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长白松引种调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河北省山地树种单纯 ,作为用材和公益林的针叶树尤显贫乏 ,致使人工林组成不合理、林地生产力不高 ,社会生态效益难以充分发挥。要扭转这一局面 ,根本办法是进行乔灌木的树种改良 ,引种驯化则是重要途径之一。为此 ,我们从 2 0世纪 80年代开始 ,相继引进一批针叶树和治沙灌木 ,其中 ,长白松引种已达 1 7年 ,完成了种子繁殖、扦插育苗、荒山造林及开花结实的生长发育周期。1 产地与引种地的自然条件长白松 (美人松、长白赤松 )学名 P.sylvestriformis,产于吉林省长白山北坡海拔80 0~ 1 6 0 0 m山地 ,乔木 ,树高达 30 m,树干通直 ,光滑 ,树…  相似文献   

火炬松引种试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火炬松原产美国东南部 ,生长在海拔 40 0m左右的低山丘陵 ,是优良的用材薪炭树种。我国淮河以南的广大丘陵地区都有引种 ,并生长良好。1 992年我们开始引种火炬松 ,并对火炬松生长进行观察研究 ,现将结果报告如下 :1 引种区概况滕州市地处山东省南部 ,与江苏省接壤 ,属暖温带半湿润季风气候 ,气候和土壤情况都与火炬松的原产地相近 ,见附表。附表 滕州市火炬松引种点及美国火炬松原产地概况地点引种年份 纬度经度 海拔(m)平均温度(℃ )年降雨量(mm)绝对最低温度 (℃ )无霜期(d) 土壤东戈镇1 993北纬35°2 1′东经1 1 7°1 6′ 2 0 0 1 4.6…  相似文献   

用模糊相似优先比法,利用日本落叶松(Larix leptolepis)原产地日本本州、我国南方早期引种成功之湖北长岭岗林场适生区的主要气象因子和川东地区巫山山脉的气象资料为依据,分析研究了研究地区引种发展日本落叶松的适宜海拔范围在1300~2000m之间,最适区域为海拔1600~1700m.  相似文献   

喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb)是我国黄河以南地区的恶性杂草之一,给生态环境和经济活动造成了极大的负面影响。在原产地喜旱莲子草存在多个生态型,并且其专食性昆虫莲草直胸跳甲(Agasicles hygrophila Selman&Vogt)对几个生态型的取食偏好有明显差异。本实验从昆虫植食性的角度对收集自原产地(3个)以及入侵地(1个)共4个生态型的喜旱莲子草进行研究。在选择性取食实验中,莲草直胸跳甲一对成虫对各生态型喜旱莲子草4 d的累积取食量依次为:A.philoxeroides f.angustifolia(0.54 cm^2)、A.philoxeroides“China”(0.34 cm^2)、A.philoxeroides“SantaFé”(0.31 cm^2)、A.philoxeroides f.philoxeroides(0.03 cm^2),即对原产地A.philoxeroides f.philoxe-roides的取食最轻,且与其它3个生态型差异极显著,其它3个生态型间无显著差异。在非选择性取食实验中,幼虫以4个生态型喜旱莲子草为食时都呈现出显著的逻辑斯谛式增长模式,但是,以不同生态型喜旱莲子草喂养的幼虫生长速度差异不显著,幼虫期8 d可达最大体重约为9.5 mg(鲜重),达到最大体重一半时的时间为116.5-128.5 h,平均为121.9 h。这些结果暗示,喜旱莲子草从原产地到我国的天敌昆虫释放效可能是其成功入侵的重要机制之一,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

以长春引种栽培的香花槐为对象,调查其在引种地的有关性状,并分析在吉林省引种的可行性,结果表明:6 a生植株平均树高为4.5 m,平均胸径4.0 cm;枯死枝干与干梢现象逐年减少,抗寒性有所提高。2014年第1次花期27 d,盛花期11 d,第2次花期10 d,盛花期不明显,花量稀少。2015年第1次花期37 d,盛花期17 d,第2次花期19d,盛花期同样不明显,花量稀少。可在吉林省辖区哈大铁路以东适宜香花槐生长的地区、且小气候条件优越的地段进行引种栽培试验。  相似文献   

对第1代引种尾叶桉种源家系试验及在第1代种源家系试验基础上遗传选优建立的第2代尾叶桉实生种子园的开花结实信息做了总结。第1代和第2代尾叶桉种源家系试验均显示,引种后尾叶桉花期与原产地花期有很大的差异,这可能是地理变异和气象条件差异的结果。引种后尾叶桉果实成熟期也存在较大的变异。  相似文献   

