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Ohne Zusammenfassung Diese Beobachtungen wurden im Rahmen cines Forschungsvorhabens gesammelt, für dessen Unterstü?ung wir dem Bundesministerium für Ern?hrung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten zu Dank verpflichtet sind.  相似文献   

Epistrophe balteata was successfully bred in small breeding cages under greenhouse conditions. The flies copulate during their flight inspite of the small size of these cages. The development of one generation lasts 20–22 days.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Frühjahr 1967 wurde mit verschiedenen Nematizide (Nemafos-Emulsion gegossen bzw, gespritzt, Nemafos-Granulat [5 und 10% Wirkstoffgehalt], Terracur P) ein Versuch zur Bekämpfung vonPratylenchus convallariae undP. penetrans in Maiblumen angelegt, der über die gesamte Kulturzeit von 2 Jahren lief.Trotz der langanhaltenden Trockenperioden im Frühjahr und Sommer 1967 und 1968 konnten diePratylenchus- Arten mit Terracur P und Nemafos-Granulat recht gut bekämpft werden. Bei dem 10%igen Nemafos-Granulat kam es zu Pflanzenschäden, die aber wohl auf die erhöhte bzw. auf einmal ausgebrachte Aufwandmenge bei den Granulaten im 2. Standjahr züruckzuführen sind. Bis auf Terracur P lagen die Erträge an Blühkeimen mehr oder weniger niedriger als bei Unbehandelt. Eine generelle Empfehlung zur Bekämpfung der beidenPratylenchus-Arten kann auf Grund der gewonnenen Ergebnisse noch nicht gegeben werden.
Summary In the spring of 1967 a trial for the control ofPratylenchus convallariae andP. penetrans in cultures of lily-of-the-valley (Convallaria majalis L.) was started with the nematicides Nemafos-Emulsion (poured resp. squirted), Nemafos-Granulat (5 and 10% AS) (= Zinophos), Terracur P (= Fensulfothion) over the whole cultivation-period of 2 years. In spite of the long dryness in spring and summer 1967 and 1968 the control ofPratylenchus spp. by Terracur P and Nemafos- Granulat (5% AS) was quite satisfying. Nemafos- Granulat (10% AS) caused injuries to the plants, perhaps responding to the higher respectively all at once given quantity of the granulates in the second year of the biennal trial. Except Terracur P the yield of flower-pips was lower than untreated. Recommandations for the control of thePratylenchus species based on the received results are not yet possible.

Lobinger  G.  Skatulla  U. 《Journal of pest science》1986,59(8):147-148
Journal of Pest Science - The infectivity of two virus-strains (NPV) was tested againstP. flammea andL. monacha. It could be shown that theP. flammea-virus was only pathogenic forP. flammea-larvae...  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit werden insbesondere die für die Habitatselektion bzw. Habitatbindung präimaginaler Simuliidae wesentlichen Prozesse der Drift und Substratbesiedlung analysiert. Unter Berücksichtigung eigener Ergebnisse und des Schrifttums werden die Verhaltensweisen der Larven in den verschiedenen Phasen (Zudrift, Landung, Migration, Nahrungsaufnahme, Häutung, Kokonbau) dargestellt und die sie beeinflussenden Faktoren genannt. Hervorgehobene Widersprüche und Probleme sollen auf mögliche Neuansätze und Wege der weiterführenden Analyse hinweisen. Erkenntnisse für die Praxis, wie z. B. die Notwendigkeit der Trennung von primärer und sekundärer Dispersion, die bei der Erfassung von Dispersionen und Präferenzen zu berücksichtigen ist, werden erörtert. Mögliche Störgrößen, wie z.B. Migration, Sekretalterung oder Interferenz, werden als Abdrift auslösender Larven bzw. Adhäsion und andere Substrateigenschaften werden auf ihre Funktion als driftbeendende Faktoren überprüft.
On the habitat selection ofSimuliidae larvae
In this paper, we focus on habitat selection and preferences in simuliid larvae and stress their drift and substrate colonization as most important processes. Referring to our own results and to other studies we review information on larval behavior and factors influencing their activities, i.e. drift and locomotory behaviour or filterfeeding, molting and cocon-building. Some problems and inconsistent statements in literature are featured in order to point to further directions of investigation. Also, some of our results appearing important for applied limnology are mentioned. There is a need, for example, to distinguish between primary and secondary dispersion, especially when analyzing dispersion patterns or preferences. We discuss migration, silk-decay, interference etc. being factors likely to disturb the settling of larvae, thus causing them to drift off. Besides, it is argued whether special movements of drifting larvae as well as adhesion or other substrate features may help larvae to terminate drift.

