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赣中地区梨园梨小食心虫的发生规律与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过使用梨小食心虫性诱剂诱捕梨小食心虫成虫,总结了梨小食心虫在赣中地区梨园从生长发育期到采摘期的发生规律。比较了性诱剂与糖醋酒液、频振式杀虫灯的诱杀效果,进行了梨小食心虫的预测发生期化学农药防治和幼果套袋防治试验。试验结果表明,第1代成虫发生高峰期明显,采用预测发生期化学防治效果较好;第2代和第3代成虫之间的界限不明显,相互重叠,宜采用幼果套袋进行防治。  相似文献   

梨锈病的发生与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>梨锈病又名赤星病、羊胡子,在我国分布很广,是梨树的重要病害之一,主要危害叶片、幼果和新梢,以梨果园附近有桧柏栽植的地区发病严重。梨锈病使梨树叶片早枯,幼果呈畸形,易早落,影响梨果产量和品质。  相似文献   

在梨火疫病侵入我国的严峻条件下,鉴定31个新疆梨品种的抗病水平,为抗病种质资源筛选与培育提供理论参考及实践意义。嫩叶、嫩枝采用针刺接菌法,幼果采用半果接菌法,定时记录嫩叶、嫩枝病变长度和幼果剖面菌脓变化,评价供试梨品种对火疫病的抗性水平。结果表明:叶片抗性鉴定中也历克阿木特、棉梨等16个品种表现为高抗,绿梨等7个品种表现为中抗,沙01等3个品种表现为中感,库尔勒香梨等5个品种表现为高感;枝条抗性鉴定中棉梨、也历克阿木特和绿梨表现为中抗,句句梨表现为高感,其他品种均表现为中感。综上,供试梨品种抗火疫病水平整体偏低,其中棉梨、也历克阿木特和绿梨在新疆梨系统中选择抗病育种材料可优先考虑。  相似文献   

梨树过氧化物酶同工酶分析及亲缘关系探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
采用淀粉凝胶水平平板电泳,对10余个梨树品种(或类型)的若干器官或部分(新梢韧皮部、初始功能叶片、花药、幼果、贮藏期果实)进行了过氧化物酶(Peroxidasc)同工酶的测定,结果表明:在本试验条件下,梨树过氧化物酶同工酶酶谱可分为A、B、c、a四区);新梢韧皮部、幼果和贮藏期果实的皮部最适于同工酶分析;西洋梨与中国梨有种质区别;白梨和沙梨系统可视为一个种,该种中的品种又可分为两个类型;槎子梨和茌梨的幼果酶谱有一定差异;青皮槎和黄皮槎应属于同一营养系;鲁南一带的子母梨、面梨和油面梨有较近的亲缘关系;低产子母梨与子母梨在遗传上有差异,并非生态条件所致;新近选出的优良品系子母槎梨其亲本一是槎子梨,另一极可能是面梨。  相似文献   

我国20个梨品种(种质)对国外梨火疫病菌的抗病性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】选取Erwinia amylovora国外菌株及国内梨品种(种质),经室内接种,评价不同菌株的致病力及梨品种的抗病性,为研究梨火疫病防控技术提供技术资料。【方法】对供试的梨品种(种质)枝条采用离体接种、梨幼果半果接种法,比较3个不同来源的国外菌株E.a 0001、E.a 0017、E.a 0055的致病力。通过离体枝条接种强致病力菌株E.a0017,结合实时荧光PCR定量检测病原菌数量,制定梨品种抗病性分级指标,综合评估梨品种的抗病水平。【结果】3个菌株对供试梨品种枝条均具有致病力,对‘库尔勒香梨‘’砀山梨‘’黑酸梨’、杜梨具有强致病力,对‘库尔勒香梨’的致病力最强;综合对梨枝条接种的病情指数均值,其致病力的强弱依次为E.a 0001E.a 0055E.a 0017。E.a 0017菌株对梨幼果的致病力较E.a 0001和E.a 0055强,而E.a 0001和E.a 0055对幼果的致病力相近。供试的20个梨品种(种质)对Erwinia amylovora的抗性水平普遍较低,其中14个品种都不同程度感病(占70%),没有发现高抗品种,2个表现出抗病性和4个具有耐病性的品种均为我国的地方品种。【结论】3个E. amylovora菌株对供试梨品种(种质)均具有强和较强的致病力。供试梨品种(种质)中‘,晋酥‘’绿梨’表现抗病性‘,霍城冬黄梨‘’八月酥‘’库车阿木特‘’棉梨’表现出耐病性,其他均为感病品种。  相似文献   