厦门观赏棕榈植物引种影响因素的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以厦门植物园引种的5 6种棕榈科植物为材料,应用相关分析、通径分析、决定系数分析等方法,分析原产地的经纬度、海拔、植物的生态学特性、定植时间等因素对引种结果的影响。结果表明:影响厦门地区引种棕榈植物的3个关键成败因子是原产地的纬度、海拔和引种定植时间;分布于南北纬2 0°以上的中纬度棕榈植物、分布于高海拔的种较易获得引种成功;引种定植时间宜于初春之后到秋季之前进行;棕榈植物原产地的经度以及内陆或沿海适应性,对引种棕榈植物影响较小。  相似文献   

10个木芙蓉品种在南宁的引种试验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2003年在南宁进行了从成都植物园引种10个木芙蓉品种扦插繁殖与栽培的试验研究。结果表明,10个木芙蓉品种在南宁的引种获得了成功。采用扦插繁殖其插穗的扦插生根率达90%以上,1年生扦插苗的苗高达1~1.5 m,幼树年高生长量为2~2.5 m。此10个引种的木芙蓉品种在南宁每年开花2次,第一次在5~6月,第二次在9~11月,其花期比种源地延长,具有较好的观赏价值,可作为南宁的绿化观赏树种种植。  相似文献   

‘长林53号’是引种选育的油茶无性系,从中国林科院亚热带林业研究所引种栽培,适应性较广,抗性强,果个大,丰产稳产。芽苗砧嫁接繁殖,适合在湖北省海拔1 000m以下的丘陵、山区种植。  相似文献   

通过田间试验测定了从内蒙古引种的16种野生宿根花卉的耐热性、抗病害性、开花率和存活率等指标,并进行了夏季适应性的初步评价,以期筛选出能在北京地区推广应用的种类。试验结果表明:白屈菜、路边青、叉分蓼、华北蓝盆花、二裂委陵菜、菊叶委陵菜、地榆、麻花头、草地风毛菊和旱麦瓶草在北京地区生长良好,可直接应用;展枝唐松草、蓬子菜、紫花耧斗菜和溪荪在北京地区生长较好,在充分考虑生态效益的基础上,也可应用;独活和蹄叶橐吾适应性比较差,不适宜在北京地区应用。  相似文献   

经调查 ,在西双版纳海拔 50 0~ 130 0m均能正常生长、开花、结果 ,果熟期随海拔增高而推迟 ,在海拔 110 0~12 0 0m的比海拔 560m的果熟期推迟 30d左右 ,果实品质则有所提高 ;在高海拔地区种植的 7个品种在 - 3 0℃的重霜条件下 ,哈斯表现最抗寒 ,其次为热研 2号、4号 ,热研 30号、RL、JY受害最重。  相似文献   

对湖南壶瓶山江坪地区不同海拔高度的昆虫群落优势度、多样性指数和均匀度指数的差异进行了分析。指出优势度指数在海拔900 m处最低,随海拔升高而略有上升;多样性指数在海拔900~1 500 m处比较高且稳定;而均匀度指数在海拔600~1 500 m地带略高且稳定。江坪多样性值较高的指数处于海拔900~1 500 m地带,其次是高海拔的1 800 m左右物种多样性指数较高。该地区昆虫群落的优势度、多样性、均匀度三个指标均不随海拔梯度的变化而具有明显的变化  相似文献   

The population structure of tree species has been explored in order to elucidate regeneration potential of the subalpine forests of Indian western Himalaya. For this study, the subalpine forest area was divided into three strata, i.e., lower altitude (〈3000 m); mid-altitude (3000-3200 m); and high altitude (〉3200m). Considering the major compositional attributes, an increase in altitude came with a significant decline in tree density and the total basal area for all the sites. However, no such clear trends were observed for recruits (i.e., seedlings and saplings). Seedling density did not exhibit uniform patterns for sites and altitude strata. In general, overall seedling density was greater at the Pindari site compared to the Lata and Tungnath sites. By comparison, significant variation in seedling density along the altitude strata was recorded for the Tungnath and Pindari sites only. Likewise, sapling density patterns varied across the sites and altitude strata, and significant variation in sapling density along the altitude strata was recorded only for the Lata site. At the Pin- daft site, the continuous increase in sapling density along with increasing altitude was revealing. The Pindari forests of exhibited expanding population structure. In contrast, greater accumulation of individuals in the sapling class and sharp decline toward both higher tree classes and lower seedling classes was generally apparent for the Lata and Tungnath sites. This indicates that the replacement in tree size classes from sapling stage is not proportional and the population may decline in the long-term. Considerable variation in patterns of forest and dominant species popula- tion structure were evident across altitude strata. But in all cases irrespective of sites, we found growth at the high-altitude stratum, in the form of entire forests or dominant species. This trend deserves further investigation to explore its relevance under changing climate scenarios.  相似文献   

