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Guinea pigs were immunized with inactivated measles virus. When challenged with live virus by the intradermal route, most of the animals developed an area of erythema within 24 to 48 hours; however, an unexpected feature of the skin-testing was that some of the guinea pigs developed a very severe necrotic reaction by the sixth or seventh day.  相似文献   

为了确定肉鸡进行IBD活疫苗免疫的最佳日龄,90只肉鸡随机平均分成6组,分别于10、13、17日龄进行IBD活疫苗CH/80和法倍灵免疫接种,剂量为1.5羽份.免疫后10 d、21 d用IDEXX试剂盒检测ELISA抗体滴度.同时设对照组,分别于2、10、17、24、31、38日龄用IDEXX试剂盒检测ELISA抗体滴度.试验组和对照组均于38日龄时进行新城疫(ND)抗体检测.抗体检测发现,各试验组免疫接种后10d ELISA阳性率均小于50%,免疫接种后21 d检测发现,A组和B组ELISA抗体阳性率分别为71.4%和78.5%;C、D、E、F组ELISA抗体阳性率均为100%,而且抗体滴度明显高于A、B组;对照组IBD母源抗体逐渐下降,大约每7 d为1个半衰期,至31日龄鸡群IBD抗体均为阴性;试验组和对照组38日龄ND抗体滴度无显著差异(P>O.05).结果表明,试验用鸡于13日龄进行IBD活疫苗免疫接种效果较好,两种IBD活疫苗免疫接种效果没有显著差异.  相似文献   

Pigs were inoculated with a modified isolate of African swine fever virus (ASFV). Complement-fixing (CF) and agar gel diffusion precipitin (AGDP) antibodies could be detected in the serums of most pigs from 14-days postinoculation (DPI) until their immunity was challenged with virulent ASFV at 117 DPI.

Reductive cleavage with 2-mercaptoethanol showed that serums collected at 14 to 35 DPI contained 19S antibody, but that the 7S antibody was dominant at 35 and 117 DPI. This distribution of antibody was confirmed by sucrose-gradient centrifugation. Nearly all of the early serums also contained 7S antibodies which fixed complement and reacted in the AGDP test. Pigs whose serums contained both CF and AGDP antibodies at time of challenge failed to develop acute disease while pigs without CF antibodies were usually not protected.

Pigs surviving challenge with virulent virus showed no increase in antibody titers, or reversion to 19S antibody.


In conformity with the findings of previous investigators, it was shown by density gradient ultracentrifugation that the antibodies in sera collected from calves shortly after vaccination with Brucella abortus, strain 19, were entirely or mainly rapidly-sedimenting. These macroglobulin (19S or IgM) antibodies showed complement-fixing as well as agglutinative activity with Br. abortus antigen. In later bleedings from the same vaccinated calves, antibodies with an intermediate sedimentation rate, (IgG), were present, as well as IgM. Sera from 15 of 22 non-vaccinated, relatively recent field cases of brucellosis appeared to contain only the IgG class of antibodies. In one herd, however, two cows with IgM only and five with both IgM and IgA were found; all seven of these cattle had been serologically negative before their introduction into this known infected herd a few months earlier. The agglutinative activity of sera from four cases of brucellosis of long standing and from eight cows, 4 to 13 years of age, that had been vaccinated as calves, was confined to the IgG fraction.  相似文献   

Examinations of the electrophoretic behaviour in cellulose acetate were made on the proteins of sera from 18 field cases of brucellosis, 15 calves recently vaccinated with strain 19 Brucella abortus and from 28 normal cattle. The total protein and γ-globulin content of the sera of the naturally infected, serologically positive cattle tended to be somewhat higher than that of sera from most normal cattle. A few of the serologically-negative normals also had defenitely elevated serum γ-globulin values. In the vaccinated calves there was an increase both in total serum protein and γ-globulin but its magnitude in different individuals was not directly related to the rise in their antibody titre.  相似文献   

布氏杆菌病(Brucellosis)是由布氏杆菌引起的一种重要的人畜共患传染病。该病广泛分布于世界各地,目前在我国人、畜间仍有发生,给畜牧业生产和人类健康带来了严重的危害。现在我国对奶牛布氏杆菌病的检疫常用虎红平板凝集试验(RBPT)、试管凝集试验(SAT)和补体结合试验(CFT)等血清学方法,但这些血清学方法有的特异性和灵敏性不高,有的操作繁琐。  相似文献   

应用电镜对1997年本实验室从野外捕获的恒河猴分离的BV147在Vero细胞上的形态发生和增殖规律进行了观察。结果表明,新分离为BV147是疱疹病毒属成员,在细胞核内复制、增殖,在核内膜以“出芽方式”获得囊膜而达到成熟,通过细胞的胞吐或胞系统排到细胞外,接毒后18h病毒主要在核内,24h则可在核膜间隙、胞浆和细胞外见到大量成熟病毒颗粒。  相似文献   

安阳市位于河南省最北部,是养猪业较发达的地区。1965年首次在生猪屠宰检疫中发现该病。从2000年至2004年上半年实施生猪定点屠宰,动物检疫人员在定点屠宰厂对97.75万头生猪实施的检疫中,检出旋毛虫病猪137头,其中95%是在外地调入猪群中检出。2003年6月8日从一批16头来自我市本地某猪场的猪中检出旋毛虫5头。说明在我市个别猪场已有该病流行。对此,我们采取防检结合的综合措施,加强对旋毛虫病的控制。  相似文献   

