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IntroductionIpsSubeiongatusMotschulskydistributesinKorea,Japan.someareasofEurope,andaIlChina.ItisoneofmaJorborerpestsofLarchplantationsinChinaandcausesseriousdamages.Since198os,domes-ticentomoIogistshavemadeagreatmanystudiesonlifehistory,occurringlawsandcontroImethodsofthlspestandalsogainedremarkabIeadvanceinmanagementandcontrolThispestisunlikeIytobefoundbeforerampantoccurrenceduetothecompIi-catednessofoccurringcausesanditshiddenlifeandrepaidreproduction.Rampantoccurrencenotonlybringsab…  相似文献   

The morphological and cultural characteristics ofHendersonia acicola Munch & Tub., isolated from the needles ofPinus sylvestris var.mongolica Litvin, were described. The fungi was cultured on three kinds of media and the speed of mycelial growth and the required time to produce conidia were different. On the medium of needle decoction agar, the fungi grew fast and produced conidia after 5 days culturing. On PDA came second and it needed 7 days to produce conidia. On the medium of maize flour agar, it grew slowly and produces conidia after 27 days incubating. The fungi cannot produce conidia under darkness on all three kinds of media. The conidia can germinate at 8°C–28°C. The optimum conditions for conidia to germinate are 25°C, RH 100% and pH 4 and under these conditions it only takes four hours for conidia to germinate. The conidia germination is not affected by light  相似文献   

Ma Ling  Lin Tong 《林业研究》2001,12(4):269-270
Homalotglus flaminus (Daiman) is an important natural enemy of theChilocorus kuwanae. Its biological characteristic, life history, the action style on hosts were studied at Hongqi Forest Farm, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province from June 1998 to October 2000, in order to controlH. flaminus and raise the control ability ofChilocorus kuwanae toQuadraspidictus gigas pest. The observed results indicated thatH. flaminus has two generation one year in study area, the pupating span is 12.7 d, life span of females and males is 17.6 d and 10.8 d respectively, egg span is 10 d, and the sex ratio of females to males is 1∶3 Foundation item: This paper was supported by Natural Science and Foundation of Heilongjiang Province. Biography: Mpa Ling (1963), female, Ph. Doctor, associate professor in Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P. R. China Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

This paper reports the histological observation of larvae ofZethenia rufescentaria Motsch. after infection by ZrNPV. Histopathologic study revealed that ZrNPV were multiplied within the nuclear of fat body, epidermis cell, midgut cell, tracheal matrix and blood cell. These cells showed obvious cytopathic effects. The nucleus of infected cells underwent swelled. Under electron microscope, virus and polyhedral of ZrNPV were clearly observed in these nucleus of infected cells. The nucleus of susceptible tissues were fulfilled with polyhedra after 70–140 h. This project was supported by the Natural Sciences Foundation of Heilongjiang Province Responsible Editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

The entomophagous Serangium parcesetosum Sicard (Col., Coccinellidae) is an effective predator of some whitefly species. However, information on the influence of the preys host plant species on its biological and ecological characteristics is still lacking in the literature. Therefore, the current study focuses on the possible influence of three greenhouse and two field host plant species of Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) (Hom., Aleyrodidae) on the number of eggs laid by S. parcesetosum. In addition, because of the economic importance and widespread planting of cucumber in greenhouses and cotton in the field, these plants were selected for further investigation into the development, mortality, longevity and reproduction of S. parcesetosum at a high temperature in the laboratory. Results showed that S. parcesetosum was able to lay eggs on all five host plant species of B. tabaci, whether greenhouse or field plants. However, among the three greenhouse plant species studied, S. parcesetosum females laid the highest number of eggs on cucumber followed by tomato and then sweet pepper. Of the two field plant species, significantly higher numbers of eggs were laid on tobacco than on cotton. S. parcesetosum could develop either on cucumber or on cotton as preferable host plant species for B. tabaci. There were significant differences in mean developmental duration of larval instars of the same sex between both host plant species; the duration was significantly shorter on cucumber than on cotton. There were no significant differences for mean total developmental duration from egg to adult emergence between both host plant species within the same sex; females showed a mean of 15.9 days and males of 15.1 days on cucumber, while on cotton the means were 17.2 days for females and 16.2 days for males. Total mortality percentage of S. parcesetosum during development from egg to adult stage was lower on cucumber than on cotton, 20.6 and 23.8%, respectively. Longevity of S. parcesetosum varied according to host plant species and sex with a mean of 63.4 days for females and 50.3 days for males on cucumber, and 92.4 days for females and 52.5 days for males on cotton. On cucumber, mean period of oviposition of S. parcesetosum was significantly longer than on cotton. Mean total fecundity was significantly higher on cucumber than on cotton, with means of 97.7 and 31.0 eggs/female, respectively.  相似文献   