梨瘿蚊(Contarinia pyrivora(Riley),也叫梨蚜蛆,属于双翅目瘿蚊科,寄主植物目前只发现危害梨。主要以幼虫危害芽叶,在梨叶正面刺吸汁液,致使嫩叶呈筒状卷曲不能展开,影响梨树正常生长;也危害花和幼果,被害的花和幼果不能正常发育而早落,影响产量。目前,梨瘿蚊在广西梨的种植区都有不同程度发生,尤其是南方早熟梨主栽区的桂林,受害较重。有的果园嫩梢受害率达100%。主要原因之一是广大梨农对该虫发生规律和危害特点不甚了解,  相似文献   

梨大食心虫俗称吊死鬼、黑钻眼、翻花虫等,是梨树主要害虫之一。在我国北方梨区发生普遍,管理粗放的梨园受害重。主要危害梨的花芽、花序和幼果。  相似文献   

梨大食心虫,对梨树品种的选择为害,目前尚少见报道。笔者在带领学生调查梨树人工授粉实习时,发现梨大食心虫,对苍溪雪梨花芽、花、幼果的为害均比同园的其它品种严重。为此,我们于1992-1993年在开江县长岭镇中山坪村对20年生苍溪雪梨、金川雪梨、六月雪梨、鸭梨等4个品种进行了梨大食心虫为害状况的调查,其中,苍溪雪梨为主栽品种,其余为授粉树。每个品种选择树体大小、生长势基本一致的树各5株,每株调查500个花芽,1000朵花、200个幼果,分别统计其平均被害率;同时调查幼果被害的起始时间,统计各品种的平均株产量。  相似文献   

采用4个梨品种(A、B、C、D)花粉为香梨授粉,利用气相和液相(HPLC)色谱技术测定脱萼/宿萼香梨幼果果萼离层部位/顶部和果心部位内源乙烯(ETH))、生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA_3)、脱落酸(ABA)含量,研究花粉直感效应对香梨幼果萼片发育过程中萼片脱落/宿存关键期内源激素含量变化与萼片脱落/宿存的影响。结果显示:A、B、C 3个脱萼花粉授粉后,香梨幼果发育初期离区内源ETH急剧升高,并形成2个峰值,对冲了同期离区IAA,诱导离层形成,同期相同部位的ABA与ETH协同促进萼片脱落,脱萼幼果顶部和果心ETH、ABA含量均呈现"M"型波动,且显著高于IAA,GA3,而IAA、GA_3又在幼果发育关键期抑制了ETH、ABA过高水平而可能导致落果,最终形成"母梨";D宿萼花粉授粉后,香梨幼果无论果萼顶部还是果心的IAA、GA_3均呈现"N"型波动,且水平显著高于ETH、ABA,从而促进香梨幼果向"公梨"发育。  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同品种花粉授粉对鸭梨幼果基部内源激素水平的影响,探究影响鸭突形成与发育的关键因子。【方法】以30 a(年)生‘鸭梨’(Pyrus bretschneideri‘Yali’)为试材,用‘脆梨‘’库尔勒香梨’和‘雪花梨’花粉进行人工授粉,在果实成熟期调查了果实鸭突率和鸭突类型组成,在授粉后10 d、20 d和35 d测定了幼果基部组织内源激素含量。【结果】采用不同梨品种花粉授粉显著影响‘鸭梨’鸭突发生率及鸭突类型组成。以‘脆梨’和‘库尔勒香梨’花粉授粉结实果实的鸭突率分别为100%和84.9%(2016)、99.8%和100%(2017),显著高于以‘雪花梨’花粉授粉结实果实的鸭突率66.7%(2016)和60.7%(2017);以‘脆梨’花粉授粉结实果实鸭突类型中典型鸭突占比较高,达95.4%(2016)和92.2%(2017),显著高于以‘库尔勒香梨’(54.2%(2016)和63.5%(2017))‘、雪花梨’(46.7%(2016)和50.0%(2017))花粉授粉结实果实典型鸭突率。在幼果发育早期,以‘脆梨’和‘库尔勒香梨’花粉授粉结实的鸭梨幼果基部组织含有相对较高的GA_3、ZR含量,较低的ABA含量,而IAA含量基本无差异‘;脆梨’花粉授粉在提高幼果基部促生长类激素含量和降低ABA含量的效应最强,其次为‘库尔勒香梨’和‘雪花梨’花粉授粉。【结论】不同梨品种花粉授粉影响‘鸭梨’鸭突发生率和鸭突类型组成,鸭突的形成和发育受内源激素调控,幼果基部高水平GA_3和ZR,低水平ABA促进鸭突形成与发育。  相似文献   