本试验利用胶体金免疫层析技术原理,研制了布鲁氏菌抗体检测试纸条,并以布鲁氏菌阳性血清国家标准品进行了敏感性试验,确定了最低检出量,同时与有可能存在交叉反应的血清和阴性血清进行了特异性试验;然后将保存不同时间的试纸条在进行了敏感性和特异性试验,证明其稳定期可以达到15个月。选择临床牛羊血清30份,利用该试纸条与布鲁氏菌病虎红平板试验抗原进行同步检测,发现两种试剂的检测符合率为98%。试验证明,所研制的布鲁氏菌抗体检测试纸条敏感性高、特异性强、稳定期长。  相似文献   

The presence of antibody was detected by agglutination tests in the serum of calves four days after vaccination with Brucella abortus strain 19. Titres had reached a maximum by seven to ten days post-vaccination. Sucrose density-gradient ultracentrifugation demonstrated that the earliest antibodies were macroglobulins, IgM (19Sγ; γM)-globulins. Lighter antibodies, IgG (7Sγ2; γG)-globulins, appeared a few days later. With time, antibody titres fell, IgM declining somewhat more quickly than IgG. After revaccination some seven months later, there was a rapid rise in both IgM and IgG.

Anion-exchange column chromatography (DEAE-cellulose) and gel filtration (Sephadex G-200) were applied in separating the two forms of antibody. The former method, in which a gradient buffer system was used, proved to be the more efficient; the IgG antibodies apeared in early eluates at pH 7.8 to 8.0 and low ionic strength, 0.03M, whereas IgM was eluted late when the pH had fallen below 6.0 and the molarity had increased to beyond 0.2. DEAE cellulose chromatography detected IgG as well as IgM sera collected as early as five days after vaccination.


Salmonella reduction in broilers from commercial broiler breeders vaccinated with live and killed Salmonella vaccines was evaluated. Broiler breeders were vaccinated with Poulvac ST live Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine at 1 d of age, and this was repeated at 2 and 6 wk of age. The breeders were then administered a killed autogenous oil emulsion adjuvanted vaccine containing Salmonella Kentucky, Salmonella Heidelberg, and Salmonella Hadar, at 10 and 18 wk of age. From the ages of 36 to 52 wk, eggs from the breeder flock were hatched, and progeny were challenged in 4 separate experiments at 1 d of age by oral gavage with 1 × 106 cfu/chick by either Salmonella Kentucky, Salmonella Heidelberg, Salmonella Hadar, or Salmonella Enteritidis, each containing resistance to naladixic acid at 32 μg/mL. At 17 to 21 d of age, the broilers were euthanized, and 1 side of the cecum was cultured for Salmonella, and the other side of the cecum was used for enumeration on positive samples. Recovered Salmonella was confirmed to be the challenge strain by O-antisera grouping. This study indicated a difference in Salmonella incidence and enumeration between the vaccinated and nonvaccinated breeder groups for certain species. When challenged with serotypes Salmonella Kentucky, Salmonella Hadar, and Salmonella Heidelberg, protection was noted with a reduction of 28, 17, and 11%, respectively, when compared with the control groups. However, protection was not seen when challenged with S. enteritidis. Under the conditions of this study, live and killed vaccination of commercial broiler breeders with Salmonella contributes protection to progeny when challenged at 1 d of age.  相似文献   

接种猪肺炎支原体疫苗后抗体水平变化规律的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

通过构建标记疫苗株来解决流产布氏杆菌(B.abortus)鉴别诊断方面的缺陷,本研究以bp26基因作为重组靶住点,S19为亲本,利用bp26基因ORF外侧序列作为同源重组序列,卡那霉素抗性基因(Kanr)为抗性筛选标记,通过双交叉重组筛选获得bp26基因缺失突变的重组S19株,命名为S19-△26.小鼠感染结果表明,突变株S19-△26的残留毒力与亲本株S19相比较没有发生明显改变,康复时间约为15周,突变株S19-△26、亲本株S19和B.abortus强毒株S544接种小鼠后的第3周能检测出"O"抗原的特异性抗体,而第6周开始S19和S544接种小鼠BP26特异性抗体明显升高,S19-△26接种的小鼠一直没检测到BP26特异性抗体.小鼠免疫保护试验显示,脾脏分离CFU数比空白对照要低310g10,S544攻击后脾脏细菌分离数表明突变株具有与亲本疫苗株免疫保护性无明显差异.结果表明,S19-△26免疫能够通过血清学方法与野生型B.abortus感染后的免疫反应相区别,具备作为标记疫苗的潜力.  相似文献   

应用猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)分别对25日龄和40日龄的SPF仔猪进行气管内注射攻毒。攻毒后每24h致死1头仔猪.用免疫荧光染色检测各脏器内病毒的消长情况。并采血检测抗体。结果.在25日龄的仔猪中.仅3头出现腹泻症状。且很快耐过;剖检可见不同程度的肺部病理变化;攻毒后24h气管和肺脏样品的IFA呈阳性。抗体效价随着时间的延长而增高。40日龄仔猪临床表现和训检变化基本正常。所有的胃肠道样品的IFA均为阴性。结论:气管内注射后,TGEV可在呼吸系统中增殖.但未能在消化道系统中检出。  相似文献   

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