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Bovine peripheral blood leukocytes, activated with conconavalin A, were cultured in bovine costimulator-containing conditioned medium prepared in a totally defined, serum-free medium. A population of leukocytes subsequently grew exponentially. These bovine cells had the morphology of lymphoblasts, were negative for chloroacetate esterase, slightly positive for nonspecific esterases, and highly peanut agglutinin-positve. These data suggested that the bovine leukocytes were of the T-cell lineage and that the active factor in the costimulator-containing conditioned medium might be the bovine equivalent of Interleukin 2. A quantitative microassay, subsequently developed, revealed that the lymphoblastoid cell line was costimulator-dependent and lectin-independent. Further utilization of the microassay supported this contention and strengthened the concept of a bovine Interleukin 2-dependent bovine T-cell line: Phytohemagglutin-M, phytohemagglutinin-P, and concanovalin A induced active factor from peripheral blood leukocytes, while lipopolysaccharide, a potent inducer of Interleukin 1 in other systems, failed to induce activity; and both T-cells and macrophages were required for optimal factor activity. Finally, a means by which to optimize production of the active moiety, utilizing lymph node cells, as opposed to peripheral blood leukocytes, was examined.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) reacting with bovine (2) ovine (3), murine (1) or human (1) Class II MHC antigens were examined for reactivity with bovine peripheral blood leucocytes (PBL) and lymph node cells (LNC) by immunofluorescence, immunoprecipitation and the capacity to inhibit mixed lymphocyte responses (MLR), lectin- and antigen-induced blastogenesis. The 6 MAbs identified comparable percentages of Class II positive lymphocytes in PBL (40.8 to 54.2%) and LNC (6 to 11.5%) regardless of BoLA-A phenotype. Immunohistological staining of Class II MAb was localized principally to the lymphoid follicles in lymph nodes and to isolated epithelial reticular cells in the thymus. The anti-Class II MAb immunoprecipitated alpha- and beta- chains of 26-29K and 32-34K, respectively. These MAb inhibited proliferative responses in the MLR by between 25 and 74%, and diminished blastogenesis induced by specific antigens (purified protein derivative + PPD and ovalbumin) and B-lymphocyte mitogens (PPD, lipopolysaccharide and dextran sulphate) by between 45 and 75%, regardless of BoLA-A phenotype. In contrast, proliferation in response to concanavalin A and phytohaemagglutinin were unaffected by the anti- Class II MAb. Similarly these MAb did not affect lysis by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, the activity of which was depressed by anti-Class I MAbs and monospecific alloantisera.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (Mab), Mab 4-24-11, to human class II major histocompatibility antigens has been tested in commonly used immunoassays for detection of porcine class II major histocompatibility antigens (SLA-D). In a radioimmunoprecipitation assay, Mab 4-24-11 reacted with proteins from mitogen-stimulated porcine mononuclear cells (MNC). The molecular weights of the precipitated proteins were approximately 34 and 28 Kd. In indirect immunofluorescence, approximately 25% of porcine MNC in suspension reacted with Mab 4-24-11. This percentage diminished to 14% when Ig bearing MNC were removed, while it increased to 36% when adherent MNC were enriched. Thus, it was concluded that Mab 4-24-11 cross-reacts with SLA-D. In a immunohistochemical study, Mab 4-24-11 reacted with cells in acetone fixed cryostat sections from the gastric mucosa and endometrium. These properties of Mab 4-24-11 make it useful as a tool for further studies on the porcine immune system.  相似文献   

The distribution of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II positive cells within the connective tissue and the epithelium of the involuted bovine mammary gland has been determined. The effect of intramammary administration of the antigens ovalbumin and formalin killed Streptococcus uberis on the distribution pattern has also been investigated. Infusion of formalin killed S. uberis increased cellular expression of class II antigens when compared with quarters either infused with ovalbumin, not infused at all, or from which minor pathogens had been isolated. The increased expression occurred particularly in the area of the gland cistern-secretory tissue junction.  相似文献   

Recombinant bovine interferon-gamma augments expression of class I and class II histocompatibility antigens on the surface membrane of bovine lymphocytes. Immunofluorescence techniques using a series of monoclonal anti-HLA antibodies demonstrate that this enhancement is detectable as early as 24 h after incubation with rBoIFN, while maximum surface expression is obtained within 3-5 days. A concentration as low as 10 units of rBoIFN is effective. Such results may be useful for characterizing the BoLA gene products.  相似文献   

