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The recent oral immunisation trials in wild boar against classical swine fever (CSF) in Germany are described and evaluated in summary. After the first field study in Lower Saxony from 1993-1995 further immunisation trials started in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Lower Saxony, Baden-Württemberg and Saxony-Anhalt. The immunisation strategies and the size of the vaccination zones were different in the individual federal states. In principle, the bait vaccine based on the CSF virus strain "C" were laid out by hand. Later also the aerial distribution was carried out in selected areas of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The application of baits by plane was introduced at the beginning of the immunisation measures in Saxony-Anhalt apart from the manual distribution. Up to now, the field trials show that the oral immunisation can be an additional tool for CSF control by increasing of herd immunity and reduction of the CSFV prevalence. However, the immunisation was not sufficient enough for young boars in the most field studies. Based on the evaluation of the immunisation experiments an improved immunisation procedure is recommended.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of lyophilised C-strain vaccine in domestic pigs and wild boar after oral application. A new spherical bait form (diameter 3 cm) containing lyophilised vaccine virus and the recent vaccine baits were used for animal experiments. Four vaccination groups were established in experiment 1 (group 1: recent liquid bait vaccine; group 2: spherical baits containing one dose of the lyophilised vaccine; groups 3 (domestic pigs) and 4 (wild boar): spherical baits containing two doses of the lyophilised vaccine) and two groups in experiment 2 (group 1: recent liquid bait vaccine; group 2: spherical baits with two doses of the lyophilised vaccine). Challenge was carried out with the highly virulent virus strain "Alfort 187" (using 100 TCID50 in the first and 1.000 TCID50 in the second experiment). Our results showed that the animals vaccinated with lyophilised C-strain vaccine developed high neutralising antibody titres comparable to those obtained after vaccination with the recent bait vaccine. All pigs which picked up the baits remained healthy after challenge. Neither clinical symptoms nor viremia or virus shedding were observed after infection except in one pig (group 2, experiment 2) which had not consumed the vaccine bait. The surviving domestic pigs and wild boar were tested negative for CSFV and viral RNA at the end of the study. This result demonstrates that lyophilised vaccine may become an effective vaccine formulation for oral immunisation of wild boar against CSF in the near future.  相似文献   

In 2002 and 2003, two successive outbreaks of classical swine fever were declared in wild boar in northern France. The first was in Moselle, near the town of Thionville and the border with Luxembourg, and the second was in the northern Vosges area, near the German border. The outbreaks were investigated by serological and virological diagnosis of dead or shot animals. Hunting restrictions were applied to limit the spread of the outbreaks. The virus was detected eight times between April and July 2002 in the Thionville area, an area well delimited by natural or artificial barriers such as rivers or highways. Cooperation between the authorities concerned was good, and hunting restrictions were applied for one year. No virus was detected after July 2002 and the Thionville outbreak was officially considered over in March 2005. In the northern Vosges the situation was different, with no barriers to animal movements, continuous forest, difficulties in establishing hunting restrictions in this huge area, and the circulation of the virus in Germany close to the frontier. Virus of a different strain from that isolated in the Thionville outbreak was still being isolated in the northern Vosges in 2004, and owing to the failure of the hunting restrictions, the French health authorities decided to vaccinate wild boar.  相似文献   

A recently developed competitive PCR for ovine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2) was used to examine the levels of viral DNA in nasal secretions and peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of lambs and adult sheep. Viral DNA first appeared in the PBL of most lambs after about 3 months of age and the levels remained relatively constant thereafter. In most of the lambs (83%, n=12), viral DNA was undetectable by PCR in nasal secretions prior to 5 months of age. A dramatic rise of OvHV-2 DNA levels in the nasal secretions occurred starting at 5-6 months of age, which peaked at approximately 7 months. The highest level recorded in lamb nasal secretions was 7.5x10(8)copies/2microg DNA which were 75,000-100,000-fold higher than the levels in PBL of the same lambs. In adult sheep (n=10), the viral DNA levels in both PBL and nasal secretions were relatively stable over the 13-month period of the study, which included a lambing season. The data strongly suggest that neonatal lambs are not an important source for the transmission of OvHV-2 to clinically susceptible species, and that the nasal cavity is an important portal for shedding of infectious OvHV-2 in sheep. Furthermore, this study failed to identify a seasonal pattern in levels of viral DNA in nasal secretions or PBL of adult sheep that would provide a basis for the traditionally held belief that clinical cases of malignant catarrhal fever are significantly associated with lambing ewes.  相似文献   

