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Effects of temporary applications of nitrogen and cytokinins on the development of flag leaf and grain growth in wheat Influence of nitrogen and cytokinin treatments (N, Cy) restricted to the ‘early’ and ‘late’ grain filling period on different developmental processes was examined in two spring wheats grown in hydroculture under nutritional conditions that were nearly optimal for the overall-development. (1) As to the flag leaf, additional early N-supply raised maximum chlorophyll content only slightly, but as late applications strongly delayed pigment destruction and loss of green area. Corresponding treatments with Cy were effective in the same way, but to a lesser degree. The higher efficiency of late applications of N or Cy indicated their limiting function during senescence. (2) Early treatments which increased number of kernels in parts of the ear showed that endogenous N- or Cy-levels were not sufficient for grain setting. Grain growth was stimulated only by early Cy-applications in exp. II in which Cy had no effect on kernel number, whereas late treatments were generally ineffective. Different N-levels in plants obviously did not limit grain growth, but high ones favoured tillering which presumably prevented increase of yield. (3) The genotypes, Solo and Kolibri, although opposite in their character, showed comparable responses to treatments with slight differents only in the extent of the reaction.  相似文献   

Influence of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen on the growth of young beech plants Young beech plants were grown in aerated nutrient solutions with NH4 or NO3 nitrogen for a period of 12 weeks. pH-changes caused by the source of nitrogen were corrected every second day. Absorption of NH4-N was higher than of NO3-N. NH4-N was superior for shoot growth and development of lateral roots, NO3-N for growth of the main root. Nutrient solution containing both sources of nitrogen was the most favorable.  相似文献   

Effect of Sodium Chloride and Mycostatin on the Mineral Content of Leaf Segments and on the Fine Structure of Chloroplasts Leaf segments of bean, barley and sugar beet were treated for several hours with 25 meq NaC1 or with the antibiotica mycostatin. The effect of these treatments on the content of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and chloride in the leaf segments and on the fine structure of chloroplasts was studied. In bean sodium chloride treatment induced strong efflux of potassium and swelling of the chloroplasts. Sodium sulfate or mycostatin had the same effect. Despite of the strong efflux of potassium the content of calcium and magnesium in the segments was practically unaffected. Addition of 1 meq calcium to the external solution prevented the effect of sodium chloride on efflux of potassium as well as on the fine structure. In barley sodium chloride or mycostatin also induced efflux of potassium and swelling of the chloroplasts. These effects, however, were less pronounced than in bean. Again the content of calcium and magnesium in the segments was practically unaffected, and the addition of 1 meq calcium compensated the effect of sodium chloride. In sugar beet both mycostatin and sodium chloride did not induce efflux of potassium, despite of a strong influx of sodium in the sodium chloride treatment. In both treatments no change in the fine structure of the chloroplasts was observed. It was proved by isolation of chloroplasts that the typical sodium chloride induced differences in efflux of potassium from the leaf segments is also reflected in efflux of potassium from the chloroplasts. The results indicate the causative connection between efflux of potassium and change in the fine structure of the chloroplasts. Differences between the three plant species with respect to efflux of potassium induced by sodium chloride or mycostatin are reflections of different membrane properties. The presence of calcium in the external solution is much more important for the membrane stability of bean than it is for sugar beet e. g. The results obtained with leaf segments are a good reflection of the different tolerance of these three plant species to high sodium chloride concentrations under field conditions.  相似文献   

Influence of cultivar and phosphorus application on P concentration and acid phosphatase activity in wheat and barley. — A contribution to the diagnosis of P supply of plants — Acid phosphatase activity compared to total P concentration was studied as a diagnostic criterion of the phosphorus nutritional status of wheat and barley. In a field experiment with wheat cv ‘Sperber’ the influence of P level on Pase activity and P concentration was monitored at four developmental stages. Significant correlations with grain yield were found for Pase activity at all four stages whereas P concentration was significantly correlated with grain yield in the early stage (DC 26–27) only. Genetic variability and influence of P supply on Pase activity and P concentration was studied at low and at high P supply with 9 wheat and 23 barley cultivars grown for 4 and 5 weeks in pot experiments. The variability of Pase activity caused by cultivars was higher than that caused by P supply. It is, therefore, concluded that the acid phosphatase activity is not suitable as a generally applicable tool for diagnosing P supply. In comparison, total P concentration of the plants was influenced to a higher degree by P supply than by cultivars. Total P is, therefore, more suitable as a criterion for diagnosing P supply of plants than Pase activity. The samples, though, have to be collected in stages before DC 27.  相似文献   

