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连续过量施磷和有机肥的产量效应及环境风险评价   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
通过5年田间肥料定位试验,研究连续过量施用磷肥和有机肥在蔬菜上的产量效应,土壤积累磷在0—5, 0—10, 10—20, 20—80 cm土层的分布特点及农田积累磷的流失风险评价。结果表明,P2O5用量为180~360 kg/hm2,大白菜、伏白菜、辣椒、豆角的产量分别平均增加21.5%、39.5%、71.6%、50.0%;有机肥用量为150~300 t/hm2,4种蔬菜产量分别平均增加23.8%、26.7%、62.6%、80.0%,差异均达到显著和极显著水平。土壤Olsen-P 在蔬菜上的产量效应符合一元二次式。连续5年施用磷肥和有机肥,0—60 cm土壤各形态磷均显著积累;20—40、40—60、60—80 cm土壤Olsen-P分别相当于0—20 cm Olsen-P 的35.7%、11.8%、7.1%;0—20 cm 土壤Olsen-P分别相当于0—5、0—10 cm Olsen-P的 88.1%、84.0%。0—20 cm土壤Olsen-P与CaCl2-P、NaOH-P、灌溉滞留水中的可溶磷及农田磷流失风险势(P-index )均呈显著正相关关系。石灰性土壤Olsen-P可作为评价农田磷生产力和环境风险评价的指标。  相似文献   

 A pot experiment was conducted with soil from a long-term (74-year) fertilization field experiment to compare the effects of organic and mineral fertilizers on mycorrhiza formation in clover, and mycorrhiza-mediated plant P uptake. Five treatments were selected from the field experiment representing different forms and levels of P. Mycorrhizal effects on plant growth and P uptake were estimated by comparing plants grown in untreated soil containing indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, with plants grown in pasteurized soil. Short-term versus residual effects of fertilizer/manure were also measured by comparing treatments with or without fertilizers added at the start of the pot experiment. Mycorrhiza formation was greatest in soil that had received no P for 74 years, followed by soil having received 30 or 60 Mg ha–1 farmyard manure (FYM), and soil having received 25 or 44 kg P ha–1 in NPK fertilizers. Plant growth and P uptake were severely reduced in the absence of AM fungi for all mineral fertilizer treatments. In contrast, plants growing in soil that had received FYM grew equally well or better when non-mycorrhizal. Recent additions of NK fertilizer and FYM had no effect on mycorrhiza formation, while additions of NPK led to reduced colonization. It thus seems that moderate quantities of FYM have less adverse effects on AM than equivalent amounts of nutrients in NPK fertilizers, a phenomenon that is most likely due to a temporal difference in P availability and its gradual release that balance plant demand. Received: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

The dependence of runoff dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) loss on soil test P or rapid estimations of degree of P saturation (DPS) often varies with soil types. It is not clear whether the soil‐specific nature of runoff DRP versus DPS is due to the different sorption characteristics of individual soils or the inability of these rapid DPS estimates to accurately reflect the actual soil P saturation status. This study aimed to assess environmental measures of soil P that could serve as reliable predictors of runoff DRP concentration by using soils collected from Ontario, Canada, that cover a range of chemical and physical properties. A P sorption study was conducted using the Langmuir equation  to describe amount of P sorbed or desorbed by the soil (Qs, mg/kg) versus equilibrium P concentration (C, mg/L) in solution, where Qmax is P sorption maximum (mg/kg), k represents P sorption strength (L/mg), and Q0 (mg/kg) is the P sorbed to soil prior to analysis. Runoff DRP concentration increased linearly with increasing DPSsorp (i.e. the ratio of (Q0 + QD)/Qmax) following a common slope value amongst soil types, while the P buffering capacity (PBC0) at C = C0 yielded a common change point, below which runoff DRP concentration decreased greatly with increasing PBC0 compared to that above the change point, where C0 and QD represent the equilibrium P concentration and amount of P desorbed, respectively. Both DPSsorp and PBC0 showed great promises as indicators of runoff DRP concentration.  相似文献   

[目的]研究实现水稻稳产和土壤氮磷淋失低风险的肥料管理措施,以减少农田养分进入流域水域的风险,并提高农业生产的效益.[方法]田间试验在云南大理国家农田生态系统野外观测研究站进行,种植制度为水稻–大蒜–水稻–蚕豆轮作,试验连续进行了两年.设置8个水稻施肥处理:不施肥(CK);常规施肥(CF);减施20%常规肥(T1);等...  相似文献   