An experimental study was performed to investigate the development of maternal antibodies after oral immunisation of young female wild boar against classical swine fever (CSF) using C-strain vaccine. Our results demonstrated that maternal antibodies do not persist in the offspring for more than 3 months. Based on the neutralising serum antibody titres, we assume that piglets of wild sows vaccinated orally twice or immunised once a long time before conception have protective antibodies for approximately 2 months. Furthermore, it seems that the level and the duration of maternal antibodies in the offspring are depend on the age of the female animals at the moment of vaccination as demonstrated in our experiment. The recent vaccination procedure consists of three double vaccinations in spring, summer and autumn. Especially vaccinations in summer and autumn could be crucial for transfer of high maternal antibody titres to the offspring.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever (CSF) is a highly contagious multi-systemic haemorrhagic viral disease of pigs. Not only domestic pigs, but also wild boar appear to play a crucial role in the epidemiology of CSF. Spleen (n = 739) and blood coagulum (n = 562) sampled from wild boars (Sus scrofa) shot in 2002, and serum samples from 746 wild boar shot in 2003 and 2004, were tested throughout Slovenia. In 2002, 17 samples were positive on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test for antibodies against classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Positive ELISA test was confirmed by a virus neutralization test. All other samples were negative. This is the first report that describes the epidemiology of CSFV from 2002 on, and the monitoring of the wild boar population in Slovenia at present.  相似文献   

An outbreak of classical swine fever in wild boar in the southern part of Switzerland (Canton of Ticino) was investigated after the implementation of control measures in a defined infected area (the risk zone), and in a surrounding surveillance zone (the non-risk zone). After the disease had been detected, hunting was not allowed in the risk zone for over six months, during which the disease was left to run its course, but hunting was continued in the non-risk zone for one month. After seven months, a hunting strategy targeted at young animals was implemented in both zones. Between May 1998 and January 2000,1294 wild boar were shot or found dead, and diagnostic and biological data were collected and analysed. Only one animal from the non-risk zone was found to be seropositive for antibodies to the virus, whereas 179 of 528 wild boar from the risk zone were virus positive and 162 were seropositive. The proportion of virus-positive animals decreased from 62.7 per cent to zero over one year. During the first hunting season, seropositive animals were found in all age groups, but 12 months later only animals more than one year old had antibodies against the virus.  相似文献   

An experimental study was conducted to investigate the clinical course of classical swine fever (CSF) in wild boar piglets partially protected by maternal antibodies. Five healthy wild boar piglets with a low serum titre of colostral antibodies against CSF virus were challenged with virulent CSF virus at the age of three months. Apart of reduced food intake and diarrhoea no major clinical symptoms were noticed after challenge. These signs were seen during the second and third week of infection, afterwards the piglets recovered completely. CSF virus could be re-isolated from blood samples taken on day 12 and day 19 post challenge. From blood samples taken later on and from the organ material taken at post mortem examinations no CSF virus could be isolated anymore. It can be concluded that the presence of maternal antibodies influences the clinical course of CSF in terms that the outcome is rather transient than lethal. Such wild boar could play a crucial role in the spread of CSF virus and might contribute to the maintenance of long lasting epizootics.  相似文献   

