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DNA variation was studied at the intra- andinterspecific levels within the genus Passiflora, with particular emphasis on the subgenusTacsonia and its relationship with the subgenusPassiflora. AFLP fingerprints were generated for35 accessions from 21 species, 14 of which belong to subgenusTacsonia, and four to subgenusPassiflora. The morphologically intermediateP. manicata (subgenusManicata) was also included, as wereP. trinervia (subgenusPsylanthus) and P.alnifolia (subgenus Decaloba). The two latter were used as outgroup species. Twoprimer combinations generated 34–80 scorable fragments pergenotype for a total of 260 fragments. Polymorphism analyses spannedthe levels from individual genotype to section. SubgenusTacsonia presented wide genetic variability atboth intra- and interspecific levels, particularly within wildspecies. The classification based on these markers generally agreeswell with current taxonomic definitions of common species, but lesswith definitions of sections. A geographical component was evident inthe intraspecific variation of P.mixta, P.tripartita var. mollissimaand P. tarminiana, withwider variation in Ecuador and Peru than in Colombia and Venezuela.These same three species, plus P.cumbalensis, formed adjacent clusters, showingcloser affinity with each other than with the other species ofsubgenus Tacsonia. As expected, P. manicata clustered at anintermediate position between subgenera Tacsoniaand Passiflora.  相似文献   

Isozyme variation was studied in 87 plants from 32 cultivated and wild accessions of banana passion fruit (P. tripartita var. mollissima, P. tripartita var. tripartita, P. tarminiana, and P. mixta), rosy passion fruit (P. cumbalensis), tin-tin (P. pinnatistipula), gulián (P. ampullacea), P. antioquensis, P. bracteosa, and P. manicata, from the Andes of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. Six polymorphic enzyme systems (IDH, PGDH, PGM, DIA, PRX, and ACP) revealed 31 zymotypes characterized by the presence or absence of 31 electromorphs. Cluster analysis separated clearly the accessions of P. tarminiana, P. tripartita, P. mixta, and P. cumbalensis from the less typical species of subgenus Tacsonia, which is consistent with morphological evidence. P. mixta showed the highest intraspecific variation and the closest affinity with P. tripartita. The accessions of these two species formed two clusters, one dominated by Colombian genotypes and the other dominated by Ecuadorian genotypes. One of the P. tripartita var. mollissima accessions clustered close to P. tarminiana accessions. The affinity between these three species is particularly interesting for conservation and use of banana passion fruit genetic resources. All the other species formed monospecific clusters.  相似文献   

Following a legume collection mission to south-west Turkey in 1996, five species of Trifolium were analysed for genetic variation within and between species in eleven morphological and flowering characters. The five species included two outcrossing species, T. michelianum and T. resupinatum, and three inbreeding species, T. clypeatum, T. glomeratum and T. tomentosum. The genetic diversity found was related to climate and edaphic factors. All five species showed significant amounts of genetic differentiation between sites and the species could be separated morphologically by principal components analysis and cluster analysis. The most significant source of genetic variation was found to be related to geographical distribution with those species which were widely distributed across south-west Turkey exhibiting much greater amounts of genetic variation between sites, than those which had a narrow distribution. The breeding system was found to be less important, but only the morphology of the outbreeding species showed any environmental clines in relation to climate. A multiple regression analysis was computed to estimate the effect of growing season on the days to flowering of each of the species.  相似文献   

Some Arachis species are widely used as commercial plants, e.g. the groundnut A. hypogaea, an important source of good quality protein and oil, and A. pintoi and A. glabrata, that are utilized as forage species. Germplasm of most Arachis species is available in germplasm banks. However, little it is known about the genetic attributes of this germplasm, and mainly about its genetic variability, which is very important for its maintenance. In the present study RAPDs were used to assay the genetic variation within and among 48 accessions of five sections of the genus Arachis and to establish the genetic relationships among these accessions. Ten of 34 primers tested were selected for DNA amplification reactions since they yielded the largest numbers of polymorphic loci. A dendrogram was constructed based on data from the 10 primers selected. Eighty RAPD polymorphic bands were analyzed among the accessions studied. The relationships among species based on RAPDs were similar to those previously reported based on morphological, cytological and crossability data; demonstrating that RAPDs can be used to determine the genetic relationships among species of the different sections of the genus Arachis. In general, wide variation was found among accessions and low variation was found within the accessions that had two or more plants analyzed. However, higher polymorphism was found in the section Trierectoides and in one accession of A. major, indicating that generalizations should be avoided and each species should be analyzed in order to establish collection and maintenance strategies.  相似文献   

