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We report coherent optical control of a biexciton (two electron-hole pairs), confined in a single quantum dot, that shows coherent oscillations similar to the excited-state Rabi flopping in an isolated atom. The pulse control of the biexciton dynamics, combined with previously demonstrated control of the single-exciton Rabi rotation, serves as the physical basis for a two-bit conditional quantum logic gate. The truth table of the gate shows the features of an all-optical quantum gate with interacting yet distinguishable excitons as qubits. Evaluation of the fidelity yields a value of 0.7 for the gate operation. Such experimental capability is essential to a scheme for scalable quantum computation by means of the optical control of spin qubits in dots.  相似文献   

Coherent spin states in semiconductor quantum dots offer promise as electrically controllable quantum bits (qubits) with scalable fabrication. For few-electron quantum dots made from gallium arsenide (GaAs), fluctuating nuclear spins in the host lattice are the dominant source of spin decoherence. We report a method of preparing the nuclear spin environment that suppresses the relevant component of nuclear spin fluctuations below its equilibrium value by a factor of approximately 70, extending the inhomogeneous dephasing time for the two-electron spin state beyond 1 microsecond. The nuclear state can be readily prepared by electrical gate manipulation and persists for more than 10 seconds.  相似文献   

The key challenge in experimental quantum information science is to identify isolated quantum mechanical systems with long coherence times that can be manipulated and coupled together in a scalable fashion. We describe the coherent manipulation of an individual electron spin and nearby individual nuclear spins to create a controllable quantum register. Using optical and microwave radiation to control an electron spin associated with the nitrogen vacancy (NV) color center in diamond, we demonstrated robust initialization of electron and nuclear spin quantum bits (qubits) and transfer of arbitrary quantum states between them at room temperature. Moreover, nuclear spin qubits could be well isolated from the electron spin, even during optical polarization and measurement of the electronic state. Finally, coherent interactions between individual nuclear spin qubits were observed and their excellent coherence properties were demonstrated. These registers can be used as a basis for scalable, optically coupled quantum information systems.  相似文献   

Conditional quantum dynamics, where the quantum state of one system controls the outcome of measurements on another quantum system, is at the heart of quantum information processing. We demonstrate conditional dynamics for two coupled quantum dots, whereby the probability that one quantum dot makes a transition to an optically excited state is controlled by the presence or absence of an optical excitation in the neighboring dot. Interaction between the dots is mediated by the tunnel coupling between optically excited states and can be optically gated by applying a laser field of the right frequency. Our results represent substantial progress toward realization of an optically effected controlled-phase gate between two solid-state qubits.  相似文献   

An asymmetric pair of coupled InAs quantum dots is tuned into resonance by applying an electric field so that a single hole forms a coherent molecular wave function. The optical spectrum shows a rich pattern of level anticrossings and crossings that can be understood as a superposition of charge and spin configurations of the two dots. Coulomb interactions shift the molecular resonance of the optically excited state (charged exciton) with respect to the ground state (single charge), enabling light-induced coupling of the quantum dots. This result demonstrates the possibility of optically coupling quantum dots for application in quantum information processing.  相似文献   

Manipulation of single spins is essential for spin-based quantum information processing. Electrical control instead of magnetic control is particularly appealing for this purpose, because electric fields are easy to generate locally on-chip. We experimentally realized coherent control of a single-electron spin in a quantum dot using an oscillating electric field generated by a local gate. The electric field induced coherent transitions (Rabi oscillations) between spin-up and spin-down with 90 degrees rotations as fast as approximately 55 nanoseconds. Our analysis indicated that the electrically induced spin transitions were mediated by the spin-orbit interaction. Taken together with the recently demonstrated coherent exchange of two neighboring spins, our results establish the feasibility of fully electrical manipulation of spin qubits.  相似文献   

We demonstrate coupling and entangling of quantum states in a pair of vertically aligned, self-assembled quantum dots by studying the emission of an interacting electron-hole pair (exciton) in a single dot molecule as a function of the separation between the dots. An interaction-induced energy splitting of the exciton is observed that exceeds 30 millielectron volts for a dot layer separation of 4 nanometers. The results are interpreted by mapping the tunneling of a particle in a double dot to the problem of a single spin. The electron-hole complex is shown to be equivalent to entangled states of two interacting spins.  相似文献   

The hyperfine interaction of an electron with the nuclei is considered as the primary obstacle to coherent control of the electron spin in semiconductor quantum dots. We show, however, that the nuclei in singly charged quantum dots act constructively by focusing the electron spin precession about a magnetic field into well-defined modes synchronized with a laser pulse protocol. In a dot with a synchronized electron, the light-stimulated fluctuations of the hyperfine nuclear field acting on the electron are suppressed. The information about electron spin precession is imprinted in the nuclei and thereby can be stored for tens of minutes in darkness. The frequency focusing drives an electron spin ensemble into dephasing-free subspaces with the potential to realize single frequency precession of the entire ensemble.  相似文献   

The effective interaction between magnetic impurities in metals that can lead to various magnetic ground states often competes with a tendency for electrons near impurities to screen the local moment (known as the Kondo effect). The simplest system exhibiting the richness of this competition, the two-impurity Kondo system, was realized experimentally in the form of two quantum dots coupled through an open conducting region. We demonstrate nonlocal spin control by suppressing and splitting Kondo resonances in one quantum dot by changing the electron number and coupling of the other dot. The results suggest an approach to nonlocal spin control that may be relevant to quantum information processing.  相似文献   

