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The activity of 23 substituted ureas was assayed on nonphotosynthetic Acer pseudoplatanus cells, in batch suspension culture. They inhibited growth, stimulated oxygen consumption of cells, and caused a change in the pH of the culture medium. Some substituted ureas could modify the membrane permeability to protons, whereas some others could change the membrane permeabilities to ions and neutral solutes.  相似文献   

Soil-incorporated butylate, EPTC and vernolate had only small effects on nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus L.) shoot numbers and the germination of recovered tubers. MSMA, 2,4-D, glyphosate and cyperquat all killed top growth and reduced the germination of recovered tubers in both field and pot trials. Naptalam increased shoot number and tuber production. Foliar sprays of abscisic acid, chlorflurenoi and CCDP (3-carboxy-1-(p-chlorophenyl)-4,6-dimethyl-2-pyridone) had little or no effect. Ethephon slightly increased the number of attached tubers with shoots, but NIA 10637 (.ethyl hydrogen-1-propylphosphonate) had inconsistent efl'ects. MH inhibited tuber bud germination, TIBA increased shoot numbers slightly, and daminozide reduced tuber production and the germination of detached tubers. None of the growth regulators tested appears potentially useful for nutgrass control. Expériences avec le Cyperus rotundus L. II. Action de quelques herbicides et substances de croissance Le butylate, l'EPTC et le vernolate incorporés au sol n'ont eu que peu d'efficacité contre le cyperus (Cyperus rotundus L.) en ce qui concerne le nombre de pousses et la germination des tubercules récoltés. Le MSMA, le 2,4-D, le glyphosate et le cyperquat ont tous détruit la zone terminale de croissance et réduit significativement la germination des tubercules récoltés dans les essais, soit au champ, soit en pots. Le naptalame a augmenté le nombre de pousses et la production de tubercules. Des pulvérisations sur les feuilles d'acide abscissique, de chlorflurénol et de CCDP (3-carbo.xy-1-(p-chlorophényl)-4,6-diméthyl-2-pyridone) n'a eu que peu ou pas d'effets. L'ethéphon a légérement accru le nombre de tubercuies fixés aux racines, mais le NIA 10637 (hydrogéne-1-propylphosphonate d'éthyle) n'a eu que des effets incohérents. L'hydrazide maléique a inhibé la germination du bourgeon du bulbe, le TIBA a accru légérement le nombre de pousses, et le daminozide a réduit la production des tubercules et la germination des tubercules détachés. Aucune des substance de croissance essayées n'apparait potentiellement utilisable pour la lutte contre le cyperus. Versuche mit Cyperus rotundus L. II. Wirkung einiger Herbizide und Wachstumsregulatoren In den Boden eingearbejtetes Butylat, EPTC und Vernolat hatte nur eine geringe Wirkung auf die Anzahl der Sprosse und den Austrieb der Knollen von Cyperus rotundus L. MSMA, 2,4-D, Glyphosate und Cyperquat toteten die oberirdischen Pflanzenteile ab und verringerten den Austrieb der Knollen in Feld- als auch in Gefässversuchen. Naptalam bewirkte eine Zunahme der Sprosszahl und erhöhte die Knollenbildung. Blattspritzungen mit Abscisinsäure, Chlorflurenoi und CCDP (3-Carboxy-1-(p-chlorphenyl)-4,6-di-methyl-2-pyridon) hatten eine geringe oder gar keine Wirkung. Durch Ethephon nahm die Anzahl der Knollen mit Sprossen zu, NIA 10637 (Äthyl hydrogen-1-propylphospho-nat) hingegen zeigte widersprüchliche Wirkungen. MH hemmte den Austrieb der KnoUenknospen, TIBA förderte leicht die Zahl der Sprosse und Daminozid verringerte die Knollenbildung und den Austrieb abgetrennter Knollen. Von den gepruften Wachstumsregulatoren scheint keiner fur die Bekampfung von Cyperus rotundus geeignet zu sein.  相似文献   