Oral emergency vaccination against classical swine fever is a powerful tool to control disease outbreaks among European wild boar and thus to safeguard domestic pigs in affected regions. In the past, when virus detection was mainly done using virus isolation in cell culture or antigen enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, modified live vaccine strains like C-strain "Riems", were barely detectable after oral vaccination campaigns. Nowadays, the use of highly sensitive molecular techniques has given rise to an increase in vaccine virus detections. This was also the case during the 2009 outbreak among German wild boar and the subsequent vaccination campaigns. To guarantee a rapid differentiation of truly infected from C-strain vaccinated animals, a combination of differentiating multiplex rRT-PCR assays with partial sequencing was implemented. Here, we report on the rational and use of this approach and the lessons learned during execution. It was shown that positive results in the recently developed vaccine strain (genotype) specific rRT-PCR assay can be taken as almost evidentiary whereas negative results should be confirmed by partial sequencing. Thus, combination of multiplex rRT-PCR assays as a first line differentiation with partial sequencing can be recommended for a genetic DIVA strategy in areas with oral vaccination against classical swine fever in wild boars.  相似文献   

The aim of the studies was to fathom the duration and the role of maternal immunity for Aujeszky's disease (AD) and classical swine fever (CSF) in wild boar offspring. In one experiment, two wild boar sows were infected with a low pathogenic pseudorabies virus (PRV) in 1999. A total of 51 offspring was born between 1999 and 2002 and was monitored for PRV maternal antibodies. In a second experiment, the maternal immunity for CSF was analysed. Therefore, a sow was orally vaccinated against CSF using vaccine baits containing the live-attenuated C-strain vaccine. The vaccination took place in January 1999. The sow gave birth to four piglets in 2001 and to two piglets in 2002. With respect to maternal immunity for AD, some piglets reacted positive in the ELISA up to 27-week post-partum while in the neutralization test antibodies were detected up to 15-week post-partum. The calculated half-life of neutralizing antibodies was 21 days. Regarding CSF, the neutralization titres of maternal antibodies dropped continuously reaching values of < or =10 ND50 20-week post-partum. After the 12th week post-partum, most of the sera reacted negative in the ELISA. However, after the third month, low levels of neutralization titres were still detectable. The results are discussed with respect to the epidemiology and control of both diseases in wild boar populations.  相似文献   

The presence of serum antibodies directed against classical swine fever (CSF) virus and other pestiviruses among the wild boar (Sus scrofa) population in Croatia was investigated. During 2003, serum samples from 214 wild boars were collected in 10 hunting areas in the continental part of the country.The sera were examined by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and in the virus neutralization test (VNT). Out of 214 sera tested 111 (51.87 %) were positive by ELISA and regarding neutralising antibodies, against CSFV 75 (35.05 %) samples were positive. In the VNT with the C-strain (conventional live vaccine strain China) and the strain Uelzen were used. Samples were also tested for neutralizing antibodies against border disease virus (BDV) using the strain 137/4 and against bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) using the NADL strain. Neutralizing antibodies against the C-strain were detected in 36 sera (16.82 %), against strain Uelzen in 17 sera (7.94 %) and in 22 sera (10.28 %) against both strains. In five sera (2.33 %) neutralizing antibodies against BVDV and BDV were found.  相似文献   