为探究广东莲花山土壤有机碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)含量垂直分布特征,阐明土壤C、N、P、K生态化学计量学特征对海拔梯度的响应规律,在广东莲花山500~1 000 m区域以100 m海拔间隔进行研究。结果表明:(1)不同海拔下土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、全钾变化范围分别是38.72~68.17、0.90~1.32、0.011~0.022、5.19~7.08 g·kg-1,土壤全氮、全磷含量随海拔梯度升高而增加,土壤有机碳、全钾含量随海拔梯度的变化,差异不显著。(2)土壤的C/N和N/P分别介于40.12~50.76、43.06~90.86间。不同海拔梯段下土壤C/N无显著差异;整体来看,土壤N/P随海拔梯度的增加呈降低趋势。(3)500~1 000 m海拔土壤速效氮含量介于0.81~2.01 mg·kg-1,均值为1.19 mg·kg-1,其中,500 m海拔下土壤速效氮含量最高,1 000 m海拔下,土壤速效氮含量值达到最小。土壤速效氮含量与土壤速效氮含量的关系呈负相关。土壤速效钾、速效磷含量在500~800 m海拔间变化幅度较小,至900 m海拔下最大。莲花山土壤养分空间分布具有一定的异质性,全氮、全磷、速效氮含量、N/P的空间变化强烈。  相似文献   

Fir(Abies faxoniana) distributes widely in the alpine and subalpine region of western Sichuan.To understand effects of freeze-thaw events on soil microbial community,microbial number was investigated monthly in a fir forest,employing the method of lab freeze/thaw cycles in combination with field soil sampling.Bacterial and actinomycete number in soil decreased and fungal count increased after a seasonal freeze-thaw season cycle.Bacterial and fungal counts increased with the decreased altitude,while actinomycete count decreased with the decreased altitude.Different microbes had various change patterns with altitude in humus layer(AL), illuvial layer(BL) and parent material layer(CL). Compared with the 3 582 m altitude,bacterial count in the AL and CL at the 3 298 m altitude increased 4.2%and 7.0%,respectively,but that in the BL decreased 0.6%.Meanwhile,bacterial count increased 11.5%,3.5%and 2.1%in the AL,BL and CL at the 3 023 m altitude in comparison with the 3 298 m altitude,respectively.Fungi count in the AL,BL and CL increased by 10.5%,10.3%and 16.4%at the 3 298 m altitude in comparison with 3 582 m altitude,respectively,while it increased by 2.4%,1.7%and 3.5%at the 3 023 m altitude in comparison with 3 298 m altitude,respectively. Actinomycete count in the AL at the 3 298 m altitude increased by 0.7%than that at the 3 582 m altitude, but decreased 5.9%and 13.9%in the BL and CL.In the AL and BL,it increased 5.2%and 5.2% respectively at the 3 023 m altitude than that at the 3 298 m altitude,while in the CL it decreased 12.4%.These results were in agreement with the simulation freeze/thaw cycle experiment in lab.The results also revealed that the seasonal freeze-thaw cycle increased the ratio of soil fungi to bacteria. These results demonstrated that different microbial groups responded differentially to the seasonal freeze-thaw cycle,which may be an important ecological mechanism for maintaining the seasonal frozen ecosystem.  相似文献   

