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固定式管道喷灌系统在森林苗圃中的应用(150004)东北林业大学李树森,张学明,王喜亮,刘伟(157000)牡丹江大海林林业局张弛灌溉是森林苗圃育苗中的一项重要环节,是保障苗木有良好的生态环境、充足的水份及培育出优质苗木的重要条件。固定式管道喷潮系统是模仿自然降...  相似文献   

1 概述苗圃作业中,灌水是关键的环节。现在不少苗圃都安装了固定管道和喷水头,这种喷灌方式对苗木生长极为有利。但是何时启动喷头,何时关闭,均是凭直观、凭经验,能不能根据苗木生长所需水分的最佳参数喷灌?换言之,能不能使苗木根据自身的生理需要控制喷灌,使苗木对水  相似文献   

1 林业苗圃喷灌强度喷灌强度就是单位时间内喷洒在苗圃地上的水量。能立即渗透到土壤中去,不产生地面积水和径流,不破坏土壤结构。喷灌强度用 mm/h 表示。由于喷洒时水量分布常常是不均匀的,因此,喷灌强度又可分为点喷灌强度和平均喷灌强度(面积和时间都平均)。①点喷灌强度是在一定时间内喷洒在(?)地上某一点的水深。  相似文献   

渭北黄土高原苗圃喷灌系统的规划设计牛新民(陕西省林业机械研究所,陕西西安710082)喷灌在我国已有40多年的发展历史,但多年来主要应用于农业生产,在林业生产方面应用较少。我省渭北黄土高原,水资源贫乏,干旱缺水,林木生长缓慢。为了加快渭北黄土高原林业...  相似文献   

白石山林业局新发中心苗圃是从1986年投资建设的大型标准化苗圃。该苗圃种植面积600多亩,除少部分做果树育苗、多种经营外,主要用于繁育优良树种,为营造人工林及城镇绿化提供优质壮苗。为将喷灌的最新技术应用于林业育苗,吉林省农机所按省林业设计院和该局营林处的具体要求对该项喷灌工程进行规划设计,并提供全套技术、设备建造这个目前国内最先进的喷灌工程项目。  相似文献   

浅议园林绿化工程中喷灌系统的设计和施工   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了园林绿地喷灌系统的设计特点及要求,在此基础上介绍了绿地喷灌系统的设计过程和思路以及施工中应注意的一些要点。  相似文献   

陈后东  伍惠球  李镇魁 《防护林科技》2004,(Z1):114-114,135
中心苗圃的建设 ,是为重点生态工程建设和城乡绿化提供优质壮苗为目标的工程。以樟木头林场中心苗圃建设为例 ,分析了该苗圃建设和规划的主要思路 ,并具体阐述樟木头林场中心苗圃建设的总体布局和分项建设  相似文献   

杨誉  赵宗源 《森林工程》1999,15(1):33-34,51
本文介绍了林区建筑管道的施工测量,测量前的准备工作;开槽施工,槽口放线,埋设坡度板,放样坡度钉,顶管施工,设置中线桩,设置中心钉和水准点等。  相似文献   

毛竹林喷滴灌溉技术的应用与推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴冬生 《经济林研究》2010,28(1):107-109
喷滴灌技术具有节本增效、生态环保、当年投资当年见效且长期收益的特点,并具有显著的经济、生态和社会效益。为了进一步推广应用毛竹林喷滴灌溉新技术,从水源选择、建蓄水池、管道选用、管网布设、灌溉方式、灌溉时间及水用量的确定等技术环节总结了应用此项技术的实践经验,并对其推广应用的成效进行了初步的评价。  相似文献   


This study examined the impact of increased irrigation efficiency on the hardening and frost tolerance of 2-year-old containerized white spruce seedlings in the context of groundwater protection, irrigation management and the maintenance of seedling quality in northern climates. The seedlings were grown under three different irrigation regimes (IR =30%, 40% and 55% v/v; cm3 H2O/cm3 substrate) and were hardened under conditions of natural photoperiod and temperature. After being subjected to artificial frost tests on four sampling dates during autumn, the seedlings were compared for bud development and frost tolerance. IR had no influence on frost tolerance as determined by measurements of physiological (electrolyte leakage, root water loss) and morphological (shoot damage, root initiation) variables. At the end of the second growing season, there was no significant difference between IRs in seedling height, root collar diameter, shoot dry mass and root dry mass. The results indicate that the amount of water applied to large-dimension 2-year-old white spruce seedlings during the growing season can be significantly decreased without prematurely impeding their growth or hindering their acquisition of frost tolerance.  相似文献   

针对影响银杏采叶圃产量及质量的抚育施肥、密度等因子的观测试验 ,初步研制了银杏采叶圃的营建技术 ,确定了最佳采叶期  相似文献   

Efficient nursery irrigation is a key factor for the production of high-quality forestry planting stock. Conventional timer-based irrigation systems used by most forestry nurseries have some drawbacks that, if not properly managed, can lead to over-irrigation and water wastage, leaching of nutrients and contribute to increased incidences of pests and/or diseases. A practical method to accurately measure media water content and control irrigation more carefully could prevent some of these issues. To evaluate the potential use of an automated irrigation system, commercially available Decagon EC-5 dielectric soil water content sensors were laboratory-calibrated against the gravimetric method using coir/pine bark/vermiculite, coir/perlite and pine bark media to measure water content of nursery seedling containers. Using Eucalyptus dunnii seedlings raised in polystyrene seedling containers to test the irrigation system, a datalogger was programmed to control irrigation for low (0.22–0.26 m3 m?3), medium (0.26–0.32 m3 m?3) and high (0.32–0.41 m3 m?3) watering treatments. The measurements were displayed in near real-time using a web-based system, which allowed for system checking and from which data could be downloaded. The Decagon EC-5 sensors were successfully calibrated for all media (R2 > 0.97) and provided a better estimation of media water content than the manufacturer-supplied calibration equation better-suited for soils. The automated irrigation system effectively maintained the specified media water content for E. dunnii seedlings. The high watering treatment seedlings had the highest growth rates, although this treatment also had increased leaching of nutrients. By contrast, the low watering treatment seedlings showed the lowest growth rates, although these seedlings seemed to be more robust and tolerant of water stress. This study showed that the automated irrigation system, based on measurements of the media water content, can be successfully used in scheduling irrigation for Eucalyptus seedlings, leading to potential water savings.  相似文献   

本阐述了沉井的应用范围、类型及设计计算方法,沉井的施工方法和施工中常见问题及处理方法。  相似文献   

通过对不同基因型黑杨无性系植株净光合速率日变化曲线与光合主体叶面积在时间和光强上进行累计积分来计算植株日CO2固定总量P。由于净光合速率日变化曲线不易准确测得,故以光响应曲线和光强的日变化来推测净光合速率日变化。对P值和生物量的相关性研究表明,二者的相关性很高。且认为可以用计算出的P值作为评估苗木生产潜势的指标之一,这为育种中生产力的早期选择提供了有力的证据。  相似文献   

杨坚 《林业建设》2004,(5):21-23
结合昆明地区的实际情况和多年的实践经验,对住宅基本的电气设计和施工提出一些具体的要求和做法.  相似文献   

湿她松苗木的正常生长离不开菌根菌,菌根菌在苗床的整体传播与苗木密度有关。现就湿地松圃期苗木密度与菌根的关系进行研究.提出一个合理的芽移点播密度。  相似文献   

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