Zethenia rufescentaria Motsch. has outbroken successively in the larch plantation of Jixi region and seriously damaged stands since 1990. Chemical control was studied for controlling the occurrence of the pest. The results showed as follows: When the third or the forth instar larvae was controlled with smoke agent of 5% Lindane. the most suitable time was July 10–13. The area controlled was 2000 hm2. The dosage was 7.5 kg/hm2 and the mortality of the pest reached 93.5%. 25% dimilin III (flowable formulation) was used to prevent the third instar larvae. The best time was about July 5. The dosage was 150g/hm2. The mortality of the pest reached 89.85%. 3% Hexyclan dusting was also used to control adults of the pest. The best time was before the peak of their emergence (June 3). the dosage was 11.3 kg/hm2. The mortality of the pests reached 89.6%.  相似文献   

Control of Lymantria dispar L. by biological agents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The experiment on control ofLymantria dispar L by using different kinds of biological measures, including nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) ofLymantria dispar L., BtMP-342, sex-attractant as well as botanical insecticide, was carried out in the forest regions of Inner Mongolia in 2003. Two concentrations (2.632×106 PIB·ml−1 and 2.632×107 PIB·ml−1) ofLymantria dispar L. NPV were sprayed on the 2rd-instar-larvae ofL. dispar and 70% and 77.8% control effect were obtained respectively. BtMP0-342 was applied to the 3rd- and 4th-instar larvae and the control effect was around 80%. The sex-attractant provided by Canada Pacific Forestry Research Center also showed a good result in trappingL. dispar adults. The self-produced botanical insecticide, which was extracted from a kind of poisonous plant distributed in Daxing'an Mountains, China, exhibited a good control result in controlling the larvae ofL. dispar, and 82% mortality was observed when spraying primary liquid of the botanical insecticide on the 3rd–5th-instar-larvae in lab. Foundation item: This paper was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (C0235) and Youth Foundation of Harbin City (0061218024). Biography: ZHANG Guo-cai (1964), male, Ph. Doctor Candidate, associate professor in School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Song Funan  相似文献   

黑绒鳃金龟生物学特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黑绒鳃金龟是农林业的主要害虫之一,特别是对我省西部果树业业害相当严重,本文对其生物学特性进行了系统的研究,从而为黑绒鳃金龟的科学防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

隐尾跳小蜂(Homalotglus flaminus)是红点唇瓢虫(Chilocorus kuwanae)的重要天敌。为了防治隐尾跳小蜂提高红点唇瓢虫对杨夸圆蚧的防治能力,从1998年6月到2000年10月在黑龙江省大庆市红旗林场研究了隐尾跳小蜂的生物学特性、生活史及对寄主的作用类型。观察结果显示,在研究区域隐尾跳小蜂一年两代,化蛹期为12.7天,雌蜂的存活期为17.6天,雄峰的存活期为10.8天,卵期为10天,雌雄性别比为1:3。  相似文献   

A systematic observation and intensive study on the parasitoids ofPissodes nitidus were made in Langxiang and Xin'qing Forestry Bureau in Xiaoing'an Mountain area in 1996–1999, including the diagnosis, life history, biological characteristics ofEurytoma sp. and parasitoid complex ofPissodes nitidus. There were about 70 species of parasitoids onPissodes nitidus, including Eurytomidae, Ichneumonidae and Braconidae etc. Among them,Eurytoma sp. is a dominant species and a braconid,Ipobracon sp. is a subdominant species, and they play an important role in controlling the pest. Biography: HU Chun-xiang (1955-), male, Associate professor in Forest Resources and Environment Collage of Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P. R. China Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