满春红是开封市蔬菜科学研究所以诱变稳定的小果型四倍体4X-62作母本,以小果型二倍体自交系X-21为父本配制而成的小果型无籽西瓜新品种,2007-2009年早春大棚种植对比筛选试验与示范表现良好。果实发育期30d左右,植株长势强,果实高圆形,皮色淡绿底覆墨绿条带,瓤色鲜红,中心糖12.5%~13.5%,品质特佳,汁多味甜,肉质脆爽,白色秕籽少,皮厚0.6cm,皮韧耐运,单瓜质量2.5~3kg,连续坐果能力强。其突出特点是:植株长势稳健,抗病性强,早熟性、丰产性和品质均优于江、浙大面积推广的小玉红无籽,较耐低温、弱光,适宜日光温室及大棚早春设施栽培。  相似文献   

贾兵  朱立武  张绍铃 《园艺学报》2012,39(1):159-167
 为探讨梨果萼片宿存、脱落与矿质营养之间的关系,以砀山酥梨为试材,在盛花后5 ~ 25 d,测定了宿萼幼果及其萼片中9种矿质元素含量,分析了幼果与萼片发育过程中对各种矿质元素的需求;通过盛花期喷施GA3、PP333、FeSO4处理,探讨了Fe在果实萼片发育中的作用,并对幼果萼片中矿质元素与叶绿素含量进行了相关性分析。结果表明,砀山酥梨宿萼幼果与萼片中Fe含量差异最大,萼片中Fe平均含量是幼果的6.13倍,其它元素差异较小;萼片发育过程中对铁的需求量明显高于幼果,而对其他矿质元素的需求量则少于幼果。400 mg · L-1 GA3处理增加了宿萼果率,且增加了幼果与萼片Fe的含量;2 500 mg · L-1 PP333处理降低了宿萼果率,且减少了幼果与萼片中Fe的含量,喷施0.3% FeSO4提高了宿萼果率。因此,Fe是萼片发育重要的矿质元素之一,Fe充足时果实萼片易宿存。同时,萼片中叶绿素a含量的动态变化与Fe含量的动态变化呈显著性正相关,表明萼片中大量的Fe可能用于叶绿素a的合成。  相似文献   

Frank Maas 《Erwerbs-Obstbau》2007,49(3):101-105
‘Elstar’, the most widely grown apple variety in the Netherlands, requires adequate fruit thinning to obtain regular bearing and the commercially desired fruit size and fruit quality. During several years studies have been carried out to look for alternative thinning methods to replace carbaryl, an insectide which also induced thinning when applied to young fruitlets, but that is no longer registered in the Netherlands. During recent years research on apple thinning has focused on the use of ammonium thiosulphate (ATS) as a flower thinner combined with 6-benzyladenine (BA) as a fruitlet thinner. This paper reports on a trial in which the fruit thinning efficacy of this combined treatment with ATS and that of BA on its own were evaluated. In addition, the use of slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) to cover the leaves and reduce leaf photosynthesis at three different times during fruitlet development was tested, alone or in combination with an application of BA. The best chemical thinning treatment of this trial was the combination of 3 applications of ATS during flowering followed by BA at a fruit size of 13.8?mm. This treatment gave 82% of the thinning necessary to obtain the target fruit load. This treatment also effectively improved fruit size distributions, fruit colour and internal fruit quality. Slaked lime did not thin ‘Elstar’ effectively, most probably because it did not cause sufficient reduction of light interception by the canopy.  相似文献   


