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福建省霞美乡在乡资源开发公司贷款68万元的支持下,一举发展石蛎7,000多亩. 浙江省台州地区坚持集体、个人一起上,综合开发海涂.到目前为止,全区从事滩涂养殖的专业户已发展到7,500多户,农民自愿组成的联合体1,424个,海涂养殖发展到15,100多亩,比1983年增长一倍.海涂养殖总产量跃居全省首位. 江苏省指前乡庄阳村青年农民李银,今年带头承包了1,100亩大水面,实行科学养鱼,今年至少可捕  相似文献   

为了改变海涂养殖的落后状况,加速实现海涂养殖机械化,促进海涂养殖生产的大发展。在宁海县委的正确领导和浙江农业大学的指导和协助下,1974年建立了一个由干部、工人和技术人员参加的试制小组,开始了对浙江—12型海涂翻耕机的研制工作。  相似文献   

镇海县为了充分发挥海涂养殖的优势,对养殖体制有了较大的改革,贯彻了集体、个人一起上,落实户养为主的方针.由于沿海三山、郭巨、梅山、昆亭四个公社,各级党委对海涂养殖加强领导,大造声势,狠抓改革,落实海涂使用权,今年,该县沿海广大涂民生产积极性很高,他们决心在海涂狠下功夫,抓住海涂优势,象耕田一样利用,象粮菜一样重视,专门配备海养技术辅导员,加强对涂民技术指导,落实以户养为主政策.如三山公社仅  相似文献   

浙江省宁海县官岭乡牛台村,地处三门湾畔,依山傍海,约有5,000多亩海涂,而且滩涂平坦,水质肥沃,饵料生物丰富,适于缢蛏、蚶等滩涂贝类生长。近几年来,全村200多户渔(农)民因地制宜,利用自然资源优势,积极发展海涂养殖,1984年养殖滩涂贝类2,000亩,占可养海涂面积的80%,海涂养殖业的收入占全村总收入的78%。从而改变了农村产业结构,发展了商品生产,使全村人均收入达到917元,在五年之内增加3.4倍。成为以养殖蛏、蚶等滩涂贝类为主的海涂养殖专业村。  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实国务院关于开展全国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查的批示,国家海洋局和国家水产总局于二月下旬在北京召开了全国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查领导小组扩大会议.会上听取了关于浙江温州海涂综合调查试点情况的汇报;江苏省关于开展海岸带和海涂资源综合调查的计划和准备工作情况的报告;讨论了全国调查工作的规划和今年  相似文献   

傅溥 《海洋渔业》1983,5(1):F002-F002
桐城公社外(土盾)大队,位于县城西南10公里,文革期间因极左思潮影响,使海涂养殖停滞不前。党的领导,带来了温暖,执行了生产责任制,社员各显神通,向海涂进军。近2-3年来,做到以海养农促进养殖得到全面发展。  相似文献   

过去,海涂养殖蛏子的海涂翻耕都靠手工操作。为了改变这一落后面貌,浙江省宁海县水产局、宁海县农机一厂于一九七四年建立了由技术人员、工人、干部参加的三结合试制小组,开始了对浙江-12型海涂翻耕机的研制工作。一九七七年五月、九月曾对样机进行了下海、航行、  相似文献   

<正>为调整水产养殖结构,提高养殖水体的利用率,增加养殖效益,开展渔业科技入户工作,上虞市崧厦镇农技信息中心于2009年在海涂养殖大户王阿忠的渔塘中进行了池塘网箱无公害生态健康养  相似文献   

正绍兴市上虞区位于杭州湾南岸,全区拥有广袤的海涂滩涂资源,共计海涂池塘养殖面积7万亩,其中大部分养殖南美白对虾。2018年开始,部分养殖户开始转型,尝试采用配合饲料养殖加州鲈,到目前全区养殖规模已达5000亩左右,已初具规模。传统加州鲈养殖采用冰鲜饵料喂养,各种弊端不断显现:对水环境负面影响大、病害多、对渔业资源依赖性大、个体规格不整齐、劳动力需求大、不利于规模化养殖等。随着配合饲料研制技术的不断完善,配合饲料养殖加州鲈的一些问题已基本解决,现已成为上虞区水产养殖的主推技术。  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹是一种经济价值很高的甲壳物,它是重要的海水养殖对象。本文作者利用潮间带海涂进行拦网养殖青蟹技术,探索开发高潮区滩涂的有效途径。  相似文献   

