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早春灌水。降低地温;树盘盖草,延缓地温回升果树萌芽后到开花前灌水1~2次可降低地温;第1次灌水后树盘压草,延缓地温回升效果更好。该措施一般可使苹果、梨花期延迟5~7d(天),桃、杏延迟7~8d(天)。此法可在平原和山区低凹地且经常发生晚霜冻的果园使用,地势高的园片以及不易发生晚霜冻的树种和品种不提倡使用,以免延迟果实成熟,延误上市及降低早熟品种果实品质.  相似文献   

1春季管理 1.1地面覆盖覆盖栽培在板栗生产中优势明显,一方面板栗有菌根共生现象,菌根早春的出现及繁殖与地温关系密切,在13~32℃的温度条件下发生的菌根多.覆盖可以提高地温,促进多形成菌根.另一方面覆盖栽培有利于抑制土壤水分的蒸发,有效的防止春早.覆盖材料应就地取材,可以用薄膜,也可用杂草,其中杂草效果较好,杂草覆烂后,可增加土壤有机质含量,提高土壤肥力,促使产量提高.  相似文献   

杏的诸多品种存在程度不同的雌蕊败育现象,再加上杏开花早,花期及幼果期对低温敏感,当春季转暖又回寒,更易使花及幼果受冻,造成减产甚至绝产。除了选择地势较高处建园,选择抗性强、丰产优质品种,加强土肥水管理,提高抗性外,近年来我们在生产中采取以下措施,可提高杏的坐果率。  相似文献   

苹果园早春管理是指从土壤解冻到开花授粉的管理,包括花前复剪、施肥灌水、病虫防治、预防霜冻及人工授粉等。搞好此期的管理,可有效改善树体营养分配,降低病虫基数,提高坐果率。笔者针对近几年陕西扶风、乾县、岐山、凤翔等渭北苹果产区早春管理存在的问题,提出以下管理措施:  相似文献   

1 接穗的采集与保存 在冬季修剪板栗树时,选择品质优良的结果5年以上的健壮树,将其中部和上部修剪下的带有饱满花芽、无病虫害的枝条,当天将其收集成捆,平埋在冬季不积雨雪的湿土中,土壤的含水量应为种任何作物均能发芽为宜。  相似文献   

加强板栗的秋季管理,是夺取板栗丰收的关键一环。根据今年板栗的生长发育特点,当前主要应落实以下几项措施。  相似文献   

日本板栗高产栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 品种特性广西植物研究所于 1 996年春从日本引进日本板栗在桂林雁山种植 ,经过多年的引种观察 ,现已选出适宜南方发展的两个优良品种。1日本 9号 :种植当年可开花结果 ,一年可挂果两次 ,第一次果实成熟在 8月上旬 ,第二次在1 0月下旬 ,粒大壳薄 ,单果重 35~ 37g,最大可达5 5 g,丰产性好 ,坐果能力强 ,种植第三年株产可达 1 2~ 1 5 kg,丰产稳产 ,是品质优良的加工品种。种植密度 4× 3m或 4× 4m。2日本 6号 :树冠圆锥形 ,较矮化 ,盛果期产量稳定 ,一年挂果两次 ,第一次果实成熟在 7月下旬 ,第二次在 1 0月中下旬 ,种植当年开花结果 ,第…  相似文献   

1 园址选择 建园应选择在土层厚度 100 cm以上、土质肥沃、通透性良好、土壤pH值6~7的范围最好。山区建园要栽植在阳坡的山脉以下、沟谷两侧或砍头地等。沙地、河滩地等平地建园要在冬春主风口处营造一道宽20~30 m的防护林带。  相似文献   

板栗容器育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
板栗容器育苗技术胡俊蓉,韩素英(迁西县林业局河坝苗圃场064300)板栗采用容器育苗,就是采用塑料袋作容器,可提高成活率,成苗快,苗木质量高,管理集中而方便,节省种子,每亩可育苗木4万余株。1994年,苗圃场用容器育板栗苗10万余株,收到较好的效果,...  相似文献   

通过深入研究塑料大棚地址、棚膜的选择,大棚立柱与构造的设计,探讨了早春塑料大棚的防风管理,提出农作物种植人员需树立科学管理、常规检查等理念。  相似文献   

建平县是我省苹果梨的主要产区之一,面积达2660hm2.虽多为六七十年代栽植的盛果期树,但因立地条件较差(土壤有机质含量仅为0.4%~0.7%),修剪措施不合理,不疏花疏果等,导致产量低而不稳,大小年结果现象严重.又因病虫果多,提早采收,质量低劣,平均666.7m2产量1300kg,效益不足500元.严重制约着我县梨树生产的发展.  相似文献   

板栗为我国重要干果和木本粮食树种,种植范围广泛。本文就板栗的品种选择与种植、板栗园区管理、病虫害防治等栽培管理技术进行探讨,旨在为广大板栗种植者提供参考。  相似文献   