Influence of boron deficiency and destruction of the apical meristem on the cell division in sunflowers With a severe, nearly absolute boron deficiency metabolism and formation of tissues are so disturbed that the primary symptom of boron deficiency can not be recognized with certainty. Investigations here had to clarify if cutting the tops or destruction of the apical meristem with a red-hot needle will induce symptoms similar to those of boron deficiency or how symoms develop under mild boron deficiency. With the red-hot needle technique, it was possible to obtain cambial enlargement in plants with a normal boron nutrition. Cutting off the tops also, induced an enlargement of the hypocotyl. In this case the enlargement was however due to an enlargement of the cortex by formation of an aerenchymlike tissue. A boron supply near the deficiency level caused development of deficiency symptoms in growing plants (chlorosis, inhibited enlargement of the stem, small deaf' blades, small-celled xylem, malformed and discoloured cell walls and appositions on the young cell walls). As long as the shoot apex displayed growth, enlargement of the cabium did not appear as a rule. This symptom seems to be a secondary symptom of boron deficiency caused by damage to the shoot apex and, thus disturbed auxin metabolism.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates on the development of root nodules, on the symbiotic N2 assimilation, and on growth and yield of broad beans (Vicia faba L.) In pot experiments with broad beans (Vicia faba minor) the effect of increasing N fertilizer rates (0–800 mg N/pot) on nodulation, symbiotic N assimilation, plant growth, and yield has been studied. The plants were harvested at the beginning and at the end of flowering and at maturity. The following results were obtained: 1. No significant yield differences between treatments were found at the 1st and 2nd harvest, with exception of the 800 mg N/pot treatment which gave higher root yields at the first harvest. 2. At the 1st harvest (beginning of flowering) root nodule yield of the N-zero treatment was higher than the root nodule yield of the N treated plants. At later stages, however, no major differences in root nodule yield between the treatments N100 and N200 and the N-zero treatment were obtained. 3. Highest grain yields were obtained in the treatment with the lowest N-rate (100 mg N/pot) and in the treatment with the highest N rate (800 mg N/pot). The absolute highest amount of symbiotically fixed N was produced in the low N treatment (100 mg N/pot). Provided that the soil is low in available N a low fertilizer rate is required in order to exploit the full N2 assimilation potential. 4. The total soil N remained fairly constant throughout the growing period.  相似文献   

Influence of kinetin, cycloheximide and chloramphenicol on soluble protein of carrot tissue cultures An application of chloramphenicol indicated that the influence of kinetin on cell division activity depends on the synthesis of proteins in cell organelles. Concurrently with the application of chloramphenicol an accumulation of proteins with relatively high electrophoretic mobility, synthesized in the cytoplasm, was observed. These protein components are preferentially synthesized after kinetin application. The influence of cycloheximide seems to be directed to the action mechanisms of IAA and inosit in the explants.  相似文献   

Influence of Soil Sample Preparation on Cd and Cu Adsorption in Acid Forest Soils The influence of soil sample preparation on Cd and Cu adsorption was investigated using six acid forest soil samples and comparing adsorption isotherms for fresh and air-dried samples. While no influence of sample preparation on Cd adsorption capacity was found, air-drying resulted in a significant decrease in Cu adsorption density in all six soil samples under investigation at ecotoxicologically relevant concentrations in the soil solution.  相似文献   

