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枸杞岛海藻场小型无脊椎动物的食物来源   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
摘 要 枸杞岛近岸海藻场生态系统内浮游动物、端足类、多毛类和棘皮动物等小型无脊椎动物是海藻场食物网的重要组成部分,承担了将初级生产者的能量产出向高级消费者传递转移的功能。为了探明桡足类、太平洋磷虾、中国毛虾、短毛海鳞虫、厚壳贻贝、角蝾螺、紫海胆、钩虾、麦秆虫、海绵和钩虾幼体等海藻场内主要小型无脊椎动物的能量来源,本研究应用稳定同位素技术分析海藻场食物网内这些小型无脊椎动物及其潜在食源浮游植物、大型海藻、底栖微藻等初级生产者的碳、氮稳定同位素组成,并用IsoSource多源线性混合模型来估算不同的初级生产者对小型无脊椎动物的食源贡献率。结果表明,初级生产者的δ13C值介于-21.7‰~-13.8‰之间,δ15N值介于2.3‰~11.6‰之间。初级生产者SOM、浮游植物、POM、铜藻的δ13C值无显著的季节差异(P>0.05),附生生物、孔石莼和底栖微藻的δ13C值有明显的季节变化(P<0.05)。在所有的初级生产者中,仅附生生物的δ15N值有极显著的季节差异,其余种类的季节变化不显著。小型无脊椎动物的δ13C值介于-20.3‰~-15.4‰之间,δ15N值介于2.5‰~8.1‰之间。在所有的小型无脊椎动物中,仅桡足类的δ13C、δ15N值有显著的季节变化(P<0.05),其余的小型无脊椎动物的δ13C、δ15N值都无显著的季节变化(P>0.05)。基于IsoSource模型分析发现,浮游植物和POM等是桡足类、太平洋磷虾和中国毛虾等浮游动物以及海绵的主要食源;钩虾幼体和麦秆虫等啃食性端足类主要以附着微藻为食;大型海藻和底栖微藻是钩虾、紫海胆和角蝾螺等底栖生物的主要能量来源。  相似文献   

枸杞岛海藻场大型底栖无脊椎动物摄食类群研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着海洋生态学研究的深入和海洋环境监测的需要,一些传统的研究方法如多样性指数等在评价大型底栖生物群落结构变化时显得说服力不足,而摄食功能群的研究越来越受到重视。本实验根据2012年8月对浙江枸杞岛海藻场大型底栖无脊椎动物的调查实验,分析该海域夏季大型底栖无脊椎动物摄食类群的组成、空间及数量分布,并进行相关生态评价。结果表明,枸杞岛海藻场夏季大型底栖无脊椎动物组成以肉食者和滤食者占较大优势,食碎屑者、植食者和食底泥者次之,杂食者最少;肉食者的优势种为布尔小笔螺、寄居蟹、扁平管帽螺、甲虫螺和四齿矶蟹等,滤食者的优势种为条纹隔贻贝、带偏顶蛤、短石蛏和布氏蚶等,植食者的优势种为钩虾、单一丽口螺和锈凹螺等;各摄食类群水平分布较均匀,垂直分布受水深和摄食饵料的限制;基于大型底栖无脊椎动物功能类群的生态参数评价结果表明,枸杞岛海藻场大型底栖无脊椎动物群落健康状态呈虚弱水平,大部分站位大型底栖无脊椎动物群落受到轻度扰动,底栖生态质量状况较好。  相似文献   

海藻场的沉积有机物(sedimentary organic matter,SOM)是实现海藻场生态系统服务功能的重要物质基础,本实验以枸杞岛北部海藻场为研究区域,围绕大型海藻周年生活史的幼苗生长、成熟茂盛和衰退凋亡3个阶段,于2014年7月凋亡期、2014年10月生长期和2015年5月茂盛期对海藻场的SOM进行样品采集,并运用碳、氮稳定同位素技术,以C/N、δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N为指标分析了SOM的来源及变化。结果显示,1)7月、10月和翌年5月的SOM C/N的变化范围分别为5.9~6.6、6.0~6.9和5.4~6.2,可判定海藻场SOM是典型的海源性来源;2)7月不同水深的SOMδ~(13)C值空间变化明显,介于–20.3‰~–17.6‰,而10月和翌年5月都不显著,分别介于–22.3‰~–21.7‰和–21.4‰~–21.0‰;3)SOM的δ~(13)C值存在时间变化,而7月δ~(13)C值存在不同水深的空间变化;4)δ~(13)C、δ~(15)N和C/N之间的关系表明,7月SOM主要来源于浮游植物和大型海藻的混合贡献,而10月和翌年5月SOM则主要来源于浮游植物贡献;5)根据碳稳定同位素质量平衡混合模型计算得到,7月大型海藻对该海藻场SOM的平均贡献率最高可达53.71%;6)大型海藻产生的碎屑在SOM占比受波浪等海域动力环境影响显著。  相似文献   