A bovine lymphoblastoid cell line, BL20, was shown to express a BoLA antigen and surface IgM, implying that it was probably of B-cell origin. At low density (less than 10(5)/ml), the cells failed to grow. Inclusion of growth factor-containing supernatants from concanavalin A or pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-activated bovine lymphocytes or from thymus fibroblast-like cells did not improve cloning of the cells. Feeder cells also did not enhance cloning of the cells except for bovine thymus fibroblast-like cell monolayer.  相似文献   

Purified populations of bovine antigen presenting cells (APCs) and T cells have been isolated from peripheral blood and characterised using various monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for cell surface markers. Bovine APCs were found in an adherent cell fraction and were non-specific esterase positive, phagocytic and expressed bovine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II determinants, all of which are typical macrophage characteristics. T cells were rigorously depleted of accessory cell function before being used in an antigen presenting cell assay. The generation of T helper cells in response to the soluble antigen, ovalbumin, was entirely dependent upon a critical number of APCs. Further the proliferative response was inhibited by several mAbs to bovine MHC class II molecules. Thus the interaction between bovine APCs and helper/inducer T lymphocytes (TH/I) appears to be similar to that in other species.  相似文献   

The bovine lymphoblastoid BL 20 cell line derived from a case of sporadic bovine leukosis when inoculated into sheep did not induce an antibody response directed against bovine leukosis virus (BLV) structural proteins. Sheep were inoculated twice with the BL 20 cell line and then challenged with BLV infected lymphocytes. Three out of four sheep challenged four weeks after BL 20 inoculation did not develop BLV antibodies. Of the 12 sheep challenged later, three sheep did not develop BLV antibodies. BLV was isolated from all the seropositive animals and from none of the seronegative animals.  相似文献   

Culture filtrates derived from a Mycobacterium bovis cosmid library in Mycobacterium smegmatis were screened for T cell antigens. Recognition and reactivity were measured by the levels of lymphocyte proliferation and the levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) produced when the culture filtrates were incubated with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) taken from cattle immunised with M. bovis BCG. The screening system was optimised to distinguish between M. bovis secreted antigens and normal M. smegmatis secreted proteins. From ten culture filtrates screened, two were identified that induced lymphocyte proliferation and IFN-gamma production. Analysis of the DNA inserts from the recombinant cosmids suggest that they may code for different proteins. The results demonstrate that screening recombinant M. smegmatis culture filtrates can be used to identify M. bovis T cell antigens that are recognised by immunised cattle. These antigens may be important for the development of vaccines with protective ability against bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

1. The MHC class II gene was amplified, cloned and sequenced in guinea fowl. 2. The NumeMHC II sequence of 754 nucleotides included complete exon 1 (91 nt), exon 2 (270 nt), exon 3 (282 nt) and exon 4 (110 nt). 3. The size of β(1) and β(2), domains were 89 and 93 amino acids, respectively in guinea fowl. 4. High amino acid variability (38·2%) was observed within guinea fowl in β(1) domain, while in β(2) domain, amino acid variability (6·3%) was low. 5. Among poultry species, the percent amino acid identity between guinea fowl and chicken, quail, pheasant and duck was 38·8, 42·2, 44·4 and 58·8 in β(1) domain; and 13·8, 17·0, 13·8 and 27·6 in β(2) domain, respectively. 6. Sequence alignment with mammalian and avian MHC showed that many of the conserved features of MHC class II glycoprotein was conserved in guinea fowl. 7. Within-species genetic distances (Poisson correction) based on cumulative amino acid variability in β(1) domain and β(2) domains was 0·141 in guinea fowl. 8. Guinea fowl showed low and similar genetic distances with all the poultry species (0·255-0·268) except duck (0·456). 9. Guinea fowl made separate branch within the major cluster having chicken, quail and pheasant, showing equal distance from these poultry species, whereas duck MHC II clustered separately.  相似文献   

