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为确定吉富罗非鱼(GIFT Oreochromis niloticus)成鱼饲料中适宜的碳水化合物与脂肪比例(C/L),实验设计了6组等氮等能的半纯化饲料,饲料C/L比例分别为1.53、2.36、3.55、5.58、9.85、21.82。投喂初始质量为(218.33±11.03) g的吉富罗非鱼成鱼56 d。结果显示,增重率和特定生长率在C/L比例为3.55时最高,显著高于C/L比例1.53、9.85和21.82组 (P<0.05);饲料效率和蛋白质效率在C/L比例介于2.36~5.58时无显著差异,显著高于1.53和21.82组(P<0.05)。随着饲料C/L比例的升高,肝体比和脏体比呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05),成活率各组无显著差异(P>0.05)。全鱼和肝脏的粗脂肪含量随饲料C/L比例的增加显著降低(P<0.05)。血清甘油三酯(TG)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)含量随C/L比例升高而下降,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)和血糖(GLU)含量则呈显著上升趋势(P<0.05)。分别利用二次多项式回归分析增重率、蛋白质效率和饲料效率与碳水化合物水平及脂肪水平的相关性,得到饲料中适宜的C/L比例分别是4.19、4.15和4.11。研究表明吉富罗非鱼成鱼饲料中适宜的C/L比例为4.11~4.19。


Experimental lobster feeds are currently based on fish meal and fish oil formulations, and although survival and growth similar to that of lobsters fed fresh blue mussels has been achieved, varying the protein level in previous experimental feeds has not increased growth beyond that of lobsters fed natural food. This experiment assessed the growth performance of lobsters fed pelleted feeds containing constant amounts of protein, lipid and energy where the lipid was provided by a range of oil-rich ingredients (fish oil, FO; fish oil with added soybean lecithin, FOL; canola oil, CO; tuna oil, TO; mussel meal, MM; and squid meal, SQM). Feed performance was assessed by lobster growth rate, survival, final biochemical composition, nutrient retention and nutrient efficiency. Twenty tanks containing 15 post-larval lobsters each (1.5 ± 0.04 g) were randomly allocated one of six test feeds in triplicate, and the two remaining tanks were fed freshly opened blue mussels (FRM) as a reference feed. Lobsters were fed daily to excess for 10 weeks. Final individual weights of whole body and digestive gland were measured, and tissue chemical composition analysed. There were no significant differences in survival (88.4 ± 3.3%), or specific growth rate (1.3 ± 0.1%.day− 1) among the formulated feed fed lobsters, which were significantly lower than the survival (100 ± 0.0%) and SGR (2.2 ± 0.1%.day− 1) of FRM fed lobsters. The SQM fed lobsters had a significantly lower lipid efficiency ratio and lipid productivity value than lobsters fed TO, FOL and MM feeds. The digestive gland lipid content (g.100 g wet tissue− 1) of lobsters fed the feeds TO (3.7 ± 0.4), FO (3.5 ± 0.3) and SQM (2.2 ± 0.2) were significantly lower than lobsters fed feeds MM (9.9 ± 1.1), FOL (9.0 ± 2.3) and FRM fed lobsters contained most digestive gland lipid (12.3 ± 1.5).  相似文献   