Excessive premature abscission of developing fruitlets in UK cherry orchards often results in low fruit yields. An improvement in our understanding of the underlying causes of embryo abortion and fruitlet abscission will help rationalize effective remedies to this problem. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of limiting the availability of leaf-derived assimilates, during critical stages of fruitlet development, on the severity of fruitlet abscission. Experimentally, this was achieved by isolating individual “spur units” (short shoots (<10 cm) with leaves and fruit) from the tree by girdling (severing the phloem connections) branches on either side of the unit. In this way, the developing fruitlets within the associated spur would be able to derive their assimilates only from the associated spur leaves. Spur units with different total leaf areas and variable numbers of developing fruitlets were chosen to achieve a wide range of potential source and sink strengths. The spurs analysed varied in leaf number from 4–9 leaves as spur leaf area increased. The largest variability in the spur leaf area number relationship occurred in spurs with 6–7 leaves. When initially determining the total leaf area per spur in May, there was no obvious relationship with fruit number per spur. Subsequent analysis of the relationship between spur leaf area and fruit number per cluster showed that fruit had been lost from spurs with the smallest leaf areas. Spurs girdled later in the season in June also showed no obvious relationship between spur leaf area and fruit number. As with spurs girdled in May, those manipulated in June lost fruit from spurs with small leaf areas. By July, there was a positive curvilinear relationship between spur leaf area and fruit number for girdled spurs. Neither total nor average fruit fresh weight per spur, at harvest, could be related to spur leaf area. The average individual fresh weight of fruit in a spur was, however, limited by the number of fruit within that spur. When spurs were girdled, fruit loss was shown to take place preferentially where the spur leaf area per fruit was low. From this analysis, it was possible to predict which girdled spurs would lose fruit, using the calculated ratio of spur leaf area per fruit. It is concluded that fruit retention, not size, appears to be limited by the availability of leaf-derived assimilates.  相似文献   

套袋对翠冠梨果皮特征及品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
翠冠为南方主栽梨品种之一,自然生长状况下果面极易形成锈斑,严重影响其外观品质。通过对翠冠梨进行不同类型果袋的套袋处理,系统定量研究了套袋条件下果皮的形态特征、果实外观和内在品质的变化。结果表明,套袋处理显著提高了无绣果和少绣果的比率,增加了果面亮度,改善了果实外观色泽,减小了果点直径,减淡了果点色泽。在电子显微镜下可清晰看到套袋使果面光洁平滑,龟裂程度远小于未套袋果面。套袋处理普遍降低了果实可溶性固形物含量;不透光袋显著提高了果肉石细胞含量。在外观品质改善上以双层透光蜡纸袋效果最好。研究结果将有助于今后对翠冠梨果实袋的正确选择和使用。  相似文献   


Fruit mineral concentrations measured at harvest can have major effects on apple fruit quality on the tree or during storage. Orchard practices must therefore seek to optimize fruit mineral composition. The purpose of this study was to describe and elucidate the effects of hand thinning on whole trees and individual spurs on apple fruit mineral composition. Two methods of flower and fruitlet thinning were compared with no thinning on `Braeburn' and `Fiesta' apple trees. Alternate whole flower/fruitlet clusters or all but one flower/fruitlet within every cluster were removed at full bloom or 14±21 d after full bloom. Alternate-cluster thinning reduced final fruit numbers per tree and fruit Ca concentrations by up to 22%, while increasing final fruit size by up to 21%, compared with no thinning. These effects on fruit Ca concentrations were also measured across a range of fruit size classes. Within-cluster thinning at full bloom or up to 21 d after full bloom also reduced fruit numbers per tree but increased fruit size substantially, by up to 65% compared with no thinning, this effect being less for later thinning. However, fruit mineral concentrations were not influenced by this treatment. Some fruiting spurs were singled to one fruit 14 d after full bloom on alternately flower cluster thinned trees and on trees that had not been thinned at bloom, and compared with unthinned spurs on the same trees. Fruit Ca concentrations, primary spur leaf areas and primary spur leaf areas per fruit were greater for spurs bearing a single fruit (achieved by thinning manually or through natural abscission) than for multi-fruited spurs on the same trees. Spurs bearing one fruit on unthinned trees had greater fruit Ca concentrations, primary spur leaf areas and primary spur leaf areas per fruit, but lower fruit weight than the same spurs on alternate-cluster thinned trees. However, spurs on unthinned and alternate-cluster thinned trees with the same primary leaf areas per fruit had similar final Ca concentrations. Fruit size and crop loads were found not to be important in explaining fruit Ca concentration differences between thinning methods. However our results suggest that thinning method may affect Ca accumulation in apple fruit by altering the relationship between fruit numbers and leaf areas on individual spurs.  相似文献   

