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The process based model SMART–SUMO–WATBAL was applied to 166 intensive monitoring forest plots of mid- and high-latitude Europe to evaluate the effects of expected future changes in carbon dioxide concentration, temperature, precipitation and nitrogen deposition on forest growth (net annual increment). These results were used in the large-scale forest scenario model EFISCEN (European Forest Information SCENario model) to upscale impacts of environmental change and to combine these results with adapted forest management. Because of the few plots available, Mediterranean countries were excluded from analyses. Results are presented for 109 million ha in 23 European countries.  相似文献   

In this study, the overall utility of forest management alternatives at the forest management unit level is evaluated with regard to multi-purpose and multi-user settings by a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) method. The MCA is based on an additive utility model. The relative importance of partial objectives of forest management (carbon sequestration, ground water recharge, biodiversity, and timber production) is defined in cooperation with stakeholders. The forest growth model 4C (Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment) is used to simulate the impact of six forest management strategies and climate on forest functions. Two climate change scenarios represent uncertainties with regard to future climatic conditions. The study is based on actual forest conditions in the Kleinsee management unit in east Germany, which is dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and oak (Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea Liebl.) stands. First, there is an analysis of the impact of climate and forest management on forest functions. Climate change increases carbon sequestration and income from timber production due to increased stand productivity. Secondly, the overall utility of the management strategies is compared under the priority settings of different stakeholder groups. From an ecological perspective, a conservation strategy would be preferable under all climate scenarios, but the business as usual management would also fit the expectations under the current climate due to high biodiversity and carbon sequestration in the forest ecosystem. In contrast, a forest manager in public-owned forests or a private forest owner would prefer a management strategy with an intermediate thinning intensity and a high share of pine stands to enhance income from timber production while maintaining the other forest functions.  相似文献   

Forest management activities potentially influence ecosystems at many spatial scales. For most forest systems, influences at the stand level have been most intensively studied and are best understood. Management impacts at the larger, landscape scale are poorly understood and many hypotheses regarding landscape-level effects remain untested. This lack of knowledge is particularly acute in bottomland hardwood forest (BLH) ecosystems. Most hypotheses regarding landscape-level impacts were derived from theories about island biogeography and metapopulations. Thus, species presence and productivity sometimes are viewed as functions of patch characteristics such as size, shape, amount of edge, degree of isolation from larger, similar habitats, time since isolation, and dispersal, immigration, and extinction rates. Recommendations for mitigating fragmentation effects often include maintenance of reserves, increasing patch size, reducing edges, and enhancing connectivity through the use of corridors. While many of these theories are intuitively sound, there are few data to demonstrate their effectiveness in landscapes dominated by managed forests, including BLH forests. We suggest that high priority be given to using adaptive management to simultaneously test hypotheses about how biotic communities function in managed, BLH landscapes. Such information would help managers understand the consequences of their activities, provide them with more flexibility, and improve their ability to protect biological diversity while also meeting society's needs for forest resources.  相似文献   

Roads and topography can determine patterns of land use and distribution of forest cover, particularly in tropical regions. We evaluated how road density, land use, and topography affected forest fragmentation, deforestation and forest regrowth in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest region near the city of São Paulo. We mapped roads and land use/land cover for three years (1962, 1981 and 2000) from historical aerial photographs, and summarized the distribution of roads, land use/land cover and topography within a grid of 94 non-overlapping 100 ha squares. We used generalized least squares regression models for data analysis. Our models showed that forest fragmentation and deforestation depended on topography, land use and road density, whereas forest regrowth depended primarily on land use. However, the relationships between these variables and forest dynamics changed in the two studied periods; land use and slope were the strongest predictors from 1962 to 1981, and past (1962) road density and land use were the strongest predictors for the following period (1981–2000). Roads had the strongest relationship with deforestation and forest fragmentation when the expansions of agriculture and buildings were limited to already deforested areas, and when there was a rapid expansion of development, under influence of São Paulo city. Furthermore, the past (1962) road network was more important than the recent road network (1981) when explaining forest dynamics between 1981 and 2000, suggesting a long-term effect of roads. Roads are permanent scars on the landscape and facilitate deforestation and forest fragmentation due to increased accessibility and land valorization, which control land-use and land-cover dynamics. Topography directly affected deforestation, agriculture and road expansion, mainly between 1962 and 1981. Forest are thus in peril where there are more roads, and long-term conservation strategies should consider ways to mitigate roads as permanent landscape features and drivers facilitators of deforestation and forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Deforestation and forest degradation are associated and progressive processes resulting in the conversion of forest area into a mosaic of mature forest fragments, pasture, and degraded habitat. Monitoring of forest landscape spatial structures has been recommended to detect degenerative trends in forest conditions. GIS and remote sensing play an important role in the generation of such data to identify degraded and deforested areas as well as potential areas for conservation. In this study we analyzed forest degradation and deforestation trends in Chitwan district in Nepal, which contains key habitat elements for wildlife in the region. An artificial neural network was used to predict forest canopy density in five classes using Landsat images of the year 2001. Forest canopy density was predicted with 82% overall accuracy. Except riverine forest, forest area of all other forest types was reduced. Terai Shorea robusta forest, which has high commercial value, showed a loss of 23% between 1976 and 1989 and an overall loss of 15% forest covers between the year 1976 and 2001. Deforestation and forest degradation disproportionately reduced the sizes of the different forest types, a finding that has important management implications. The maps presented in this article could be useful to prioritize limited resources for conservation.  相似文献   