化感小麦种质资源的筛选与评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以国内外90份不同小麦为材料,采用土壤-琼脂三明治法和田间杂草调查法,对不同小麦种质资源进行化感潜力评价,筛选出具有较强化感潜力的小麦品种。土壤-琼脂三明治法测试结果表明,不同小麦品种的化感潜力存在明显差异,对莴苣根长抑制率IR在10.1%和69.1%之间;筛选出“115/青海麦”、“92L89”、“百泉3199”、“81-214”和“92H31”5个强化感潜力的小麦品种,其对莴苣根长抑制率依次为69.1%、68.5%、68.7%、69.1%和65.2%,筛选出“抗10103(80)”和“A246”2个弱化感潜力的小麦品种,抑制率IR依次为10.1%和12.2%;田间杂草调查评价和土壤-琼脂三明治法表现出相似趋势,检测结果也得到了琼脂迟播共培法的佐证,表明采用土壤-琼脂三明治法筛选化感小麦种质资源是可行的。这为小麦化感作用研究提供了重要的种质资源,也为化感小麦种质资源的筛选提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   

We analyzed the variability of a large maize (Zea mays L.) collection of152 tropical populations for photoperiod sensitivity and grain productivityunder long-day conditions to investigate their potential adaptation to temperateconditions. A multilocal experimental design was used: one location withshort-day conditions (Guadeloupe), one location with medium-day conditions (latesowing in the south of France) and two locations with long-day conditions (earlysowing in both the North and South of France). The photoperiod sensitivity wasestimated by the slope of the regression of thermal time from sowing to 50%anthesis on photoperiod. We found highly significant effects of latitude andaltitude of the collecting site of the population on photoperiod sensitivity anda significant but small interaction between these two factors. Populationsoriginated from low altitudes and low latitudes are highly sensitive tophotoperiod, whereas highland populations never display a high photoperiodsensitivity, whatever the latitude of origin. Grain productivity under long-dayconditions was not highly correlated with photoperiod sensitivity. Andeanpopulations were little sensitive to photoperiod and exhibited poor grainproduction under long-day conditions. In contrast, some populations from theCaribbean such as populations from Cuban Flint and Early Caribbean racesexhibited a good grain production although sensitive to photoperiod. The goodadaptation of some Caribbean material to temperate conditions is consistent withthe hypothesis of the successful introduction of Caribbean germplasm in southernregions of the Old World.  相似文献   