Frau Prof. Dr.H. Francke-Grosmann, Reinbek, zum Gedenken.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1. Im Jahre 1971 wurde an 38 von 43 untersuchten Fundorten in Böhmen eine Parasiten-Art der GattungTorymus an den Larven der LärchengallmückeDasyneura laricis (F. Loew) festgestellt.2. Die Befallsdichte dieses Parasiten schwankte zwischen 0–75%; an 12 Fundorten war sie höher als 20%; dies ist die höchste festgestellte Parasitierung in Europa.3. Während die Vollkerfe der Lärchengallmücke nach den Temperaturbedingungen im April ausfliegen, kommt es zum Ausflug des Parasiten binnen einer längeren Periode von Ende Mai bis Ende Juli.4. In Laborzuchten kam es zum Ausflug der Männchen um eine Woche früher als der Weibchen. Die Ovarien der Weibchen sind nach dem Ausflug ganz unentwickelt, erst nach 3 Wochen konnten in den Ovarien rund 40 kleine Eier festgestellt werden. Bei Fütterung mit Fruchtsaft blieben die Vollkerfe 37–42 Tage am Leben.5. An einigen Fundorten wurde an den Larven derTorymus-Art eine Hyperparasitenart festgestellt.6. In der Umgebung von Prag wurden in den Gallen der Lärchengallmücke Puparien einer anderen Parasitenart festgestellt, deren Vollkerfe aber bisher nicht gezüchtet wurden.
Summary 1. In the year 1971 a parasite of the genusTorymus infesting the gall midge larvae ofDasyneura laricis (F. Loew) appeared in 38 of 43 investigated localities in Bohemia.2. The rate of infestation by this parasite ranged from 0 to 75% infested larvae ofDasyneura laricis; at 12 localities the infestation was higher than 20%. It has been the highest infestation by this species ever recorded in Europe.3. While the adults gall midgesDasyneura laricis emerge from galls during April (according to the temperature conditions), the adults of this parasite emerge under natural conditions in a very long period from end of May till the end of July.4. Males breed in the laboratory emerged a week befor females. The ovaries of emerging females were entirely undeveloped. Only three weeks later, when they were dissected, about 40 eggs were found in them. The adults on a fruit juice diet surrived 37–42 days.5. TheTorymus larvae at several localities were infested by larvae of a hyperparasite.6. At 6 localities in the vicinity of Prague there were found about 0,8–5,8% of puparia of an other unknown parasite of the gall midgeDasyneura laricis, but it was not possible to breed its adults.

Diese Arbelt bildet die Fortsetzung der ArbeitM. Skuhrava undV. Skuhravý: Die Parasitierung der Lärchengallmücke Dasyneuralaricis (F. Loew) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae), Anz. Schädlingsk.,41, 152–153.  相似文献   

Results of experiments covering a period of 3 years and using 27 traps in 1974 and 51 traps in 1975–76 on 8 sites situated at an altitude of 1,100 to 1,500 m a.s.l. are presented. During this period the following amount of males were captured: 813 in 1974, 1,524 in 1975 and 1,474 in 1976. From the gathered data it is concluded that even the very low population density during the time of latency shows variations from one site to the other, as well as fluctuations.  相似文献   