Forest management has been criticised in the last 20 years for its negative impact on the native species, structures and functions of the forest. Of many possible alternatives proposed to minimize these effects, the functional zoning (or TRIAD) approach is gaining popularity in North America. The goal of this approach is to minimize the negative environmental impacts of forestry while maintain timber supply by dividing the forest into three broad land-use zones: (1) conservation, (2) ecosystem management, and (3) wood production. In this study, we used a spatially explicit landscape model to simulate the effects of fire and six different forest management scenarios on a boreal mixedwood forest management unit in central Quebec. The management scenarios examined included the current practices scenario, a scenario proposed by the provincial government, and four TRIAD scenarios varying in the amount of forest allocated to each of the three zones. For each scenario, we examined the harvest volume, percentage old-growth forest or old forest managed to favour old-growth attributes, and effective mesh size of forest patches by 20-year age classes. With more area set aside for conservation and high-retention partial cut harvesting techniques designed to maintain the attributes of old-growth stands, all TRIAD scenarios resulted in higher percentages of stands with old-growth attributes than the current practices scenario and the government proposed scenario, and two of the four TRIAD scenarios also resulted in higher harvest volume over the long term. All forest management scenarios resulted in significantly lower effective mesh size than the fire-only scenario, but this difference was not as pronounced for the four TRIAD scenarios as for the current practice and government proposed scenarios. We conclude that the TRIAD approach has the potential to minimize some of the negative impacts of forestry on the landscape, while maintaining timber supply over the long term.  相似文献   

With a predicted rise in average global surface temperature at an unprecedented rate, as well as changes in precipitation and disturbance regimes, climate change will bring forth new challenges for nature conservation in forest ecosystems. Species and habitats to be protected will be affected as well as related concepts and area specific objectives. Climate change impacts are likely to be aggravated by other anthropogenic stresses such as fragmentation, deposition or habitat destruction. To be reliable and effective, current objectives and guidelines of forest conservation need to be reassessed and improved. Our study analyses possible impacts of climate change on forests and identifies key future challenges for nature conservation in forests and ecosystem research. We reviewed 130 papers on climate change impacts on forest ecosystems and species published between 1995 and 2010. The geographical focus of the study is Central Europe. Papers were analysed accounting for direct and indirect impacts of gradual changes as well as stochastic disturbance events in forest ecosystems and their possible consequences for nature conservation.Even though broader aspects of nature conservation (protected areas, biodiversity) are frequently mentioned, little attention is given to forest-specific nature conservation. Particular aspects are insufficiently represented, such as the influence of climate change on different forest succession stages, the development of dead wood volume and quality, responses of secondary broadleaved species, azonal or extrazonal forests as well as ancient woodlands or remnants of historical silvicultural systems. Challenges arise in the context of great uncertainties about future developments. Nature conservation concepts and objectives in forests need to be adapted either within a permanent evaluation process or through the inclusion of further changes a priori, even if they are to some extent unpredictable. In some cases adaptation measures within nature conservation (e.g. adjusting protected areas) may conflict with interests of other stakeholders. Further research, particularly on interrelations between different impacts and the adaptive capacity of current forest ecosystems, associated species and existing genotypes is urgently needed. The scale and complexity of the task at hand calls for the establishment and further strengthening of international research networks.  相似文献   