The term immunomodulatory-responsive lymphocytic-plasmacytic pododermatitis (ImR-LPP) has previously been proposed to denote a sub-population of dogs with idiopathic pododermatitis. The objective of this study was to investigate dendritic cell (DC) and MHC class II antigen expression in lesional skin of dogs with ImR-LPP (n = 47). Median epidermal CD1c+ cell counts were 37.8 and 12.5 mm−1 in ImR-LPP dogs and healthy controls (n = 27), respectively (P < 0.01), while the corresponding dermal cell counts were 180.9 and 45.0 mm−2, respectively (P < 0.01).Intra-epidermal clusters of DCs were observed in 18/47 dogs with ImR-LPP. Median epidermal MHC class II+ cell counts were 32.5 and 10.5 mm−1 in ImR-LPP dogs and healthy controls, respectively (P < 0.01), while the corresponding dermal cell counts were 216.9 and 46.9 mm−2, respectively (P < 0.01). Dermal MHC class II+ staining was primarily associated with DCs (47/47 dogs), mononuclear inflammatory cells (45/47), fibroblast-like cells (19/47) and vascular endothelium (14/47). The DC hyperplasia and increased MHC class II expression in lesional ImR-LPP skin are consistent with enhanced antigen presentation, and suggest that both parameters may contribute to the pathogenesis of ImR-LPP through the priming and activation of CD4+ T cells. Equally, it is possible that the enhanced DC numbers observed in this study may contribute to the immunoregulation of steady-state pathology in lesional ImR-LPP skin through additional expanded, although as yet unresolved, mechanisms.  相似文献   

为了筛选多杀性巴氏杆菌潜在的交叉保护性抗原,首先对牛源多杀性巴氏杆菌PmCQ2株(A型)、PmCQ6株(A型)、PmB株(B型)、PmF株(F型)全基因组序列进行分泌蛋白及膜蛋白预测,并使用Signal、TMMHM在线分析筛选到48个候选共有抗原基因;然后分别克隆于pET-28α中构建原核重组表达载体,转化至大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞中诱导表达,SDS-PAGE检测获得31个重组表达蛋白。间接ELISA检测重组蛋白对3种不同血清型牛多杀性巴氏杆菌多抗的反应原性,发现13个重组蛋白具有较强的反应原性。最后选择5个重组蛋白免疫小鼠后,分别采用10LD50PmCQ2、PmB和PmF进行攻毒保护性试验,结果显示:r-PmCQ2_1g0376免疫后的小鼠对PmCQ2和PmB的攻毒保护率为50%和30%,对PmF则没有保护性;r-PmCQ2_4g0132免疫后对PmCQ2、PmB和PmF株的攻毒保护率分别为80%,20%和10%;r-PmCQ2_1g0311免疫后的小鼠对PmCQ2的攻毒保护率为30%,对PmB和PmF株均无保护性。本试验筛选出2个交叉保护性抗原,可以不同程度保护同源或异源菌株的攻击,为多杀性巴氏杆菌新型疫苗候选蛋白的筛选奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The MDTC-RP30 lymphoblastoid cell line established from Marek's disease (MD) tumors in turkeys consisted of a heterogeneous population of cells 10 to 25 micron in diameter. Large-cell fractions obtained from a bovine fetal serum gradient had a higher titer of cell-associated MD virus (MDV) than the small-cell fractions. Seven single-cell clones were established from MDTC-RP30 cell line: two consisted of large cells, and the other clones consisted of small cells. Infectious MDV was rescued from large-cell clones in chicken embryo fibroblast cultures but not from small-cell clones. All clones contained MDV DNA sequences when hybridized against cloned MDV DNA. All clones were positive for a Marek's-disease-tumor-associated surface antigen and surface immunoglobulins. All but two small-cell clones caused MD in susceptible chickens. The two large-cell-type clones were uniformly tetraploid, whereas one small-cell clone was diploid and the four others were a mixture of diploid and tetraploid, with an occasional triploid cell. Evidence of translocation involving the male (Z) chromosome and the chromosome #3 was seen in one clone. These results suggest that MDV transforms different subpopulations of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The growth-promoting activity in the culture supernatant of bovine lymphoblastoid B-cell lines (BL2M3 and BL312) were examined. BL2M3 cells proliferated well in response to conditioned medium (CM) obtained from BL2M3 and BL312 cell cultures. These BL2M3 and BL312 CM were used as sources of BL2M3 cell growth-promoting factor (BL2M3-GPF). BL2M3-GPF was sensitive to acid (pH 2) and alkali (pH 10) and was heat-labile. Proliferative responses of BL2M3 cells were not induced by human recombinant (r)IL 1, rIL 2, rIL 6, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (rG-CSF) or tumor necrosis factor (rTNF)-alpha. Human low molecular weight B cell-growth factor (LMW-BCGF) was, however, capable of augmenting the proliferation of BL2M3 cells. BL2M3 cells formed clusters in response to LMW-BCGF, whereas they showed single and discete appearance in the presence of BL2M3-GPF. These results suggested that bovine lymphoblastoid B-cell lines might release and respond to the growth-promoting factor for in vitro proliferation of its own cell line, BL2M3.  相似文献   