Experiments with fungi causing damping off. I. Interrelations between Trichoderma viride Pers. ex Fr. and races of pathogenic fungi in the genera Pythium, Fusarium, and Rhizoctonia . In vitro the anagonism of Trichoderma viride is affected by streptomycin and pH. Damping off fungi can reduce the degree of antagonism on a malt agar substrate. Species and races of the tested fungi differ in their sensitivity to the antagonistic effect of T. viride.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Brauchbarkeit dreier verschiedener Leimarten, auf klarer Kunststoffolie aufgetragen, wurde mit Hilfe des Sexualpheromons vonRhyacionia buoliana als Lockmittel untersucht.Getestet wurden: Handelsüblicher Raupenleim, und 2 Kunststoffprodukte der Fa. Wichmann. u. Kühn, Freckenhorst/Westf., LA 25 und A 4 L.Das Produkt LA 25 erzielte hervorragende Fangergebnisse. Es behielt selbst unter verschiedensten Witterungsbedingungen mindestens 7 Tage volle Wirksamkeit. Seine Fängigkeit auch auf andere kleine, fliegende Insekten sollte ü berprüft werden.
Summary Experiences in catching small lepidopterous species particular the European Pine Shoot Moth with different glues The utility of three different glues applied on transperent foil was examined by use of the sexualpheromon of the European Pine Shoot Moth. Common caterpillar glue and two synthetic products (A 4 L and LA 25 of Wichmann u. Kühn, Freckenhorst, Germany) were used.The product LA 25 achieved excellent results. Even under very different weather conditions it was full effective at least for seven days.The catching effect on other small insects should be examined.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Rhyacionia buoliana, (Lep., Tortricidae).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der schädigende Einfluß vonB. thuringiensis (Handelspräparat Biospore 2802) auf das erste bis sechste Larvenstadium vonAnagasta kühniella Z. wurde in bestimmten Intervallen der fortlaufenden Behandlung während 10 Tagen beobachtet. Drei bis vier Dosen (ansteigend von 1,7 × 106 bis 3,5 × 108 Sporen/g des Futters) wurden für jedes Stadium unter konstanten, gleichen Bedingungen getestet. Hundert Larven vom ersten und 50 Larven von jedem folgenden Stadium wurden bei jeder Behandlung und jeder Kontrolle so verwendet, daß Alter, Körpergewicht und Kopfkapselbreite nur geringfügige Unterschiede aufwiesen. Die Beziehung zwischen Sterblichkeitsprozent und der Behandlungsdauer bei einer bestimmten Dosis wurde für jedes Stadium dargestellt, wobei LT50 jedem Fall bestimmt wurde. Die Ergebnisse waren:1. Die Behandlungsdauer, die eine bestimmte Mortalität auslöst, ist umgekehrt proportional der Dosis, dem Alter und dem Körpergewicht.2. Die Unterschiede in der Wirkung der Dosen auf ein bestimmtes Stadium waren während der Perioden zwischen dem dritten und sechsten Tag größer als zu deren Beginn und Ende.3. Ein Vergleich der LT50 Werte der aufeinanderfolgenden Stadien zeigte eine zunehmende Toleranz gegen das Pathogen mit Entwicklung der Larven, besonders bei Erreichung des dritten und fünften Stadiums.
Summary The detrimetal effect ofBacillus thuringiensis Berliner (commerciel preparation, Biospore 2802) on the first to sixth larval instars ofAnagasta kühniella Z. was traced at successive intervals of continuous treatment for 10 days (voluntary ingestion). Three to four doses (ranging from 1.7 × 106 to 3.5 × 108 viable spores/g of diet) were tested in every instar under constant, identical laboratory conditions. Fifty to 100 larvae of each instar were used for each dose and a similar number in each case for the control, being chosen with minimal difference in age, body weight and head capsule breadth. The relationship between mortality percent and time of exposure to the given doses in every instar was demonstrated and the LT50 in every case was estimated. The results revealed that:1. The necessary time to initiate a definite lethal effect is reversedly proportional to dose, age and body weight.2. The differences in effect between the doses on a given instar were greater during the period between the third and sixth day of exposure than they were at its beginning or end.3. A comparison of the LT50 values revealed an increasing tolerance to the pathogen with larval development, particularly by reaching the third and fifth instars.

The continual process of approach, landing and take-up of blood in black files on and upon the host resp., is structured into separate behavioral areas which are specified according to conceptual groups (eg. density and activity of approach, landing activity). Among these areas there is a hierarchy of sub-populations, the formal relationships of which are determined. There are numerous and inhomogenous environmental factors interfering the behavioral areas to a different extent and influencing distinct sequences as well as the entire procedure of behavioral activities. Thus, a stable numeric relation among the active subpopulations following each other hierarchically can be expected by no means. The number of landing black flies will never match the number of the ones taking up blood. Superordinate subpopulations or population size cannot be readily approached recording simply sub-populations of certain activities and vice versa. Particularly, it is examined up to which extent sub-populations can be recorded within the behavioral areas methodically. Using bibliographical references it is discussed, what several authors really did record in man and animal, and how far these recordings are comparable under different conceptual conditions. The meaningfulness of some recording parameters is discussed in relation to a concrete question or target, resp. The influence of environmental factors, chiefly on water balance in black flies, which is coinfluenced by vapour pressure of water and its gradients to a large extent, should be applied to behavioral areas. Thus, induction of increase in approach- and biting activities causing harm, i. e. the damage as a matter of fact, can be easier understood. Probably, warnings about losses to come about during the main suffering period, when the cattle is put out to pasture the first time in spring, could be stated more precisely.  相似文献   