Forest management strategies, reflecting the cognition and the demands of the human population on forests, have significant effects on the forest structures and functions. Nowadays, numerous forest management strategies have been introduced and implemented worldwide for a long time. However, our knowledge about the impacts of alternative management strategies on forest multipurpose management practices is still insufficient. Therefore, the overall goal of this study quantitatively assessed the impacts of four alternative forest management strategies on forest timber and carbon values in a large forest area in northeast China, as an example. Four alternative forest management strategies: no intervention management (NIM), classical timber management (CTM), multi-purpose management (MPM), and spatial-constraints management (SCM), in conjunction with different management objectives and regulations, were quantitative assessed using optimization methods. The results of numerical analysis showed that implementing eco-friendly forest management strategies such as imposed in MPM and SCM strategies may be economic inefficiencies, mainly due to significant decreases of the joint benefits from forest timber and carbon values (approximately $18.75 and $22.36 million per year) have been observed under the current carbon trading market of China (namely $20 per ton of carbon) when the ecological- and spatial-oriented constraints were further integrated into the typical CTM strategy. However, both MPM and SCM strategies were quite meaningful for the restoration of forest resources in northeast China, in which an additional of 13.6 and 16.2 thousand tons of carbon were sequestrated during the 50 years simulated horizon. Therefore, forest decision makers should evaluate the potential effects carefully prior to altering their forest management strategy in practices.  相似文献   


This paper comparatively examines two forest management planning approaches: multipurpose forest management and traditional timber management, with carbon, timber and oxygen production objectives in mind. The effects of both approaches on carbon and oxygen values were estimated with an oxygen and carbon flow matrix, while timber production was modelled through a growth and yield model. The estimated values were simultaneously integrated into a linear programming model developed for this study. The objective was to maximize the net present value (NPV) of the profits of timber, oxygen and carbon under the constraints of an even flow of timber production and ending forest inventory for each planning approach. The results showed that the ecological and environmental regulations in multipurpose management substantially decreased the NPV of timber production even though they increased the NPV of carbon and oxygen flow. The results also indicated that over a 100 year planning horizon the total NPV of all forest ecosystem values including carbon, timber and oxygen is almost the same (only 1.9% reduction in multipurpose management approach) in both management approaches. Although multipurpose management creates more NPV of carbon and oxygen than timber management does, the latter provides better results in terms of timber production. It is therefore important to take into account the NPV of all apparent and quantifiable forest values in preparing forest management plans, particularly in developing new management planning approaches.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stocks and their medium-term and readily decomposable fractions in topsoils were compared in relation to soil microbial biomass and activity along sequences from coniferous to deciduous stands. The study was carried out in the Ore Mountains and the Saxonian lowland, representing two typical natural regions in Saxony, Germany. In accordance with current forest conversion practices, the investigation sites represent different stands: mature conifer stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) (type A); Norway Scots spruce and pine with advanced plantings of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) or European beech/Common oak (Quercus petreae Liebl.) (type B); and mature deciduous stands of European beech and European beech/Common oak (type C). The investigated forest sites can be grouped into three silvicultural situations according to the development from coniferous stands to advanced plantings and finally mature deciduous forests (chronosequence A–B–C). The organic layer (L, F and H horizons) and uppermost mineral soil (0–10 cm) were analysed for potential C mineralisation, microbial biomass, concentrations of total C and N (TOC and TN) and for medium-term and readily decomposable C and N fractions, obtained by hot- and cold-water extraction respectively. The results showed an increase in organic layer thickness and mass as well as TOC and TN stocks along the forest sequences in the lowland. Yet, underplanted sites with two storeys revealed higher organic layer mass as well as TOC and TN stocks as compared to coniferous and deciduous stands. Stocks of hot- and cold-water-extractable C and N in relation to microbial biomass and its activity revealed a high turnover activity in deeper organic horizons of deciduous forests compared to coniferous stands. The stand-specific differentiation is discussed in relation to microbial biomass, litter quantity and quality and forest structure, but also with respect to the site-specific climatic factors and water budget as well as liming and fly-ash impacts. Results indicate higher dynamics in deciduous stands in the lowland especially during the initial turnover phase. The elevated microbial activity in deeper organic horizons of deciduous litter-influenced sites in spring is discussed as a specific indicator for long-term C sequestration potential as besides C mineralisation organic compounds are humified and thus, can be stored in the organic layer or in deeper soil horizons. Due to liming activities, stand-specific effects on organic matter turnover dynamics have evened out today in the Ore mountain region, but will presumably occur again once base saturation decreases. Here, the stand-specific effect on microbial biomass can currently be seen again as Cmic in the L horizon increased from spruce to beech. Our study sites in the lowland revealed no significant fly-ash impact. Differences between sites were evaluated by calculating the discriminance function. TOC and TN as well as medium-term degradable C and N were defined in this study as indicators for turnover dynamics along forest conversion sites.  相似文献   