Soil compaction interferes in soil nutrient transport and root growth. The aim of this work was to evaluate eucalypt growth and phosphorus (P) nutritional efficiency as affected by soil compaction and P rates. The treatments were composed of a 3 × 4 factorial scheme (soil bulk densities levels versus P fertilization rates) for two weathered tropical soils, a clayey Ferralsol (FClayey) and a sandy Ferralsol (FSandy). The soil bulk densities assessed were 0.90, 1.10 and 1.30 g cm?3 for FClayey, and 1.35, 1.55 and 1.75 g cm?3 for FSandy. The P rates were 0, 150, 300 and 600 mg kg?1 for FClayey, and 0, 100, 200 and 400 mg kg?1 for FSandy. Soil compaction reduced root growth, P content in the plant, P utilization efficiency and P recovery efficiency; and increased average root diameter. Phosphorus fertilization increased root length density, root surface area, dry matter, P content in the plant, P utilization efficiency and P uptake efficiency; and decreased P recovery efficiency. It was concluded that P fertilization is not effective to offset the deleterious effects of soil compaction on eucalypt growth and nutrition.

Abbreviations: FClayey: clayey Ferralsol; FSandy: sandy Ferralsol; RDens: root length density; RDiam: root diameter; RSurf: root surface area; RDM: root dry matter; SDM: shoot dry matter; WPDM: whole-plant dry matter; RP: root P content; SP: shoot P content; WPP: whole-plant P content; PUtE: P utilization efficiency; PUpE: P uptake efficiency; PRE: P recovery efficiency.  相似文献   

桔梗氮、磷、钾施肥效应与施肥模式研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
采用氮、磷、钾三因素2次D-饱和最优设计(310),通过大田试验建立了氮、磷、钾施肥量与桔梗产量和总皂苷含量的效应函数。结果表明,氮、磷、钾肥对桔梗产量的影响大小依次为氮肥 钾肥 磷肥;氮、磷、钾肥对桔梗总皂苷含量的影响大小依次为氮肥 磷肥 钾肥。对各效应函数进行频率分析法寻优结果表明,桔梗目标产量在4200~4800 kg/hm2,95%置信区间的优化施肥量为N 83.72~119.41 kg/hm2、P2O5 64.10~134.39 kg/hm2、K2O 78.80~147.20 kg/hm2;桔梗总皂苷含量在5.5%以上,95%置信区间的优化施肥量为N 113.37~140.12 kg/hm2、P2O5 85.96~153.44 kg/hm2、K2O 76.86~136.38 kg/hm2;桔梗高产优质高效栽培最优施肥量为N 113.37~119.41 kg/hm2、P2O5 85.96~134.39 kg/hm2、K2O 78.80~136.38 kg/hm2,N、P2O5、K2O的最优施用量配比为1︰0.72~1.18︰0.66~1.20。  相似文献   

利用大田试验研究了不同磷肥用量对甘蓝型春油菜产量、养分积累、磷素利用效率和经济效益的影响。结果表明,在低磷土壤上施用125 kg/hm2N和135 kg/hm2K2O基础上增施磷肥,可显著增加油菜不同部位产量,其中籽粒产量平均提高12.5%,生物量平均提高29.0%。施磷明显提高油菜地上部P素含量,有利于促进油菜K素营养累积,但对N素、K素含量无显著影响。随磷肥施用量的增加,磷肥偏生产力显著下降,施磷后磷肥农学效率、磷肥表观利用率和磷肥生理利用率平均分别为4.6 kg/kg P2O5、13.0%和40.2 kg/kg P2O5,磷肥对籽粒产量的贡献率仅为10.9%。根据经济效益分析结果,青海甘蓝型春油菜生产中磷肥用量以75 kg/hm2为宜。  相似文献   


This study investigated the effect of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) formula fertilization on cadmium (Cd) accumulation in P. notoginseng. Field investigations as well as formulated N and K fertilizers application experiments were conducted. Field investigations showed that Cd accumulation decreased PNS content in the main roots of P. notoginseng, while PNS content was promoted by soil available potassium (AK) and K in the main roots. The Cd content in P. notoginseng and the bioavailable Cd content in the soil decreased with the increasing of total K (TK) and AK in the soil. The increase of soil pH, total organic matter (TOM) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) values can reduce the bioavailable Cd content in soil, thus reducing the Cd accumulation in P. notoginseng. Under current fertilization in P. notoginseng cultivation, decreased N fertilization can alleviate the deterioration of soil physical and chemical properties. Under identical N fertilization, increasing K fertilization promoted the PNS accumulation (0.3–38.3%), also improved soil physical and chemical properties. Formulated N and K fertilizers application (1:2) experiments showed that reducing application of N and increasing K fertilization could reduce the bioavailable Cd content in soil, and the Cd content also decreased by 0.5–69.6% in P. notoginseng.