Double quantum dots provide an ideal model system for studying interactions between localized impurity spins. We report on the transport properties of a series-coupled double quantum dot as electrons are added one by one onto the dots. When the many-body molecular states are formed, we observe a splitting of the Kondo resonance peak in the differential conductance. This splitting reflects the energy difference between the bonding and antibonding states formed by the coherent superposition of the Kondo states of each dot. The occurrence of the Kondo resonance and its magnetic field dependence agree with a simple interpretation of the spin status of a double quantum dot.  相似文献   

Most schemes for quantum information processing require fast single-qubit operations. For spin-based qubits, this involves performing arbitrary coherent rotations of the spin state on time scales much faster than the spin coherence time. By applying off-resonant, picosecond-scale optical pulses, we demonstrated the coherent rotation of a single electron spin through arbitrary angles up to pi radians. We directly observed this spin manipulation using time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy and found that the results are well described by a model that includes the electronnuclear spin interaction. Measurements of the spin rotation as a function of laser detuning and intensity confirmed that the optical Stark effect is the operative mechanism.  相似文献   

We observe spin blockade due to Pauli exclusion in the tunneling characteristics of a coupled quantum dot system when two same-spin electrons occupy the lowest energy state in each dot. Spin blockade only occurs in one bias direction when there is asymmetry in the electron population of the two dots, leading to current rectification. We induce the collapse of the spin blockade by applying a magnetic field to open up a new spin-triplet current-carrying channel.  相似文献   

A digital quantum simulator is an envisioned quantum device that can be programmed to efficiently simulate any other local system. We demonstrate and investigate the digital approach to quantum simulation in a system of trapped ions. With sequences of up to 100 gates and 6 qubits, the full time dynamics of a range of spin systems are digitally simulated. Interactions beyond those naturally present in our simulator are accurately reproduced, and quantitative bounds are provided for the overall simulation quality. Our results demonstrate the key principles of digital quantum simulation and provide evidence that the level of control required for a full-scale device is within reach.  相似文献   

Studies of the ground and excited states in semiconductor quantum dots containing 1 to 12 electrons showed that the quantum numbers of the states in the excitation spectra can be identified and compared with exact calculations. A magnetic field induces transitions between the ground and excited states. These transitions were analyzed in terms of crossings between single-particle states, singlet-triplet transitions, spin polarization, and Hund's rule. These impurity-free quantum dots allow "atomic physics" experiments to be performed in magnetic field regimes not accessible for atoms.  相似文献   

Delft J 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,289(5487):2064-2065
Advances in mesoscopic physics are enabling fundamental properties of solids to be studied at an unprecedented level of detail. In his Perspective, von Delft highlights the study by van der Wiel et al., who have demonstrated almost complete screening of the local spin of a quantum dot. This behavior mirrors the well-known Kondo effect for magnetic impurities in metals. Because they are tunable, quantum dots allow detailed tests of models for the Kondo effect, but experiments are ahead of theory at this time.  相似文献   

We report the implementation of the semiclassical quantum Fourier transform in a system of three beryllium ion qubits (two-level quantum systems) confined in a segmented multizone trap. The quantum Fourier transform is the crucial final step in Shor's algorithm, and it acts on a register of qubits to determine the periodicity of the quantum state's amplitudes. Because only probability amplitudes are required for this task, a more efficient semiclassical version can be used, for which only single-qubit operations conditioned on measurement outcomes are required. We apply the transform to several input states of different periodicities; the results enable the location of peaks corresponding to the original periods. This demonstration incorporates the key elements of a scalable ion-trap architecture, suggesting the future capability of applying the quantum Fourier transform to a large number of qubits as required for a useful quantum factoring algorithm.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopic evidence for the creation of entangled macroscopic quantum states in two current-biased Josephson-junction qubits coupled by a capacitor. The individual junction bias currents are used to control the interaction between the qubits by tuning the energy level spacings of the junctions in and out of resonance with each other. Microwave spectroscopy in the 4 to 6 gigahertzrange at 20 millikelvin reveals energy levels that agree well with theoretical results for entangled states. The single qubits are spatially separate, and the entangled states extend over the 0.7-millimeter distance between the two qubits.  相似文献   

Femtosecond time-resolved Faraday rotation spectroscopy reveals the instantaneous transfer of spin coherence through conjugated molecular bridges spanning quantum dots of different size over a broad range of temperature. The room-temperature spin-transfer efficiency is approximately 20%, showing that conjugated molecules can be used not only as interconnections for the hierarchical assembly of functional networks but also as efficient spin channels. The results suggest that this class of structures may be useful as two-spin quantum devices operating at ambient temperatures and may offer promising opportunities for future versatile molecule-based spintronic technologies.  相似文献   

We used a hybrid vertical-lateral double-dot device, consisting of laterally coupled vertical quantum dots, to measure the interdot tunnel coupling. By using nonlinear transport measurements of "Coulomb diamonds," we showed that an inherent asymmetry in the capacitances of the component dots influences the diamond slopes, thereby allowing for the determination of the dot through which the electron has passed. We used this technique to prepare a delocalized one-electron state and Heitler-London (HL) two-electron state, and we showed that the interdot tunnel coupling, which determines whether HL is the ground state, is tunable. This implies that our device may be useful for implementing two-electron spin entanglement.  相似文献   

The ability to switch the coupling between quantum bits (qubits) on and off is essential for implementing many quantum-computing algorithms. We demonstrated such control with two flux qubits coupled together through their mutual inductances and through the dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) that reads out their magnetic flux states. A bias current applied to the SQUID in the zero-voltage state induced a change in the dynamic inductance, reducing the coupling energy controllably to zero and reversing its sign.  相似文献   

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