The commercial aquaculture of spiny lobsters is impeded by the development of effective practical diets, which is partly due to a lack of knowledge of the digestive capabilities and nutritional needs of these species. Carbohydrates have the potential to provide a low cost energy source in practical diets for spiny lobsters. This research investigated the effect of algal carbohydrates, on the growth of juvenile rock lobsters. Juvenile lobsters, Jasus edwardsii, (10-12 mm carapace length) were provided with one of five diets; blue mussel, squid (Nototodarus gouldii), or a mussel diet partially substituted with algal carbohydrates, either agar, carrageenan or alginate over 80 days in culture. In all treatments, diet consumption and lobster growth were maintained or increased over time. Growth was highest for the mussel diet followed by the agar diet. Similar lobster growth occurred on the carrageenan and alginate diets, with the least on the squid diet. After 80 d there were significant differences in the percent lipid and glycogen stored in the mid-gut gland with highest levels of glycogen in lobsters fed the mussel only diet. Percent protein in the tail muscle was greatest for mussel fed lobsters. The mid-gut index (mid-gut weight/whole wet weight) was highest for the mussel only diet and this was similar to control lobsters at the start of the experiment. The results indicate that glycogen from mussels and agar could be used as carbohydrate source in the future development of a practical diet for spiny lobsters.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates are a key ingredient in crustacean formulated diets because of their potential to greatly improve production efficiency. For the culture of spiny lobsters where daily food intake is limited, carbohydrates have the potential for delivering a low cost source of energy that could spare protein for growth. Therefore, the digestibility of different carbohydrate sources including refined sugars, mussel glycogen, algal polysaccharides, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and starches (i.e., native, dextrinised, gelatinised) were assessed in juvenile spiny lobster (30–60 g). This was done by measuring the rate of carbohydrate hydrolysis in vitro using enzyme homogenates and postprandial haemolymph glucose concentrations following ingestion of semi-purified diets containing different carbohydrate levels and sources. Fresh mussel gonads and a practical formulated diet were also included for comparison. Storage polysaccharides (i.e., gelatinised starches, dextrin, mussel glycogen) and the structural polysaccharide CMC were the best digested carbohydrate sources in vitro. CMC was more digestible than the algal polysaccharides, agar and alginate, and therefore may have potential as a binding agent in formulated diets for J. edwardsii. The poor hydrolysis of sucrose and trehalose suggests that their use as an energy source might be limited in J. edwardsii. Native wheat starch was the best digested among the various plant starches tested. Gelatinisation of starches markedly improved their digestibility suggesting that pre-treatment of the dietary starch source would have a beneficial influence on the digestibility of diets for J. edwardsii. Consumption of the semi-purified diets (i.e., 1% BW) containing the digestible starch sources (i.e., 27% dry weight), as well as the practical diet, resulted in high haemolymph glucose concentrations (> 5 mmol l− 1) and a prolonged hyperglycaemic response (> 24 h) suggesting that these carbohydrate sources are well digested and absorbed, but possibly poorly utilised. In contrast, the fresh mussel gonad diet (i.e., 27% glycogen by dry weight) appeared to be better utilised (reduced glycaemia after 12 h). A lower inclusion level (i.e., 7%) of gelatinised maize starch reduced the peak (1.87 mmol l− 1) and extent (12 h) of the glycaemic response. Using lower inclusion levels (< 27%) of the rapidly digested starches (i.e., gelatinised, dextrinised) identified in this study, or incorporating digestible carbohydrate sources resulting in slower appearance of haemolymph glucose (i.e., native wheat starch, CMC), in formulated diets may have the potential to improve their utilisation for growth of juvenile spiny lobsters.  相似文献   