Abbreviation: PNS: P. notoginseng saponins; F(EXC): Exchangeable fraction; F(Carb): Bound to carbonates fraction; F(Fe-MnOX): Bound to iron and manganese oxides fraction; F(OM): Bound to organic matter fraction; F(RES): Residual fraction; AK: Available potassium; TK: Total potassium; CEC: Cation exchange capacity; TOM: Total organic matter  相似文献   

Determining how agricultural management practices affect soil phosphorus(P) over the winter may further our understanding of the soil P cycle under specific environmental conditions in eastern Canada. This study assessed changes over winter for soil P fractions and other selected chemical properties as affected by tillage and P fertilization. In 1992, a long-term corn(Zea mays L.) and soybean(Glycine max L.) rotational experiment was established in the province of Quebec, Canada. Soil samples(0–15 cm) were collected in fall 2001 and 2007 after a soybean harvest, and in the following spring 2002 and 2008 before corn seeding, in main plots under moldboard plow and no-till managements and selected subplots fertilized with 0, 17.5, or 35 kg P ha-1and 160 kg N ha-1. Soil samples were analyzed for P fractions and other chemical properties to assess changes over winter for 2001–2002 and 2007–2008. Changes over winter of all soil P fractions were significant for the two periods, indicating the occurrence of soil P transformation and movement over winter. The Mehlich-3-extractable Fe, Al, Ca, and Mg decreased during the two studied periods. Tillage had no significant effect on all soil P fractions. The resin-extractable P in 2001–2002 and Na HCO3-extractable inorganic P and Na OH-extractable organic P during the two winters were significantly increased under P fertilization. This study demonstrated that P in cultivated soils changed during winter as a result of changes in labile P fractions possibly due to the solubilization of residual fertilizer P combined with environmental factors.  相似文献   

施磷方式对高产春玉米磷素吸收与磷肥利用的影响   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10  
以高产春玉米金山27为供试品种,研究了在3个施磷水平(P2O5 100、 150和200 kg/hm2)下,不同施磷方式(分层施磷和传统施磷)对其磷素吸收、 转运和利用的影响。结果表明,同一施磷水平下,分层施磷较传统施磷方式玉米植株磷含量和磷积累量均有不同程度的提高,在完熟期差异均达到显著水平。不同施磷方式间,茎鞘、 叶片、 穗部营养体各生育时期磷含量和磷积累量差异多数不显著,但完熟期子粒磷含量和磷积累量分层施磷均显著高于传统施磷方式。 同一施磷水平下,叶片、 茎鞘和穗部营养体中磷素的转运量均表现为分层施磷高于传统施磷,但差异多数未达到显著水平。 转运率及对子粒贡献率的差异规律性不明显。磷肥吸收效率、 利用效率、 偏生产力和利用率均以分层施磷高于传统施磷方式,且差异多数达到显著水平。因此分层施磷方式能促进春玉米对磷素的吸收,可提高磷肥的吸收效率和利用效率。  相似文献   


The objectives of this study were to study the residual effect of phosphorus and potassium fertilization on a native pasture soil, a pasture that is livestock grazed continuously. Soil analyses showed that there were significant differences in the phosphorus and potassium values between fertilized and non‐fertilized plots. The residual effect of potassium in the soil was shown in the potassium values found in the pastures but a similar effect was not observed for phosphorus. This residual potassium level could be related to the possibility that potassium applied with fertilizer became fixed. To verify this fixing capacity of the soil, an incubation experiment with different levels of potassium was conducted. Then the adsortion isotherms, Q/I, were determined and the existence of fixation confirmed.  相似文献   

无机肥料中有效磷含量的测定国际标准制定研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为统一全球无机肥料中有效磷含量的测定方法,对国际上现有的3种主要检测方法进行了分析研究,比较了我国现行仲裁方法(GB/T 8573)、欧盟标准方法(EN 15959)以及传统国际标准方法(ISO 6598)的差异性,研究表明上述3种方法对测定结果没有显著差异.ISO/TC 134推荐了以GB/T 8573为基础,制订新...  相似文献   