通过将大型海藻引入海底,以构建人工藻场修复受损海区的研究,旨在探讨构建人工藻场的技术:不同海区底质情况下的大型海藻种类选择、引入方式和附着基选择,为合理构建海底人工藻场提供试验依据。  相似文献   

于2018年9月,对天津大港,宝坻,华苑等地区的12个站点的大型底栖生物的群落结构及生物多样性进行了调查分析。结果表明,调查区共鉴定出大型底栖生物3门10种,其中软体动物4种,环节动物4种,水生昆虫2种,各站位丰度波动范围为20~840 ind/m^2,平均为205.33 ind/m^2,生物量范围为0.012~308.63 g/m^2,平均为59.69 g/m^2;囊螺为该地区绝对优势种。丰富度指数Margalefs.index在1.48~3.334之间波动, Goodnight修正指数在0.523~1之间波动。  相似文献   

自2004年8月~2005年4月对青岛岩相潮间带的2个断面(二浴东和小青岛)逐月进行了大型底栖动物群落生态调查,共采集到了9门74种大型底栖动物。初步分析结果显示,2个断面的生物量接近,分别为3498.80和3512.00g·m^-2(湿重),但栖息密度有明显差别,分别为2620.44和1552ind·m^-2中潮带的生物量和平均栖息密度远大于低潮带;贻贝(Mytilus edulis)作为绝对优势种主导着2个断面生物量和栖息密度的分布特征。此次调查的2个断面的多样性指数均不高,小青岛的多样性指数和均匀度高于二浴东。  相似文献   

2016年春季对石头河支流-白云峡进行了首次大型底栖动物群落调查,5个调查点共采集到底栖动物2门2纲13科(种)。其中节肢动物门的昆虫纲11种,占总种类数的84.6%,环节动物门的蛭纲2种,占总种类数的15.4%。大型底栖动物平均密度为51.1个/m2,平均生物量为0.649 3g/m2。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数平均为1.76。调查结果表明,此水域水环境质量优良,无污染,大型底栖动物主要以水生昆虫幼体为主,种群数量较多,但群落结构简单。因此,在保护白云峡水域生态环境的同时,可适当进行秦岭特有冷水性鱼类增殖放流。  相似文献   

乌江流域大型底栖动物群落结构及其水质生物评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解乌江流域的底栖动物群落结构和水质状况,2006年7-8月对贵州境内乌江流域干流和16条主要支流共34个断面的底栖动物进行了调查,并利用生物学污染指数(BPI)、Goodnight-Whitley生物指数(G.I)和Shannon-Wiener指数(H)对流域水质进行了评价。共获底栖动物132 种,隶属4门7纲54科,其中线形动物1种,环节动物21种,软体动物37种,节肢动物73种,在种类数上以软体动物和水生昆虫占优势,分别占总物种数的28.03%和53.78%。流域底栖动物密度为22-21712 ind./m2,其中霍甫水丝蚓、凸旋螺相对密度较高,在流域分布较为广泛,是流域的优势种;乌江大桥、沙沱电站、沿河二桥、思渠等断面具有较高的生物多样性(H=2.97~3.56)。底栖动物群落主要包括软体动物或以软体动物为主、软体动物+节肢动物或以软体动物+节肢动物为主、环节动物为主、节肢动物+环节动物或以节肢动物为主等类型,软体动物为群落中的优势种。水质生物评价显示:基于BPI, 有21个断面受到轻度到中度污染;基于H, 有31个断面受到中度到严重污染;基于G.I, 则34个断面分别受到轻度到严重污染。为使流域水质得到改善,必须对污染源进行控制。  相似文献   