荔枝果实发育过程中,乙烯含量不断下降,转红期( 花后70 d 左右) 略有上升,但无明显峰值,后又逐步下降,直到果实成熟。乙烯形成抑制剂STS( 硫代硫酸银) 显著抑制果实的成熟,转熟前用STS处理荔枝果实,导致果实脱落明显加重,部分果抗病力下降,发病率增加,裂果严重,果实转红变慢,果肉含糖量偏低。上述结果表明,乙烯对荔枝果实的成熟具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   


‘Elstar’ is the latest-maturing commercial apple cultivar grown in Norway, with high fruit quality when properly managed. In May 2006, an experiment with four different crop loads [2, 4 ,6, or 8 flowers or fruitlets cm–2 trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA), respectively] was established at two different stages [first bloom (FB), or 20-mm diameter fruitlets] and compared to unthinned control trees. Fruit growth was measured on individual fruit for each treatment throughout the season at weekly intervals. Thinning at FB gave a significantly lower final percentage fruit set than thinning to the same cropping level at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. However, fruit weights and soluble solids contents (SSC) were significantly higher, and the background fruit colour improved when trees were thinned at FB. The final number of fruit at harvest was less than the amount established at FB, or at the 20-mm fruitlet stage. There were significant differences between treatments in final fruit numbers per TCSA, which reflected the different crop loads. Fruit weights and SSC values were highest with the lowest crop load, and decreased with increasing crop loads. There was also a strong crop-load effect on the extent of return bloom per tree in the subsequent year. Trees thinned at FB had significantly more flower clusters than those thinned at the 20-mm fruitlet stage of. Untreated control trees had the lowest number of flower clusters. The amount of return bloom declined with increasing crop load. Second year crop loads and fruit weights were highest when trees were thinned at FB to two or four apples cm?2 TCSA in the previous year. Trees with the highest crop load had the lowest crop load in the following year. Fruit quality was generally high for all treatments.  相似文献   

套袋对苹果果皮特征的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
以10年生寒富苹果为试材,进行了不同的套袋(反光膜袋、双层纸袋、塑膜袋)处理,以不套袋果为对照,研究了不同微域环境下寒富苹果果皮的外观特征和解剖结构的特点。结果表明,套反光膜袋能明显提高果实的光洁度,改善果实的着色,果点不明显;套双层纸袋的次之;套塑膜袋和不套袋果实光洁度差,着色过浓,果点多且大,果面粗糙,不利于生产优质果;套不同类型的果袋,果皮解剖结构差异明显,套反光膜袋,角质层变薄,角质层光滑均匀度好,个别处有“V”型凹陷,表皮细胞变大,形状近圆形;套双层纸袋和塑膜袋,角质层均变厚,有较深的“V”型凹陷,表皮细胞形状不规则;不套袋果,角质层较均匀光滑,表皮细胞狭长且小。另外,套袋后,果实的表皮细胞变大且细胞壁变厚,改变了表皮细胞的排列方式,减少了表皮细胞层数,降低了机械组织的厚度及层数。  相似文献   

番茄果实角质层的形成机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
番茄果实的角质层厚且没有气孔,是研究鲜食果实角质层的理想材料。对番茄果实角质层的组分、形成、功能和调控因子进行了简要的综述,为鲜食果实发育和采后生物学的研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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