at 7.5 or 10 mg/kg bwt, against all stages of cyathostomins is often less than that of moxidectin because resistance of cyathostomins to benzimidazoles is prevalent worldwide, and the 5 day course of fenbendazole does not overcome this resistance. There are now reports of resistance of ascarids to moxidectin. Overt resistance of cyathostomins and a shortened egg re‐emergence period after treatment with moxidectin have been reported. Rapid removal of manure by natural fauna can significantly reduce larval nematode concentrations and thereby reduce intervals of anthelmintic treatment. Of the macrocyclic lactones, moxidectin has the least deleterious effect on faecal fauna.  相似文献   

为了解普氏野马、哈萨克马与焉耆马的ELA-DRA*exon2的多态性以及等位基因频率分布。本研究采用PCR-SSCP技术对普氏野马、哈萨克马与焉耆马的ELA-DRA*exon2进行分型,并对不同等位基因进行核苷酸与氨基酸分析。结果显示:127匹马中共出现7种基因型,3种纯合子分别记为AA、BB、CC;4种杂合子分别记为AB、AC、BC、AD。AA基因型为哈萨克马与焉耆马的优势基因型,普氏野马以CC基因型为主。经χ2检验后,3种类型马的等位基因频率和基因型频率均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。PIC值与He值分析表明,3种类型马均属于中度多态,且普氏野马的PIC值与He值比哈萨克马与焉耆马低。  相似文献   

Undesired behaviours are a common problem amongst leisure and sporting horses in the UK and have a significant impact on the work of equine practitioners. In most cases, behaviours considered aberrant by owners are normal responses for their horses. Behaviours perceived as ‘naughtiness’ may in fact signify direct actions to avoid pain‐ or fear‐inducing stimuli. Examples that practitioners might deal with include trailer loading problems, avoidance of having saddlery equipment applied or reluctance to leave the yard. Even where no evidence of physical problems or pain can be detected, avoidance behaviours may reflect learnt responses that previously led to success in evading unpleasant consequences. Because owners often misunderstand the reason for such behaviours to develop in their horses, attempts at resolution often involve suppression or punishment based approaches. Although repeated subjugation of undesirable responses may ultimately appear to resolve the overt behavioural problem in some cases, in many others it can lead to a worsening of the problem, the development of alternative avoidance strategies or the horse learning that escaping the source of its pain or anxiety is impossible and ceasing to respond. Some horses develop abnormal or repetitive behaviours, which are not in the ‘normal’ behavioural repertoire. These stereotypic behaviours, sometimes termed ‘vices’, can indicate strategies to cope with a suboptimal environment. Indeed, their performance may serve to improve the situation for the animal. Attempts to suppress or prevent horses showing stereotypies, therefore, will generally exacerbate the underlying welfare problem. When dealing with either stereotypies or avoidance behaviours, it is important to recognise the role of learning in their development and maintenance. Resolution involves both understanding the underlying motivation for showing the behaviour and how it has become reinforced and established over time, for each individual case. The use of environmental change and/or behavioural modification techniques that are both successful and welfare compatible, are important in dealing with undesired behaviour in horses and selection of suitable professionals for referral an important responsibility for the equine practitioner.  相似文献   

Intraoperative bradycardia is not an uncommon complication in anaesthetised horses and it has been recommended that severe bradycardia (defined as heart rate (HR) <25 beats/min) during general anaesthesia, when associated with hypotension (mean arterial pressure (MAP) <70 mmHg) and other signs of inadequate tissue perfusion, should be treated with anticholinergics. Muscarinic antagonists, such as atropine and glycopyrrolate, cause positive chronotropism and dromotropism (improved atrioventricular conduction) by competitively blocking the effects of acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors in the heart. However, in horses, prolonged intestinal hypomotility and colic have been associated with the use of atropine and glycopyrrolate which has led to the investigation of the use of hyoscine N-butylbromide (hyoscine NBB) to treat alpha 2 agonist-induced bradycardia in horses. This report describes the successful use of hyoscine NBB to treat symptomatic intraoperative bradycardia in three isoflurane-anaesthetised horses.  相似文献   