为了探究不同盐度对花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)幼鱼组织结构的影响,用组织学方法对不同盐度条件下(0、10、15、20、30)花鲈幼鱼的鳃、脾及肌肉组织结构进行研究。结果显示,盐度为0时,花鲈幼鱼鳃丝排列紧密,顶端膨大呈棒状,鳃小片细胞饱满,有少量泌氯细胞。花鲈幼鱼鳃丝宽度随盐度的升高而缩小,鳃小片间距则逐渐增大,差异显著(P<0.05);盐度为20时,部分鳃小片变形脱落,鳃丝上的泌氯细胞明显增多增大;盐度为30时,鳃丝宽度较大,出现断裂脱落,鳃丝上细胞排列疏松,泌氯细胞明显膨大,有溶解现象。脾脏在淡水条件下(盐度为0),淋巴细胞数目较少,血细胞较多;在低盐环境中(盐度为10、15),淋巴细胞增大,数量增多,黑色素巨噬细胞中心数量增加;在高盐度下(盐度为30),脾细胞和部分淋巴细胞出现肿大、空泡化现象,细胞排列疏松。盐度为0时,花鲈幼鱼肌纤维排列较为疏松,多角形或长椭圆形,长径和短径较大、密度较小;盐度为15时,肌纤维短径变小、密度增大,与0、10盐度组均差异显著,盐度为30时,肌纤维长径增大、密度减小;随着盐度的增加,肌纤维长径和短径均有先减小后增加的趋势,单位面积肌纤维数量则先增加后减小,差异显著(P<0.05)。结果表明,花鲈幼鱼鳃、脾及肌肉组织结构变化特征与其所处的环境盐度有关。  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine the effect of the dietary inclusion of various sources of green tea on growth, body composition and blood chemistry of the olive flounder. Twenty-five juvenile fish were distributed into each of 15 180 l flow-through tanks. Five experimental diets with triplicates were prepared: control, raw leaves, dry leaves, by-product and extract. The 5% various sources (raw leaves, dry leaves and by-product) of green tea were included in the experimental diets at the expense of 5% wheat flour. The extract was diluted with water and mixed with the ingredients to maintain 5% green tea at the same concentration as in the other diets. Weight gain and specific growth rate of fish fed the control diet and experimental diet containing extract were higher than those of fish fed the diets containing raw and dry leaves and by-product. Feed and protein efficiency ratio for fish fed the control diet and diet containing extract was higher than for fish fed the diets containing raw leaves and by-product. The level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol of fish fed the control diet was higher than that of fish fed the other diets containing various sources of green tea. The glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GPT) concentration of fish fed the diets containing raw leaves and extract was lower than that of fish fed the control diet. Crude lipid content of liver in fish fed the control diet was higher than that in fish fed the diets containing raw and dry leaves and by-product but was not significantly different from that of fish fed the diet containing extract. Dietary inclusion of extract was the most effective way to improve growth and feed utilization of the olive flounder among the various sources of green tea, and all sources of green tea were effective in lowering serum LDL cholesterol and GPT of the fish.  相似文献   

实验测定了两种规格(27.0±2.0、12.0±2.0 g)野生克氏原螯虾的肌肉生化成分、组织消化酶和免疫酶活性等.结果表明:大规格虾的肌肉能量以及整虾除肌肉外其它部分的能量均高于小规格虾,肌肉中天冬氨酸、谷氨酸和精氨酸的含量也均高于小规格虾;肝胰脏和肠道内蛋白酶、淀粉酶活力随pH值的增大均呈现先上升后下降的变化规律,...  相似文献   