The effects of dalapon, pyrazone and trifluralin at 100 ppm on carbon dioxide evolution and nitrogen transformation in two soils have been investigated in the laboratory. None of the herbicides had any adverse effects on carbon dioxide evolution or mineralisation of nitrogen. In Triangle soil (organic carbon 3.9%, pH 5.4) dalapon and pyrazone inhibited nitrification for at least 3 weeks. In Boddington Barn soil (organiccarbon 1.5%, pH 6.6) this effect was not observed. Dalapon degraded rapidly during the first 6 weeks, but pyrazone and trifluralin were more persistent.  相似文献   

The effects of acifluorfen and oxyfluorfen on photosynthetic electron transport reactions of pea chloroplasts were compared with those induced by paraquat and monuron. Monuron inhibited electron flow between photosystems I and II, and paraquat acted as an electron acceptor for photosystem I, promoting superoxide formation by illuminated chloroplasts. Neither acifluorfen nor oxyfluorfen at concentrations up to 50 μM affected non-cyclic electron flow or promoted superoxide formation. Both herbicides were shown to repress ferredoxin-dependent NADP+ reduction by illuminated chloroplasts. Further experiments showed that, in the presence of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase and chloroplast membranes maintained in the dark, p-nitro diphenyl ether (DPE) herbicides promoted the rate of ferredoxin-dependent oxidation of NADPH, implying that these herbicides can accept electrons from reduced ferredoxin. The interaction between acifluorfen, ferredoxin and chloroplast membranes was examined further by following the effect of this herbicide on the peroxidation of illuminated thylakoids. Lipid peroxidation was promoted by acifluorfen, although this effect was abolished if thylakoids were washed prior to use. The effect of washing could be reversed by adding exogenous ferredoxin. These data demonstrate that interaction of DPE herbicides with photosynthetic electron transport in the vicinity of ferredoxin is necessary for light-dependent herbicide activation.  相似文献   

Uptake, movement, and metabolism of unformulated ioxynil and bromoxynil salts were investigated in Matricaria inodora and Viola arvensis. The morphology of these two species did not give rise to different spray retention and contact angles. After 7 days, uptake of [14C]ioxynil-Na reached 8.26% of applied 14C activity in M. inodora and 16.77% of that in V. arvensis compared with 1.54 and 3.83%, respectively, for [14C]bromoxynil-K. Over 98% of the 14C activity detected in the plant after 7 days remained in the treated leaves of V. arvensis following [14C]ioxynil-Na treatment. However, 8.7% of the 14C activity detected in [14C]ioxynil-Na-treated M. inodora was recovered from the apex and developing leaves reflecting a greater translocation. [14C]Bromoxynil-K was more mobile in both species and after 7 days 87.5 and 91.39% were detected in the treated leaves of M. inodora and V. arvensis, respectively. In both species the majority of translocated 14C activity was recovered from the apex and developing leaves. Up to 20% of the applied [14C]ioxynil-Na and [14C]bromoxynil-K was not detected within the treated plant. Extraction of treated plants revealed no detectable metabolic breakdown of ioxynil-Na to halogenated derivatives in either species. However, metabolic breakdown of bromoxynil-K was apparent in V. arvensis. No significant root exudation was detected when [14C]ioxynil-Na and [14C]bromoxynil-K were applied to hydroponically grown S. media and V. arvensis. Losses of 14C activity were due to herbicide volatility or degradation to volatile products on the leaf surface.  相似文献   

The effects of two herbicides, glyphosate (as a 359 g litre?1 SL) and hexazinone (as a 50gkg?1 granule) on soil microbial population, carbon dioxide evolution, and in-vitro growth of five species of ectomycorrhizal fungi were investigated. Glyphosate at 0–54 and 3.23 kg a.i. ha?1 and hexazinone at 1. 2 and 8 kg a.i. ha?1 did not reduce soil microbial population or carbon dioxide evolution in the long term (6 months). However, there was a significant short-term (2 months) effect of glyphosate on both fungal and bacterial counts at the 0.54 kg ha?1 treatment. In in-vitro tests, Cenococcum graniforme. Hebeloma crustuliniforme and Laccaria laccata were more susceptible to both herbicides than was Suillus tomentosus. which was, in turn, more susceptible than Paxillus involutus. The growth of all five ectomycorrhizal fungi was significantly reduced when subjected to concentrations above 50 μl formulation litre?1 (glyphosate) or 50 μg formulation litre?1 (hexazinone).  相似文献   

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