Influence of temporary stockpiling on the initial development of restored topsoils Due to increasing construction and open‐cast mining activities on fertile agricultural land, excavation, stockpiling, and restoration of soils have become important issues in soil protection. In this study, we performed a restoration experiment to investigate how the conditions during stockpiling may influence initial soil development and plant growth on a restored site. Four topsoils, which originated from two depths (with uninhibited and inhibited aeration) of a nontrafficked and a trafficked topsoil deposit, were repacked in strips and sown with three meadow‐seed mixtures in strips perpendicular to the soil strips. During stockpiling as well as during the first 2 years after restoration, we assessed the physical and mechanical properties of the topsoils and (after restoration) also plant growth. None of the investigated properties of the topsoils was influenced by the depth in the deposit. In contrast, the coarse porosity and compression index were lower, whereas the bulk density and precompression stress were higher in the trafficked than in the nontrafficked topsoil deposit. However, these differences largely disappeared already in the course of soil restoration. Contrary to our expectations, the plants grew better on the soil of the trafficked topsoil deposit than on the soil of the nontrafficked topsoil deposit in the year of restoration. This might be attributed to the extremely dry and hot summer of that year. In the course of the 2 years following restoration, also the differences in plant growth tended to disappear. The remaining differences in bulk density and plant growth could not be attributed to differences in stockpiling conditions. The results suggest a re‐examination of current soil restoration guidelines. The maximum permitted stockpiling heights for topsoils might be increased in order to reduce the areas required for temporary stockpiling.  相似文献   

The influence of mean annual rainfall and soil texture on the 137Cs vertical distribution in soils from southern Chile The influence of mean annual rainfall and soil texture on the vertical distribution of 137Cs from global fallout was studied in undisturbed volcanic ash soils from southern Chile. The areal concentration and translocation depth increase with the mean annual precipitation. In spite of the high rainfall at the sampled area (970 - 2500 mm a?1), the highest 137Cs contamination was found in the upper 10 cm layer. The vertical migration is reduced by the high adsorption capacity of these volcanic ash soils, but on the other side increased in soils with high large-pore volumen. The translocation depth reaches only up to 26 cm in the clay soils, 35 cm in the silty soils and 70 cm in the sandy soil.  相似文献   

Solubility of various phosphate fertilizers in a brown podzolic soil and their effect on phosphate uptake and yield of spring wheat. The solubility of various phosphate fertilizers (Superphosphate, Rhenaniaphosphate, Novaphos, Carolonphosphate and Hyperphosphate) was studied in an incubation experiment, and P uptake and yield effect of these fertilizers were investigated in a pot experiment. The soil used was a carbonate free brown podzolic earth (C horizon) with a neutral pH and low in available phosphate and humus. The quantities of P extracted from the soil by the EUF technique were the lower, the higher the amount of non processed phosphate of the incubated P fertilizers. This clear differentiation in the solubility of the various P-fertilizers was not obtained by the DL extraction. The P uptake of plants was highly correlated with the P quantities extracted by EUF (r = 0,95***), while the correlation between P uptake and the P of the DL extract was less narrow (r = 0,64*). The yield, particularly the grain yield, decreased with an increase of the non processed P in the fertilizers tested. Grain yield and EUF extractable P were highly correlated (r = 0,86***); while the relationship between grain yield and the DL extractable P was poorer (r = 0.62*). The experiments have shown that mainly the easily soluble phosphate is of decisive importance for the yield formation.  相似文献   

The effect of potassium nutrition on growth rate, carbohydrate content, and water retention in young wheat plants The effect of potassium supply on the water content, growth rate, and content of carbohydrates has been studied in young wheat plants during a period of 22 days. Inadequate K+ supply resulted in a lower water content (water/g dry matter) and a decreased growth rate as compared with plants sufficiently supplied with K+. During the first days of the experimental period no major difference in the content of carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch, fructosans) was found between both treatment. In the following days, however, the carbohydrate contents in the plants insufficiently supplied with K+ were significantly higher than in the plants with an adequate K+ nutrition. At the end of the experimental period a reverse pattern was found, the carbohydrate contents of the plants well fed with K+ were higher as compared with the plants with an insufficient K+ supply. It is concluded that K+ deficiency at first affects water retention and turgor. A reduced turgor results in a decreased growth rate which in return may lead to an accumulation of carbohydrates. Later at advanced K+ deficiency also the synthesis of carbohydrates is affected.  相似文献   

The influence of the fauna on displacement and on homogeneity and permeability of soils The influence of the most important soil animals (mammals, ants, termites, woodlice and earthworms) on displacement and on homogeneity and permeability of soils is discussed in reference to both older and more recent literature. Nearly all soil animals cause displacement of organic and mineral soil particles. The quantity, intensity and direction of this activity depends upon the morphological characters of the species involved. The homogeneity of soils is positively influenced only by the earthworms (and related forms) whereas the activity of the other soil fauna mostly has a contrary effect as far as shorter periods are concerned. The permeability of soils increases in different dimensions due to the activity of all species discussed. Permanent vegetation and non-tilling for the most part favour the activity of the soil fauna. Recent field experiments dealing with minimum or zero tillage have made this fact fairly evident.  相似文献   

