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为高效降解秸秆和腐解油菜病原菌菌核(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum de Bary),研制出由棘孢曲霉(Aspergillus aculeatus)和哈茨木霉(Trichoderma harzianum)孢子悬浮液配制的复合液体菌剂和由哈茨木霉和枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)与菜籽饼和油菜秸秆进行发酵所得的固体复合生物肥料,通过盆栽模拟试验,分析复合生物制剂腐解秸秆和油菜病原菌菌核的效率,测定其对盆栽土壤的影响。结果发现,与基质对照相比,油菜和水稻秸秆腐解率分别提高15.07%和5.81%,菌核萌发率分别下降20.98%和12.28%;复合生物制剂腐解的秸秆可显著提高土壤酸性磷酸酶和脲酶活性。利用水稻秸秆还田并施用复合生物肥料可显著提高油菜产量,油菜籽比空白对照增产9.6%。  相似文献   

拮抗油菜菌核病菌的链霉菌分离筛选与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从甘肃省河西走廊改良后的盐碱地分离链霉菌用于油菜菌核病菌的拮抗研究,并对拮抗菌进行鉴定。分离得到10株不同菌落形态的链霉菌,其中有2菌株对油菜菌核病有拮抗作用,编号Ⅲ22-3-3和Ⅲ22-3-12。与油菜菌核病进行对峙培养结果发现,Ⅲ22-3-3和Ⅲ22-3-12抑菌圈直径分别为1.2和0.9cm;离体叶菌丝接种试验表明,Ⅲ22-3-3和Ⅲ22-3-12对油菜菌核病菌的防治效果分别达63.5%和49.1%;Ⅲ22-3-12能在油菜菌核上定殖并寄生分解菌核,同对照相比菌核萌发率下降18.2%;通过形态培养特征、生理生化特征和16S rDNA鉴定表明,Ⅲ22-3-3为产水链霉菌(Streptomyces hydrogenans),Ⅲ22-3-12为球孢链霉菌(Streptomyces globisporus)。 [  相似文献   

枯草芽胞杆菌在油菜根茎叶的定殖动态和生防作用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用常规方法跟踪枯草芽胞杆菌Tu-100在缩影系统油菜根际的定殖情况。Tu-100在油菜不同根段部位的定殖密度从上到下呈现了逐渐递减的规律。随着接种后时间的延长而逐渐下降。在根段8cm以外的根区几乎检测不到接种菌。在油菜播种后3d,定殖密度可达最高水平(8.3×105 个/g),然后急速下降,30d后保持相对稳定的较低水平(1.3×102 个/g)。 在油菜三片真叶时喷雾接种一次,20d后,在茎和叶上不能检测到所接种的Tu-100,并且抗菌核病的能力也逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

浅析棉花内生细菌及其作为生防因子的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对国内外有关内生细菌及其作为生防因子在棉花上的研究与应用文献的阅读与理解,概括了棉花内生细菌的种类、种群动态以及研究方法,综述了国内外棉花内生细菌作为生防因子的研究进展及其生防抑菌机理,探讨了在棉花内生细菌研究中存在的问题及发展趋势,为国内同仁开展棉花内生细菌及其作为生防菌的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

目前化学农药的缺点日益突显,研发环保的生防菌剂是当前绿色安全的一种方法,筛选具有抑制橡胶树炭疽病的生防菌株,为研发新型生防菌剂储备资源。本文采用组织培养法分离纯化橡胶树内生菌,平板对峙筛选拮抗菌株;通过菌株培养特征、生理生化、根据16S rRNA和gyrA基因序列构建系统发育树确定其分类地位;采用平板对峙法研究内生菌株的抗菌持久性、稳定性、广谱性;采用牛津杯法研究拮抗内生菌对杀菌剂的敏感性。从橡胶树健康的根组织中分离得到4株对橡胶树炭疽病具有抑制作用的细菌(Bac RZS3D4-1、Bac RZS3D4-2、Bac RZS3D4-3、Bac RZS3D4-4),系统发育树分析结果显示这4株细菌与解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens)亲缘关系很近,且培养性状和生理生化特征也与解淀粉芽孢杆菌相似。这4株内生菌的抗菌持久性强,抗菌稳定性好;对尖孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum acutatum)DFMP1E和MLZZP3、小孢拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis microspora)MF375898均有较强的抑菌能力,对茄类镰刀菌(Fusarium solani)XJ160901的抑制作用较弱;对多菌灵、异菌脲、百菌清、苯醚甲环唑4种杀菌剂均不敏感,有望开发为生防菌剂。  相似文献   