Low feed consumption has been suggested as a major impediment for the development of effective formulated diets for spiny lobsters. To seek an explanation for the low feed consumption, this study compared the feed consumption, appetite revival, foregut evacuation and fecal production of different sizes of spiny lobster Jasus edwardsii juveniles fed a fresh natural diet (i.e. mussel flesh) and a dry formulated diet. In addition, the effect of feeding frequency was determined by feeding juvenile lobsters the same ration of formulated diet at different time intervals. i.e., same ration delivered 3 week− 1, 1 day− 1, 2 day− 1, 5 day− 1 and 5 night− 1. Lobster (10–15 g) growth and feed consumption (1.15% BW day− 1) was maximized when receiving a single ration daily of the formulated diet. A slow appetite revival (AR > 18 h) on the formulated diet was consistent with the negative effect of increasing feeding frequency on growth and consumption. In addition, there appeared to be no major advantage in dry matter intake by providing the nutrient dense dry formulated diet to Jasus edwardsii. Lobsters fed fresh mussel flesh (79.8% moisture) consumed similar levels of dry matter as those lobsters fed the dry formulated feed (7.3% moisture). This appears to be due to high moisture gain and expansion of the dry feed in the lobster foregut. Foregut evacuation lasted 10 h for the two diets but a delay in initial foregut evacuation and processing of the formulated diet was evident, and may have negatively affected feed consumption, appetite revival and dry matter digestibility (61.2%) of the dry formulated diet compared to the mussel flesh diet (89.2%). Appetite revival on mussel flesh was almost complete by 12 h after a satiation ration and was governed primarily by the rate of foregut evacuation. Differences in the timing of foregut evacuation and fecal production between the two diets suggested that a greater proportion of the formulated diet entered the midgut directly.The results indicate that J. edwardsii cannot achieve high levels of feed consumption on formulated diets because gut throughput is reduced due to a small foregut capacity, expansion of the feed post-ingestion, lengthy foregut filling time (1–2 h) and clearance time (10 h), combined with slow gut throughput time (34–42 h) and appetite revival (> 18 h). A slow appetite revival and difficulties in processing and digestion of formulated diets appear as major issues to be resolved to improve the performance of formulated diets required for the commercial aquaculture of J. edwardsii and possibly other spiny lobsters.  相似文献   

The development of cost-effective and digestible formulated diets is essential for the commercialisation of spiny lobster aquaculture. Large juvenile spiny lobsters, Jasus edwardsii (115 g), were used to measure the apparent digestibility of formulated diets with six different carbohydrate sources, three levels of gelatinised starch, three types of binder, and two ranges of particle size of fishmeal. Carbohydrate source, inclusion level and binder type all had a significant effect on the dry matter digestibility (ranging 61–79%) of formulated diets for J. edwardsii. The digestibility of the carbohydrates included at 35% by dry weight were: dextrin (99%), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC; ~ 94%), native wheat starch (91%), gelatinised maize starch (84%), native potato (60%) and maize (59%) starches. Gelatinised maize starch inclusion level (ranging from 15% to 55% by dry weight) was negatively correlated with starch digestibility (ranging from 92% to 79% respectively). Dry matter digestibility of the diets was improved by using gelatine (73%) instead of alginate (68%) and agar (61%) as a binder. Nitrogen digestibility (ranging 82–89%) did not differ significantly among diets. Reducing the particle size distribution of the fishmeal from < 500 µm to < 106 µm did not improve digestibility. The results indicate that using digestible carbohydrate sources (dextrin, CMC, and native wheat starch) for energy, reducing the inclusion level of gelatinised starch, and using CMC or gelatine as binders improve the apparent digestibility of formulated diets. Furthermore, the results also indicate that the use of more soluble and pre-hydrolysed protein sources in diets for J. edwardsii may greatly improve digestibility which is critical in these spiny lobsters where overall food intake is limited.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to compare the growth and survival of western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus post-pueruli and year 1 juveniles fed different diets. Trial 1 compared lobsters fed a formulated pelletised feed developed for Panulirus ornatus supplemented with fresh mussels (Mytilus edulis) two days per week, with lobsters fed a daily diet of pellets. Trial 2 compared lobsters fed the pellet-mussel supplement diet with those fed a daily diet of fresh mussels.In the first trial, diet treatment did not significantly affect survival, although it was higher in tanks supplemented with mussels. Growth of post-pueruli and year 1 juveniles fed the pellet diet (0.03 g/day; 0.14 g/day, respectively) was significantly lower than growth of post-pueruli and year 1 juveniles fed pellet-mussel supplement diets (0.07 g/day; 0.2 g/day, respectively). Year 1 lobsters fed the pellet-mussel supplement diet consumed considerably less pellet (0.27 vs 0.40 g pellet dry matter/day (DM/day)) than those fed pellets indicating that they will preferentially favour mussel over pellet diets. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was significantly better for lobsters fed the pellet-mussel supplement diet as a result of the poor growth of pellet-fed lobsters.In the second trial, survival was significantly higher for lobsters fed mussels only. Growth of post-pueruli fed a mussel diet (0.14 g/day) was significantly higher than those fed pellet-mussel diets (0.11 g/day), but there was no significant difference in growth for year 1 juveniles (0.33 g/day). Feed intake of mussel on a dry matter basis was higher than pellet intake for both size classes, with mussel intake being more than double pellet intake for post-pueruli (0.20 vs 0.49 g DM/day).Poor growth of P. cygnus on a pellet only diet indicates that the current formulation for P. ornatus may be inadequate for P. cygnus. However, as pellet intake declined dramatically for year 1 lobsters offered a mussel supplement, and pellet consumption was significantly lower than mussel consumption, it is more likely that poor growth may be attributed to inadequate palatability and intake. The similarly good survival of lobsters fed pellet and pellet-mussel diets indicates that the pellet diet is an acceptable maintenance diet for P. cygnus, but is not suitable for maximising growth for this species. Further research is needed to improve palatability, intake and potentially nutritional composition of this pellet diet before its suitability for P. cygnus is assured.  相似文献   