The thermoneutral zone (TNZ) reflects the adaptation of mammals to their natural habitat. However, it remains unclear how TNZ shifts in response to variations in ambient temperature. To test the hypothesis that ambient temperature plays a key role in determining TNZ variations between seasons, we measured metabolic rate, body temperature, and cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity of several visceral organs in striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis) either acclimated to semi-natural conditions over a year, or subjected to a gradual decrease in mean temperature from 30 ± 1°C to −15 ± 1°C. The TNZ range in striped hamsters differed seasonally, with a wider TNZ and a lower lower-critical temperature in winter compared to summer. The hamsters showed a considerable leftward shift of lower-critical temperature from 30°C to 20°C after the ambient temperature of acclimation from 30°C down to −15°C, whereas the upper-critical temperature of TNZ remained fixed at 32.5°C. The resting metabolic rate in thermoneutral zone (RMRt), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), and COX activity of brown adipose tissue, liver, skeletal muscle, brain, and kidneys, increased significantly in hamsters acclimated at lower ambient temperatures. Following acute exposure to 5°C and −15°C, hamsters acclimated to 32.5°C had significantly lower maximal NST and lower serum thyroid tri-iodothyronine (T3) levels compared to those kept at 23°C. These findings suggest that acclimation to the upper-critical temperature of TNZ impairs the hamsters’ thermogenic capacity to cope with extreme cold temperature. Reduced ambient temperature was mainly responsible for the leftward shift of TNZ in striped hamsters, which reflects the adaptation to cold environments.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Geriatric horses (aged ≥15 years) represent a substantial proportion of the equine population, yet very few studies have investigated the prevalence of diseases within the UK equine geriatric population. Objectives: To describe the provision of routine preventive health care measures, prevalence of clinical signs of disease and the prevalence of owner reported diseases. Additionally, the effect of increasing age on the provision of preventive health care and the presence or absence of clinical signs and disease was assessed. Methods: A cross‐sectional study was conducted, surveying a randomly selected sample of veterinary registered owners with horses aged ≥15 years, using a self‐administered postal questionnaire. Results: As geriatric horses increased in age, there was a reduction in the provision of preventive health care measures, such as vaccination, farrier care and routine veterinary checks. Only 68.7% of horses had received a routine veterinary visit within the previous 12 months. Owners frequently observed clinical signs in their animals, with 77% reporting at least one clinical sign of disease. Increasing age was associated with increased reporting of many clinical signs of disease. Over half (58%) of horses had at least one episode of disease within the previous 12 months, yet only 31% of owners reported that their animal currently suffered from a known disease or disorder. Conclusions and potential relevance: Although owners frequently observed clinical signs in their aged horse, there may be incorrect or under recognition of many diseases and health problems. Reduced frequency of routine preventive health care measures, along with suboptimal owner recognition of health and welfare problems may lead to compromised welfare in the geriatric population.  相似文献   

近年在我国新疆地区普氏野马蝇蛆病的防治中一新病原体引起了学者的关注。根据采集到的该种幼虫标本鉴定,该病原为双翅目、胃蝇科、胃蝇属种类,其特征在目前国内文献中未见记载。该种第三龄幼虫具体特征:虫体绿色,长14~17 mm,长宽比为2;体呈纺锤形,前尖后钝;第3胸节至第6腹节各体节前缘有单列黄色棘刺,刺强大,呈纵向扁形。自第4腹节起,背面中央的刺开始不全,直至第7腹节背面刺全部缺失。  相似文献   

The use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine is under great scrutiny with the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in the human population. Equine veterinarians rely on antimicrobials as an essential tool for the treatment of infections in horses, but there is much criticism of some use, particularly prophylaxis. While the appropriate use of antimicrobials can be justified in equine medicine, the misuse cannot. The definition of appropriate use is complex and involves the indication for therapy, antimicrobial selection, dosing regimen and timing and route of administration, duration of therapy and modification of therapy based on microbial susceptibility and clinical response. The aim of this article is to provide guidance on these factors to assist equine veterinarians in determining what constitutes appropriate antimicrobial use in horses.  相似文献   

Horses with anhidrosis are defined by signs of impaired thermoregulation caused by sweating that is inadequate for the ambient conditions. Anhidrosis has been recognised since the early twentieth century; affected horses have been variably described as nonsweaters, drycoats, blowers or puffers. The condition affects horses of all age groups, breeds, coat colours, genders and activities and is common among horses in hot, humid environments. Despite the enormous financial and emotional costs of anhidrosis, the causes and pathogenesis of the condition are largely unknown and no consistently effective treatment has been found.  相似文献   

Ultrapurified bovine haemoglobin solutions such as Oxyglobin are rarely used in equine medicine due to their relatively high cost and concerns over their safety. Four foals and a mature horse were administered Oxyglobin as part of their treatment regime to good clinical effect, and no adverse clinical signs were noted. All 5 animals went on to make a full recovery from the various disease processes that necessitated treatment with blood and blood products. Oxyglobin appears to be a useful adjunctive treatment for acute, life‐threatening anaemia in the horse.  相似文献   

Use of antimicrobial drugs is central to the treatment of primary and secondary bacterial infection in horses. When selecting an antimicrobial to treat confirmed or suspected bacterial infection multiple factors should be considered, including: the likely infectious agent; distribution and dosage of selected drugs; mechanisms of action; and potential side effects. Many of these issues will be covered in subsequent articles in this series. The aim of this paper is to aid the clinician in the rational selection of antimicrobials by reviewing the mode of action, spectrum of activity, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, indications and potential side effects of the main classes of antimicrobial drugs. Extralabel use of drugs is common in veterinary medicine due to a lack of licensed products. This increases the importance of a thorough understanding of antimicrobials and their possible adverse effects.  相似文献   

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