In order to identify key adaptive traits which affect productivity in Mediterranean grain and forage legumes and simultaneously determine the agricultural potential of a wide range of Vicia species, germplasm collected from the wild throughout the eastern Mediterranean was grown under semi-arid conditions in Tel Hadya, Syria (313 mm growing season rainfall). These included species currently in use in Mediterranean agriculture, such as V. sativa L., as well as those more widely used in the past-such as V. ervilia L., but also a broad selection from Section Narbonensis (B. Fedtsch. ex Radzhi) Maxted, including V. narbonensis L, V. johannis Tamamsch., V. hyaeniscyamus Mout., V. serratifolia Jacq., and V. kalakhensis Khattab et al. V. faba, a near relative of the taxa in Section Narbonensis, was included as a domesticated control. Where applicable, a representative range of subspecies was used. Accessions were chosen from a wide range of habitats in terms of latitude (31.02–40.72 decimalo), longitude (27.1–43.17 decimalo), altitude (20–1510 m), rainfall (180–1700 mm/yr) and soil depth (5–50 cm) in order to maximise diversity within species. Agricultural potential was determined by measuring seed, hay and biological yield, as well as agronomic traits such as harvest index, standing crop height, and seed size. The comparative influence of phenology and key agronomic traits such as plant habit and seed size on productivity varied tremendously between species, depending on their reproductive strategies. In V. sativa and V. ervilia, the smaller seed species which rely on long vegetative phases and growing seasons to accumulate sufficient biomass to set seed, and in which there was comparatively little agronomic variation, phenology had a large impact on yield. In early emerging taxa such as V. ervilia and V. s. subsp. sativa, with built-in long vegetative phases and growing seasons, seed yield was negatively correlated with flower ing (r = –0.86 to –0.88), whereas the opposite was the case for later emerging taxa such as V. s. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh. (r = 0.95). Within V. narbonensis and relatives, the larger seeded Vicia species which rely on more conservative reproductive strategies where high seedling vigour associated with large seeds enables the species to enter reproductive phases relatively early, phenology had a much smaller impact on yield than did variation of key traits such as seed weight, plant habit and pod shattering. Among the undomesticated germplasm harvest indices ranged from 0.09–0.31, hay yields from 0.1–3.4 t/ha, seed yield from 0–2.0 t/ha, and dry matter at maturity from 1.6–6.5 t/ha. Sub-specific taxonomy was crucial in determining agronomic potential. V. narbonensis var. aegyptiaca Kornhuber ex Asch. et Schweinf. showed the most potential, combining an upright habit, large seeds (212 mg) and tendency to retain intact pods after maturity, with the highest yield, harvest index and crop height of all the wild Vicia species. V. sativa subsp. sativa, V. ervilia and V. narbonensis var. narbonensis were less productive, but still showed agricultural potential. The smaller seeded V. narbonensis, var. affinis, var. jordanica H. Schäf. and var. salmonea (Mout.) H. Schäf., and their close relatives V. johannis, V. hyaeniscyamus, V. serratifolia and V. kalakhensis have little to offer Mediterranean agriculture on the basis of poor agronomy.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing many organisms to migrate to track climatically-suitable habitat. In many cases, this will happen naturally, but in others, human intervention may be necessary in the form of ‘assisted colonisation’. Species re-establishments in suitable parts of their historic ranges provide an opportunity to conserve some species and to test ideas about assisted colonisation. Here, bioclimatic models of the distributions of two extinct British butterflies, Aporia crataegi and Polyommatus semiargus, were used to investigate the potential for re-establishment in Britain. Generalised additive models and generalised linear models were created to describe the species’ European distributions for the period 1961–1990. All models projected the British climate during this period to be suitable for both species. Thirty-year climate projections for the periods 1991–2020 and 2021–2050, and for three climate change scenarios, were then put into the models to generate projections of climatic suitability throughout the 21st century. British climate was projected to remain highly suitable for A. crataegi, but to decline somewhat for P. semiargus. Southern and eastern Britain were found to be the areas most likely to support suitable climate. This difference between the species appeared to be due in part to decreasing summer rainfall in climate change projections, as this should only benefit A. crataegi. It is concluded that, with further study of habitat requirements, both species could be reintroduced to Britain as part of a long-term European conservation strategy.  相似文献   

The north-eastern India is highly diverse in Citrus germplasm (23 taxa including their 68 varieties). The climate and soil factors are highly favourable for plant growth and fruit quality. Inspite of the high potentialities, the Citrus had remained more or less a family need based cultivated plant. The large variation in traditional agro-ecosystems of the region has evolved and preserved highly valuable genetic resources under different species. The value of certain taxa as rootstocks has been outlined. The conservation of germplasm and research gaps has been emphasised.  相似文献   