Phyllosoma larvae of the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, were cultured from egg to juvenile. For larvae reared from hatch to Stage III, survival was highest and bacterial contamination was lowest in seawater ozonated at low and moderate levels (400 and 500 mV oxidation-reduction potential, ORP). By contrast, at high ozonation (600 mV), all larvae suffered deformities at the moult to Stage II and terminally starved, while in unozonated water (about 300 mV), all larvae died at Stage III probably as a consequence of Vibrio bacteria proliferation. In a second experiment between Stages VI to VIII, larval survival was highest in ozonated water that had been filtered through activated charcoal and coral sand, compared to ozonated water with no filtration or filtered only through activated charcoal. Ozonated water with the combined filtration was used subsequently but there were ongoing deformities, so the level was progressively reduced from 400 mV at Stage VIII to 330 mV at Stage X, at which time ozonation was discontinued. Larvae were then cultured in unozonated water to metamorphosis of eight pueruli at 377 to 437 days after hatch, of which two survived to juvenile. Ozonation was thus effective up to Stage IX in improving culture water to minimise bacterial disease without problems of larval deformities.  相似文献   

The consequences of photothermal manipulation of reproduction in Jasus edwardsii broodstock on the morphology of newly hatched larvae and their biochemical characteristics were examined. The treatment of compressed temperature and photoperiod delayed the time of moult, mating and egg extrusion, but reduced the period until larval hatch, and reduced the hatching duration in individual females compared to the ambient treatment of simulated natural photoperiod and water temperature. Thus, the availability of phyllosoma for hatchery rearing was extended. However, the broodstock in the compressed treatment produced smaller phyllosoma and more larvae failed to develop beyond the naupliosoma stage than animals from the ambient cycle. Phyllosoma from the compressed treatment contained a higher proportion of polar and triacylglycerol lipid classes, lower wax esters, elevated levels of the essential fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid, a higher ratio of n-3/n-6 fatty acids, and lower levels of ascorbic acid. The changes in larvae from the compressed treatment may adversely affect their viability, and are probably due to the higher water temperatures experienced during late embryonic development.  相似文献   

The total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) excretion of spiny lobsters Jasus edwardsii and Panulirus cygnus, was determined in relation to temperature, body weight, emersion, daily rhythm and feeding. Temperature and body weight had large influences on the rate of TAN excretion. Exponential relationships were found between temperature (T) and TAN excretion of both species. These were described by the following equations: J. edwardsii Log10 TAN=0.041T−3.57 (r2=0.979, F=143.2, P=0.001), P. cygnus Log10 TAN=0.057T−3.90 (r2=0.987, F=302.2, P<0.001). TAN excretions of both species were positively correlated to body weight (W), and the relationships were described by the following equations: J. edwardsii Log10 TAN=0.473 log10 W−1.704 (r2=0.42, F=14.05, P=0.001), P. cygnus Log10 TAN=0.499 log10 W−1.346 (r2=0.69, F=44.18, P<0.001). TAN excretion increased significantly when lobsters were re-immersed after a 30 min period of emersion. However, it returned to pre-emersion levels by the second hour of re-immersion. Daily rhythm resulted in a significantly higher nocturnal TAN excretion rate for J. edwardsii; no daily rhythm was observed for P. cygnus. Feeding had the largest influence on TAN excretion, with maximum increases of 6.28 (J. edwardsii) and 5.60 (P. cygnus) times the pre-feeding level. TAN excretion rates remained significantly higher than the pre-feeding levels for an extended period (26 h, J. edwardsii; 30 h, P. cygnus). Implications for the use of purging tanks in lobster holding facilities and for the design of biofiltration systems are discussed.  相似文献   

