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奶牛铅中毒病例,在国内兽医资料上报道很少。现将有关诊疗情况介绍如下。1发病经过、症状及治疗我市一奶牛场有奶牛24头(其中种公牛1头,成年母牛10头,18月龄青年牛9头,2月龄以下犊牛4头)。1997年7月14日,由库房保管员将无标签的工业用硫酸铅(P...  相似文献   

2002年7月中旬,河北省某个体奶牛饲养场的奶牛发生疾病,此次发病不仅急,死亡快且死亡数量亦大,在短短1周内,牛只死亡几乎过半,造成较为严重的经济损失。后经实验室诊断确诊为铅中毒,现将有关情况报道如下。  相似文献   

2002年7月中旬,河北衡水市某奶牛场的奶牛发生急性铅中毒,发病的18头奶牛全部死亡,发病率为39%(18/46),致死率为100%(18/18)。该场和当地政府、兽医部门相继邀请中国农业大学、河北农业大学、河北省畜牧兽医站及山东德州的奶牛疾病专家赶至现场会诊。经临床诊断、尸体剖检、病料检验及微生物学诊断,确诊为奶牛急性铅中毒,现报道如下。  相似文献   

牛采食含铅的物质能导致铅中毒。废机油、一些屋顶材料、含铅和铝涂料、砷铅酸喷雾、铅球、油毡、焊料、废电池及挡雨的含铅材料,某些区域的环境可能存在工业铅产品或铅废料的污染,都可能导致牛发病。  相似文献   

1基本情况1982年黑龙江省某国营乳牛场新建一栋牛舍,10月末完工,在牛未进入牛舍之前,用红丹防锈漆对铁瓦盖、天棚、系牛铁栏和贮水罐等进行喷涮,尚有少部分未喷涮完。因气温急剧下降,在喷漆未干与撒落在饲槽、通道和墙壁上的油漆,还未来得及彻底清除的情况下,就将牛引进新舍。同时对未完成部分继续进行喷涮,为了降低油漆粘稠度,又加入民用汽油进行调制。当奶牛进入新舍后第五天,开始第一头牛发病,以后发病逐渐增多,并有死亡。  相似文献   

铅中毒是由于误食含铅物质及被铅污染的饲草和饮水,致使中枢神经和消化机能紊乱的中毒性疾病。  相似文献   

铅中毒是由于误食含铅物质及被铅污染的饲草和饮水,致使中枢神经和消化机能紊乱的中毒性疾病。  相似文献   

2011年7月中旬,舞钢市畜牧局接到本地某奶牛饲养场的求助电话,称其场内有数十头奶牛发生疾病,畜牧局立即派专家到现场会诊。1基本情况该场有36头奶牛,专家赶到现场时,2头奶牛已经死亡,另34头发病奶牛表现出口吐白沫、腹泻、兴奋狂躁、肌肉震颤等症状。  相似文献   

1999年 5月 6日 ,我市拉法镇大坡村赵某从外地用火车购进黄牛 2 2头 ,到家当天牛开始发病 ,傍晚即死亡 1头 ,至 5月 12日共死亡 13头。经调查和实验室诊断 ,确诊为铅中毒。1 临床症状 大多出现神经症状 ,吼叫 ,步态不稳 ,转圈走动 ,依靠或冲撞物体 ,头颈肌肉震颤 ,对声音和触摸感觉敏感 ,磨牙、流涎、失明 ,眼球震颤 ;食欲不振或废绝 ,瘤胃蠕动无力 ,多数腹泻 ;呼吸、脉搏加快 ;后期共济失调 ,角弓反张 ,麻痹嗜睡 ,最后死亡。2 剖检变化 剖检 2头牛 ,肝胀瘀血肿大 ,肾脏出血 ,胃肠出血 ,可见胃肠炎变化 ,心肌有瘀血斑 ,脑出血、水肿。3…  相似文献   

铅中毒是动物中最常见的一种矿物质或重金属中毒病。临床症状为流涎、腹泻、腹痛等胃肠炎症状,兴奋狂躁,感觉过敏,肌肉震颤,痉挛,麻痹等神经症状及铁缺失性贫血。各种家畜均可发生。2004年9月中旬在我地区曾发生此类病,报告如下。  相似文献   