For understanding the reproductive dynamics of fish assemblages and their relationship with environmental conditions, we need to know more about spawning areas and periods. Studies on temporal and spatial patterns of occurrence of fish eggs and larvae are important for obtaining this kind of information quickly and accurately. In this study, we analysed spatial and temporal patterns of fish larvae in different biotopes in a stretch of the floodplain of Upper Parana River, in Ilha Grande National Park, southern Brazil. We carried out night sampling during six spawning periods, from 2001 to 2008. We selected 18 sampling sites distributed in the mainstream, tributaries and lagoons, encompassing several types of biotopes. We observed significant spatial and temporal differences among biotopes in the composition and structure of the fish larvae assemblages. Lentic environments favoured the development of sedentary and migratory species, whereas tributaries were used as migratory routes and spawning areas. The assemblage in period I differed from the assemblages of other periods, probably because of the presence of dams in the Parana River. No association was observed between environmental variables and spatial and temporal patterns of the ichthyoplankton assemblages. Hence, conservation measures are essential to maintain the environmental integrity of spawning (tributaries) and development areas (lagoons) for the maintenance of biodiversity in the floodplain of Upper Paraná River.  相似文献   

朱杰 《水产学报》2004,28(1):74-78
利用气相色谱法对相同养殖条件下生长的正常和白化褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)的皮肤和肌肉组织中的DHA和EPA含量进行了比较分析。结果显示,正常和白化褐牙鲆的皮肤和肌肉中EPA含量相近,但白化个体皮肤中DHA含量显著低于正常个体,约为后者的1/2。而两者肌肉中的DHA含量则没有显著差异。同时,白化个体皮肤和肌肉组织中的DHA/EPA比值略低于正常个体。这一结果证明白化褐牙鲆皮肤蓄积或利用DHA的能力要低于正常褐牙鲆。关于鲆鳔类白化现象同鱼体对饵料中脂肪酸类物质的利用率之间的关系有待深入研究。  相似文献   

李文笙  王东方 《水产学报》2017,41(4):628-639
microRNA是一种大小为18~25个核苷酸的非编码RNA,调控靶基因的转录后表达,广泛参与多种生理过程。本研究简要综述了microRNA生物学特性、转录后调控机制,详细讨论了第二代测序技术的相关应用、microRNA在鱼类中的表达模式、功能研究,包括渗透压调节、生殖、发育、生长、免疫、代谢等。现有的研究表明,miR-200和miR-30具有调控血浆离子浓度和渗透压平衡的功能;Dicer1是胚胎发育所必需的,在原肠胚时期,miR-20a调节头、眼、脊柱、体节的形态发生,miR-92调控内胚层的形成,miR-10影响体轴形成,miR-219影响头部和尾部细胞的凋亡;miR-122、miR-30、miR-145分别影响肝细胞成熟、肝胆管和肠道发育,miR-138和miR-143调控心脏发育,miR-126、miR-150、miR-451调控血小板、血细胞的发育和成熟,miR-10和miR-126影响血管生成,miR-200、miR-183分别影响嗅觉、听觉系统的发育,多个microRNA参与视网膜、肌肉、鱼鳍、肝脏等器官的再生;miR-133a/b、miR-206抑制肌肉细胞分裂,miR-214、miR-499、miR-199、miR-3906调控快肌纤维和慢肌纤维的生成;miR-430促进原始生殖细胞的生成;多个microRNA参与到禁食和再投喂调控的分解代谢和合成代谢平衡;此外,microRNA通过对免疫因子的调控参与到先天免疫、低氧适应、体色调控、应激反应、肌间刺形成等生理过程中。本研究通过对这些结果进行总结和讨论分析,将有助于对鱼类microRNA研究领域现状的了解和把握,促进鱼类非编码RNA研究的深入。  相似文献   