Magnesium (Mg) deficiency can significantly limit crop yield and quality. Separate application of straight Mg fertilizer is unattractive because of additional labor costs. Meanwhile, bulk blending Mg with other macronutrient fertilizers is also a suboptimal solution because bulk blended fertilizers often yield poor nutrient distributions. One rapid and economical alternative to alleviating Mg deficiency is to co-granulate macronutrient fertilizers with Mg. However, few commercial products have implemented this approach. One of the barriers hindering the production of Mg-fortified phosphorus (P) fertilizers is the assumption that precipitation of P with Mg will reduce P solubility. In this study, four Mg compounds, anhydrous magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), magnesium oxide (MgO), anhydrous magnesium chloride (MgCl2), and dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2), were co-granulated with mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP), and their granule strength, Mg and P availabilities, and agronomic effectiveness were evaluated. Results showed that there were no significant differences in P solubility between Mg-fortified MAP and MAP treatments. X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated that the Mg species after co-granulation were boussingaultite (Mg(NH4)2(SO4)2·6H2O), schertelite (Mg(NH4)2H2(PO4)2·4H2O), magnesium hydrogen phosphate (Mg(H2PO4)2), and dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). A pot experiment using an acidic soil demonstrated an average 9.6-fold increase in shoot Mg uptake, 3.0-fold increase in shoot P uptake, and 3.2-fold increase in soybean shoot dry matter in Mg-fortified MAP treatments, compared to those in MAP treatment. The current study provides a simple, effective, and low-cost approach for the addition of Mg to macronutrient fertilizers, to minimize Mg deficiency.  相似文献   

设施栽培番茄的氮磷钾肥料效应研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
采用"3414"肥料试验设计开展了设施栽培番茄的氮、磷、钾肥料效应研究。结果表明,在高肥力土壤上适量施用氮、磷、钾肥均可增加番茄产量,但过量施用会降低其产量;钾肥的增产作用大于磷肥,氮肥的作用较小;氮、钾肥和磷、钾肥配施可增加番茄产量,而氮、磷肥配施降低产量。氮、磷(P_2O_5)和钾(K_2O)最佳经济施肥量分别为119.0、50.4和375.6 kg/hm~2,施肥比例为1∶0.42∶3.16。不同施氮量对番茄硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量的影响不规律,增施磷、钾肥番茄硝酸盐含量呈先增加后减少趋势;氮、磷肥和磷、钾肥配施可降低番茄硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量。氮、钾肥和磷、钾肥配施提高了番茄可溶性糖含量,氮、磷肥和磷、钾肥配施降低了番茄总酸含量,氮、钾肥配施则有增加番茄总酸含量的趋势,氮、钾肥和磷、钾肥配施均可提高番茄Vc含量。氮、磷、钾肥料合理配施对番茄产量和品质的提高具有重要作用。  相似文献   

我国蔬菜化肥减施潜力与科学施用对策   总被引:35,自引:10,他引:25  
本文基于国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系养分管理岗位团队“十一五”和“十二五”计划对全国蔬菜的试验和调查结果(共1227个农户地块,其中578个设施蔬菜地块,649个露地蔬菜地块),细致分析了我国蔬菜化肥和有机肥使用本底及施肥中存在的主要问题。分析结果表明,1) 我国蔬菜化肥养分 (N + P2O5 + K2O) 用量平均为1092.0 kg/hm2,是全国农作物化肥养分用量 (328.5 kg/hm2) 的3.3倍,其中设施和露地蔬菜化肥养分用量平均分别为1354.5和 859.5 kg/hm2,分别是全国农作物化肥养分用量的4.1和2.6倍。2) 我国蔬菜肥料 (化肥 + 有机肥) 中氮、磷和钾各自总用量普遍超量,主要设施蔬菜N、P2O5和K2O施用总量平均分别是各自推荐量的1.9、5.4和1.6倍,主要露地蔬菜N、P2O5和K2O施用总量平均分别是各自推荐量的2.7、5.9和1.5倍,区域间蔬菜肥料养分用量不均衡现象突出,蔬菜种类间肥料养分用量差异大。3) 有机肥和基施化肥中的N、P2O5、K2O比例不合理,P2O5占比明显过高。设施栽培蔬菜总养分投入、有机肥养分和基施化肥养分N∶P2O5∶K2O分别为1.00∶0.85∶0.94、1.00∶1.10∶0.88和1.00∶0.95∶1.09;露地蔬菜三者比例平均分别为1.00∶0.63∶0.56、1.00∶1.01∶0.84和1.00∶0.90∶0.67。4) 基肥化肥养分用量比例普遍过高,设施和露地蔬菜平均分别达到45.7%和51.0%,其中华北、华东、华中和西南地区设施蔬菜基肥化肥养分比例平均在45.5%~68.7%之间,华中地区露地蔬菜基肥化肥养分比例平均高达63.0%。5) 按合理施肥条件下设施蔬菜有机肥替代化肥45%、露地蔬菜有机肥替代化肥35%的比例估算,主要设施蔬菜化肥养分减施潜力平均在34.8%~67.1%之间,主要露地蔬菜化肥养分减施潜力在41.9%~76.8%之间。我国主要菜区今后在减少N、P2O5、K2O投入总量的同时,应高度重视协调N、P2O5、K2O比例以及化肥的基追肥比例,改进磷肥使用策略,并制订化肥精准减量、有机肥替代化肥、施用专用新型化肥、推广水肥一体化技术等技术对策。  相似文献   

