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抗锈育种中慢条锈性品种鉴定方法和判别函数   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选育和种植抗锈性品种是世界各国防治小麦锈病最经济有效的防治措施。 在近百年抗锈育种研究中, 垂直抗病性品种(即完全抗锈性品种)对控制锈病做出了巨大贡献, 因而格外受到重视。 然而, 垂直抗病性品种其抗病性会因锈菌新毒性小种的出现很快丧失, 许多品种推广使用3~5年后便丧失其抗病性, 给农业生产造成巨大损失[1,  相似文献   

1981年在河北农业大学温室分别用中国小麦叶锈菌4个小种360、376、377和60对从美国引进的13个抗锈品种进行了抗叶锈性测定,在河北省植保所田间进行了成株期对叶、条锈的抗性测定.1982年在美国堪萨斯州立大学温室分别用美国的小麦叶绣菌培养物PRTUS1、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、13和19对13个品种中的9个进行了抗叶锈性测定.苗期测定结果指出,其中3个品种Kans 63324,STW 646407和II-11996-4R-SM-1R对所测的中国小种都表现抵抗,但对美国的培养物大多数抵抗,而在所测的9个品种中没有对所有美国培养物都抵抗的.在对比两国之间中国小麦叶锈菌小种和美国小麦叶锈菌培养物的毒性时进一步指出,有些品种犹如LA1415,STW597725和STW597947对美国的少数培养物抵抗,而对所有的中国小种感染.田间试验用小麦条锈菌小种19和21接种指出品种NB61975、NB66523和STW597944对条锈是免疫的,NB61977和II-119966-4R-SM-1R是高抗的.  相似文献   

抗锈性“丧失”问题严重影响小麦抗锈品种的有效利用。寻求相对持久的抗性品利,一直是抗锈育种工作努力的方向。国内外对小麦品种持久抗病性的特点和遗传机制有许多研究,但尚未找到选育和鉴定持久抗病品种的有效方法。里勃留拉在甘肃陇南大面积种植31年,最大种植面积曾达到34000hm^2,经受了十多个不同流行小种的考验,至今仍保持着稳定的抗性。  相似文献   

选育抗性品种是小麦叶锈病防治举措中最经济、可行的方法.为进一步挖掘抗病基因,选取河南、河北、山东等8个省小麦产区50个小麦品种.首先在苗期将16个叶锈菌生理小种(THFS、TGTS、THJS、FHKT、FGJN、KHKS、FCJQ、RFKS、THFM、MHGT、KHGS、KBGT、FHGT、PHHT、FHJT、FCJT)接种在36份小麦抗叶锈病近等基因系材料以及50个供试小麦品种上.因各菌种带有不同毒力,可根据表现型的差异,再将已知抗病基因紧密连锁的特异性分子标记与之结合分析,进而推测50份小麦材料中可能含有的抗叶锈病基因.通过基因推导、分子标记以及系谱分析综合鉴定抗锈性基因,结果表明,在50个品种中共检测出9个(Lr1、Lr2c、Lr10、Lr16、Lr26、Lr34、Lr37、Lr45和Lr46)已知抗叶锈性基因和少量未知基因.含有Lr1基因的有淄麦12等22个品种;含有Lr2c基因的有鲁麦14等10个品种;含有Lr10基因的只有莱州9361 一个品种;含有Lr16基因的有科农199等25个品种;含有Lr26基因的有徐州24等15个品种;含有Lr34基因的有宝麦3号和京冬8号;含有Lr37基因的有淄麦12、鹤0927和荷9946;含有Lr45基因的有连麦2号等11个品种;含有Lr46基因的有山农19等38个品种.  相似文献   

胡亚亚  张娜  李林懋  杨文香  刘大群 《作物学报》2011,37(12):2158-2166
选用16个小麦叶锈菌菌系对14个小麦品种(系)进行抗叶锈性鉴定和苗期抗叶锈基因推导,初步分析这些品种(系)的抗性和携带的抗病基因;进一步利用21个与Lr基因紧密连锁或共分离的分子标记,对这14个品种(系)中可能含的抗叶锈基因进行鉴定。结果表明,s98351-2-2-2-1可能含Lr3a、Lr28和Lr50;9629-03A-4-1-1可能含Lr37;97167-1-2-1-1-2-1、919-20-2c2、9589、免中438、9916-8-6和9916-8-18含Lr26;96104-1-5-1c2可能含Lr28;00-55-3-1-1含Lr1;1R13可能含Lr24、Lr37和Lr38;1R17可能含Lr24和Lr38;1R35含Lr10和Lr34,还可能含Lr3a和Lr50;9524-1-2-2-1含未知抗叶锈基因或本试验使用的已知抗病基因以外的抗叶锈基因。所有品种(系)均不含Lr9、Lr19、Lr20、Lr21、Lr29、Lr35、Lr42和Lr47基因。测试的14个品种(系)中有比较丰富的抗叶锈病基因,可为育种提供丰富的抗源。  相似文献   