生物防治是防控木薯病害的有效手段之一。生防菌株的筛选、定殖能力直接关系到菌株抗性的稳定性及防治木薯细菌性枯萎病的效果。本研究在前期大田初步筛选菌株及大棚盆栽防效测定实验的基础上,根据综合赋值结果优选5株生防菌株,对其大田防效潜力进行测定;分析生防菌株对木薯各项生长指标的影响;筛选出防效和促生效果均表现较好的菌株,研究其在木薯不同部位的定殖能力及消长动态变化,旨在为筛选木薯细菌性枯萎病生防菌株提供数据参考,为后期生防菌剂的研发提供理论依据。结果表明:5株生防菌株中HWY-3-1防效最好,平均防效为61.35%,DBS-5最低,为5.02%,其余3株菌株HWS-4-3、HS-4-7、HNR-3-7的防效分别为45.02%、19.09%和24.08%;与对照相比,5株生防菌株对木薯均有不同程度的促生效果,其中HWY-3-1菌株处理的木薯在株高、最大薯块直径和单株薯块重等生理特性上显著高于其他生防菌处理,HWY-3-1和HWS-4-3菌株处理后木薯的基部茎粗和薯块数显著高于其他菌株处理;综合比较,生防菌株HWY-3-1、HWS-4-3和DBS-5的防效和促生效果较好。3株生防菌株接种在木薯3个部位后均能稳定定殖,HWY-3-1的定殖能力最强;在根表土的定殖量显著高于叶片,嫩茎中的定殖量最少;3株菌株定殖后活菌数量均呈先上升后下降最后趋于稳定的变化趋势。  相似文献   

大白菜根际细菌及其抗病原真菌的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自大白菜的根际土壤中分离得到347个细菌分离株,有40个分离株能产生群体密度信号(quorum sensing,QS)分子,占总分离株的11.5%。PDA培养基平板颉抗实验发现,有6个产生信号分子的分离株(Cll、C26、C27、C33、C34和C41)具有颉抗作用,对油菜菌核病菌、立枯丝核菌、禾谷镰刀菌、尖孢镰刀菌、瓜果腐霉菌等6种病原真菌分别具有不同程度的抑制作用。分离株C33和C11在田间实验中对油菜菌核病菌具有与成团肠杆菌IC1270相同或更强的生防效果。  相似文献   

V脊菱蜡蝉隶属同翅目(Homoptera)菱蜡蝉科(Cixiidae),是为害黄花菜重要的检疫性害虫.对V脊菱蜡蝉各虫态进行了研究,为V脊菱蜡蝉栖息地调查和V脊菱蜡蝉各龄虫态鉴定提供了依据.  相似文献   

Fungi isolated from the surface of banana fruits were evaluated for in vitro antagonism towards Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Thirteen fungi exhibiting pronounced growth inhibition of test pathogens were further tested for antibiosis against Thielaviopsis paradoxa, Colletotrichum musae, and Fusarium verticillioides. Clonostachys byssicola, Curvularia pallescens, Penicillium oxalicum, and Trichoderma harzianum were antagonistic to all test pathogens. Inhibition by C. pallescens and P. oxalicum to pathogens was at a distance, while C. byssicola and T. harzianum directly parasitized and killed the pathogens. The metabolites of C. byssicola, C. pallescens, and T. harzianum significantly affected the mycelial growth and conidial germination of the pathogens. In the artificial inoculation study, the antagonists survived and colonized banana fruits after 3 d. Interfungal parasitic relationship was observed between the antagonist and pathogen on artificial media and natural substrate. Postharvest application in the packing house showed that the incidence of crown rot in antagonist-treated banana was significantly lower when compared to fungicide and untreated control fruits.  相似文献   

模糊聚类在红花生态型分类上的应用初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对光、温具有不同反应的89份红花材料,连续两年在三个不同气候条件的试验点(乌鲁木齐、昆明、云南元谋)种植,以其莲座期为分类指标,利用电子计算机进行模糊聚类。根据聚类图,当λ取2-16时划分为4大类。各类之间通过莲座期的长短与其对光、温的敏感性有着明显的区别。本研究从生态型方面进行了分类,为选育高产及适应性好的品种提供了依据。  相似文献   