Apple (Malus domestica, Borkh) and pear (Pyrus communis, L.) trees responded to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizers. In low P soils, leaf, and fruit P concentrations were increased and yield was improved with moderate rates of mono‐ammonium phosphate (MAP) fertilizers. Improved fruit quality including fruit firmness, red fruit color of ‘Delicious’ apples, and a lower incidence of fruit disorders of apples (bitter pit) and pears (alfalfa greening and cork spot) was frequently associated with trees that were fertilized with calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2] (CN). Although yield was often improved in experiments containing N‐P‐K or MAP fertilizers, long‐term use of N‐P‐K or MAP could be associated with a higher incidence of fruit disorders and a lower soil pH than with CN fertilizer at equivalent rates of N.  相似文献   

适当化肥配施有机肥减少稻田氮磷损失及提高产量   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
为了减少稻田氮磷损失量,并有效利用畜禽固废物,该研究在广东省东江上游典型农业集水区,开展田间不同施肥方式(不施肥、常规施肥、配方施肥1~3)氮磷损失监测及不施肥处理的室内土柱模拟试验。不施肥、常规施肥、配方施肥1~3的肥料施用量分别为:碳铵0、750.0、510.0、472.5、510.0 kg/hm2;磷肥0、375.0、255.0、255.0、236.25 kg/hm2;尿素 0、225.0、172.5、156.0、172.5 kg/hm2;有机肥:0、0、1162.5、1162.5、1162.5 kg/hm2。通过室内土柱试验,获取不施肥小区氮磷地表径流及淋溶流失量,并结合不施肥小区的田间监测数据(土样、水样、植株样等),测算出水稻生长季固氮量为31.54 kg/hm2。采用元素守恒的方法,综合考虑氮磷淋溶、流失、氨氮挥发、氮素干湿沉降以及水稻固氮等多方面的影响,构建稻田系统氮、磷损失模型,分别计算出5种不同施肥方式的氮磷损失量。研究表明,配方施肥1、2、3较常规施肥,氮、磷损失量减幅分别为7.7%~30.0%、61.2%~70.8%;氮、磷农学利用率增幅分别为24.6%~84.4%、12.8%~78.9%;实现节支增收分别为2 716元/hm2、-2 169元/hm2、-1 646元/hm2。配方施肥方案可有效减少农田氮磷损失量,其中配方施肥1经济效益、环境效益俱佳,可作为常规施肥的替代方案。该研究综合考虑了整个稻田系统中氮、磷的输入与输出,定量评估不同施肥方式的氮磷损失量、农学利用率及其经济环境效益,可为稻田氮磷损失综合防控提供参考。  相似文献   

长期施肥对黑土磷素积累、形态转化及其有效性影响的研究   总被引:30,自引:8,他引:30  
1980年开始,在小麦大豆玉米轮作制中,研究长期定位施用常量的氮、磷、钾(小麦、玉米施肥量为N150、P2O575、K2O75kg/hm2;大豆为N75、P2O5150、K2O75kg/hm2)和有机肥(马粪,折N75kg/hm2,只在玉米后茬上施用),以及二倍和四倍量对土壤磷素积累、形态变化及磷肥后效的影响。23年研究结果表明,长期不施肥,黑土土壤全磷下降37.4%、速效磷下降了60%;施用磷肥土壤全磷增加53.9%~65.7%、速效磷增加6~15倍。积累的磷素大部分以有效性较高的Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P形态积累在土壤中,施用磷肥可使Ca2-P增加4~15倍,Ca8-P增加4~16倍,Al-P增加1.6~11.8倍,Fe-P增加1.4~4.4倍,O-P增加0.6~1.7倍,Ca10-P增加0.3~0.7倍。所积累在土壤中的磷素具有生物有效性。  相似文献   

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