用引自南斯拉夫的一套诺维萨特早熟1号(Novosadska Rana 1,简称 NSR-1)单体系为工具,对北京农业大学选育的抗条锈品系绿7蚰和保加利亚抗叶锈品种 Yantar 进行抗病基因定位研究。结果表明绿7蚰对条中25号小种的抗性是由位于2B 染色体上的一个显性抗病基因控制的。Yantar 对叶中3号小种的抗性是由位于5A 和1D 染色体上的两个不  相似文献   

CIMMYT小麦材料的苗期和成株抗叶锈病鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择来自CIMMYT的103个小麦品种(系)及35个含有已知抗叶锈基因的对照品种,苗期接种17个中国小麦叶锈菌小种以鉴定这些品种中可能含有的抗叶锈病基因, 并于2008-2009和2009-2010连续2年对这些材料进行成株抗叶锈病鉴定。通过苗期鉴定结合系谱分析和分子检测,在46个品种中共鉴定出Lr26、Lr34、Lr42和Lr47等4个抗叶锈病基因,其中9个品种携带Lr26基因,28个品种含有成株抗叶锈病基因Lr34基因,Lr42可能存在于11个品种中,还有2个材料可能含有Lr47,其他57个品种(系)对供试的15个小种多数表现为高抗,没有鉴定出已知的抗叶锈病基因。通过两年的田间抗叶锈病鉴定共筛选出46个表现慢锈的品种。苗期和田间结果表明,CIMMYT材料中含有丰富的对我国叶锈菌小种有效的苗期和成株抗叶锈基因,这些材料均可应用于我国小麦的抗叶锈病育种。  相似文献   

羟锈宁、粉锈宁防治小麦叶锈病研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验在温室内用有效成分浓度25、50和100ppm的羟锈宁和粉锈中浸种,对种子的发芽势和发芽率没有明显影响,浸种对开始出土的幼苗有一定的抑制作用,但后期长势无明显差别,而叶片稍浓绿,似有一定的壮苗作用,浸种后防效达64.2—99.8%.100ppm羟锈宁的保护作用在3天内可达92.5%,到第7天下降至72.2%.羟锈宁的治疗作用比较明显,在叶锈菌侵入寄生后的6天内防效显著,100ppm羟锈宁的治疗效果为100%,有效成份浓度100ppm的羟锈宁和粉锈宁,对小麦没有药害.  相似文献   

S. Gupta    R. G. Saini  A. K. Gupta 《Plant Breeding》1995,114(2):176-178
Genetic analysis of leaf-rust resistance was conducted on two durum wheats. Triticum durum cvs. ‘PBW 34’ and ‘DWL 5023’ were crossed with the leaf-rust-susceptible durum wheat ‘Malvi Local’. The F1, F2 and F3 generations were tested against leaf-rust pathotypes 1, 77A and 108. In ‘PBW 34’, a single dominant gene was effective against each of the pathotypes 1 and 108, whereas two independently inherited dominant genes were effective against pathotype 77A. In ‘DWL 5023’, two independently inherited dominant genes were operative against pathotypes 1 and 77A, whereas a single dominant gene was identified as being operative against pathotype 108. Allelic tests on F2 generation and joint segregation analysis on F3 generation seedlings, suggested that two different genes in each cultivar are effective against these three leaf-rust pathotypes. Cultivar ‘PBW 34’ has Lrd1 and Lrd2 genes whereas Lrd1 and Lrd3 genes are present in ‘DWL 5023’.  相似文献   

供试的小麦条锈菌每一个中国生理小种都可以侵染多个非小麦属植物的种和属,并表现出与在小麦上相类似的寄生专化性。同一生理小种的寄生性,因供试植物的属,种或种内材料的不同而有差异。小麦条锈菌生理小种在小麦品种水平上的寄生范围,与在非小麦属植物属种水平上的寄生范围有关。  相似文献   