In the European Community, epizootics of classical swine fever (CSF) in the wild boar (Sus scrofa) are compulsorily monitored because transmission may occur between wild boars and domestic pigs, causing heavy economic losses to the pork industry. The estimation of incidence in populations of wild boars is generally based on viroprevalence. However, viral isolation becomes rare when the incidence is low because the virus cannot be detected for more than a few weeks following infection. On the contrary, seroprevalence is detectable at low incidence levels, because antibodies can be detected for the lifetime of the infected animal. We thus attempted to analyse the long-term evolution of CSF incidence using serological data. The data came from France, where CSF had been monitored from 1992 to 2002, and where the virus has not been detected since 1997. We assumed that the overall seroprevalence would estimate the proportion of immune wild boars, that seroprevalence in juveniles would approximate incidence and that seroprevalence in different age classes would show the evolution of incidence in a given cohort. Spatial and temporal trends of incidence and seroprevalence were explored using logistic modelling and the spatial trend was analysed using polynomial regression. In 1992, incidence peaked in the northern area. After 1993, incidence decreased but remained the highest in the northern area. After 2000, no seropositive juvenile was observed, suggesting the extinction of the epizootic. Our results support the reliability of serological monitoring since it allowed a longer detection of viral transmission and provided more information on the spatio-temporal evolution of incidence than did viral isolation. We advocate that the highest persistence of infection in northeastern France is not independent from infection persistence in Reinland-Pfalz (Germany). Such persistence may be due to favourable local conditions and/or the social organisation of wild boars.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate two commercially available ELISAs for routine diagnosis of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) in wild boar. For this, 222 tissue samples from wild boar were tested in the ELISAs and the results were compared to those obtained using standard methods. First, frozen spleen sections were examined by direct immunofluorescence, and organ suspensions were prepared and tested for CSFV antigen samples were simultaneously examined with the Chekit-ELISA (Dr. Bommeli AG) and the Herd-Chek-ELISA (IDEXX). From the 222 organ suspensions examined in cell culture 102 were positive for CSFV, while no virus could be isolated from the remaining 120 samples. Taking virus isolation as a standard, the Chekit-ELISAs showed a sensitivity of 97%, and the Herd-Chek-ELISA of 72.5%. Both ELISAs revealed high specificities ranging between 99 and 100%. No correlation was found between false negative results obtained in one or in both of the ELISAs with the positive findings in the immunofluorescence test and in the PLA, nor with the clinical reports. Due to the fact that a big number of samples can be processed in a short time with accurate results, the Chekit-ELISA may be considered useful for routine testing of wild boar samples for CSFV.  相似文献   

During two survey rounds of a national surveillance system for infectious diseases in wild boar in Switzerland, each lasting four months from November to February, between 2001 and 2003, 1949 blood samples and 62 tissue samples from the spleen and 50 from the reproductive organs were collected from hunted wild boar. The survey was designed so that freedom from infection could be detected with a probability of 95 per cent at a threshold prevalence of less than 1 per cent for classical swine fever and Aujeszky's disease and less than 1.5 per cent for brucellosis. There was no serological evidence of classical swine fever or Aujeszky's disease, but brucellosis due to Brucella suis biovar 2 was confirmed serologically and by bacterial isolation.  相似文献   

There is a possibility that classical swine fever (CSF) virus outbreak has negative impacts on wild boar. To adequately manage native wild boar populations, wildlife managers need to gather the field data on wild boar and implement population management practices. We aimed to report the relative abundance index of wild boar before and after this outbreak. Our results showed that relative abundance index declined from 2017 (8.88 wild boars/100 trap days) to 2019 (2.03 wild boars/100 trap days), because of the negative impact of this virus and continuous culling programs. Although the eradication risk from the synergistic effect is low, wildlife managers need to consider the relationship between the trade-off between the risk of CSF and the conservation ecology risk of native species eradication.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of classical swine fever in Germany in the 1990s   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In Germany, 424 outbreaks of CSF in domestic pigs and a great number of cases in wild boar were recorded between 1990 and 1998. Most of the federal states ('Bundesl?nder') were affected. Epidemiological data from field investigations combined with genetic typing allowed to distinguish seven unrelated epidemics and a number of sporadic outbreaks in domestic pigs. Detailed epidemiological data was available for 327 outbreaks. It was found that 28% of these were primary outbreaks. Most of them were due to indirect or direct contact to wild boar infected with CSF virus or swill feeding. Infected wild boar remain the main risk for domestic pigs. The most frequent sources of infection in secondary or follow up outbreaks were the trade with infected pigs, neighbourhood contacts to infected farms and other contacts via contaminated persons and vehicles, respectively. An increased risk of virus transmission from infected herds to neighbourhood farms was observed up to a radius of approximately 500m. More than two thirds of the infected herds were discovered due to clinical signs. About 20% were identified by epidemiological tracing on and back. These were scrutinised because contacts to infected herds were evident. In conclusion, tracing of contact herds and clinical examination combined with carefully targeted virological testing of suspicious animals is likely to be the most important measure to immediately uncover secondary outbreaks. Obligatory serological screening in the surveillance and the restriction zones do not seem to be efficient measures to detect follow-up outbreaks.  相似文献   