Blakesley  David  Hardwick  Kate  Elliott  Stephen 《New Forests》2002,24(3):165-174
Some governments in Southeast Asia, such as those of Thailand and Vietnam have clear policies to restore large areas of degraded land to native forest. However, knowledge needed for the success of these ambitious programmes is still inadequate, and considerable further research is required. Furthermore, very little literature is available to conservation practitioners about the restoration of tropical forests for biodiversity conservation. This paper introduces the framework species method of forest restoration, which is being developed to restore forests in Thailand. The paper examines the potential for adoption of this technique in different forest types across the Southeast Asia region, and identifies priorities for future research needed before the method can be widely implemented. These include the identification of forest types, the selection of candidate framework species, maintenance of genetic diversity, and development of methods of seed collection and germination.  相似文献   

The forest ecosystem of the Apuseni National Park (ANP) in NW Romania is recognized for its high species and genetic diversity and is protected through various conservation measures. As ANP is the most populated natural park in Romania, the focus is on the need for communities to manage, sustain and prosper by using, exploring and sustaining the natural resources. But what activities are the most appropriate for the conservation of a highly diverse natural forest? This paper presents results from a long-term ecological study using fossil pollen, microscopic and macroscopic charcoal and AMS14C dating on a site in the ANP in order to examine how the interaction between climate change, human activities and other disturbances have shaped the present protected landscapes over the last 5700 years in this part of the reserve. Results from this study show that the landscape in this region has been continuously forested over the last 5700 years BP, but the forest composition and structure have been dynamic throughout much of the time. In particular, distinct changes in forest composition have occurred over the last 700 years of the record. Fagus sylvatica was the major taxon between 5200 and 200 years BP and its dominance is associated with the highest forest stability. The formation of the current Picea abies forests started 400 years ago and spruce became the dominant forest species during the last two centuries as a result of selective forest clearance, intensive grazing, and more recently, plantations. This led to a large reduction in forest diversity, decline of F. sylvatica and local extinction of several species including Abies alba, Ulmus, Tilia, and Acer. Our results show the high conservation values of A. alba and F. sylvatica in the ANP. Current management practices that allow the anthropogenic activities of timber production and fast tree regeneration, usually involving the plantation of P. abies in this part of the ANP are not in keeping with the NATURA 2000 objectives of ensuring the persistence of the most vulnerable species and habitats.  相似文献   

A useful theoretical approach in the literature for those trying to conserve forest biodiversity involves a number of strategies to achieve maintenance of habitat for different species across multiple spatial and temporal scales. This approach emphasises the importance of implementing measures in off-reserve areas to complement reserve systems. This contrasts with both the traditional ‘set-aside’ approach to conservation and the primary aim of production forestry. Translating this risk-spreading approach into on-ground practice is often a difficult task.  相似文献   

Remote sensing observations over areas of the former Soviet Union suggest that there may be important ongoing influences on forested landscapes resulting from divergent land use and forest management associated with the Soviet versus post-Soviet eras. As the Russian Federation implements its new Forest Code and associated regulations, knowledge of existing forest patterns and trends, plus the development of methods with which to understand the landscape-level influence of different forest management strategies is increasingly important. We developed spatial–temporal models and projections of forest patterns and trends over Soviet and early post-Soviet forest management eras for a study site in the Lake Baikal region in southern Siberia. We used Landsat-derived land-cover data, logistic regressions, and Markov and cellular automata methods (CA–Markov) to characterize patterns and trends 1975–1989 and 1990–2001, and to develop predictive scenarios through 2013. Relationships of forest types (Conifer, Mixed, Deciduous) and Agriculture to other explanatory environmental variables indicated mostly consistent forest–environment relationships, but some different spatial relationships between eras were found for Cut and Regeneration disturbance types. Landscape proportional trends showed greater differences between eras. Cut proportions observed via Landsat in 2001 were approximately 74% lower, and the area of Conifer observed was approximately 14% higher, than modeled proportions predicted for 2001 using 1975–1989 Soviet era transition rates. The proportion of Cut projected for 2013 was about 80% lower when based on early post-Soviet era probabilities. Overall, modeled results indicate that should early post-Soviet trends continue, low rates of logging, some agricultural abandonment, re-growing forests especially near access routes, increases in deciduous cover, along with continued or increased fire events in mixed and conifer forests will define the landscape. Should forest management change, for example to Soviet era rates and patterns of harvest, different outcomes are projected. More broadly, results highlight the real and prospective effects that divergent management strategies can have on forested landscapes, and demonstrate that land-cover data combined with emerging spatial–temporal modeling methods provide an approach to understand and project the complex and ongoing influences associated with changing forest management at landscape scales.  相似文献   