A decrease in somatic growth rate, and hence productivity, of the South African west coast rock lobster population which occurred in the late 1980s has had important ramifications for subsequent TACs set for this resource. These are critically dependent on monitoring growth rates and determining whether an increase back towards earlier higher levels is underway. The available data are not well balanced by season and location, and a GLMM approach is used to take account of season–location interactions by treating these as random effects. This results in much less precise estimates of annual somatic growth rate than had been suggested by an earlier fixed effects GLM approach, and has necessitated a change in the philosophy underlying management of the resource.  相似文献   

Aquaculture of the rock lobster Jasus lalandii has been considered, but is hindered by a paucity of knowledge about conditions that promote yields. This study investigated the influences of temperature and diet on the growth of aquarium-held postpueruli of J. lalandii. First, postpueruli (11.5±0.2 mm CL) were exposed to temperatures spanning 12–24 °C for a total time period of 77 days, while being given a constant diet of mussel flesh. Under these conditions, intermoult period (IMP) was longest at 12 °C (50.6±1.2 days) and at 24 °C (>57 days), and shortest at 18 °C (35.5±1.1 days). Growth increments (GI) were large at 12–18 °C, smaller at 21 °C and negative at 24 °C. Survival was 100% at 12–16 °C, above which mortalities rose to 70% at 24 °C. Food consumption, body mass and condition all peaked at 18 °C. Thus, growth was optimal at 18 °C, but survival greatest at 12–16 °C.

Second, diet-controlled experiments examined the effects of three different diets (blue mussel, commercial shrimpfeed or an alternation of the two) on survival, growth (IMP and GI) and food uptake of postpueruli (11.0±0.3 mm CL) held at 18 °C for a total time period of 77 days. Feeding rate, average growth, body mass and condition were all highest on the mussel diet, and lowest on the shrimpfeed, and the postpueruli consumed more mussel flesh than shrimpfeed. There was little difference in survival of postpueruli subjected to the three diet treatments.

A diet of exclusively blue mussel yielded higher growth, body mass, condition and food uptake than a diet of either shrimpfeed alone or an alternation of mussel and shrimpfeed. The postpueruli acclimated well to culture conditions and survived on a diet of artificial pellets, thus showing good potential for mariculture. On the present evidence, greatest returns are likely at 16–18 °C and with a diet of mussel flesh.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of three size classes of wild caught western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus (post-pueruli: mean 2.14 ± 0.07 g, 13.2 ± 0.1 mm CL; year 1: post-settlement juveniles, 57.1 ± 1.1 g, 38.7 ± 0.28 mm CL; and year 2 post-settlement juveniles, mean 138.2 ± 2.26 g, 51.9 ± 0.25 mm CL) were examined at combinations of two stocking densities (post-pueruli: 50 and 100 m− 2; year 1: 11 and 23 m− 2; year 2: 10 and 19 m− 2) and two shelter types (a novel rigid plastic mesh shelter or bricks) over a period of 6 months. Survival of lobsters held at the lower densities (90–95%) was significantly greater than for lobsters held at higher densities (post-pueruli = 78%, year 1 = 86%, year 2 = 88%). Post-pueruli survival was significantly higher in tanks with mesh shelters (91.7%) than brick shelters (75.8%) with a similar trend exhibited by year 1 and year 2 lobsters. Densities tested did not significantly affect lobster growth for any size class. Growth of post-pueruli was considerably higher in tanks with mesh shelters (641.7% weight gain; specific growth rate 1.07 BW day− 1) (p < 0.05) but there was no difference in the growth of year 1 and year 2 lobsters between mesh and brick shelters. Feed intake (g pellet dry matter lobster− 1 day− 1) was not significantly different between densities. This study has shown that P. cygnus is well suited for aquaculture based on the collection and ongrowing of wild caught pueruli, as this species exhibits good survival at high densities (up to 100 m− 2) without adverse effects on growth, and shows no captivity-related health problems. We recommend mesh shelters, with stocking densities of 50 m− 2 for post-pueruli and between 20 and 25 m− 2 for year 1 and year 2 juveniles, to maximise survival and production.  相似文献   