Lead poisoning is a frequent cause of poisoning in domestic animals. Signs of encephalopathy and gastroenteritis are commonly observed in cattle following lead poisoning. This article discusses the etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, postmortem findings, and treatment of lead poisoning in cattle.  相似文献   

An outbreak of chronic selenium poisoning occurred in a mob of 30 Friesian dairy cows. These cows were all autumn calvers on a well-managed dairy farm.  相似文献   

High-yielding dairy cows collapsed and died displaying signs of a disturbed central nervous system (muscle tremor, convulsion) and a considerably reduced body condition score. An intense diagnostic screening did not allow to confirm a definite diagnosis. Therefore, further analyses including an evaluation of feeds and feeding were initiated. The herd was fed a total mixed ration (TMR) based on corn and grass silage of moderate nutritive value supplemented with various amounts of chocolate chips. In retrospect, the amount of chocolate chips added to the respective TMR batches could not be quantified. These chips were purchased from a company producing bakery and chocolate products for human consumption and added to the silage and therefore to the TMR in order to increase the energy intake of the animals. Because the TMR, which was fed during the time of the incidence, was no longer available, a sample of a later batch of silage was examined. The amount of chocolate chips was quantified (0.44% per fresh matter), and a theobromine analysis was performed in the chocolate chips of the available batch (69.7 mg/100 g fresh matter). Because of the possible link between chocolate intake and observed signs, an immediate cessation of using the chocolate chips was recommended in addition to an optimisation of the TMR, that is an increase of the energy density. Even though the theobromine intake during the time of the incidence is unknown and information about toxicity of theobromine in ruminants is limited, we suspect that the feeding of chocolate in this case caused all signs including the sudden death of the cows. Further reasons are that no differential diagnoses were established and the problems at the farm stopped after removing the chocolate from the TMR.  相似文献   

Diquat poisoning of dairy cattle by topical application   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
This case report describes poisoning of dairy cattle from a dermal challenge of 50 to 100 mg/kg body weight diquat. Five of 36 cattle exposed, demonstrated clinical signs of intoxication, dehydration, and death over 5 days. Diquat poisoning of cattle by the dermal route has not previously been reported.  相似文献   

Toxic silo gases are a potential danger to livestock housed in close proximity to roughage silos. These gases, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), may be produced during the early stages of (maize and grass) silage making. In humans, inhalation of these gases causes a condition known as 'Silo Filler's Disease' (SFD), which is a recognized occupational hazard for workers in upright forage silos in many countries. NO2 accumulates on top of silage, is inhaled by workers, and reacts with water on the airway surfaces to form nitrous acid, which damages the lung and causes pulmonary oedema, bronchiolitis, and death in severe cases. On a dairy farm, a cloud of reddish-brown NO2 gas (which is heavier than air) was noticed to escape from underneath the plastic sheet of a horizontal maize bunker and to enter a cubicle house for dairy cows 1 day after ensiling. Eleven cows became dyspnoeic, 3 of which subsequently died. A combination of weather conditions, an insufficient sand load on the maize bunker, the utilization of a lactobacillus starter culture, and the close proximity of the silo to the cubicle house may have caused the incident.  相似文献   

The lead poisoning incidents in cattle investigated by the Veterinary Laboratories Agency between 1990 and 2003 are reviewed. Lead poisoning was most commonly encountered in young calves, but cattle of all ages were affected. The lead was derived mainly from lead paint, lead accumulator batteries and lead in soil from old mine workings. Paint was responsible for the majority of cases of poisoning in young calves; yearling animals were most at risk from discarded batteries, and adult cows were most commonly poisoned by geochemical sources of lead. There was a marked seasonal incidence, with most cases occurring after turnout in the spring and early summer.  相似文献   

An outbreak of arsenic poisoning occurred in which most of a 200 cow dairy herd were affected and six died. The source of the arsenic was naturally occurring arsenic pyrites from the Waiotapu Stream, near Rotorua. Arsenic levels in the nearby soil were as high as 6618 ppm. There was little evidence to suggest that treatment affected the course of the disease. Haematology was of little use in diagnosis, post-mortem signs were not always consistent and persistence of the element in the liver appeared short. Control of further outbreaks have been based on practical measures to minimise the intake of contaminated soil and free laying water by the stock.  相似文献   

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