光肩星天牛种群扩散规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了探讨光肩星天牛成虫在自然界中种群扩散的模式和种群数量变动等问题,在甘肃省永靖县采用标记-回捕的方法进行了光肩星天牛的扩散规律研究。系统收集了光肩星天牛成虫种群在时间序列过程中的扩散资料,按照动态分析方法,对天牛成虫在杨树农田林网中的扩散规律进行了研究,并对影响天牛成虫扩散的因子进行了分析。结果表明:种群扩散有明显的方向性,由环境因素引起。对气象因素分析表明扩散格局主要受风向影响,各方向的回收数量都与其相同风向呈负相关,而与相反风向呈正相关,但与风速、温度和相对湿度关系不密切。成虫的扩散密度随距离和时间  相似文献   

中药杏香兔耳风生物生态学特性及驯化栽培   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
较全面地概述杏香兔耳风的天然分布、资源状况、形态特征、经济和生态价值等,观测了杏香兔耳风的生物、生态学特性,并根据观测结果开展了杏香兔耳风的驯化栽培试验。  相似文献   

In the Bavarian Forest national park, the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (Col., Scolytidae) has caused an uncontrolled mass propagation for more than 10 years. To find out if the population of parasitoid species, which can develop in an uncontrolled natural forest, is able to restrict spruce bark beetle gradation, we investigated the parasitoid fauna, their abundance and frequency in the central part of the park (no control), in the protection area and the enlargement area of the park and in a productive forest where the spruce bark beetle is strictly controlled. In 2002 and 2003, the species Coeloides bostrichorum, Roptrocerus xylophagorum/mirus, Rhopalicus tutela, Tomicobia seitneri and Dendrosoter eupterus were identified. C. bostrichorum was the most numerous species before Roptrocerus sp. and Rh. tutela. T. seitneri and D. eupterus were not as numerous. The order of frequency differed. Roptrocerus sp. was the most frequent parasitoid wasp in both years, and Rh. tutela and even T. seitneri were more frequent than C. bostrichorum. C. bostrichorum and Rh. tutela were found to be protandrous, whereas Roptrocerus sp. males and females had different sequences of appearance in different forest types. The average percentages of parasitism increased with time of exposure and was highest in the second generation. We found astonishingly high parasitization rates at sites where attacked trees are regularly removed.  相似文献   

Matsutake mushrooms are able to grow in two kinds of ecological environments: coniferous forests and broadleaf forests. Japanese matsutake is a form of the matsutake mushroom that mainly appears in coniferous forests in the mid-latitude regions of Asia. In contrast, matsutake from Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces of China grows in broadleaf forests in low-latitude regions. The taxonomic relationship and the genetic distance between these two types of matsutake remain unclear. Here, we compared the random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data and the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and of variable domains V4, V6, and V9 of mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal DNA (mt SSU rDNA) to determine the genetic differences of Tricholoma matsutake strains collected from different ecological and geographic environments in Asia. We found few differences in the sequences of the variable domains, implying that all matsutake strains are the same biological species regardless of their host specificity and geographical differences. This conclusion is also supported by the sequences of the ITS region. On the other hand, RAPD analysis revealed that the matsutake mushrooms collected from different ecological environments have genetic differences and represent distinct varieties.  相似文献   

A poorly known chrysomelid beetle, Chrysolina fastuosa (Scopoli) has been found in a strikingly great number on black horehound (Ballota nigra L.), a soft caulescent plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. B. nigra can be found from April to August commonly on roadsides, along walls or at the border of gardens and orchards in Hungary and continental Europe. It can be called a minor weed. The glistering tiny adults that feed voraciously on leaves cause apparently significant damage. The subsequent investigation, which focuses on the number of feeding individuals and the loss of plant tissue, showed 1–24 beetles on a plant and the consumed leave surface which amounted to 8–94%. The repeated damage assessment, a week later showed a significantly unimportant increase in the number of individuals but a significant 20–31% increase in the plant surface loss. According to the literature, Ch. fastuosa has been found in association with other Labiatae plants such as Galeopsis pubescens Besser, Lamium album L. and Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae). Thus, considering its efficiency mentioned above, it could be used to augment and maintain its populations as a biological control agent for these weeds. However, taking into consideration the growing importance of the production of medicinal plants among which Lamiaceae species are numerous, Ch. fastuosa can cause damage that cannot be neglected.  相似文献   