MHC class II proteins present fragments of extra cellular antigen to stimulate CD4(+) T lymphocytes. Aim of this study was the detection of MHC class II antigens on different cutaneous cells in canine demodicosis. Histopathological and immunohistochemical examination of skin biopsies from 44 dogs with demodicosis is reported. The control group consisted of skin biopsies taken from 10 necropsied dogs without obvious skin lesions. The immunohistological assessment of the MHC class II expression revealed MHC class II proteins on different cell types of infiltrating inflammatory cells, i.e. APCs (antigen-presenting cells), macrophages, T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. The plasma cells, however, only showed expression in 32 (73%) of 44 cases. Generally it was noticeable that most plasma cells but never all of them expressed MHC class II. Neutrophils, mast cells and eosinophils were MHC class II negative. Furthermore, in 39 biopsies (89%) from dogs with demodicosis MHC class II positive follicular keratinocytes were found. The control group did not show MHC class II expression on epithelial cells. Concerning the endothelial cells, a total of 25 biopsies (57%) showed MHC class II expression in which different vascular plexuses were affected by staining. This examination shows that MHC class II expression in the skin of dogs suffering form demodicosis is elevated. Especially the MHC class II expression by follicular keratinocytes seems to be conspicuous. We hypothesize that this is in association with the development and the maintenance of follicular inflammation.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin (Lf) is a non-haem iron-binding glycoprotein with a molecular weight of about 80 kDa, synthesized by glandular epithelial cells and stored in the secondary granules of neutrophils. The physiological significance of Lf is related to non-specific immune defence against pathogens, immunomodulatory activity, iron homeostasis, antioxidant properties and regulation of cell growth. Lf is a bioactive component of the mammary secretions and its modulatory and defensive functions do affect the newborn and the mammary gland as well. In this work a bovine mammary epithelial cell line (BME-UV1) was used as an in vitro model of the bovine mammary epithelium to examine the protective role of exogenous bovine Lf (bLf) against the cytotoxic damage induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and the endogenous bLf mRNA expression after LPS exposure. In the in vitro model used, exogenous bLf exerts a protective effect against endotoxin cytotoxicity, which could be mediated by the LPS-neutralizing capability of bLf. In addition, in BME-UV1 cells the response to LPS exposure does not involve bLf mRNA expression, suggesting that this cell line lack of functional LPS-responsive elements.  相似文献   

Tumor-initiating cells (TICs) or cancer stem cells (CSCs), a small subset of tumor cells, are involved in tumor initiation, progression, recurrence and metastasis. In human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), TICs are enriched with cell surface markers and have the ability to self-renew and differentiate tumors at a high frequency. We established a canine HCC cell line, HCC930599, and analyzed it for stem and progenitor cell marker expression using flow cytometry. HCC930599 showed high CD44 and CD29, moderate CD90, and low CD133, CD34, CD24, CD117, and CD13 expression. CD90+CD44+ and CD90CD44+ cells were characterized using the in vitro sphere assay and an in vivo transplant model. CD90+CD44+ cells acquired enhanced self-renewal capacity, proliferative activity and tumourigenicity compared with CD90CD44+ cells, suggesting that TICs exist in the HCC930599 cell line and that CD90 is a marker for enriched TICs. Understanding TIC characteristics may help elucidate hepatic carcinogenesis and HCC therapy development.  相似文献   

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