Investigations on the Influence of Gibberellic Acid Treatments on Yield, Root Anatomy and Carotene Distribution of Carrot Plants . Application of GA3 onto the shoots of carrot plants increases shoot growth whereas root growth was reduced. Furthermore, due to the GA3-application carotene content (Table 2) in the shoots was increased and decreased in the roots. Anatomical investigations of the roots revealed that apparently the reduction of root growth after GA3-application was due to a decrease of phloem oriented cambial activity (Table 3).  相似文献   

Influence of the calculation basis on the interpretation of Corg and Nt data in decomposing processes of organic materials with particular regard to the use of additives The suitability of the parameters fresh matter (FM), dry matter (DM) and ash as a basis of calculation in the interpretation of changes in Corg and Nt contents are discussed from model experiments with cattle slurry and forest litter. Total ash which remains constant is well suited to give information about the absolute changes in Corg and Nt. The addition of bentonite to both slurry and litter revealed that the use of additives which affect the FM:DM:ash ratio in the decomposing material may lead to misinterpretations. Appropriate formulas are suggested for mathematical correction of these parameters accounting for the effect of additives.  相似文献   

Pedogenesis, properties, and classification of dune soils of the East Frisian Islands (southern North Sea coast of Germany)—exemplified by the island Spiekeroog The aim of this study was a detailed pedological investigation and exact classification of dune soils of the East Frisian Islands. The following soil‐forming processes were identified on a laboratory‐data basis: humus accumulation and dislocation, carbonate loss, acidification, modification of exchangeable cations, and base‐saturation decrease. A slight iron oxide accumulation was visible in the field, but not confirmed by laboratory data. Applying the qualitatively and quantitatively defined horizons from the German classification, these soils cannot be classified as Regosols, Braunerden, and Podsols but they fit perfectly in the Arenosols as defined in the WRB.  相似文献   

Impact of liming and fertilization on ionic exchange and chemical composition of soil solutions from four forest sites in the colline region of Hesse Between February 1985 and July 1987 soil seepage experiments were carried out on fertilizer trial plots in mature beech stands of four forest districts of Hesse. Encompassed by this study are in addition the most important results from soil-chemical analyses of the subsequent years 1988 to 1991. Aim of the investigations was to study the influence of liming and K/Mg-fertilization on the chemical composition of soil and soil solution under different site conditions. In the percolated soil solution liming did not led to a significant pH increase in subsequent years. In contrast, in some cases the pH level dropped by 0.1 to 0.2 units on average and Al-concentration increased correspondingly. In most cases, fertilization led to a significant increase in soil solution concentrations of the metal cations potassium, calcium and magnesium, especially at a depth of 50 cm. On those trial plots where a pH decrease was observed, the concentrations of K, Ca and Mg exhibited either a slight or no increase at all. Furthermore on some trial sites with freely drained soils, liming led to a faster mineralisation of the humus layer and thus to an increase of nitrate contents in the percolated soil solution from about 1–2 mg/l to 10–20 mg/l on average. Increased concentrations of sulfate and in most cases also of heavy metals (Mn, Zn, Cu. Cd) were observed in the soil solution which was attributed to the mobilizing effect of Ca-fertlization. In general, the mobility of most chemical parameters showed a slight increase following liming and soil tillage. Even after 5 to 8 years considerably higher pH-values and base saturation were evident in limed and fertilized soils, especially in the top 15 cm of soil profiles.  相似文献   

Influence of the growth-regulators CCC and Ancymidol on the fertility of genetically monoculm ring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). 2 years pot experiments with monoculm barley resulted in a 25 % increase of grain yield by the application of a mixture of CCC and Ancymidol. The main reason for this higher yield of grains was an improved fertility of the ears, resulting in a higher number of grains in the upper part of the ear and also of the total ear. The harvest index was shifted towards a higher fraction of grains by the growth regulators, whereby She dry matter yield of plant material remained unchanged. In the straw of all growth regulator trials, the percentage of leaves was higher than in the controls, though the absolute leaf weight was highest in the controls.  相似文献   

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