为了更好地了解河口生物多样性的演变规律及退化机制,根据2015年1—12月珠江口大型底栖动物调查资料对珠江口大型底栖动物现存量和生物多样性的分布特征进行了研究。结果表明,11次采样(受台风影响7月珠江口未采集到大型底栖动物)共获取大型底栖动物67种,其中环节动物多毛纲27种,节肢动物24种,软体动物12种,其它类群4种,主要是底栖鱼类、刺胞动物和纽形动物。2015年珠江口各站位大型底栖动物丰度的变化范围在8~1192个·m^-2之间,珠江口大型底栖动物丰度的高值出现在6月和9月的崖门(分别为1192个·m^-2和1048个·m^-2)以及9月的虎跳门(1048个·m^-2),日本大螯蜚(Grandidierella japonica)、中华拟亮钩虾(Paraphotis sinensis)、凸壳肌蛤(Musculus senhousei)和彩虹明樱蛤(Moerella iribescens)丰度较高。大型底栖动物生物量变化范围在0.02~42.50g·m^-2之间,生物量的高值出现在9月的崖门、5月的鸡啼门、2—3月的磨刀门及4月的蕉门,上述站位的生物量均大于30.00g·m^-2,缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)、光滑河篮蛤(Potamocorbula laevis)、黑龙江河篮蛤(P.amurensis)、凸壳肌蛤和日本大螯蜚生物量较高。珠江口大型底栖动物香浓威纳指数高值出现在3月鸡啼门,为2.46;低值出现在10月磨刀门,为0.21。香浓威纳指数均值在1.11~1.81之间。鸡啼门和虎跳门大型底栖动物香浓威纳指数值月际变化较稳定。运用ABC曲线对珠江口大型底栖动物扰动状况进行评价,结果表明,1月珠江口大型底栖动物受到中等程度扰动,2—4月大型底栖动物群落有受到中等程度干扰的趋势。  相似文献   

我国赤潮频发现象分析与海藻栽培生物修复作用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
徐姗楠 《水产学报》2006,30(4):554-561
In this paper, the history, main events and present status of red tide (HAB, harmful algal blooms) along China coast in recent years were reviewed and presented. It showed that the HAB's frequency and scale, number of HAB spec ies, percentage of toxic HAB events and the degree of damages to marine environment and economy have sharply increased in China since 1960's. Eutrophication was key factor for high occurrence of red tide. In this paper, main causes of frequent HAB occurrence along China coast was discussed. Many factors might influence the occurrence of red tide, which included weather, climate, coastal current, tidal current, water temperature, salinity, hydrodynamic and nutrient conditions, trace metals and the variation of biological environment. Numerous evidences from all over the world revealed the linkage between the increases in nutrient loading and the occurrences of high biomass blooms. Eutrophication was one of the important causes that involved in high occurrence of HAB. The main sources of nutrients potentially stimulating HABs included terrestrial runoff, aquaculture selfpollution, atmospheric deposition, sea projects and other pollution events in the ocean. Studies showed that the input from land contaminations and the selfpollution of marine aquaculture accelerated eutrophication in coastal waters and were also important impact factors on red tide. Researches suggested that nutrient composition could affect the species composition of phytoplankton as well as the development of some HABs. The changes in nutrient supply ratios, primarily N∶P, often resulted in shifts in red tide species composition. The correlation between cysts and formation of HAB was discussed from the viewpoi nt of transformation of cyst and vegetative cell, the effects of trace elements and other organic substances on the occurrence of HAB were presented also. It indicated that the nutrient control could be an effective way to reduce the risk of red tide occurrence. Seaweed would play an important role for decreasing marine eutrophication. Among the different methods of red tide controlling studied, seaweed biomass has received much attention due to the cost saving, low sensitivity to environmental and impurity factors, the possible contaminant recovery from the biomaterial and its elevated adsorption capacity. Cultivated seaweeds have very high rates of productivity higher than that of seaweed in its natural habits and grow well in water bodies with higher nitrogen and other nutrients. Seaweeds are able to absorb large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon dioxide, produce large quanti ties of oxygen, and have excellent effect on decreasing eutrophication. Large amounts of C, N and P are accumulated into seaweed tissues as they accumulate considerable biomass over a period of months or years depending on the cultivation season. When seaweeds are harvested, nutrients are removed from the sea area. An investigation was carried out for inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus concentration at Lusi Coast, Qidong County, Jiangsu Province in China, where there were about 270 hm2 for Porphyra yezoensis cultivation with eutrophic sea water in recent years. While during Porphyra yezoensis cultivation, from Sep 2003 to May 2004, the concentration of ammonium nitrogen declined form 0.511-0.778 mg·L-1 to 0.006-0.057 mg·L-1, nitrite nitrogen concentration declined from 0.010-0.040 mg·L-1 to 0.001-0.009 mg·L-1, and nitrate nitrogen concentration declined from 0.466-0.549 mg·L-1 to 0.286-0.0568 mg·L-1, the average concentration of inorganic phosphorus declined from 0.024 mg·L-1 to 0.019 mg·L-1. Furthermore, during five hours, the concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the seawater declined form 220.88 μmol·L-1 to 8.59 μmol·L-1 by cultivated Gracilaria lemanaiformis, and the concentration of ammonium nitrogen declined form 213.84 μmol·L-1 to zero by cultivated Enteromorpha clathrata. Other bioremediation mechanisms of seaweed inhibiting the red tide microalgae such as nutrients competition and allelopathic effects were also discussed.  相似文献   