Lesions associated with two species of tapeworms within the digestive tract of wild-caught specimens of the bull shark, Carcharhinus leucas, and the sicklefin weasel shark, Hemigaleus microstoma, from Malaysian Borneo are described. Portions of the glandular stomach and pyloric gut with parasites were removed and fixed in 10% formalin buffered in sea water. Whole mounts, histological sections of tissues with and without worms in situ, and scanning electron microscopy images of detached worms were examined. Both species of cestodes belonged to the trypanorhynch family Tentaculariidae. Heteronybelinia estigmena was found in large numbers parasitizing the pyloric gut of C. leucas; an unidentified tentaculariid was found in relatively small numbers in both the glandular stomach and pyloric gut of H. microstoma. Both species burrowed their scoleces deeply in the mucosa and attached via hooked tentacles and unciniform microtriches of the scolex. The lesions induced by the parasites were marked in both sharks and ranged from acute necrotizing to chronic granulomatous gastroenteritis. Regenerative hyperplasia and intestinal metaplasia of gastric epithelium were also present. The severity and character of pathology was causally linked to the intensity of infection, the attachment mode of the parasites, and to the anatomophysiological relationships within the gut of the host shark.  相似文献   

皱纹盘鲍心脏,肾脏,粘液腺和足的组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对锼纹盘鲍心脏、肾脏、粘液腺和足的组织学结构进行了研究,观察发现,鲍心室壁和心耳壁由外膜层和心肌层组成,心耳外膜形成囊泡状结构;肾实质由众多的肾小管及集合管组成;粘液膜由位于外套膜凹陷处的粗大粘液腺组织组成;足由外至里的组织结构依次是麦皮,皮下组织和肌组织、足底部和四周边缘的组织结构不尽相同。  相似文献   

采用组织化学方法对长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)胚胎和早期幼虫中的非特异性酯酶(non-specific esterase,NSE)和过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)进行定位研究,以探讨贝类胚胎和幼虫发育过程中的免疫防御机制.组织化学显示,NSE和POD均广泛存在于长牡蛎的胚胎和幼虫中,自卵细胞开始就已存在.NSE和POD在各个发育时期分布和含量不同,精子呈极弱的NSE和POD阳性;未受精的卵呈强阳性,但酶在细胞内的分布不均匀,核区颜色较浅;2至32细胞期细胞内酶的分布较均匀;桑葚期、囊胚期、原肠期以及担轮幼虫和早期面盘幼虫期不同细胞间酶的强弱有差异.在胚胎发育前期显色较深,呈强阳性,表明此2种酶的活性较高;发育至后期颜色变浅,呈弱阳性,表明酶的活性降低;幼虫期酶活性有增强的趋势.  相似文献   

Light traps were deployed to describe vertical and cross‐shelf distributions of late‐stage larval fishes during five cruises in each of the 1997/98 and 1998/99 summers in the region of the Gulf of Exmouth on the southern North West Shelf of Western Australia. At each light trap station on a cross‐shelf transect we measured water temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a and used vertical plankton tows to estimate zooplankton biomass and copepod abundance. Current meters were deployed on moorings near the transect and the data used to model flows and mixing on the NW Shelf and in the Gulf. The majority of reef, pelagic and baitfish larvae (81, 83 and 66% respectively) were collected at only two stations that marked the boundary between stratified waters offshore and well‐mixed water within the Gulf. Most baitfishes (primarily Spratelloides spp.) were captured by traps deployed near the seabed, while reef fishes (mostly pomacentrids, lethrinids and siganids) and pelagic species (mostly scombrids and carangids) were captured in traps deployed near surface. Catch composition varied between summers with 64% of baitfishes collected in the first summer, while the majority of reef and pelagic fishes (81 and 80% respectively) were captured in the second summer. Modelling of circulation showed that the velocity of tidal currents was enhanced by constriction of flow between NW Cape and South Muiron Island and by shallowing of the shelf. Flood‐tide intrusions of water allowed the thermocline to move up the continental shelf, upwelling cool nutrient‐rich water that was then mixed throughout the entire water column at stations in the mouth of the Gulf. This upwelling and mixing resulted in higher chlorophyll a concentrations and copepod abundances either as a result of local in situ growth or advection/aggregation processes, and may account for the great abundances of late‐stage fish larvae in the mouth of the Gulf.  相似文献   

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