There has been an outbreak of lentil gall midgeC. lentis on lentil in Czechoslovakia since 1984. Its extent and cause are given below. Infestation symptom—the gall—is described. The level of damage is defined as percent rate of the amount of galls and flower buds containing eggs ofC. lentis from the amount of pods, flowers, galls, flower buds containing eggs and flower buds not containing eggs. As estimation is taken mostly at the end of lentil vegetation the level of damage is simplified to percent rate of the amount of galls from the amount of galls and pods. The level of damage of small parts of lentil stands can achieve 80%. Single plants with 95% level of damage were found. Proportional dependence of thousand-kernel weight on the level of damage was found out. Two functions of dependence of yield on the level of damage were compared: a simple linear one and a quadratic one which included the dependence of thousand-kernel weight on the level of damage. The generally valid linear function of dependence of yield y on the level of damage x is recommended: y=0.01 e (100?x) where e means yield at 0% damage level. Recent distribution area of this species in Czechoslovakia is given. In 1985–1988 the average level of damage of lentil stands from outbreak centre ranged from 3.08 to 52.05%. The average yield losses in Czechoslovakia were 5.49% in 1985, 4.98% in 1986, 2.87% in 1987 and 3.97% in 1988. Concentration of lentil fields in a small area was recognized as the main cause of the outbreak ofC. lentis in Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

The demand for a comprehensive protection of beneficial arthropods (parasites and predators) against pesticides has economical and ethical reasons. It is established in the plant protection law. An initial toxicity test on glassplates for the evaluation of side-effects pesticides have on the juveniles of the spider speciesCoelotes terrestris, living frequently in forest ecosystems, is presented. The test results with 22 pesticides are compared with those of an initial toxicity test made with the females of the hymenopteran speciesCoccygomimus turionellae. ForCoelotes terrestris five of the 10 investigated insecticides/acaricides are harmless after a time of three days on the treated glassplates, 3 are slightly harmful, 1 is moderately harmful and the last one is harmful. After a time of 6 days in the test cages only 4 of the 10 pesticides show a harmless action, 2 are slightly harmful, 1 is moderately harmful and 3 are harmful. All of the 5 fungicides, the 4 herbicides and 2 of the 3 growth regulators showed none or only a weak action. Only Prosevor 85 has to be named moderately harmful or harmful, depending on the time the juvenile spiders stayed in the test cages. For a normal test procedure with this spider species a test period of 6 days followed by a time of feeding control of 9 days is suggested. Five of the 10 insecticides/acaricides are harmless forCoccygomimus turionellae and the other 5 are harmful. Of the 5 fungicides four showed to be harmless and 1 moderately harmful. Three of the 4 examined herbicides are harmless too, whereas 1 acted moderately harmful. Two of the 3 growth regulators showed to be harmless, whereas the third one was harmful. The weight and size of the 2 test species in the investigated stadiums is nearly the same, so after a time of 6 or 8 days on the treated glassplates they show nearly the same reaction to the pesticides. The results and the significance of the tests with beneficial arthropods for the conventional and integrated plant protection are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Folgende Fragestellungen wurden bei der Untersuchung von Überwinterungsproblemen beiCuliseta annulata Schrk. in einem ortsfernen zerfallenden Luftschutzstollen untersucht: Methodik; Oberirdische Verhältnisse des Überwinterungsraumes (Boden, Vegetation); Unterirdische Milieuverhältnisse des Stollens (Morphologie des Gangsystems, Geologie, Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit, Luftbewegungen); Einflugdichte vonCuliseta in Überwinterungsräume; Vergleich der maximalen Populationsdichte überwinternderCuliseta annulata undCulex pipiens im Stollen; Einwinterungsflug und Ansiedlungsbereiche; Verteilung vonCuliseta während der Überwinterung im Gangsystem unter Berücksichtigung der bevorzugten und gemiedenen Bereiche; Populationsschwund während der Ruheperiode; Ausflug aus dem Stollen.
Researches on the behaviour ofCuliseta (Theobaldia) annulata Schrk. (Diptera, Culicidae) during the hibernationa in an old discayed air-raid tunnel
The following points of view were respected in these researches: Overground conditions above the room of hibernation (soil conditions, vegetation); underground conditions of the tunnel (morphology of the underground passage, temperature, atmosphere humidity, movements of air); comparative hints on the appearence ofC. annulata in buildings, in hiding places, in the open land and in the sphere of the tunnel during the warmer months; connections between the breeding ratio and its importance for the density ofCuliseta in winterings grounds located in the open land; population size ofC. annulata andC. pipiens in tunnel during the time of investigation; flight ofCuliseta into the tunnel; distribution during hibernation; reduction of the population during hibernation.

Mit einer Abbildung  相似文献   

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