季节性冻融对亚高山冷杉林土壤微生物数量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以川西亚高山地区分布范围最广和面积最大的冷杉林为研究对象,采用对照处理试验和动态采样分析相结合的研究方法,研究冻融事件对高寒森林土壤微生物数量的影响。结果表明:经过一个季节性冻融后,土壤细菌和放线菌数量显著降低,真菌数量明显增加。在自然环境梯度下,土壤细菌和真菌数量随海拔降低基本呈持续升高的变化趋势,放线菌数量则随海拔的降低而降低。腐殖质层(AL)、淀积层(BL)和母质层(CL)的微生物数量呈现不同的变化规律,海拔3298m的AL,CL土层细菌数量分别比3582m的AL,CL增加4.2%和7.0%,BL土层细菌数量降低了0.6%;海拔3023mAL,BL和CL土层细菌数量分别比3298m的相应土层增加11.5%,3.5%和2.1%。真菌数量在海拔3298m的AL,BL和CL分别比3582m的AL,BL和CL土层增加10.5%,10.3%和16.4%;3023m的AL,BL和CL分别比3298m的相应土层增加2.4%,1.7%和3.5%。放线菌数量在海拔3298m的AL土层比3582m的增加0.7%,BL和CL土层分别降低5.9%和13.9%;3023m的AL和BL土层分别比3298m增加5.2%和5.2%,CL土层降低12.4%。上述结果和室内模拟试验基本一致。同时,季节性冻融作用循环后,土壤真菌与细菌比值有所升高,这说明不同的微生物类群对季节性冻融循环的响应存在很大的差异,这种差异可能是季节性冻土区生态系统维持的重要生态学机制。  相似文献   

Survival and growth were assessed for 17 provenance hybrids and three natural populations of Pinus sylvestris (L.) planted in three field trials in central and northern Sweden. Restricted to the high mortality site the 18‐year hybrid survival percentage increased by three units per degree north latitude and one percent per 100 m higher altitude of the mother. The hybrid height was less influenced by the geographical origin than hybrid survival. For both traits the natural populations were better than or equal to hybrids with the same geographical mean origin. The variance component of the mother was mostly 2–3 times larger than the provenance component. The effect of the grandmother was nonsignificant for both traits.  相似文献   

海拔高度对山核桃生长与产量的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了科学引导山核桃的扩大栽植,采用样地法和固定样株法,就海拔高度对山核桃产量、胸径及树高的影响情况,对安徽省宁国市现有大量的山核桃壮龄林分进行了调查和分析,结果表明:当海拔高度低于550 m时,山核桃产量随着海拔的升高而增加;当海拔高度在550 m以上时,其产量与海拔高度呈负相关关系;海拔与其胸径呈正相关关系,而与其树高则呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

Changes in stand structure with altitude have been studied at ten sites between 800 and 2,500 m above sea level (a.s.l.) in temperate forests on Mount Norikura (36°06′N, 137°33′E, 3,026 m a.s.l.) in central Japan. Vegetation in this range of altitudes was roughly classified as a montane deciduous broad-leaved forest zone between 800 and 1,600 m a.s.l. and a subalpine coniferous forest zone between 1,600 and 2,500 m a.s.l. at the timberline. The frequency distribution of trunk height was an L-shaped pattern at 800 m a.s.l., changed to a flat pattern with increasing altitude up to 2,000 m a.s.l., but changed to an L-shaped pattern again from 2,000 to 2,500 m a.s.l. This change in frequency distribution of trunk height with altitude was related to the change in maximum trunk height with altitude. The maximum trunk height did not change with altitude between 800 and 2,000 m a.s.l. but it decreased markedly from 2,000 to 2,500 m a.s.l. Although mechanical damage to conifer trunks and branches was not observed between 800 and 2,000 m a.s.l., the proportion of damaged trees increased from 2,000 to 2,500 m a.s.l., suggesting that subalpine conifers cannot grow in height near the timberline because of mechanical damage. The increase in the number of small trees from 2,000 m a.s.l. to the timberline was therefore because of a less developed canopy structure, i.e. small trees can grow without shading by canopy trees. This study suggests that mechanical damage, probably because of strong winds in the winter, affects changes with altitude in regeneration and formation of the timberline.  相似文献   

2014—2015年在霞浦县松城街道马尾松纯林内101~200m、201~300m和301~400m~3个不同海拔高度分别设置4个APF-I型松墨天牛引诱剂和相同的配套诱捕器诱捕松墨天牛,通过2014年和2015年不同海拔高度的诱虫数量,分析霞浦县内松墨天牛诱捕器的诱捕效果和设置适宜海拔高度。结果表明:2014年设置在海拔高度101~200m和201~300m的松墨天牛诱捕器诱捕效果极显著(P0.01)高于设置在海拔高度301~400m的诱捕器;2015年设置在201~300m之间的松墨天牛诱捕器诱捕效果显著(P0.05)高于设置在海拔高度101~200m和301~400m的诱捕器。霞浦县松墨天牛诱捕器挂设最佳海拔在201~300m之间。  相似文献   

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