From a conceptual point of view, national forest management standards in Latin American countries have progressed significantly in recent years. Examples include the Costa Rican Standards and Procedures for Sustainable Forest Management and Certification, developed by the National Commission for Forest Certification and in Nicaragua, the National Institute of Forestry proposal of principles, criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. In line with general approaches worldwide, these national standards primarily focus on the fulfillment of sound forest practice. There is comparatively little emphasis on the assessment of management outcomes or changes in key components of the eco- and social-systems that result from management impacts. Essentially, there is little emphasis on adaptive management, though arguments that management cannot be sustainable if it is not adaptive are persuasive. This study sought to contribute to the development of standards that include elements for adaptive management that define, communicate and evaluate sustainable forest management in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Elements from the national standards and the CIFOR generic C&I template (predominantly focused on forest management outcomes) were used as a starting point. The basic research process consisted of three phases of evaluation (in-office, desk and field). The evaluations were carried out by multidisciplinary, international groups of experts in forest ecology, management and policy. This study demonstrated the value of forums and workshops that facilitate exchange between forest scientists and policymakers; the innovation and application of a practical, applicable and scientifically based methodology for developing national level C&I; and acceptance of this methodology by key players in the fields of forest management and policy. These experiences and the resulting proposals of C&I for the evaluation of ecologically sustainable forest management are expected to be used as points of reference for future development of forest policy in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and to contribute to the overall understanding of C&I development processes in the region.  相似文献   

The Afromontane forests of Ethiopia have been under a serious degradation threat. Assessment of floristic diversity and species composition in Biteyu forest of Gurage mountain chain in the central Ethiopia was conducted to examine the pattern of forest structure. Thirty plots of 30 m×30 m were used to record the vegetation and environmental data using systematic sampling technique. The local name, plant scientific names, DBH, height,species abundance and percentage canopy cover of plant species were recorded. Shannon diversity index and Sorensen's coefficients was used for comparison among communities and similar forests in the country. Threats to the forest biodiversity in Biteyu were determined by counting cattle interference and wood stumps as disturbance indicators. Relative Euclidean Distance measures by using Ward's method(linkage) was applied for cluster analysis. Environmental variables were also recorded in each plot. Woody species population structure, basal area and importance value index were analyzed using spreadsheet programs. Data on species distribution and environmental variables in the forest were analyzed by canonical correspondence analysis. A total of 190 species in 154 genera under 73 families were identified. Twenty species were found to be endemic taxa to the Flora Area. Only three plant community types were identified from the cluster analysis due to the high human influence. The Sorensen's coefficient showed the resemblance of the Biteyu forest with other Dry Evergreen Afromontane forests in the country. Moreover, altitude and slope strongly affect the species composition and structure of Biteyu forest. Given the high anthropogenic influence, high endemism, high dependence of the local community on the forest resources, forest conservation and restoration measures should be done by stakeholders.  相似文献   