Sorghums of the Sudan: analysis of regional diversity and distribution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a very important crop in the Sudan serving as a primary source of food, beverage, and total livelihood for millions of people in the country. The crop originated in the Northeast quadrant of Africa, and the Sudan is widely recognized as a major center of diversity. Although Sudanese sorghum germplasm has been assembled and stored over the last 50 years, careful analysis of this valuable germplasm has not been made. The objectives of this study were to assess phenotypic diversity and compare pattern of distribution among Sudanese sorghum landraces collected from different geographical regions. Phenotypic diversity among landraces was high, as expressed by the large range of variation for mean quantitative traits and the high (0.81) Shannon-Weaver diversity index. Landraces from Gezira-Gedarif tended to be shorter in stature, earlier in maturity and less sensitive to changes in photoperiod. They also had long, narrow and compact panicles that may result from adaptation to low rainfall and early adoption of mechanized farming practices. In contrast, taller and later maturing plant types characterized sorghums from Equatoria, most of which delayed their flowering in response to increased day-length. These sorghums included many genotypes with small and light kernels. Collections from Kassala showed a higher frequency of landraces with kernels that were more difficult to thresh. Landraces from Blue Nile tended to have greater agronomic eliteness with higher proportion of landraces with white kernels, poorly covered and that were easy to thresh. Sorghums from the Upper Nile tended to have loose panicles with poorly covered kernels that may result from adaptation to high rainfall of the Southern region. Although distinct distributions of types were represented by geographical origin, a high level of within-region diversity was present among all Sudanese sorghums.  相似文献   

Three wild carrot species have been reported in the argentinian flora: Daucus montanus Humb. et Bonpl. ex Schult., D. montevidensis Link ex Sprengel and D. pusillus Michx. There is a discrepancy among authors about the distinctive morphological traits of the last two species; thus, it is difficult to ascertain if they are truly two distinct taxa. Based on the available literature and in the search of a paradigmatic site, four collection trips were carried out in 2004 and 2005 in Buenos Aires and Southern Entre Ríos provinces. Populations were sampled at 30 sites, and local environmental parameters and associated plant species were recorded. Morphological observations and chromosome counts were carried out on 10 plants/population. Three morphological phenotypes were distinguished: one in 18 populations, all with 2n = 2x = 18, and two in the remaining 12, with 2n = 2x = 22 or aneusomaty (2n = 2x = 20, 22). Populations of the first phenotype were assigned to wild D. carota and the rest, tentatively, to D. pusillus (D. montevidensis?), till further evaluations are carried out in test sites to verify this tentative conclusion.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 21 enzyme loci was studied in Aegilops comosa and Ae. uniaristata, the two species belonging to section Comopyrum of Aegilops. In Ae. comosa, the mean number of alleles per locus was 2.00 and the proportion of polymorphic loci was 0.667; in Ae. uniaristata they were 1.19 and 0.143, respectively. The two species were genetically distant from each other (I=0.561) supporting the previously assigned different genome symbols, M and N.  相似文献   

A collection of 136 accessions of Aegilops umbellulata (39), Ae. comosa (75) and Ae. markgrafii (22) was analysed for high-molecular-weight (HMW) glutenin subunits composition. The homogeneity of the accessions was studied and 55.1% of the collection was homogeneous for HMW glutenin subunits (29 Ae. umbellulata, 33 Ae. comosa and 14 Ae. markgrafii). The HMW glutenin subunits of Ae. umbellulata are encoded by the Glu-U1 locus; in Ae. comosa results showed that this proteins are encoded at the 1M chromosome, and the locus was named Glu-M1. In Ae. markgrafii it was assumed that HMW glutenin subunits were encoded by an homoeologous locus and it was named Glu-C1. All the accessions of Ae. umbellulata and Ae. markgrafii expressed both, x-type and y-type subunits. Among the Ae. comosa accessions, only one expressed an x-type subunit alone. All the accessions of Ae. umbellulata and some of Ae. comosa had x-type glutenins of higher molecular weights than those commonly present in bread wheat. A total of 8 alleles were detected at the Glu-U1 locus, 11 at the Glu-M1 and 4 at the Glu-C1. The new HMW glutenin variation found in this work suggests their possible utilisation in breeding for wheat quality.  相似文献   