南方板栗建园及其管理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我所板栗课题组自 1996年开始研究花桥特早熟板栗以来 ,新造板栗示范推广林 13 3hm2 (2 0 0余亩 ) ,现已初步挂果。笔者在板栗建园和管理技术上进行了较为全面的探索 ,现小结如下。1 园地选择和造林1 1 园地选择对地势、地形、土壤、排灌、交通运输和市场需求等因素进行综合考虑。一般选择交通方便 ,土地相对集中连片 ,土壤为疏松肥沃的沙质或砾质壤土 ,土层深 6 0cm以上 ,pH值 5~ 6 5 ,坡度不超过 2 5°,光照条件好 ,有一定灌溉条件 ,无风害的地方。1 2 造林1 2 1 种苗选择。应根据市场需求选择优良品种嫁接苗。良种苗木一般…  相似文献   

时间物候期田间主要作业1~3月 休眠期   1)土壤解冻后 ,及时耕翻耙地。2 )刮树皮 ,消灭栗大蚜虫越冬卵。3)刮除腐烂病疤 ,涂抹双效灵或石硫合剂原液。喷 2 0 %大生M— 4 5的 15 0 0倍液或 5度石硫合剂 ,杀灭树体中越冬的病菌及虫体。4 )冬季修剪 ,过密、交叉、重叠和病虫枝疏除。结果树弱枝除保留顶端结果母枝外 ,其余枝一律剪除 ,促使养分集中 ;强旺枝 ,保留全部结果母枝 ,还要保留 2个生长在母枝下部的雄花枝和发育枝 ,以利分散营养。每平方米投影留枝 12~ 16个。5 )沙藏种子。4月萌芽期   1)萌芽前后追肥以氮为主 ,对于空蓬率高的…  相似文献   

板栗生长期是指春天板栗芽萌动开始至秋天落叶这一时期。板栗生长期管理水平的高低,直接影响当年的产量,对翌年收成起到重要作用。  相似文献   

土壤环境调控对板栗细根形态和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective: To analyze the effects of interrow grass mulching combined with different fertilization treatments on soil physical and chemical properties, root system configuration, nutrient content and productivity in chestnut orchards, Qianxi, Hebei province, where drought, water shortage and problems of unscientific fertilization are serious. Methods: Eight- year- old trees of Castanea mollissima 'Yanshanzaofeng'were taken as the research object, and a split zone experiment design was adopted. The main treatment included interrow mulching with grass and clean tillage, and the secondary treatments were 4 fertilization treatments including single application of inorganic fertilizer (F), single application of organic fertilizer (M), combined application of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer (F+M) and no fertilization (CK). In 2019 and 2020, we studied the effect of mulching and fertilization on water, fertilizer, gas and heat status in the soil, fine root growth, and fine root nutrient content in chestnut orchard. The most suitable soil management model was selected based on fruit productivity. Results: During the growing period (April- October), the average water contents in the soil layers of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm were significantly higher in the mulching treatments than those in the clean tillage treatment. The average water contents in the soil layers of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm in the mulched soils were 18.76% and 17.62% higher than those in the cleaned soils, respectively. Interrow mulching in the chestnut orchard significantly reduced the range of diurnal soil temperature change. The variation range of soil temperature in under interrow mulching in summer and autumn was 1.56℃ and 1.10℃ smaller than that in the clean tillage treatment. Mulching had obvious cooling effect in hot season and helped heat preservation in low temperature seasons. Different fertilization treatments significantly reduced the soil bulk density in 0-40 cm soil layer, increased the total porosity of soil, and reduced soil pH value. The influence of interrow mulching on the 0-20 cm soil layer was greater than on the 20-40 cm soil layer. The contents of organic matter and available nutrients in rhizosphere soil of the chestnut orchard were significantly increased by grass mulching and fertilization. Different treatments had a significant impact on the nutrient content in fine roots. The order of N, P and K contents in different treatments were F +M> F> M> CK, and that of organic carbon content was F +M> M> F> CK. The effect of mulching and fertilization on fine roots in the 20-40 cm soil layer was significant. Compared with CK, the fertilization treatments increased the root surface area, root volume, root length density, specific root length and total root length of fine roots. Besides, all the indexes in GC were higher than in CT, and the increments in GC(F+M) and CT(F+M) were the highest. Interrow grass mulching and fertilization directly affected tree roots and indirectly affected the reproductive growth, in this study, the average yield per plant of different fertilization treatments in grass mulching area was significantly higher than that in clear tillage area, and the yield per plant of organic and inorganic fertilizer combined application was the highest, and the increase range of different treatments could reach 4.95%-45.21%. Results of aggregated boosted trees analysis showed that the contribution degree of different soil physical and chemical indexes to yield per plant was Avail. N> Avail. K> Avail. P> Soil water content> Temperature> Organic matter> pH> Total porosity> Soil bulk density, among which the contribution rates of available nutrients and soil water content to yield per plant were the highest, being 52.21% and 13.91%, respectively. Conclusion: Based on the comprehensive analysis, it is concluded that the combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer is the optimal fertilization mode for chestnut cultivation in Qianxi region, and is recommended for extensive application in production of chestnut. © 2021, Office of Journal of the Fruit Science. All right reserved.  相似文献   

桃树早春管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高庆菊 《落叶果树》2010,42(2):32-32
桃树的春季管理包括土、肥、水管理,整形修剪和病虫害防治等工作。  相似文献   

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