The host ranges of Alternaria alternata and fungi native to India and pathogen of waterhyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) were evaluated using 29 plant species (some with several cultivars tested) representing 18 families of economic and ecological importance. The results showed that only waterlettuce (Pistia stratiotes), another common weed in India, was infected by A. alternata. The use of these pathogens in the biological control of waterhyacinth would not be expected to affect plants of economic and ecological importance in India.  相似文献   

PGPR菌剂对油菜的促生作用和菌核病防治效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用两种PGPR菌剂不同接种剂型处理油菜,通过油菜不同生育期的农艺性状、经济性状、理论产量和菌核病枯杆率的考察,研究PGPR菌剂的促生作用和生物防治效果.结果表明,油菜PGPR菌剂具有明显的促生作用,能显著改善油菜的农艺性状,尤其能明显增加油菜的单株有效角果数,从而提高油菜产量;油菜PGPR菌剂具有明显的生防效果,能降低油菜菌核病的发病率;不同剂型间在效果上有一定差异,种子丸衣剂型及YUMI复合液体菌剂的生防促生效果最好,YUMI液体菌剂其次.  相似文献   

观察紫毛野牡丹种子的形态特征并测定其基本参数。结果表明:紫毛野牡丹种子的萌发需要光照条件,全黑暗条件下种子发芽受到限制;低浓度(0-20 mg.L-1)的6-BA可提高紫毛野牡丹种子的发芽率和发芽势,浓度为10 mg.L-1时,效果最为显著。IAA抑制紫毛野牡丹种子的萌发,在一定范围内,发芽率随着IAA浓度的提高而降低。  相似文献   

Seedborne fungi can reduce survival, growth, and yield of maize (Zea mays L.). Laboratory, field, and growth chamber experiments were conducted to determine the effects of the seed treatment fungicides fludioxonil, mefenoxam, and azoxystrobin on germination, plant population, and grain yield of maize grown from low-quality hybrid seed infected with seedborne fungal pathogens. Study I used seed of four hybrids infected at 0-54% incidence with Fusarium spp., Stenocarpella maydis, Penicillium spp., Rhizopus spp., and/or Aspergillus spp. Study II used three seed lots for each of two hybrids infected at 7-37% incidence with S. maydis. Warm and cold germination for untreated seed varied among hybrids in both studies. Warm germination of the seed lot with the highest incidence of S. maydis in study II treated with azoxystrobin and fludioxonil was significantly greater (+7%) than the nontreated control. Plant population in study I was significantly affected by seed treatment, hybrid, and their interactions. Populations were greater (≥9%) for fludioxonil, fludioxonil + mefenoxam, and fludioxonil + mefenoxam + azoxystrobin treatments compared to controls. In growth chamber experiments with pasteurized soil, emergence (≥5%) and plant dry weight (≥14%) were both greater than controls only with the triple seed treatment. Plant populations in study II for all seed treatments except mefenoxam and azoxystrobin alone were greater (≥4%) than controls. Yield in study I was significantly affected by hybrid and seed treatment. Yield for one hybrid was higher (≥20%) than the control with all seed treatments except fludioxonil, whereas yield with another hybrid was consistently greater (≥26%) only with the triple seed treatment. Yield in study II was significantly affected by hybrid, seed treatment, and their interactions. Yield was greater (≥8%) than the controls for all seed treatments with one hybrid and with all (≥5%) except azoxystrobin for the other hybrid. Highest yields occurred with the triple seed treatment. Results indicate that fludioxonil and azoxystrobin can increase germination, population, and yield of maize grown from seed infected by S. maydis and other fungi.  相似文献   

Two fungal strains were used to evaluate the relative nutritive value of various cereals and legumes.Aspergillus flavus Link ex Fr., isolated from spoiling bread crumbs, was tested on two sets of samples at equal nitrogen level. One comprised of 4 cereals and 19 legumes and the second included 25 barley strains, ranging in protein content from 7.7 to 17.8 percent. Total dry weight of the mycelium produced was used was used as the index of biomass.A. flavus was able to differentiate between different species of grain and also between different varieties within a species. A lysine dependent strain ofNeurospora crassa Shear and Dodge, was used to test 25 barley strain. The milled samples were administered, at equal nitrogen level with excess of starch and vitamins. In both the fungi biomass was positively correlated with protein quality.  相似文献   

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