Chinese fir [(Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook (Taxodiaceae)] plantations are helping to meet China's increasing demands for timber, while, at the same time, sequestering carbon (C) above and belowground. The latter function is important as a means of slowing the rate that CO2 is increasing in the atmosphere. Available data are limited, however, and even if extensive, would necessitate consideration of future changes in climatic conditions and management practices. To evaluate the contribution of Chinese fir plantations under a range of changing conditions a dynamic model is required. In this paper, we report successful outcome in parameterizing a process-based model (3-PG) and validating its predictions with recent and long-term field measurements acquired from different ages of Chinese fir plantations at the Huitong National Forest Ecosystem Research Station. Once parameterized, the model performed well when simulating leaf area index (LAI), net primary productivity (NPP), biomass of stems (WS), foliage (WF) and roots (WR), litterfall, and shifts in allocation over a period of time. Although the model does not specifically include heterotrophic respiration, we made some attempts to estimate changes in root C storage and decomposition rates in the litterfall pool as well as in the total soil respiration. Total C stored in biomass increased rapidly, peaking at age 21 years in unthinned stands. The predicted averaged above and belowground NNP (13.81 t ha−1 a−1) of the Chinese fir plantations between the modeling period (from 4 to 21-year-old) is much higher than that of Chinese forests (4.8–6.22 t ha−1 a−1), indicating that Chinese fir is a suitable tree species to grow for timber while processing the potential to act as a C sequestration sink. Taking into account that maximum LAI occurs at the age of 15 years, intermediate thinning and nutrient supplements should, according to model predictions, further increase growth and C storage in Chinese fir stands. Predicted future increases (approximately 0–2 °C) in temperature due to global warming may increase plantation growth and reduce the time required to complete a rotation, but further increases (approximately 2–6 °C) may reduce the growth rate and prolong the rotational age.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to maximize carbon (C) storage in both forest and wood products using optimization within a forest management model (Remsoft Spatial Planning System). This method was used to evaluate four alternative objective functions, to maximize: (a) volume harvested, (b) wood product C storage, (c) forest C storage, and (d) C storage in the forest and products, over 300 years for a 30,000 ha hypothetical forest in New Brunswick, Canada. Effects of three initial forest age-structures and a range of product substitution rates were tested. Results showed that in many cases, C storage in product pools (especially in landfills) plus on-site forest C was equivalent to forest C storage resulting from reduced harvest. In other words, accounting for only forest, and not products and landfill C, underestimates true forest contributions to C sequestration, and may result in spurious C maximization strategies. The scenario to maximize harvest resulted in mean harvest for years 1–200 of 3.16 m3 ha−1 yr−1 and total C sequestration of 0.126 t ha−1 yr−1, versus 0.98 m3 ha−1 yr−1 and 0.228 t ha−1 yr−1 for a scenario to maximize forest C. When maximizing total (forest + products) C, mean harvest and total C storage for years 1–200 was 173% and 5% higher, respectively, than when maximizing forest C; and 218% and 6% higher, respectively, when maximizing substitution benefits (0.25 t of avoided C emissions per m3 of lumber used) in addition to total C. Initial forest age-structure affected harvest in years 1–50 < 34% among the four alternative management objective scenarios, and resulted in mean C sequestration rates of 0.31, 0.10, and −0.14 t ha−1 yr−1 when maximizing total C storage for young, even-aged, and old forests, respectively. Our results reinforce the importance of including products in forest-sector C budgets, and demonstrate how including product C in management can maximize forest contributions toward reduced atmospheric CO2 at operational scales.  相似文献   

The extensive recovery from agricultural clearing of Puerto Rican forests over the past half-century provides a good opportunity to study tropical forest recovery on a landscape scale. Using ordination and regression techniques, we analyzed forest inventory data from across Puerto Rico’s moist and wet secondary forests to evaluate their species composition and whether the landscape structure of older forest affected tree species composition of recovering forests at this scale. Our results support conclusions from studies conducted in Puerto Rico at smaller scales and temperate forests at larger scales that timing of abandonment and land use history are of overwhelming importance in determining the species composition of recovering forests. Forest recovery is recent enough in Puerto Rico that previous land use is clearly evident in current species composition, and creates new forest communities. As demonstrated in other work, physical factors such as elevation and substrate co-vary with land use history, so that the species composition of the forest landscape results from the interplay between biophysical and socioeconomic forces over time. Our results also indicate that increasing the distance to the largest forest patches occurring in the landscape 12 years previous had a small negative impact on species richness but not species diversity or community composition. We conclude that land use history has as much influence in species composition as biophysical variables and that, at the scale of this study, there is no large influence of forest landscape structure on species diversity or composition.  相似文献   

The IPCC-GPG on Greenhouse Gas Monitoring offers countries several options for reporting. The current study selected management effects and decay of dead woody material to demonstrate the dependence of different approaches and assumptions for carbon stock and carbon stock change estimates. For a given set of inventory data the reported change of carbon stock varied between 3.1 tonnes C ha−1 yr−1and 34.4 tonnes C ha−1 yr−1 for a 10-year period.Based on the available data set from a test area in the federal state of Salzburg (Austria) the effect of different scenarios for harvesting operations and mortality on reported carbon release was studied. The scenarios covered timber utilization at different points in time and two mortality rates (constant and exponential). A proportion of harvesting was assumed to remain inside the forest as logging residues and entered together with mortality a decay process. Two different lifetimes for decay (10 and 50 years) and constant and negative exponential decay rates were simulated. Those decisions affect the amount of carbon released considerably. For a 10-year period between 5% and 80% of the carbon content of dead woody material that accumulated within the period is released to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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