甲鱼配合饲料中蛋白质,脂肪以及醣类适宜含量初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改变饲料中蛋白质,脂肪以及醣类的含量,设计一个三因素三水平的正交试验,初步探讨二龄甲鱼配合饲料中这三种成分的适宜含量,试验结果,配合饲料中蛋白质,脂肪和可消化醣类的适宜含量分别为45%-48.3%、4.2%-6.7%和20%-25%。  相似文献   

Newly hatched phyllosoma larvae of Jasus edwardsii were on‐grown to stage V. Using triacylglycerol‐rich marine oil nutrient sources and microalgae, Artemia were enriched with the major polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to ratios similar to that of wild‐caught phyllosomata. Artemia enriched by different methods were fed to cultured phyllosomata. At each stage animals were counted, measured and sampled for lipid analyses. Survival was highest from stages II to III (62–86%), with mean total survival at 3–12%. From stages I to V larvae increased in mass (0.2–2.2 mg) and total length (2.1–5.8 mm), and decreased in total lipid. The major lipid class in all phyllosomata was polar lipid, followed by sterol, with no triacylglycerol detected. The main fatty acids were 18:1(n‐9)c, 18:2(n‐6), 16:0, 18:0, eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA; 20:5(n‐3)], 18:1(n‐7)c, arachidonic acid [AA; 20:4(n‐6)] and docosahexaenoic acid [DHA; 22:6(n‐3)]. On‐grown phyllosomata had levels of AA and EPA similar to that of wild phyllosomata, but contained markedly lower levels of DHA. Strategies for enhancement of DHA levels will be needed for culture of rock lobster phyllosomata.  相似文献   

Juvenile (1–10 g) southern rock lobsters, Jasus edwardsii, were subjected to five photoperiods [0L(light):24D(dark); 6L:18D; 12L:12D; 18L:6D; 24L:0D] during a 112‐day trial, and growth, survival, colour, food consumption and activity were examined. Lobsters grown under the 6L:18D and 24L:0D photoperiods had significantly lower (P < 0.05) final mean weight and specific growth rate than any other treatments. Photoperiod had no effect on survival or colour of lobsters. Food consumption differed significantly during the first week of the trial; after 5 weeks, food consumption was similar in all treatments. Major peaks in activity occurred during dark periods for lobsters exposed to photoperiods that had a light:dark regime. Activity of lobsters exposed to continuous light or dark regimes remained constant and at low levels during the 24‐h period. Food consumption or activity does not appear to determine the rate of growth of lobsters in the different photoregimes. One over‐riding outcome of this and other studies on photoperiod is that the growth and survival response of juvenile J. edwardsii was not significantly better than those of the standard 12L:12D cycle.  相似文献   