大亚湾珊瑚礁生态系统简化食物网的稳定同位素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了阐明大亚湾珊瑚礁生态系统的简化食物网结构,本研究应用碳(C)、氮(N)稳定同位素技术测定了大亚湾珊瑚礁区样品的δ13C和δ15N值,计算主要消费者营养级并绘制连续营养谱,构建了大亚湾珊瑚礁的营养结构。结果显示,大亚湾珊瑚礁生态系统食物网δ13C值范围为-23.22‰~-10.76‰,平均值为-16.47‰±2.89‰;δ15N值的范围为4.32‰~15.82‰,平均值为11.46‰±2.37‰。各潜在食源和消费者的碳、氮同位素比值之间均有显著性差异。根据δ15N值计算结果显示,大亚湾珊瑚礁区主要消费者生物种类的营养级范围为1.70~3.64,其中腹足类、双壳类和鱼类的营养级分别为1.84~2.68、1.70~2.49和2.45~3.64。大型底栖动物的碳、氮同位素比值在季节之间无显著性差异。利用SIBER模型计算了大型底栖动物群落的6个营养结构量化指标,发现平均营养级多样性(CD)在各季节变化较小,摄食来源多样性水平(CR)、营养级长度(NR)和生态空间利用程度(SEAc)...  相似文献   

枸杞岛海藻场角蝾螺夏季摄食选择性及其生态学意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
于2013年夏季对枸杞岛海藻场螺类优势种角蝾螺进行了稳定同位素、摄食选择性、消化代谢物粒径等系列实验.稳定同位素结果显示,角蝾螺是牧食性生物,在藻场中的营养级为2.12,属初级消费者,底栖海藻是角蝾螺的主要食源,贡献率为94.5%;摄食选择性实验结果显示,角蝾螺具有较宽的摄食选择,能够摄食海带、铜藻、粗枝软骨藻等1 1种大型藻类,其中铜藻及蜈蚣藻是枸杞岛潮下带的重要优势种;消化代谢物实验结果显示,角蝾螺的啃食作用能为藻场碎屑提供增量,角蝾螺对海藻场碎屑的增量为(0.016 ~0.094)g/d,经过啃食及消化作用产生的碎屑主要粒级为1Φ(> 250 μm).稳定同位素分析—摄食选择偏好实验—螺类消化代谢物粒径分析的系列研究表明,角蝾螺在枸杞岛海藻场的群落食物网中,可以起到连接牧食食物链和碎屑食物链的重要作用.  相似文献   

A 70‐day experiment was conducted to investigate the optimal dietary macroalgae and substitute proportion by corn starch in juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Sea cucumbers were fed by eighteen different diets formulated with one of the three macroalgae including Sargassum muticum, Gracilaria lemaneiformis and Ulva lactuca and six graded levels (0, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 g/kg) of corn starch as the replacements for each seaweed. An isotope mixing model indicated that the relative contribution of corn starch to the growth of A. japonicus did not consistently increase, even slightly decreased with increasing dietary corn starch level. The contributions of corn starch to A. japonicus fed by diets containing S. muticum were higher than those fed by diets containing G. lemaneiformis with corresponding corn starch levels or containing U. lactuca at 200–400 g/kg replacement proportions. The growth of A. japonicus first significantly increased and then decreased with increasing corn starch level, regardless of macroalgal species. The corn starch could replace up to 200 g/kg of dietary G. lemaneiformis or U. lactuca, even up to 300 g/kg of S. muticum without affecting growth performance. Based on the polynomial regression model, the replacement of S. muticum with 114 g/kg corn starch was optimal for A. japonicus.  相似文献   