Seven experiments including a total of 47 pigs, 11 wild boars, 26 rabbits, 10 hares and 16 sheep were carried out to assess the efficacy, safety and transmission of the Chinese vaccine strain of the classical swine fever virus (CSFV) administrated by the oral route. Within 3 weeks after oral vaccination, a clear seroconversion occurred in the pigs. Six weeks after vaccination, vaccinated pigs were fully protected against a virulent challenge. The C-strain was not isolated from tonsils, spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, saliva, urine and faeces of pigs within 4 days after oral vaccination. In one experiment, susceptible pigs were placed in direct contact with vaccinated pigs. None of these contact-exposed pigs became serologically positive for CSFV antibodies. It is concluded that the C-strain induces protection in pigs when administrated by the oral route and is not shed by vaccinated pigs. Serum anti-CSFV antibodies developed in seven out of eight wild boars vaccinated by the oral route. No vaccine virus was detected in the spleen and tonsils of these animals. The results in wild boar were in accordance with those obtained in domestic pigs. Sheep did not show any clinical signs after oral vaccination while rabbits had moderate hyperthermia and growth retardation. No clinical response to oral immunisation in hares was detected. At the end of the experiment, no sheep had detectable serum antibodies against CSFV, whereas a few vaccinated rabbits and hares became seropositive. None of the contact-exposed rabbits and hares seroconverted. These data indicate that the C-strain is safe for sheep and as expected, moderately or not pathogenic for rabbits and hares. These efficacy and safety studies on oral vaccination with the C-strain under experimental conditions provide essential information for further studies in wild boars under experimental and field conditions, including assays with baits to control a CSF epidemic.  相似文献   

Vaccinology of classical swine fever: from lab to field   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
There are two types of classical swine fever vaccines available: the classical live and the recently developed E2 subunit vaccines. The live Chinese strain vaccine is the most widely used. After a single vaccination, it confers solid immunity within a few days that appears to persist lifelong. The E2 subunit vaccine induces immunity from approximately 10-14 days after a single vaccination. The immunity may persist for more than a year, but is then not complete. The Chinese strain vaccine may establish a strong herd immunity 1-2 weeks earlier than the E2 vaccine. The ability of the Chinese vaccine strain to prevent congenital infection has not been reported, but the E2 subunit vaccine does not induce complete protection against congenital infection. Immunological mechanisms that underlie the protective immunity are still to be elucidated. Both types of vaccine are considered to be safe. A great advantage of the E2 subunit vaccine is that it allows differentiation of infected pigs from vaccinated pigs and is referred to as a DIVA vaccine. However, the companion diagnostic E(rns) ELISA to actually make that differentiation should be improved. Many approaches to develop novel vaccines have been described, but none of these is likely to result in a new DIVA vaccine reaching the market in the next 5-10 years. Countries where classical swine fever is endemic can best control the infection by systematic vaccination campaigns, accompanied by the normal diagnostic procedures and control measures. Oral vaccination of wild boar may contribute to lowering the incidence of classical swine fever, and consequently diminishing the threat of virus introduction into domestic pigs. Free countries should not vaccinate and should be highly alert to rapidly diagnose any new outbreak. Once a new introduction of classical swine fever virus in dense pig areas has been confirmed, an emergency vaccination programme should be immediately instituted, for maximum benefit. The question is whether the time is ripe to seriously consider global eradication of classical swine fever virus.  相似文献   

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