Five experimental diets with different carbohydrates/lipid ratio (CHO:L, 0.75, 1.28, 2.10, 2.52, 4.63) were formulated. Fish were randomly assigned by triplicate (10 fish per tank, 0.50 ± 0.01 g). Growth was registered every 15 days until end of the experiment (45 days). Samples were taken for analysis of chemical carcass composition, blood chemistry, glycogen and lipid liver content, digestive and metabolic enzyme activities. Results showed that survival, growth performance parameters and plasma glucose were not affected by treatments (p > 0.05). Lipids of carcass and liver, as well as triglycerides and plasma cholesterol increase significantly as CHO:L ratio decreased. While an inversely proportional tendency was observed for carcass protein and liver glycogen (p < 0.05). Digestive enzymes did not show significant differences among treatments (p > 0.05). Finally, Hexokinase (HK), glucokinase (GK), phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and fructose‐1,6‐biphosphase (FBPase) showed high regulation by carbohydrates up to the CHO:L ratio of 2.10 (p < 0.05), while pyruvate kinase (PK) activity was not significantly affected by the CHO:L ratio. By the other side, glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) tends to significantly increase as the CHO:L ratio increases. We conclude that A. tropicus fry have a high capacity to utilize carbohydrates substituting lipids as energy source in balanced diets.  相似文献   

The effects of high carbohydrate and high lipid diets on the growth, body composition and glucose metabolism in the southern catfish were determined at 17.5 °C and 27.5 °C. At each temperature, the feeding rate, specific growth rate and protein productive value decreased with increasing dietary carbohydrate (P<0.05). Feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio were lower in the fish fed a high dietary carbohydrate diet at 17.5 °C, but were not significantly different between diets at 27.5 °C. Plasma glucose and activities of pyruvate kinase and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase were higher in fish reared at 27.5 °C than those reared at 17.5 °C, and within each temperature, they were higher in fish fed the high‐carbohydrate diet. Hepatosomatic index was higher in fish fed the high‐carbohydrate diet than those fed the high‐lipid diet at 27.5 °C, but no significant difference was found at 17.5 °C. The results indicate that higher temperatures enhance glycogen deposition and lipogenous enzyme activities when fed with a high‐carbohydrate diet; thus, at higher temperatures, this fish uses carbohydrate more efficiently for protein sparing.  相似文献   

Effects of exogenous (water temperature) and endogenous (lipid droplet adherence) factors were experimentally tested on early survival of southern hake Merluccius australis reared under controlled conditions. Experiments to determine the effect of temperature (10, 12 and 14 °C) on larval growth rates and yolk-sac absorption rates of unfed southern hake were carried out under laboratory conditions. There was no significant differences in growth rates at the temperature range tested (ANCOVA, F = 0.164, p > 0.25), but yolk-sac absorption rates and mortality increased with temperature (ANCOVA, F = 53.84, p < 0.001). A high percentage (between 31 and 81%) of hake eggs showed a lipid droplet not adhered (i.e., freely moving in the yolk, and not located in the posteriormost portion of the yolk-sac). In a second experiment, fed southern hake larvae with the lipid droplet not adhered during embryonic development did not survive after yolk-sac absorption. This study provides the first data on the influence of the lipid droplet absorption on larval survival of cultured hake, and can be used as an early indication of the quality of the batch.  相似文献   


文章研究了从硝化菌群中分离的菌株NB5在不同培养条件下的生长情况及其对氨氮 (NH4 +-N) 和亚硝氮 (NO2 -N) 的去除效果,并对菌株NB5进行了鉴定。结果发现,菌株NB5在盐度25~45、pH 6.0~9.0、15~35 ℃和通气量1~2 L·min−1的条件下生长良好 (P>0.05)。在盐度45、35和25条件下对NH4 +-N的最大去除率分别为96.24%、88.93%和75.08%;pH 7.5和9.0条件下分别为99.53%和99.37%;温度30、25、15和35 ℃条件下分别为99.53%、97.22%、97.29%和71.26%;通气量为2和1 L·min−1时分别为99.87%和99.82%。在上述培养条件下菌株NB5对NH4 +-N的最大去除率均显著高于对照组和其他条件组 (P<0.05)。菌株NB5在不同培养条件下对NO2 -N浓度变化无显著作用 (P>0.05)。经16S rDNA序列分析,菌株NB5鉴定为海水硝酸盐还原菌 (Nitratireductor aquimarinus)。研究表明,菌株NB5具有较好的环境适应性和氨氮去除效果,尤其适合中高盐度 (25~45) 养殖池塘环境。


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