人工鱼礁建设是改善底栖生境、提高底栖动物多样性和资源丰度的重要措施之一,其建设效果与投放时间长短密切相关。为了探究投礁时长对大型底栖动物营养关系的影响,实验应用稳定同位素技术对比分析了莱州湾芙蓉岛海域不同礁龄人工鱼礁区和对照区大型底栖动物及其食源的碳、氮稳定同位素组成,计算了不同区域大型底栖动物的食物基础以及消费者的营养级。结果显示:①长礁龄区、短礁龄区和对照区的大型底栖动物δ13C值分别为−25.08‰~−13.34‰、−25.86‰~−17.80‰和−25.39‰~−11.06‰;δ15N值分别为10.73‰~15.78‰、10.02‰~14.89‰和10.17‰~15.80‰。②相较于短礁龄区和对照区,长礁龄区底栖动物群落营养多样性更高,食物来源多样性水平更高,群落内营养生态位更加多样化,群落结构稳定性较好。③以食性为依据,将大型底栖动物分为浮游生物食者 (Pl)、肉食者 (C)、碎屑食者 (D)和杂食者 (O)等4类摄食功能群,在4类潜在食源 [浮游植物、浮游动物、水体悬浮颗粒有机物 (POM)和沉积物有机物 (SOM)]中,浮游植物碳源对除肉食者外的3类消费者的平均贡献率最高 (31.40%)。④长礁龄区、短礁龄区和对照区的消费者营养级分别为2.00~3.83、2.00~3.49和2.00~3.87;此外在长礁龄区出现了相对多的高营养级捕食者,从而证实长礁龄区的底栖动物群落具有更复杂的营养结构。同时发现,人工鱼礁建设能使大型底栖动物更充分地利用浮游植物碳源,并且能够增加底栖动物群落的营养多样性和丰富度,促进群落中较高营养级动物的增加。本研究结果有助于了解人工鱼礁建设的环境生态效应,为进一步研究底栖生境食物网的物质循环和能量流动提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

基于稳定同位素方法的珊瑚礁鱼类营养层次研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以珊瑚礁生态系统中的鱼类作为研究对象,对2006年9月至2007年8月期间在徐闻珊瑚礁海区采集到的鱼类样本分类鉴定后,运用稳定碳氮同位素方法进行鱼类营养层次的分析。结果表明,δ13C值和δ15N值的跨度都很大,δ13C值的范围为–20.98‰~–9.05‰,相差11.93‰;δ15N值的范围为11.66‰~18.15‰,差值达6.49‰。与其他海区相比,δ13C值和δ15N值显得更为富集。由δ15N值计算出来的营养层次表明,徐闻珊瑚礁鱼类分布在两端(杂食性鱼类与高级肉食性鱼类)的只占少数,绝大多数居于中间的层次(低级肉食性鱼类与中级肉食性鱼类)。在134种鱼类中,种类数最多的是以条尾鲱鲤、少鳞代表的低级肉食性鱼类,有70种,占鱼类总数的52%;其次是以细鳞鯻、龙头鱼为代表的中级肉食性鱼类,有47种,占鱼类总数的35%;鰶以斑、前鳞骨鲻为代表的杂食性鱼类和以宽尾斜齿鲨、杂食豆齿鳗为代表的高级肉食性鱼类各有11种、6种,分别占鱼类总种类数的8%和5%。在此基础上选取54种鱼类进行稳定同位素方法与胃含物法分析结果对比,发现约85%的鱼种采用两种方法测定的结果在0.5个营养级的误差范围内一致,只有少数鱼种的差值大于0.5个营养级。由此可见稳定同位素分析法与传统的胃含物分析法所得的结果有很好的一致性,稳定同位素分析法是一种研究海洋食物网营养层次的有效方法。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To quantify the contribution by cocultured animals to waste assimilation in an intensive shrimp farm in Thailand, the food web structures of the macrobenthos in a reservoir pond, a shrimp culture pond and water treatment ponds were examined using the stable C and N isotope ratio technique. Seawater for aquaculture was drawn from a creek, and stored in a reservoir pond, used for farming the banana prawn Fenneropenaeus merguiensis in culture ponds, and then recycled through treatment ponds where the green mussel Perna viridis was cultured to remove organic wastes discharged from the farming. The clam worm Nereididae sp. and the mud creeper Cerithideopsilla cingulata in the culture pond had δ 13C values of −21.0‰ and −18.4‰, respectively, suggesting that shrimp feed (mean δ 13C = −20.7‰) was the main food source for these species. The δ 13C analysis also suggested that sediments (−23.7‰) in the reservoir pond and particulate organic matter (POM) (−24.0‰) and/or sediments (−25.0‰) in the treatment pond supplied carbon for most macrobenthic animals. However, green mussels in the treatment pond had a mean δ 13C value of −20.5‰, suggesting that shrimp feed was the main food source for this species.  相似文献   