Latent period (LP) and infection type (IT) were determined in single-seed descent F8 wheat lines from the crosses Westphal 12A (PR = partially resistant) × BH1146 (PR), Akabozu (PR) × BH1146 (PR), and BH1146 (PR) × Little Club (susceptible), inoculated with the Flamingo isolate of the wheat leaf rust pathogen. Each parental line showed a significantly longer LP than the highly susceptible standard Morocco indicating that each parent carried at least one LP-prolonging gene. Significant transgression was found for shorter LP in each cross, indicating that BH1146 differed from Westphal 12A, Akabozu, and Little Club at least partly in genes affecting LP. Significant transgression for longer LP was observed only in the cross Akabozu × BH1146 in one F8 line. In each cross, significantly more lines were found that showed a shorter LP than the most susceptible parent, than lines that showed a longer LP than the most resistant parent, indicating non-additive gene effects on LP. BH1146 was estimated to carry at least five genes which are involved in prolonging the LP. LP and IT were negatively correlated. Correlation coefficients were low and lines were present showing similar ITs but different LPs which suggested that collapse of host plant cells could not be the only reason for growth retardation of colonies of the wheat leaf rust pathogen. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the species of local landraces of wheat (Triticum spp.), held in the Israel Gene Bank, to evaluate them for basic characters and to assess their response to infection by two rust fungi under artificial inoculation conditions. One-hundred-thirty one seed samples were collected from local or Beduin farmers during 1978–1981 throughout the Galilee, Mt. Gilboa. Judean Desert and the south Negev. The samples were collected and stored in the Israel Gene Bank without any characterization or evaluation. Each accession was planted in a 1 m row at Bet Dagan and grown under favorable conditions for plant growth and rust development. Determination of the species, data of plant height, days to heading and reaction of the landraces to artificial inoculation with a composite inoculum of Puccinia recondita and P. striiformis were collected from each row. A small part of the landraces collection consisted of mixed populations of T. durum and T. aestivum plants, where one of the two species was predominant. One-hundred-fourteen and 17 accessions from this collection represented, respectively, Triticum durum and T. aestivum Israel landraces. Large variations were found for all the characters examined. Of the total accessions, 6.5% (8 accessions) and 32% (42 accessions) were resistant, respectively, to yellow- and leaf-rust. It was concluded that the diversified populations of the local landraces of wheat can be used as a source not only for genes affecting basic characters such as plant height and heading date, but also for resistance to leaf rust and yellow rust. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The protection provided by the leaf rust resistance gene Lr34 against Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici was studied in the field over two seasons. In leaf-rust inoculated and fungicide-sprayed control plots, yield of RL6058, the ‘Thatcher’ backcross line with Lr34, was compared to that of the susceptible cultivar ‘Thatcher’. Leaf rust severity remained low on RL6058 in both seasons, but was high on ‘Thatcher’. The latent period of wheat leaf rust isolate 3SA132 in flag leaves of RL6058 was 256 h longer than in ‘Thatcher’. The uredinium density on ‘Thatcher’ was 14.4/cm2, compared to 3.7/cm2 flag leaf surface on RL6058. Leaf rust infection of ‘Thatcher’ reduced the total grain yield per plot by 25.4% and 1,000 kernel mass by 15.6%. Leaf rust caused little or no damage on RL6058 and rusted plots outyielded the control plots by 0.3 %. Seed weight of RL6058 was reduced by 0.7%. Compared to previous greenhouse studies, the adult-plant resistance conferred by Lr34 is more clearly expressed in the field. Evaluation of milling and baking quality characteristics revealed that compared to ‘Thatcher’, RL6058 had a higher flour protein content, but that its milling, dough development and baking properties were inferior.  相似文献   

Variation for adult plant resistance in near-isogenic wheat lines carrying Lrl4b, Lrl4ab and Lr30 in a ‘Thatcher’ background indicated the possible presence of novel adult plant resistance genes effective against the Indian leaf rust population. Sixty-one wheats released for cultivation in India were grown in isolated nurseries. Each nursery was separately inoculated with one of four leaf rust pathotypes which had been selected to aid identification of resistance effective only in the adult plant stage. Seven distinct response groups were recognised and a minimum of six sources of adult plant resistance were postulated. In a group of 14 wheats, resistance was explained on the basis of the seedling response genes that were identified. Similar results for two years with pathotype 77-1 gave support to the reliability of field tests. Adult plant resistance (APR) sources were either race-specific or effective against all pathotypes used. Seedlings of cultivars with APR showed susceptible reactions. The possible presence of Lr34 in Indian wheats and its role in durable leaf rust resistance are discussed.  相似文献   