The net photosythetical rate, respiration rate, light compensation point and light saturation point ofLarix olgensis andFraxinus manshurica were measured by Model-865 Co2 Infrared Analyzer under controlled conditions (in coviron phytotron). For net photosythetical rate ofLarix ogensis andFraxinus manshurica, the optimum air temperature was 25, 28 °C respectively, the optimum soil water potantial was −20, −10 kPa repectively, the optimum soil water content was 20.31 %, 23.42% respectively, and the optimum air humidity was 90%. The optimum soil water potantial of respiration rate was −30 kPa. The light compensation point for the two species was 3.36, 4.8 μ mol / m2s respectively and light saturation was 804, 880 μ mol / m2s. The project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China  相似文献   

友恩蚜小蜂生物学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对松突圆蚧(Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi)天敌友恩蚜小蜂(Encarsia amicula Viggiani et Ren)的生物学特性进行了观察。试验表明,短时间的低温(5℃)对小蜂的活动影响不大,小蜂能恢复正常活动,时间越长,影响越大。低温持续24h,小蜂就会死亡。该小蜂一天中在上午11:00~下午13:00及下午15:00~17:00有两个出蜂高峰。松突圆蚧蚧壳大小与虫体大小的关系并不紧密,有的蚧虫蚧壳大,虫体并不大。蚧壳大小与友恩蚜小蜂羽化孔大小也没有相关性。观察还发现,友恩蚜小蜂可在自己、同种或异种小蜂产过卵的松突圆蚧上产卵,嗜好孕卵期的雌蚧上产卵。小蜂不寄生雄蚧,寄生范围是二龄以上雌蚧。友恩蚜小蜂的产卵量随体长增长而增加,变化曲线呈生长曲线型。在喂食蜂蜜的条件下,羽化第一天产卵占整个产卵量的68%,平均产卵率为65.79%。友恩蚜小蜂自然性比约为40:1,未经交配的友恩蚜小蜂可以繁殖,其子代均为雌性。小蜂在下午4:50左右寄生活动最为频繁。  相似文献   

Dovetree (Davidia involucrate), one of the first-class protective plants in China, is a relic species of paleotropical kingdom in Tertiary period, belonging toDavidiaceae with a single genus. In recent years, the increase of regional developing projects has led to a sharp decrease of this ancient and rare plant in naturally distributed habitats and natural population. In this paper, the biological and ecological characteristics of Dovetree were described, and the geographically distributed condition of this species in different geologic periods as well as the major reasons for dynamic changes of its population were systematically analyzed in accordance with field researches and references. The investigations conducted in different years by setting up standard sample plots showed that the population number of Dovetree increased yearly in the areas without human interference but decreased yearly in the areas with human interference. With the increase of population density and human activities decreased as the logarithmic curve:Y=−100.7ln(x)+178.09, and it has turned from a dominant population into an endangered population. Based on the former and present studies on Dovetree, some protection strategies were put foreword for protecting this ancient and rare species. Foundation Item: This research was coordinated by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 39970591) Biography: Wu Gang (1965-), Male, Professor in Key Laboratory of Systems Ecology, Research Center for Eco Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

Larssoniella duplicati n.sp. infects the midgut muscularis, the Malpighian tubules, and the ovaries of adult Ips duplicatus (Sahlb.) in the Czech Republic. The microsporidian attacks up to 50% of the population. Oval spores of two sizes, 3–3.5×1.5–2 and 2–2.5×1.5 μm have the polar filament coiled in 6/7 coils, representing primary and environmental spores, respectively. In early sporogony the young spores produce long electron dense threads and tubules of secretions, which remain fixed around the spore and avoid their free release during dissection of infected hosts. The microsporidian was not found in associated bark beetles such as Ips typographus (L.), or I. amitinus (Eichh.) and others.  相似文献   

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