Cultivation of a species or population and distribution to various regions has raised the idea of negative impacts on native species. The effect of non‐native species on native species may be caused by competition for source, predation, hybridization, and parasite/disease transport. The present study aims to evaluate the possible effects of a trout farm established on the banks of Kocaba? Stream (Çanakkale, Turkey) on feeding characteristics of some freshwater fish (Phoxinus phoxinus, Barbus oligolepis, and Squalius cii). The samples were collected monthly over a year at two stations located before and after the trout farm and at a control station on the tributary not impacted by the effects of the farm. Fish and environmental samples were gathered monthly with an electroshocker and some fishing tools between August 2015 and July 2016. The fish diet and resource incorporation into biomass were evaluated by gut content and stable isotope analyses. Changes in diet preferences when the species are exposed to source stresses and some individuals fed on farm‐based feed contaminated from the farm in Kocaba? Stream. In this study, it was observed that native fish populations in aquaculture regions were influenced by diet preferences. Designing enclosed systems limiting feed and waste transit in aquaculture establishments may be suitable for sustainability of these species.  相似文献   

Tributaries of the Colorado River Basin, historically home to a complex of endemic omnivores collectively referred to as the ‘three species’; flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis), bluehead sucker (C. discobolus) and roundtail chub (Gila robusta), have experienced the establishment of numerous non‐native fish species. In this study, we examine the impacts of the trophic ecology of non‐native fishes on the ‘three species’ in the San Rafael River, Utah, USA. We employ a suite of abundance comparisons, stable isotope techniques and size‐at‐age back‐calculation analyses to compare food web structure and growth rates of the ‘three species’ in study areas with and without established populations of non‐native species. We found that the ‘three species’ are more abundant in areas with few non‐native fishes present, regardless of habitat complexity. Stable isotope analyses indicate non‐native fishes lengthen the food chain by 0.5 trophic positions. Further, the trophic niche spaces of the native fishes shift and are narrower in the presence of non‐native fishes, as several non‐native species’ trophic niche spaces overlap almost entirely with each of the ‘three species’ (bluehead sucker and flannelmouth sucker 100%, roundtail chub 98.5%) indicating strong potential for competition. However, the ‘three species’ demonstrated no evidence of reduced growth in the presence of these non‐native fishes. Collectively, these results suggest that while non‐native fishes alter the food web structure presenting novel sources of predation and competition, mechanisms other than competition are controlling the size‐structure of ‘three species’ populations in the San Rafael River.  相似文献   

水生生物在食物网中的相互关系及其变化是生态学研究的重要领域之一,其实质是研究生物之间的捕食与被捕食关系。传统的水生食物网研究方法是基于形态学观察的胃含物分析,具有较大的局限性。随着科学技术的发展,稳定同位素技术、特征脂肪酸组成分析和DNA条形码等分子技术的引入有效的弥补了胃含物分析的不足,并可以更深入的了解水生生物的摄食信息,因此得到了广泛的应用。本文采用文献计量法分析了水生食物网研究方法的发展动态,分别介绍了稳定同位素技术、特征脂肪酸组成分析和DNA条形码技术与胃含物结合应用的研究进展,着重归纳总结了其在水生生物食性研究中的应用现状及发展前景,详细地指出了4种水生食物网研究方法的优势和局限性、适用范畴和对实验样品的需求。胃含物分析作为传统食物网研究方法未来仍是不可缺少的一部分,其向我们传递了最为直接的摄食信息。在此基础上,稳定同位素技术、特征脂肪酸组成分析和DNA条形码等分子技术作为胃含物分析方法的补充手段,将更有利于重建复杂的水生食物网结构,进而为渔业管理提供必要的帮助。  相似文献   

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