One-hundred-and-forty-one wheat cultivars were tested at the seedling stage using up to 16 yellow rust isolates of diverse origin. Sixty-five resistance spectra were observed, including 20 spectra defined by differential cultivars with specific genes for resistance to Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici . Yr1 , Yr2 , Yr3 , Yr4 , Yr6 , Yr9 , Yr15 , Yr17 , Yr25 , Yr32 , and several additional sources of resistance were recognized. The resistance spectra were often conferred by Yr -genes and resistance factors with an unresolved genetic basis. All cultivars carried resistance and 27 had resistance for which no fully compatible isolate was detected. Yr15 was detected in four cultivars, a resistance from wild Emmer not previously reported in commercial wheat. There was no indication of Yr5 , Yr7 , Yr8 , Yr10 and Yr24 in any cultivar. Most cultivars were also investigated in field nurseries using up to nine isolates of Danish origin. Fifty-six cultivars displayed high or very high levels of resistance to any isolate in the field, and 18 of these showed full compatibility at the seedling stage to at least one isolate, i.e. revealing components of adult plant resistance.  相似文献   

Fifty-five spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, mostly released between 1975 and 1991 in eight leaf rust-prone spring wheat growing regions of the former USSR, were tested in the seedling growth stage for reaction to 15 Mexican pathotypes of Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici. In total, seven known and at least two unknown genes were identified, either singly or in combinations: Lr3 (7 cultivars), Lr10 (14), Lr13 (5), Lr14a (1), Lr16 (1), Lr23 (3); the unknown genes were identified in 14 cultivars. The first unknown gene could be either Lr9, Lr19, or Lr25; however, the second unknown gene in 9 cultivars was different from any named gene. Twelve of the 15 pathotypes are virulent for this gene, hence its use in breeding for resistance will be limited. The cultivars were also evaluated at two field locations in Mexico with two pathotypes in separate experiments. The area under the disease progress curve and the final disease rating of the cultivars indicated genetic diversity for genes conferring adult plant resistance. based on the symptoms of the leaf tip necrosis in adult plants, resistance gene Lr34 could be present in at least 20 cultivars. More than half of the cultivars carry high to moderate levels of adult plant resistance and were distributed in each region.  相似文献   

Monosomic analysis indicated that a seedling leaf rust resistance gene present in the Australian wheat cultivar ‘Harrier’(tentatively designated LrH) is located on chromosome 2A. LrH segregated independently of the stripe rust resistance gene Yr1 located in the long arm of that chromosome, but failed to recombine with Lr17 located in the short arm. LrH was therefore designated Lr17b and the allele formerly known as Lr17 was redesignated as Lr17a. The genes Lr17b and Lr37 showed close repulsion linkage. Tests of allelism indicated that Lr1 7b is also present in the English wheats ‘Dwarf A’(‘Hobbit Sib’), ‘Maris Fundin’ and ‘Norman’. Virulence for Lr17b occurs in Australia, and pathogenicity studies have also demonstrated virulence in many western European isolates of the leaf rust pathogen. Despite this, it is possible that the gene may be of value in some regions if used in combination with other leaf rust resistance genes.  相似文献   

钙与叶锈菌侵染诱导小麦防卫反应的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用活体注射法将不同浓度的钙信使阻断及激活药物注入小麦叶片,其中阻断药物注射后立即接种叶锈菌,研究了钙信使与小麦受叶锈菌侵染诱导的防卫反应的关系。结果表明,用Ca2 螯合剂EGTA除去或降低胞外Ca2 浓度,用Ca2 通道阻断剂Verapamil或La3 阻断胞外Ca2 进入胞质,都能部分地抑制叶锈菌诱导的防卫反应,即PAL,POD的活性升高和过敏性反应(HR)的发生。抑制程度随药物浓度升高而增高。注射Ca2 载体A23187能部分模拟叶锈菌侵染诱导的这3种防卫反应。说明叶锈菌侵染诱导的PAL,POD活性升高和HR的发生,需要胞外Ca2 进入胞内,Ca2 参与了叶锈菌侵染激活防卫反应的信号转导过程。  相似文献   

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