In order to study relationships within and among species of the highly complex polyploid genus Saccharum, 30 clones from 5 species (S. barberi, S. officinarum, S. robustum, S. sinense, and S. spontaneum) and 6 cultivated clones were analyzed using 15 sugarcane simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and two multivariate statistical methods. The origins of two species, S. barberi and S. sinense, are unclear, and it has been hypothesized that they arose from crosses of S. officinarum × S. spontaneum. S. robustum is suggested to be ancestral to S. officinarum, which, when crossed with S. spontaneum, principally comprise the genomes of commercial cultivars. Although our analyses supported S. robustum as being an ancestor of S. officinarum, and show the composition of commercial clones as expected, our results concerning the species S. barberi and S. sinense indicated them to be much less related to the main Saccharum germplasm pool than previous molecular marker investigations, suggesting that introgression from other genera may exist in their ancestry. The differing results of our analysis of S. barberi and S. sinense are likely attributable to more equal and larger numbers of clones studied in each species. Given the extremely high ploidy, the use of only 15 SSR markers enabled clear distinction of Saccharum species and clones, and also identified likely mislabeled accessions. In addition, the replication of DNA extraction, polymerase chain reactions, and fragment electrophoresis increased the robustness of our analysis.  相似文献   

Summary Surface cast production was investigated for several species of earthworms, including some not normally considered to produce surface casts. In single-species culture, the amount of cast material deposited on the surface by different species varied, with Allolobophora chlorotica < Lumbricus rubellus < Aporrectodea caliginosa < Aporrectodea longa. In field communities, results indicated that a single species dominated surface casting activity. The order of species dominance was consistent with the above findings from single-species cultures, if Lumbricus terrestris was considered to be equivalent to Ap. longa.Surface casting is an essential function within earthworm communities which maintains their living space. However, it involves an energy cost and carries a risk of predation. Therefore, there are disadvantages associated with this activity. All of the species studied produced surface casts unless other, usually larger, species were present.  相似文献   

A representative set of germplasm of genusVigna subgenus Ceratotropis specieswas used to analyze genetic diversity using amplified fragment lengthpolymorphism (AFLP) methodology. The germplasm was selected based onmorphological diversity and geographic origin and includes 18 out of the 21species in the subgenus Ceratotropis. Genetic diversitywithin and between taxa was measured using information generated by AFLP bandpolymorphism from which Jaccard's similarity coefficient and nucleotidediversity were estimated. The data were also used to generate phenograms tovisualize relationships among analyzed accessions. All species in sectionsCeratotropis and Aconitifoliae arewell separated. However, most of the species in sectionAngulares show a high level of similarity suggesting a lowlevel of genetic differentiation. In section Angulares onespecies, V. trinervia, is welldifferentiated from the other species and represents a separate evolutionarybranch between section Ceratotropis and other species insection Angulares. The relationships between the newlydescribed species V. aridicola,V. exilis, V.nepalensis and V.tenuicaulis and other species in the subgenusCeratotropis are described for the first time based on AFLPdata.  相似文献   

Populations of threatened taxa in captivity within their natural ranges can make important contributions to conservation, but these may be compromised by the inappropriate application of population management goals developed in other contexts. We conducted demographic, genetic, and population viability analyses on the captive population of Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) in Venezuela to investigate the management of within-range captive populations in general, and to better integrate this population into the conservation of Andean bears in particular. We found that although the present population is very small and not internally self-sustaining, incorporation of confiscated wild individuals has resulted in a low average number of generations in captivity and low inbreeding, with moderate gene diversity and a high probability of future population persistence. However, past imports from extra-range populations have been from over-represented lineages of unknown origin, which have mixed with under-represented Venezuelan ones, reducing the future value of the Venezuelan population as a source for founder stock. Our analyses indicate that the rate of incorporation of wild recruits is a major factor influencing proxy measures of conservation value, and distinguishing within- from extra-range populations. This implies that, contrary to conventional wisdom, internal self-sustainability can be a misguided goal in within-range populations, which furthermore may not be suitable destinations for surplus animals from captive populations elsewhere.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of 206 cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) cultivars representing the major regions of production was determined from an analysis of 23 isozyme loci. Gene diversity in cherimoya was high, although not equally distributed among countries. Peru and Ecuador, the countries of origin of this species, showed the greatest diversity, and Spain and Madeira (Portugal) showed the least, probably due to genetics bottlenecks resulting from limited introduction. Cultivars from California showed high values for several genetic diversity measures, likely due to their diverse origins. The expansion of cherimoya cultivation out the area of origin has produced a change in the apportionment of genetic diversity, with an increase in the inter-populational components, but likely without a general erosion overall.  相似文献   

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